Blood Debt (Judah Black Novels Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Blood Debt (Judah Black Novels Book 2)
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Marcus leaned into the microphone and spoke in a pleasant, southern drawl. “…We have all been the victims of over-zealous police in one way or another. Our mothers, brothers, sisters, children, cousins…Each of us knows someone affected by police violence, by loss, or institutionalized racism. While I applaud those who are pleading their cases in the court systems of this great county and in the nation abroad, I must also lament the corruption of the system. These battles will wage on for years. We need a leader now who is willing to stand up for the rights of the forgotten, the downtrodden and the broken, whose families have been ripped apart by outdated policies and misguided political agendas. The law exists to serve and protect the people, not the other way around.”

He paused amidst cheers. The studio cut to another camera, panning across the faces of a crowd of over a thousand gathered at the gates of the Kelley estate. Some of them I recognized. I’d seen them around Aisling or knew them from Paint Rock. Private security moved among the crowd in black cargo pants and black t-shirts. The outline of bulletproof vests showed underneath their shirts, whose only splash of color was a red fleur-de-lis over the left breast.

Marcus continued. “Sheriff Butch Maude has made it abundantly clear in his support of anti-fae immigration reform and his strong opposition to the privately funded construction of a temporary housing project for those refugees. He and his supporters have repeatedly blocked investigations into allegations of corruption and their unspoken humans-only hiring policy. Over the last three years, the Eden Police Department has stalled or settled twenty cases where excessive force was alleged by werewolf detainees. And that is to say nothing of the harsh methods of UV interrogation against vampires Sheriff Maude has openly stated he would support.

“My friends, this cannot stand. And that is why, as of this moment, I am endorsing Paint Rock Detective Brian Tindall for Concho County sheriff.” The crowd cheered. Marcus raised his voice to speak above them. “I urge each and every one of you to turn out to vote and show your support as well. Do not let them turn you away. If you are a legal United States citizen with proper documentation, you are entitled to—and, dare I say it, obligated to—vote, no matter if you’re fae, vampire, werewolf, black, white or red. It is time we took this county back from the good old boy system and put someone in charge who actually gives a damn about you! I believe Detective Tindall is that man. Thank you.”

The camera cut away to two commentators in a newsroom who began a lively chatter back and forth. It was barely audible over the clapping echoing through the Paint Rock precinct. One of the cops next to Tindall clapped him on the shoulder. “That’s one hell of an endorsement, Tindall. With him behind you, there’s no way you’re going to lose!”

Tindall sneered. “Damn.”

“What’s wrong?” one of the other guys asked.

Tindall gave me a long look. Both of us knew this was an endorsement he didn’t want. Yes, it would throw the rest of the supernaturals behind him and drive them in large numbers to the polls to fill in the bubble next to his name. Yes, it would mean hundreds, if not thousands, of extra dollars flowing into his campaign in the last few critical weeks. But it also meant he’d have to look friendly with Marcus Kelley, someone I was digging into. Being connected with someone who was so shady was uncomfortable, to say the least.

Such a strong verbal attack on Maude surely wouldn’t go unnoticed, either. Marcus’ words had sounded unifying on the surface, like an attempt to bring all supernaturals together for a single agenda, but, in truth, they were divisive. This could be the nail in the coffin that drove the supernatural and non-supernatural communities apart. Things were already tense. All it would take would be for one person to light a match. Then, everything would explode.

Tindall didn’t have time to answer the other cop before the newscast zoomed in on the other side of the screen. A red-faced and sweating Maude approached the podium in front of the Eden precinct. He adjusted the microphones down a little and they squealed against painful silence.

“Good morning,” he said in a grave tone. “As you may have heard, my deputies responded late last night to reports of a disturbance at the night club known as Aisling. Upon arrival, deputies entered the scene and found two victims, a male and a female. Both were deceased. The county medical examiner’s office has ruled the deaths a homicide. This morning, EPD opened an investigation and began questioning witnesses and collecting evidence. The crime scene does, however, present sufficient evidence that the murders were supernatural in nature and, therefore, our office has turned the investigation over to BSI. Our office has worked tirelessly alongside BSI since its inception and will continue to do so. Given the violent nature of these crimes, however, and the number of other open BSI investigations, this may turn out to be an extended investigation.”

