Blood Flows Deep in the Empire (30 page)

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Authors: N. Isabelle Blanco

BOOK: Blood Flows Deep in the Empire
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“We’re here,” Zen said, opening his eyes and standing up. His eyes were still flashing between red-and-black and blue-and-gray.

Almost as if she were fully aware that he might be a danger to one such as her, Dimithinia took a step back away from him. Zen stopped, his expression regretful and solemn.

“I will never hurt you, Dimithinia of Maleksoranial, as long as I still have some control. Regardless of what lies within me or what lies within you, I know you regret your actions.”

Dimithinia nodded but didn’t say anything in return. The cockpit door flew open then, and Cy leaned out, a huge pair of headphones on his head.

“Yo! Remember when you fuckers laughed at me and said I was wasting those two seconds of my time learning how to fly a plane even though I saw it was going to come in handy one day? Yeah, motherfuckers!”

Ian’s hand appeared from the right and pushed Cy’s face back. “We can’t see the vortex in the daytime, but this gypsy mofo says we’re close!” he yelled out as he walked toward the back, leaving Cy in the cockpit to steer the plane.

“Gypsy motherfucker? Fuck you! I am a seer, asswipe. A
Get it straight!”

Dyletri ignored Cy’s usual ridiculousness and locked eyes with Zen. He nodded at Dyletri, his face as set and determined as Dyletri’s.

Dy walked up to the cabin door, raised a
that the others helped reinforce, and popped the latch. The air outside roared as the seal was broken, but thanks to the
none of them were sucked out.

Ianthen came to a stop next to them, his too pale eyes staring out into the clouds passing by. “You two fuckers are crazy for attempting this, but I’m not going to act like I don’t understand why.”

Zen and Dyletri exchanged a wide-eyed look. Cy stuck his head out again, and Dy saw the slack jaw he was sporting. The only person who didn’t seem surprised was Dimithinia, and that was because she had no idea how epic a statement that was coming from Ianthen, God of the Hunt. The dude used women. A womanizer, as Soleria had called him.

The very woman who was responsible for whatever change Ian was going through.

Oh shit.

“She’s going to destroy him,” Zen mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.

“Fuck you, asshole, I heard that. And this isn’t about her,” Ian scoffed, even as his cheeks flushed.

Dyletri laughed. The irony was too much. Soleria, a human who hated Ian’s type, had gotten to him. Even Zen started laughing.

“Oh, this is going to be good.”

“You know what?” Ian said. “We’re here. So both of you, do yourselves a favor and throw yourselves off this plane before I fucking do it for you. Oh, and Dy, I hope whatever Nylicia is doing to keep you healthy fails on you mid-fall, asshole.”

Dyletri gave Ian the finger over his shoulder. He stared out into the open sky. He could feel the energy in the wind around them, but he couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it was from. “This is going to be difficult.”

Dimithinia walked up behind them. “I can help. I will call out to the
and ask it to connect with the Fates. Nylicia told me I should be the one to do it.”

“Why you?”

“Something about the legend of the Szolites rising once more.”

“Yes, but I always thought that was just that—a legend,” Dyletri said, staring down at her.

“Apparently it is not, right? Now, I will call to the
and I can also try to highlight where the exact vortex is.”

“How are you going to do that?” Ian interrupted Dimithinia, his brow furrowed.

Dimithinia held up her hand. A flare of dark purple energy appeared, tendrils like wisps of smoke as they curved around her fingers. “I have returned with many powers gifted to me by Nylicia, in accordance with Destiny. Many I do not yet understand, but I am very sure I can use this specific one to our advantage.”

With that, she wedged her way between Zen and Dyletri and held out her hand in the desert sky.

Chapter 27

The energy that shot out from Dimithinia’s hand flew toward the front of the plane. It stopped suddenly and violently, as if it had collided with an invisible wall. Then the dark purple energy split in two different directions until a spiral formed. It stretched from the top of the Earth’s atmosphere and spread like a tornado until it touched the mountain formations below.

When Dyletri laid eyes on it, he felt like he’d been stabbed through the gut. Seeing it with his own eyes made it even more real. That was where it happened. That was where they’d thrown his
in. It was almost enough to send him flying out of the plane right there.

“We’re hunting them down and tearing the skin off their bones when this is over,” Dyletri growled.

“Agreed,” Zen said, his black and red eyes locked on the same exact spot.

Ian looked worried despite his earlier threats. “First off, you motherfuckers have to survive this.”

“They will.”

The group turned as one as Nylicia’s form shimmered into view. She nodded at Dyletri then stared at the energy vortex.

“I’ve seen it. Just now, actually. This is going to hurt both of you. I have to work with the
to re-form their bodies within the vortex. Once you each latch on to their souls, you can’t let go until it’s done. I am not uniting with that damned force just to have you guys fuck it up. Got it? Don’t make this be in vain. Touching that thing is the last thing I want to do.” Nylicia’s lip curled as she stared into the vortex.

