Read Blood Eternal Online

Authors: Toni Kelly

Blood Eternal (22 page)

BOOK: Blood Eternal
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Butterflies fluttered deep within her core. This was wrong and could only lead to more pain. But how could she deny what felt right and good? Her mouth opened to him, inviting him in. Then she floated, flying through nothingness and yet filled with everything. Her hands moved behind her, found a grip along the wet wall. It didn’t matter she couldn’t see. As long as she could feel his lips, his hands. He nipped her jaw, and another breeze whistled around them, coaxing the tips of her breasts into hardened points as they pressed through the thin material of her dress. Clasping the zipper pressed against her back, she tugged it down, freeing herself enough to slide the fluttery sleeves off her shoulders. She cupped the mounds of her breasts, enjoyed the weight of them in her hands. “Kiss me here.”

As he laved the flesh of one nub, rolling it into fiery ecstasy, a gasp escaped her. He shoved her dress up her thighs, and she wrapped her legs around him, pulled him closer then he gripped her rear with one hand, rubbed the lips covering her wet core with the other. She moaned, relishing his touch.

“Ah, there we go.” He slipped his index and middle fingers between her folds. Tingles traveled through her, making her knees weak. Holy Hell. She pressed her body upward and leaned her head back, letting tension ease from her body. Strands of her hair clung to her lips. Her eyelids grew heavy.

“So wet, so beautiful.” He pumped in and out of her, his smooth palm grinding against her clit. The chill of his skin heightened her senses, leaving goose bumps along her limbs.

“Luke.” Her body hummed beneath his touch. She saw herself, strapped to an altar like the vampire Lena had been, and didn’t feel shame, only ecstasy. Behind closed eyelids, she played out the fantasy. Back arched above the stone, she rolled her hips faster and faster. She tossed her head from side to side, and he hovered over her. His canines scraped the skin of her neck and chest as he kissed her hungrily.

Urgency pushed her. Wrapping her arms around him, she tried to show him her need but instead he stilled.
! she wanted to scream.

He wrapped a hand over her mouth and held it there. “No,” he groaned, lowered her to the ground, pulled her zipper up. Her fantasy dissipated and the small space between them felt vast. “We must go. Someone approaches.” He gripped her hand and tugged her forward.

Icy fingers of fear crept up her neck. “Who is it?”

“I do not know. I sense a vampire...maybe a human or both, but they are too far for me to identify. Walk forward, I am right behind you.”

She did as he asked, not because it was her preference but because she trusted him and she grew exhausted of fighting her attraction. An impossible attraction. They were too different. And yet for some reason she wasn’t ready to let go. Another acknowledgement she wasn’t anxious to investigate.

* * * *

“Damn it to hell, where have you both been?” Broderick paced the foyer of Luke’s apartment as he and Savannah entered.

“Pardon me?” Luke asked. What had put Broderick’s panties in such a bind?

“Oh, cut the polite British bull. I placed feelers out tonight and got word from my contacts there was an attack at the auction.” He pointed a finger at him. “You should have called.”

“It was not foremost on my mind.” Luke removed his coat and hung it on a coat rack before he entered the living room. Broderick followed. “There was some trouble tonight,” Luke said. “As you can see, we remain unscathed.” He poured a couple glasses of whiskey.

“You still got me worked up for nothing. I went down there searching for you both. Besides.” He flung a finger toward Savannah. “She looks stunned. You at least owe me at an explanation.”

She looked glassy-eyed and her cheeks were flushed, lips plump from his hard kisses. He swallowed at the memory, turning to hide any arousal that might make itself evident in his face or person. Stunned would not be how he would describe Savannah. Still, he indulged Broderick and poured a third glass of whiskey. He held it out to her. “Here, this will make you sleep.” Something he would be hard pressed to find.

She approached and took the glass without a word, then sat on his sofa.

“I apologize for inconveniencing you, Broderick, but Rafe detained us before allowing us escape through an underground tunnel.” He rubbed his neck and averted his gaze. “The exit demanded some navigation and we took back streets to avoid catching unwanted attention.”

Broderick’s gaze flicked between him and Savannah. “I see. It was no inconvenience.” He grabbed his glass. “So what did good old Rafe have to say? Did he auction off any kind of cure for your arm?”

“Oh no.” Savannah stood. “We forgot about your arm.”

“I did not forget,” Luke said. “Blasted thing hurts like the devil.” He rolled up the sleeve of his collared shirt and unwound the blood-soaked gauze covering his wounds. “We dealt with more pressing matters.”

Savannah glanced at the gashes in his forearm and sat back down. “This is my fault. If I had known...”

She faded fast. “Give us a moment,” he said to Broderick then slipped his good arm around her and lifted her off the sofa, supporting her as she walked. She complied without protest and laid her head against his chest. So small, next to him. As he guided her down the hall to her room, he kissed her temple, resisting an urge to kiss her lips, as he might not be able to stop himself from going further.

“You can leave me here,” she said.

He paused outside her door and let her warmth part from his body. “Are you sure you do not need help getting ready for bed?”

Face flushed, she smoothed a hand over her dress. “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”

Right. What was he thinking? He should be thinking about how to extract her from the mess of his world, not dragging her deeper into it. He looked down, smiled. “Believe it or not, I only considered your state of mind. Nevertheless, you are right.”

“It’s more a matter of getting sleep after everything tonight and…you know…we have a guest.”

