Blood Dark (12 page)

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Authors: Lindsay J. Pryor

Tags: #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Gothic, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Supernatural

BOOK: Blood Dark
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The breath caught at the back of Caitlin’s throat at the directness, let alone the clinical edge to Meghan’s question. ‘Sorry?’

Meghan’s blue eyes were calm, fixed, expectant. ‘He needed to seduce you in order to access your soul, isn’t that right?’

‘Yes. Though, at the time, I didn’t know why he wanted it. I knew nothing about the links between what had happened with Arana and my family. I assumed he could use any shadow reader.’

‘But still, he made his intentions clear from the outset. That was risky, or maybe simply arrogant, telling you he wanted to bed you for his own selfish ends. But it worked.’ Meghan’s gaze flashed with mild rebuke. ‘Did you respect that he didn’t attempt to deceive you?’

‘I’m not sure respect is the right word. But it gave me something to bargain with. I told him I’d give him my soul if he killed the soul ripper. I saw us both needing each other. It became about us both getting what we wanted.’

‘Team work,’ she said with a flippant smile.

‘Survival,’ Caitlin reminded her.

‘All the same, that’s quite a game of cat and mouse to be playing with a brutal killer.’

‘The clock was ticking, Meghan. Clearly you’ve never stared death in the face or you wouldn’t even be questioning it.’

‘But ironically, as it turns out, it’s the very fact your soul can’t be taken against your will which was how you killed the soul ripper when it tried to remove it.’ Meghan’s eyes glinted with suspicion. ‘It was a shame you never worked that out for yourself.’

‘The fourth species are a law unto themselves. I didn’t realise the same rules would apply to them. I wouldn’t have gone after Kane if I did. I would have waited at home and killed it for myself.’

‘But did Kane know? Did he know you weren’t at risk of the soul ripper?’

She hesitated for a moment. ‘Yes.’

‘Yet he let the threat remain because he knew his plan would fall apart if you did find out. He needed you to need him. He needed that inter-dependency; that bond. In fact, rather than be completely upfront, he remained selective in what he told you so he could keep using you.’

Meghan purposefully left the comment to linger as she looked back down at her notes.

And it lingered bitterly, leaving a nasty aftertaste in light of those past three days.

‘So how soon
you intimate?’ Meghan asked as she re-examined her notes.

‘Within the first day.’

Meghan scribbled away. ‘Who instigated?’

‘He did.’

‘And did he always instigate?’


‘Did you prefer that?’ she asked as she continued to make notes as if simply asking for a list of ailments, her questioning as cold and impersonal as her lack of eye-contact.

Caitlin felt herself flush at the recollection of that afternoon. ‘I’m not sure what my preferences have to do with anything.’

‘It’ll help me understand more about him from how he was with you. If you were reluctant, I’d like to know if he got off on it.’

‘That would hardly constitute seduction.’

‘So it was always consensual?’

Caitlin frowned. ‘Yes.’

Meghan met her gaze again. ‘You were attracted to him.’


‘Did you ever say no to him?’

‘There were two occasions when I asked him to stop. And he did.’

‘And those occasions were…?’

‘Near the beginning. Before I had time to adjust to accepting my attraction towards him.’

She continued to scribble. ‘And did he stop straight away?’

Her response was instant. ‘Yes.’

‘Because he couldn’t risk alienating you?’

Caitlin’s hackles instantly rose. She placed her mug on the desk to conceal her hands in her lap.

Her silence prompted Meghan to look back up at her. Clinical eyes that belonged to a clinical mind that had come to the simplest, the most logical and the most obvious conclusion: of course he would have
to have held back.

For a moment, Caitlin lost focus as Meghan reminded her of her own thought at the time.

‘Because Kane doesn’t have a problem with self-restraint,’ Caitlin corrected her, ‘even under pressure, even when he has to override his most-basic instincts. You might want to add that to the case file.’

‘Especially when there’s something in it for him,’ Meghan remarked.

And because he wasn’t like that; he wasn’t the monster they claimed him to be.

Because he was capable of feeling something.

Because he felt something for her.

‘In one of your reports, Caitlin, you wrote Kane is capable of having intimate relations with someone he isn’t attracted to for personal gain, entertainment, sport and even revenge. Do you still believe that?’

Caitlin wanted a mouthful of coffee to ease her dry mouth, but couldn’t risk Meghan detecting the tremor in her hands. ‘I think the potential is always there.’

‘How many of those do you think applied to you?’

Caitlin’s jaw locked. In her lap, her interlaced hands clenched.

Meghan clutched the edge of her folder as her gaze rested invasively on Caitlin’s. ‘Or do you think there was the possibility of an attraction on his part too?’

Caitlin forced herself to remember her and Kane’s agreement, as much as her inner pride fought to proclaim – to convince herself – to the contrary. ‘I wouldn’t know.’

‘He didn’t even tried to make it appear that way?’ Her eyes narrowed in suspicion again. ‘It would have been very remiss if not. It’s basic psychology that we feel more attracted to those who find us attractive. We find excuses to like them, in fact. Surely it would have been part of his plan to lead you to believe it was mutual?’

