Blood Cursed (6 page)

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Authors: Erica Hayes

Tags: #Thrillers, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Blood Cursed
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Bile burned in my mouth. I wanted to scream. I wanted to be sick. I wanted to claw Jasper’s eyes out for tricking me.

That fucking liar. He didn’t want me, not really. Just needed somewhere to hide, and knew I was too love-struck and scared to question him.

I tugged at the ring, claws ripping, desperate to get the horrid thing off. But it burned colder, tighter, shrinking onto my finger with a clammy deathgrip that wouldn’t budge.

Kane’s handsome golden head swiveled around, razorblack gaze searching, elegant nose twitching for soulscent.

My guts squeezed tight. I needed to pee, big-time. I hunkered in the shadows, wrapping my wings tight, making myself as small as possible, that horrid ring pressed deep between my sweating thighs. My nerves yammered at me to flee. I should run. Get out and never look back.

But that black hellmagic seeped into my limbs, caressing me, tempting me with foul come-hither. My lungs stuffed with useless air, and I gasped like a swamped fish and couldn’t move.

Kane’s gaze magnetized onto mine, and he dropped Jasper with a clunk like death.

My blood flooded cold, my wings crackling with ice, and something warm and sticky slid down my leg.

Kane licked soft red lips, mesmerizing. The air between us rippled like a darksweet sandstorm, and his voice crooned, rich and irresistible with hot demonic compulsion. He beckoned, just the crook of one elegant finger. “Come out, bloodgirl.”

My mind tumbled, irrational. God, I wanted to come out. The magic slid deep into my veins like a creeping addiction, and I wanted to stumble out and fall at his feet, beg him to touch me, raise me up, take my hand.

But if I did, Jasper-the-dirty-rotten-liar-I-can’t-believe-I-fell-for-his-crap would die. The demon would eat his soul, or whatever cringing part of it lurked in this strange, treacherous ring that still chewed my finger like a hungry rat. And who knew what would happen to me?

Then again, if I stayed here, the demon would just haul me out. Probably by a loose flap of skin. With his teeth. And Jasper would still get dragged off to hell, and with a pissed-off demon for my only friend, I’d be right there with him.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to resist. But Kane’s magic licked the insides of my thighs, tempting me to dark surrender, and I knew there was only one thing I could do.


Trembling, I stepped from the shadows.

Kane smiled, beautiful like an angel, and the air grew colder. “Ember. How sweet of you.”

How did he know my name? I shivered, the pressure of his black gaze an icy weight on my soul.

Jasper choked on the ground, broken legs twitching feebly. “Emmy. Christ. Told you to wait—”

“Shut up.” Kane’s gaze never slipped from mine. “Rest now, Ember. You’ve done enough. Come to me.”

Unwilled, I stepped closer, my legs moving before I could stop them.

Kane reached for my hand, a greedy gleam staining his eyes blue, and his voice slithered warm under my skin and watered my will to mush. “Give me the gem.”

“No.” I backed off, hiding the jewel behind my back, but it was no use.

The demon grabbed my wrist, effortlessly strong, and dragged me forward. His smooth palm slipped over mine, and I fell.

Down into a swirling abyss of images, people, places, everyone I’d known, everything I’d ever thought I wanted. Girls who teased me, boys who blushed and dropped their gazes. I’d wanted to be friends, but I was always apart, always different, always
that bloodfae girl
. Ash, the bloodfae boy I’d shared a dingy apartment with years ago, who’d died selling blood to keep the two of us fed, leaving me with only guilt and a morbid fear of ending up like him. That hungry vampire tonight, his studded tongue a sweet pressure in my mouth. Dozens more like him, always hungry, always undressing me with their eyes and sniffing the air for my scent, and until tonight I’d resisted them all.

Diamond, magical, attractive, maddening, his ruby eyes glinting with scorn. Jasper, whole and laughing, violet eyes aflame with fun, his swanblack hair feathering over my fingers. The first time we made love, hot and breathless, pleasure like I’d never found before, his caresses resonating deep inside, his tenderness a revelation. Kissing in the rain, long and slow and soulful, our wet clothes plastered together, skin burning beneath.

The first night we argued, midnight in his sleek twelfth-floor apartment on Southbank, city lights twinkling over the river like stars. He accused me of flirting with his friends, only I hadn’t, just smiled and made conversation like he told me to. I’m in tears on the bed, ears raw from the yelling. I snap one thoughtless word too many, and his knuckles curl white, that sickly smolder flashes in his eyes.

In the alley, my skin shrank cold, my bowels tight as the images flowed.

Only this time, Jasper doesn’t grab me and throw me on the floor.