He nodded. “I better go talk to Broderick and calm his anxiety. Come get me if you need anything.”

“Yeah, I will.” She stepped back as he headed down the hall. “Luke.”

He turned.

“We need to contact Rafe about the blood for your arm.”

How could he ever have thought this woman selfish? “Do not worry yourself about me. Sleep well.” He continued down the hall toward the living room.

“Sleeping like a rock?” Broderick glanced up as Luke entered the living room.

“I hope so. I did not stay to make sure.”

Broderick grinned. “Bet you’re giving that decision second thoughts.”

Luke snatched up his glass of whiskey and sipped. “Rubbish.”

“Aw, come on, man. You can’t chalk this up to saving the innocent. Since when did you become a superhero? You care. Admit it.”

“She is a good woman. I already told you she matters.” Christ, he could not afford to care.

“Yeah, and I’m sure it’s her
side keeping you up at night.” Luke opened his mouth to object but Broderick shook his head and continued. “Save it. I’ll give you time to adjust because you’ve tried to forget you have feelings for over two hundred years. I’m going to catch some shuteye, if you don’t mind.”

“Fine.” Luke contemplated saying more but decided against it. He was exhausting any excuses when it came to Savannah, even to himself.

Broderick took several steps then turned. “I gotta tell you, man, I don’t have a good feeling about this.”

“You never have a good feeling about anything.”

“Has served me fine so far.”

“I beg to differ, considering our current circumstances. Besides, there is a lot about Savannah we do not know. Have you uncovered anything further from your phone calls earlier this evening?”

“Nobody’s heard about a blood able to kill vampires. I should have expected as much. Something like this demands a high price. Her blood is basically the equivalent of liquid power.” Broderick scratched his temple. “I think it’s time you go into hiding. What about my cabin?”

“The one southwest of Cortina d’Amopezzo?”

“Yeah. You and Savannah should head there. Might be good for you while we track down who is hunting her.”

“I know what your idea of good is and you can forget it,” Luke said. “Nothing is going to happen between us.”

“And why not? Because she’s not Victoria?”

“No. Yes... Maybe.” He was not sure he could handle losing someone close to him again.

Broderick sighed. “It’s been over two hundred years. Don’t you think a couple centuries is time enough to grieve?”

That argument, he refused to tackle again. “We will go because I need to get her away from this mess and time away will help us plan.” He strode across the living room and set his glass on the granite island in the center of the kitchen. “Make arrangements to leave in a couple days. I need to talk to Lorenzo.”




By that sin fell the angels.

—William Shakespeare


Luke’s insides twisted as he entered Blood Bar. The night was the same as any other. Still, he could not fathom living constantly amidst sin as Lorenzo did. The distractions had never bothered Luke before—bored him perhaps—but this time, he wanted answers. He grew agitated as the other vampire doled out orders and dragged on cigarettes as if an immortal lifetime could not provide him with enough nicotine.

The after-hours crowd abounded, dancing and stealing into shadowed corners. Vampires and humans, intoxicated from choice drinks and drugs. A dark-haired woman nibbled Lorenzo’s jaw as he threw his head back and released a cloud of smoke. She sat nude from the waist up and at first glance resembled Savannah but as he edged closer, she turned. Her hair appeared more of a brown than black and her breasts, though high, would barely fit in his hands. Her lips curved into an inviting smile as she flirted with her dark eyes from beneath long lashes.

He longed for Savannah’s seductive emerald gaze, and eyes closed, pictured her above him. Her full, heavy breasts sinking into his chest, her ebony hair draped like a curtain around them. She would suckle his bottom lip then move over his jaw and chest to his stomach.

“Are you going to join us, Evans, or do you prefer to stand there lusting?” Lorenzo interrupted his imaginings. The vampire’s knowing gaze lit with laughter as he slid a hand down and cupped the brunette’s rear. “I can assure you the real thing is much better.”

“We need to talk,” Luke said.

He turned and gave the woman in his arms a deep kiss, then pulled away. “Give me half an hour, go get yourself a drink, but don’t cover up. I want to admire you from here.”

She smiled and slid off his lap but not before turning to wink at Luke.

“Sit down.” Lorenzo motioned to a chair beside him. “What can I do for you?”

“I saw a familiar face last night. I have seen him here at Blood Bar. He may be a halfling.”

“I heard of the attack. Whoever you saw, he wasn’t one of my men but I’m gathering what info I can.”

Why would Lorenzo bother getting involved? What did he have to gain? When about to ask those questions aloud, Lorenzo leaned closer and said, “Rafe gave me the blood.”

“Makes no sense. Why did he not give it to us last night?”

Lorenzo scanned the bar. He stood. “We need more privacy. Follow me.”

“I cannot stay long. We are leaving town.”

Lorenzo raised a dark blond brow. “We, as in you and your latest meal?”

“Her name is Savannah.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I will make this quick.” He started toward the back of the bar. “Where will you both be heading?”

They passed several groups of humans dressed as vampires, their outfits the signature black associated with his kind. Unease made his gut clench. The shooter from the auction was not amongst the crowds. Still, Lorenzo gave off a nervous energy that put him on edge. “I have not yet decided but I want her out of Rome.”

“This will help you.”

He followed him into a back room, where Lorenzo opened a refrigerated safe standing against one wall. Removing a vial, he held out the blood. “Blood to cure your arm. I’m supposed to exchange it for a sample of Savannah’s.”

BOOK: Blood Eternal
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