Caitlin could feel the light coating of perspiration at the nape of her neck; a sickness rising.

‘Did he ever give any indications of guilt? Did he ever show any signs of empathy? Compassion even?’ Meghan paused. ‘Do you think that at any point he ever felt sorry for you?’

Prickles of defensiveness kicked in. ‘He had no reason to.’

Meghan’s gaze didn’t flinch. ‘Even though he drugged you, kidnapped you, kept you in solitary confinement away from everything you knew in order to seduce you whilst simultaneously disclosing things about his past to manipulate you into empathising with him. For master manipulator – as
once described him – he’d know it’s very easy to transfer from the villain to the hero if their intentions match your own; that the skills that made him capable of being an effective killer for you also turned him into your protector, your saviour from the fear that had plagued you for years. Amidst your hopelessness, you latched your sole hope on him. That would have been an interesting dynamic in itself but then you find out about what happened to his sister, what your family did, and all the lines blur. Not only do you develop a sense of empathy with him, you feel there’s a connection.’

This time, Caitlin did reach for her coffee, taking a larger mouthful than she’d intended. ‘Stockholm syndrome would be a
lazy diagnosis under the circumstances, not to say inept.’

Meghan’s eyes glinted coldly at being so bluntly challenged. ‘Do you think you’re a good judge of character, Caitlin?’


‘But after you discovered the truth about your father, your stepfather, your lover even, it must have created a certain sense of insecurity in you. To have not picked up on all of it must have been difficult for you to take, to deal with. It must have created elements of self-doubt.’

‘Of course it did.’

‘Do you think Kane liked you, Caitlin?’

The silence descended between them. Caitlin’s heart pounded to the point she could hear the blood pump in her ears.

‘Do you think Kane was even
of liking you?’ Meghan added, not giving her time to respond, to even process how she felt about her own hesitation over the question. ‘Knowing what your family did to his?’ The pause was purely theatrical, Meghan seemingly making the most of the moment. ‘Or do you think he could still sleep with you, hating you, as long as it got him what he wanted in the end?’

Caitlin surprised even herself with the power with which her defense mechanisms intensified – over her ability with her job, her aptitude as a woman, her feelings over Kane. ‘The fact is that I needed to get close to him to survive which I did. I killed what was coming for me and I survived. I saved my family and saw justice was done. If you’re looking for a victim, look elsewhere.’

‘Unless this was part of his plan all along. That maybe he didn’t intend to kill them yet. That he used it as a way to get closer to you instead. For want of a better term, maybe refer to it as “part one”?’

Caitlin’s heart skipped a beat at hearing her more or less echo Sirius’s words; at what now seemed clearer than ever as far more than a new agent becoming familiar with a case.

Meghan was screwing with her head.

And, in part, it was working.

‘You’ve seen him since the court case was over,’ Meghan declared. ‘Matt told me you’d gone to him as part of routine questioning over the Caleb Dehain case.’

‘I spoke to everyone in the know.’

‘No other agent can get access to Kane Malloy.’

‘He happened to be in the right place at the right time. Perhaps he was enjoying knowing I couldn’t take him in. That if there was any sign of back-up, I wouldn’t have got near him at all.’

‘Perhaps. Or from what you know of Kane Malloy, would you have said it was possible for him to have a bigger plan than the one he initially presented to you? That he intended to let you go all along, knowing you would come back to him? That this vampire capable of being intelligent, strategic, manipulative, could still have a vendetta against this division? That maybe
why you’ve still got access to him?’

The tension became palpable, oppressive, Meghan’s gaze the equivalent of match-winning strike.

Without a lie slipping from her lips, Caitlin uttered, ‘It’s possible.’

‘Brilliant.’ Meghan closed her folder. The pleasant smile was back. ‘This has been extremely useful. I have tonnes to work with. Thanks
much for your time, Caitlin.’

Caitlin stared at her slack-jawed as the agent exited with a renewed bounce in her steps, not even bothering to close the door behind her.

Elbows on her desk, Caitlin stared back down at the dates and times.

She buried her face in her hands, not even sure what exactly she had agreed to, even what had happened.

‘Are you okay, Caitlin?’

Her gaze snapped back to the doorway.

‘Lunch,’ Morgan said, holding up a couple of packs of sandwiches. ‘Something that should have happened over six hours ago.’

It was the last thing she needed.

Morgan, let alone food, was the very last thing she needed.


organ stepped
into her office and dropped one of the packs on her desk. ‘I’m guessing you haven’t had any?’

She looked down at the sandwiches. She had even less of an appetite now than she’d had twenty-four hours ago but she accepted them out of courtesy. ‘Thanks.’

He closed the door and assumed the seat without asking. He opened his own pack of sandwiches, taking a large bite.

‘It seems I’m not the only negligent one,’ she remarked.

‘It’s been one of those days. I passed Yale in the corridor. Did everything go okay?’