Dyletri stared at Zen, not knowing what to say to that.

“All right, Dimithinia. Get ready to summon the
You two, when I give you the go ahead, jump in. You should recognize where their souls are immediately. Latch on as fast as you can, and remember—do
let go.”

Dyletri focused on the vortex as Cy made a sharp right with the plane and they began flying in an arch next to it. Dimithinia called out in Ritrioan as he braced himself and focused on finding the exact spot where Ismini’s soul was.

He knew the moment he found it, because the mark on his neck roared to life with a vengeance. He was almost knocked off his feet. He forced his body to stay upright and waited for Nylicia to tell him to go.

He was out of the plane the moment she gave the signal.

The power of the vortex was both catastrophic and awe-inspiring. It tore at his skin and threatened to displace him. He gritted his teeth and ignored the pain, sending out a pulse of his own power just as Zen dropped into the vortex behind him.

Dyletri forced himself to stay focused on the spot where he sensed Ismini. The moment he saw the tiny spark, a spark that his own soul jumped up and recognized, he slammed another wave of energy behind him and used it to propel himself. It wasn’t enough, though. The energy of the vortex pummeled his flesh and pushed him backward.

Furious and determined, Dyletri sent out wave after wave of energy, fighting to move forward.

He pushed his way toward Ismini’s spark. Blood poured out of numerous wounds and whatever Nylicia had done to give him strength wore off. For a second, he doubted he was going to make it.

Then, Dyletri came within arm’s reach of Ismini’s soul, and it was enough. He let out a cry, forcing the last of his energy out of his body in one huge sonic wave.

The moment his hand wrapped around the energy that made up her soul, a shock of new energy went through him. His entire body was galvanized. The
went from being his enemy to his ally in one second flat. One moment he was sick and weak, the next he was recharged and in fucking control.

The problem was his biological form. He couldn’t allow himself to be ripped apart before Ismini was given a new form.

I can’t lose you, damn it,
he thought, staring down at the tiny orb glowing in his fist. Another wave of energy hit him right in the face and cut open his forehead, causing blood to spill into his eyes.

He gritted his teeth so hard that he felt his jaw crack. His vision blurred to the point he couldn’t see. He refused to let go of Ismini’s soul. He groaned viciously as he forced himself to hang on just a little bit longer.

The soul in Dyletri’s hand popped. He felt its power roar and expand and become denser. It pushed his fist open, growing larger than he could hold. Dyletri snapped his arms around it once it was big enough. Another wave of the vortex’s energy hit his back and slashed the skin open, ripping off his shirt. More blood spilled out of him.

That didn’t matter. What had been nothing but a ball of light a few seconds ago was now something of substance. The energy in his arms continued to grow and condense, bits of it snapping in his palm. Like the birth of a planet, the atoms crashed together and began to solidify.

His body shook as a huge explosion went off around him, and the world went white. He felt himself ejected from the vortex. It took but a moment for him to realize what was in his arms. That he was holding his
even as he spiraled at hundreds of miles per hour back toward the ground.

Dyletri let loose one more wave of energy just as they got close to the ground. He used it to buffer their fall. Still, he landed on the desert floor hard, and the impact ripped open the skin on his back further. He skidded and slammed into the mountainside. It shook dangerously, pieces of rock landing around them.

Seconds later, something hit the ground about twelve feet from him. It was Zeniel with Evesse passed out in his bloody arms.

Dyletri looked down. He’d already felt her there but needed to see her. Ismini.

My Ismini.

Holding back his tears and shaking from the exhaustion and gratitude, he hugged her to his chest. He reveled in the slow heartbeat he felt.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zen cradling Evesse, his face lost in her neck as he rocked back and forth.

They’d done it. They’d all fucking done it. Dyletri groaned, trying his best not to cry like a pussy as he nuzzled Ismini’s cheek and breathed in her scent. Leaning back, he moved her hair so he could see it. See his mark.

Holy shit.

After thousands of years of hating Fate, he finally had a good reason to be grateful. A very good one indeed.

Chapter 28

“By the Gods, baby girl. I’d thought I lost you.”

Ismini knew that voice. She felt hot lips ghost softly across her cheek, her neck, that specific spot. She gasped, heat rushing through her. Her back arched.

Fuck, wait. My back? Huh?

That voice again. More kisses raining down on her skin.

Wait, skin?

Her brain kicked in and put two and two together. Ismini’s eyes shot open, and the bright sunlight made her cringe. She closed her eyes. Blinked. Tried again. When her vision finally registered, the first thing she saw was the mountain. The same one she’d died on.

Wait. She had died here, hadn’t she?


She gasped, realizing that she was in his arms.

“Fuck,” he gasped, pulling her tighter against him.

The smell of his blood hit her hard. Another gasp escaped. Ismini stared at him. The first thing she saw was his relieved gaze. Then she saw all the blood. All the gashes. “Dyletri . . . you’re . . .”

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