Instead, he swallows his rage, and says,
I’m sorry, just jealous, I love you so much
. And I say,
I’m sorry, it was stupid, I love you, too,
and we kiss, and have the best makeup sex ever, and that part of our relationship is over. It never started.

Kane’s arm slipped over my shoulder, his breath an ashen caress on my cheek. “Do you want that, Ember? I can give it to you. Take you back there. Make Jasper whole again. All you need do is give me the ring.”

The demon’s body pressed against mine, gentle but compelling. My heart ached. I gulped in air, but tears blocked my nose. I did want it.

At least, I thought I did until tonight.

Kane’s caress turned sultry, his sigh a sensual lure, his body no longer comforting but arousing. Desire stroked in my belly, on my breasts, between my legs. His fingers curled deeper in my hair to brush against my throat like a lover’s. “Kiss me, Ember. Just say yes, and you and Jasper can have another chance.”

My senses reeled, drunk on his heady scent of thunder. His succulent lips lingered at the corner of my mouth. I wanted to taste them, feel his hot ashen tongue in my mouth, his crisp golden hair trailing over my skin … .

Hellcraft sparked hot need deep in my flesh, and I fought for sanity. Another chance to what? Be that lonely gangland wife? Get tricked into wearing a hellcursed soulstone? No, thanks.

But Kane’s lips brushed mine, and his hot body pressed against me, his arm strong like steel around my waist. My breasts ached, that delicious tightness filling my belly. “Give me the ring, Ember,” he whispered, and it caressed straight to my sex. “You know you want to.”

I wanted to, all right.

I couldn’t help but part my lips, and he stole a kiss, burning with charcoal. His mouth claimed mine, sensation splashing like hot honey all the way down my body, leaking deep inside to stroke me. My legs went flimsy with desire. God, his kiss was like fucking. Already I could feel him naked against me, his hot golden body a delight, our sweat mingling, muscles sliding together, his cock up inside me, heavy and hard and delicious. I longed to open my mouth, let him claim me, lie down beneath him and open my body to his, let him rip my heart out with his teeth and gorge himself on soulblood while I moaned in hellwrought pleasure.

But it wasn’t enough.

Determination steeled my nerves cold. If Kane just wanted the ring, he could have taken it any time. No, he wanted my soul. And Jasper and I could never be the way we were. Not now. Jasper was already damned. But I could still save myself.

I squirmed from Kane’s embrace and pushed him away. My voice crunched small, choked with tears, but strong. “You’re pushing the wrong buttons, demon. Let me go.”

I quivered, expecting wrath, thunder, gnashing teeth.

But Kane just smiled in childlike delight, ash drifting snowy from his hair. “Seems that way, doesn’t it?” A crafty gleam crept into his eye, and dread numbed my bones, but too late. He leaned closer to whisper, his rich scent of charcoal and thunder raising hot bumps on my skin. “Fine. You want the ring so badly? You keep it.”

He blinked, and a black wave of compulsion slammed from his lashes.

Angry flame flashed, and agony speared up my finger like hellfire.

I screamed. The ring glowed white-hot, searing my skin to blisters. The gemstone melted, running in a bright green river, scalding my hand to ash.

And then nothing. Cold. Calm. No pain. Gone as swiftly as it came.

I examined my hand, gasping for breath. No blisters. No weeping sores. Just the ring. Melted onto my finger, a deep indentation where the metal grew into my skin like a cancer. The gemstone winked at me, green like forest water, and deep within, a burning scarlet seed whispered and moaned.

And deep in my bones, the distant, relentless scorch of hellfire.

Kane’s jewelblack eyes shone, impassive. “Do you feel that, Ember?” His voice was gentle. Conversational. Inescapable.

I wriggled and fought and flapped my wings, but the feeling wouldn’t dissolve. “What have you done to me?”

“That’s home. Hell. You belong with me now.”

Terror watered my muscles, and I gasped for breath. “No. You’re lying.”

“Not this time.” Warm, relentless.

Already, I felt the horrid firebeast inside the ring chewing at my soul. “But … but that’s not fair!” The protest tumbled out, stained with tears and exhaustion and stupid rage. God, I was sick of being manipulated. “I said no! You can’t just—”

“I didn’t, Ember. You did.”

I glanced behind him, furtive. Jasper wasn’t moving. Wasn’t breathing. I was alone. “What?”

“You took the fairyboy’s ring of your own free will. His promise is yours now, and your soul belongs to me. If you want to be free, you’ll have to pay his debt.”

“Wh-what do you mean?”

Kane grimaced, exasperated, like he explained to a child. “The prettyblack and his idiot friends gambled with me. They lost. But now they’re trying to hide their souls in some silly gemstones. From me. Can you believe that?”

Jasper had been wandering around without his soul inside him? Well, that sure explained a lot. “What? Jewels with souls inside? I don’t get it—”

“Not inside, cindergirl. Entwined. It isn’t the same thing.”