She shrugged as she opened her own sandwiches. ‘Yeah.’ She met his gaze fleetingly.

Unless he counted the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

He frowned. ‘Are you sure?’

‘It was fine.’

‘She’s not replacing you, you know. No one can replace you, Caitlin.’

She met his gaze fleetingly again. ‘I’m fine with it. Honestly.’

‘Good. Because I was hard on you earlier about it. I’m sorry.’

‘You’re under a lot of pressure, Matt, and I know I don’t help sometimes.’

‘Would you like to have dinner at mine tonight?’

She nearly choked, coughing as she squinted at him through her watery gaze.

‘Not like a date or anything,’ he cut in. ‘Shit, Caitlin. That’s not a come-on. I’ve got to cook for the girls and I thought you might like to join us.’

She held his gaze for a moment before sweeping away some imaginary crumbs from her jeans as she struggled for an unoffending get-out.

boss on my tail?’ she said. ‘Sorry, Matt, I’ve got a lot to do. He’s already giving me a tough time.’

Morgan’s fleeting smile that seeped from his lips as he took another mouthful assured her he at least still had some semblance of a sense of humour.

‘Matt, I’d like you to grant me some more time,’ she said, knowing then was as good as time as any to divert. ‘Another twenty-four hours. And then I think I should interview Caleb at the club, not bring him in.’

Morgan stopped mid-chew to stare at her before swallowing. He shook his head. ‘You know procedure. We do that only with preliminary enquiries. We’re a little beyond that.’

‘Technically we’re not. You yourself said it was important to keep this low key. If we had proof that Jake had killed that girl, you know I wouldn’t hesitate, but we still have nothing. And if Caleb is innocent, then us bringing him in will cause even more discord out there. You keep saying we have to get this right, then that’s what I’m focusing on. I’ll talk to Caleb. I’ll tell him we have witnesses from that night and take it from there.’

‘And if he works out we’re on to him and we lose him?’

‘Caleb isn’t the type to run and hide.’

‘So you’re an expert on him now like you were on Kane?’

It was a low blow, but one she was willing to take to get what she wanted, what she needed, until she made her mind up about what the hell she was going to do about the information Kane requested.

Fortunately, Morgan was instantly awkward about his accusation, making her even more glad that she chose not to retaliate.

‘Okay,’ he said. ‘Considering I’m tied up with enough other crap right now, I’ll give you until tomorrow afternoon.’ He took his last mouthful of sandwich. ‘But only if you do something for me.’

‘Like what?’

‘See if you can find out a bit more about Yale.’


‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘Put it down to an uneasy feeling. She asks a lot of questions. I want to make sure there isn’t some internal investigation stuff going on here since the trial.’

‘You think they’d do that?’

‘If you watch my back, I’ll watch yours. She’s keen to get out into Blackthorn tonight. She wants to check out Kane’s territory and get familiar with it. How about a couple of hours overtime?’

‘You want
to go with her?’

‘No one knows the east side like you do. Besides, it’s her first night and…’

‘And what?’

But she knew what he was insinuating.

‘She’ll be safer with me?’ Caitlin asked, uttering the words for him.

‘Caitlin, I’m not going to challenge you about it anymore. You say you’re done with Kane, then you’re done. But there are still people out there, especially those on the east side, who won’t dare touch you because of your associations with him. I’m asking you to turn it to our advantage for one night before her agent status is exposed. Do this for me. An hour tops. I’ll even let you off dinner. For now.’

He dropped his empty packet in her bin before standing.

‘Oh, and another thing,’ he said. ‘That arrow came back from the labs. There were traces of three substances on it. Whoever fired it knew what they were doing. I want you to keep this to yourself, but we’ve come across two more cases. The con row owned by Pummel burned down in the early hours of the morning. The cons are talking of being overrun by evil little kids.’

? In Blackthorn?’

‘Exactly. And another creature was found less than half a mile away. Something is going on out there, Caitlin. And if you know what it is…’


‘Whoever intervened this morning knew how to do it. And if you know anything at all that can help us then I’m asking you to share it with me off the record.’

‘So first you believe I’m done with him, and now you’re saying what exactly?’

‘The fourth species know no boundaries, we all know that. I’m saying I don’t want any of those things turning up in my little girls’ bedroom. I’m simply throwing it out there that
you do know, or if you can find out, then you can trust me with that information.’

‘First this division hunts him down and now it wants his help.’

‘I want
help, Caitlin,’ Morgan said. ‘Some people are saying this is the start of the prophecy. I’m not sure I believe that, but I
willing to swallow my pride to protect this locale. I’m saying our official conversations about Kane are over. Strictly between you and me, just do what you have to.’

‘Matt,’ she said as he reached the door. ‘I don’t know for sure, but I remember hearing something about grains being a good distractor for some fourth species. Maybe your girls should have a jar or a pouch near them – just to help you sleep at night.’

His gaze lingered on hers. He cast a glance at the floor as he pressed his lips together before he looked back at her.

She knew he needed no further confirmation.

He nodded and stepped back out into the corridor.

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