“That sneaky weasel,” I growled. “He’s insinuating I’m not doing my job!”

“Shhh!” the crowd hissed behind me.

“The department has opened a tip line,” continued Maude. “If you have any information regarding the events that occurred at Aisling anytime within the last twenty-four hours, I ask you to call the number now scrolling across the bottom of your screen. No detail is too small. We will pursue any and all leads. In the meantime, I urge each and every citizen to lock their doors. Limit time spent outside at night. If you must go outside, move in pairs. The perpetrator is still out there and we are doing everything we can to bring him to justice. I will now open the floor to questions.”

The reporters went apeshit. One lady, a pretty, dark-haired woman with a mole on her upper lip, pushed to the front of the line and shouted, “Sheriff Maude! How do you respond to Mr. Kelley’s endorsement of your opponent for county sheriff? Will this have any bearing on your investigation?”

Maude shook his head. “I don’t have a response other than to say the club is co-owned by Mr. Kelley’s daughter, and so he has a very good reason to want to shift some blame around before some of it comes his way. My deputies were told security at the club was lax due to Ms. Kelley’s absence last night.”

Another reporter, this one a white haired male, jumped on the line of questioning. “Are you saying she had something to do with the crime?”

“I can’t comment on an open investigation,” Maude said. A man in a suit came onto the stage and whispered something in Maude’s ear. He put his hand over the microphones. When the suit leaned away, Maude nodded and said, “I’m sorry but I have pressing police business. Please direct any and all media inquiries to my office and I’ll draft a response as early as possible.” Maude hurried away from the stage.

I reached out to turn off the little television. “Well,” I said to Tindall. “If there wasn’t open animosity between supernaturals and everyone else, there’s going to be now.”

“This is the L.A. Revelation all over again.”

I turned to look at him. His face had gone white and a droplet of sweat trailed down the side of his face. Los Angeles was Ground Zero for the Revelation, the few weeks of chaos where the rest of the world found out about supernaturals.

It started with the vampires, who were only forced out of the coffin, so to speak, thanks to a high-profile murder case. The defendant used his vampirism as an excuse to commit murder. When the heat got too heavy, the vamps forced the werewolves out to shift attention away from them. That’s when the riots started. It was all peaceful protests at first, marches and picketers with signs outside of restaurants and businesses refusing business to anyone they thought was a vampire or werewolf. No one knows who fired first, but it happened in L.A. Overnight, the protests turned into riots and swept through the city, leaving a death toll in the hundreds.

After that, the fae came forward pre-emptively but only after BSI was already a done deal. A lot of vampires and werewolves were bitter. By coming out last and late, the fae had avoided much of the violence directed at the other two.

“Jesus, Tindall,” I breathed. “Were you there?”

“I was still working the beat. Back then, if you had a badge and a gun and they had enough riot shields, you got one. They told you where to stand and God help you if you moved from that spot. I’ll never forget it. There was this feeling in the air right before everything went to Hell, like a sort of…anger static. Fury so thick you could taste it. It’s hard to explain. I’m kind of getting that same feeling.” He let out a sigh. “Just a few more weeks. We can hold things together just a few more weeks, don’t you think?”

I nodded and patted Tindall on the back. “All the more reason we need to make sure Maude doesn’t keep his office for the next few years.”

He bowed out of the break room and I followed. “So, I heard you had someone detained? You got a suspect already?”

“No,” I answered. “Just witnesses of a sort, though they claim they saw nothing. The one is the last one to have seen our victims alive. Not sure how he was involved with the porno production but his name’s all over the paperwork for it.”

“The same vampires?”

I lifted my pinky finger and said in what I deemed to be a fancy accent, “Italian vampires.”

Tindall grunted. “I gotta say, I don’t envy you in the least. Vampires kinda make me feel sick. Anything that lives by taking life from others…”

“Everything does, Tindall.”

He crossed his arms. “I don’t.”

“Do you eat? Even plants are alive at some point. Something’s dying to keep you alive.”

He scowled at the thought, grinding his teeth.

I thought hard about asking Tindall to help me take their statements. With two witnesses, we could get done twice as fast if I had help. The blood slave might open up and say something if he were separated from his master. Then again, it was more likely Crux would take offense at the suggestion.

“I think I can handle a vampire. You work on putting my team together for me like I asked.”

“You betcha.”

We parted ways at the end of the narrow walkway between cubicles, me going left while Tindall went right. As I closed on the interrogation room, I thought over the line of questions I had for Crux. First of all, I needed the basic play by play for the evening. I needed times, names. Who was in the room and who wasn’t? And, of course, I’d need to get his alibi.

I also needed more information, something telling me what kind of creature was responsible. Last time, going in blind had almost gotten me killed.

If it was some kind of angry spirit I was hunting, I needed to hear about knocking, dark shadows, an unexplained sense of dread, disembodied voices, objects moving by themselves or a general, unexplained oppressive, creepy feeling.

I paused outside the interrogation room and peered through the one-way mirror. Crux was sitting stiffly in the chair while Sven ran a comb through his master’s hair. Well, hairs. Crux had fewer than ten on his whole head but it didn’t seem to matter to Sven. He ran the fine toothed comb over and over those same ten, fine, white hairs, smiling to himself as he did. Sven hadn’t said a word to me back at Aisling, but I still needed to get a statement from him, too. I hoped he was in a more talkative mood.

Crux looked as sour as ever. He glanced at his Rolex twice while I stood outside, curling his lip each time. I stood outside and made him wait an extra three minutes just because. I don’t like to be rushed.

After a short pause, I finally went over to the door and put my hand on the doorknob. “Here goes nothing,” I said and opened the door.













As soon as I stepped into the interrogation room, the pleasant smile on Sven’s face faded. He stopped combing Crux’s hair, tucked the comb into his pocket and stood there, still as death. Crux adjusted his suit jacket and pushed away the paper cup of coffee in front of him. A fine white slime floated on the surface.

“It’s about time,” said Crux. “If I’d known it would take this long, I would have waited at the club. At least it didn’t smell like wet dog.”

“Nice to see you, too,” I said to Crux, pulling out the chair opposite him. “Can I get you anything? Freshen up your coffee?”

I said it in jest, but Crux smiled. “No. Sven tends to all my needs. The only thing you can do for me is get this over with. As I stated before, I’m not even sure why I’m here.”

“Because you’re the closest thing I’ve got to a witness,” I said, sitting down. “And you knew the people on set better than me. Anything you can give me will be helpful.”

“I’m not sure what I can give you that isn’t public record already,” said Crux with a shrug. “You’ll have to be specific. What is it you want?”

I took out a little notebook and flipped to the first blank page. Clicking my pen, I said, “Let’s start at the beginning. What was your involvement with Harry’s film? Why were you there?”

Crux crossed his arms. It looked weird because of the way his long fingers were able to wrap around his gangly little arms twice. “Harry was my cousin. He has an eye for beauty from behind the camera but no business sense. I was his producer. I slapped my name on whatever he put out and took a percentage of the profits. I also brokered a deal with Ms. Kelley to get him the room in Aisling.”

I made a note. “So Robbie Fellows was never aware of your deal?”

“I’m not sure the deal has any bearing on Harry’s murder.”

, I thought,
I’d better just stick to the standard questions for now.
“You said you weren’t in the room at the time of the murder. Is there anyone who can account for your whereabouts, Mr. Continelli?” He opened his mouth and gestured to Sven so I cut him off. “Besides Sven. No offense but, if it came down to it, the testimony of your food supply isn’t going to hold up in court.”

Crux leaned forward and sneered at me, showing one long, sharp fang. “Are you insinuating I had anything whatsoever to do with my cousin’s murder, Agent Black?”

I forced a smug smile. “Just covering all bases.”

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