“Stop speaking riddles.” Desperate tears burned my cheeks. “Please. Just give me another chance, and I’ll—”

“But I am. Your boyfriend promised to get me his friends’ souls in return for his. I do so enjoy treachery.” Ice frosted his luminous hair like tiny moonlit jewels, and he gave me a scarlet grin. “But he’s in no shape to deliver their gemstones now. Lucky for me you showed up, don’t you think?”

“What? You want me to …” I swallowed, empty with despair. “But … they’ll die, won’t they? I’m not a killer. I can’t—”

“Don’t complain.” Kane shot me a black glare that clamped my throat tight. “I’m in a generous mood, so don’t spoil it. I’ll give you your chance. Bring me my jewels, and I’ll set you free.”

“But this has nothing to do with m—”

Kane’s hair flushed an angry blue, his razor claws sliding an inch longer. “Just bring me my jewels, cinder. You won’t like me impatient.”

My lip trembled, but indignation fired my belly, too. He wasn’t so special. Just another man, ordering me around. “Get ’em yourself, why don’t you, if you’re so clever?”

He shrugged, sulky. “I’m busy. And it’s more fun to watch you do it.”

So I was to be a demon’s plaything now? Palmed off from one manipulative bastard to the next? I took a deep breath, cold fear souring my mouth. “And what if I refuse?”

Kane licked his lips and smiled. “Then you can scream in hell along with him. Your soul is still fresh. You’ll taste ever so nice.”

My heart sank even further. Had Jasper known this would happen? That he’d damned me with his treacherous gift? Or was he just scared, hiding, desperate?

It didn’t matter. I had no choice. Useless rage flamed in my moonlit blood. It wasn’t fair. I didn’t deserve this.

But it was happening.

I sighed and gave in. “Who are they? Where? How’m I supposed to—?”

“That’s your problem. I don’t make the rules.” A wicked orange glint lit Kane’s eyes. “Actually, I do. But I’ll be fair, just this once. I’ll even tell you who they are.” He flipped a card from his jacket and offered it to me between two fingers.

I took it, my bones burning. His fingers brushed mine, and a delicious whiff of thunder dizzied me. I shivered, tugging my hand back. “How long have I got?”

“A while. Not soon. Not long. Let’s say … when the full moon’s at its brightest?” Kane glanced at my ring, where angry flame tumbled and spat inside, and cocked a perfect golden eyebrow. “Better hurry, cinder. Time’s burning.” And he straightened his tie and walked off, ash drifting like snowflakes from his hair.

I staggered, dizzy, and for a moment, Kane’s absence tore into my bonehollows like a red-hot blade. My nose screamed for sensation as his thundery scent faded, and my mouth watered helplessly, searching for him.

The fire in my ring jumped and spat, static crackling on the facets like a tiny plasma ball. I gasped, trying to catch my breath, sate the raging need for the demon’s voice, his touch, his ashen breath on my skin.

Was I his creature now? This cursed ring damning me to slavery?

My heart screamed, a frustrated wail of indignation and terror.
I don’t deserve this. I didn’t do anything wrong.

But I had. I’d trusted the wrong man. Let myself be blinded by infatuation and false promises. Yessum, massuh, I’ll drink the tasty purple grapejuice, no problemo.

I’d walked right up to the cliff and jumped with my eyes open. I mightn’t be a low-down dirty sinner, but I was a fucking idiot.

I tugged at my finger, ripping it bloody, but the ring wouldn’t budge. The metal had grown into my skin, seamless, the fine gold I’d admired now gloating at me with a supercilious liar’s smile.

I swore, and sucked my bleeding knuckle.
Curse you, Jasper. You and your goddamn tricks. I’m over it, and I’m over you … .

My heart stung cold. Jasper.

I scrambled to my knees at his side and skidded in a warm sticky puddle.

He wasn’t moving. His soft black wings lay limp and bloody, drained fragile like a butterfly’s. His pretty lips lay bitten, those fabulous violet eyes dull, indigo lashes caked with foul dust. His shoulders made horrible unnatural shapes in the dirt, his legs deformed. That blackcharred Kane-monster had slammed him into the ground, and he’d shattered like an inky china plate. Already, his rich dark colors faded.

Dead. Bled out, expired from agony and asphyxiation while I begged for my life with a demon.

My throat swelled. I couldn’t swallow. I stroked crumbling hair from his face, smearing my fingers in blood and leaching black fairycolor, and something brittle and angry in my heart snapped.

He didn’t deserve to die.

So he had commitment issues. Didn’t everyone? We fairies aren’t strong or tough or powerful, not compared to demons or vampires or the rest of the scum that festers in Melbourne’s gutters. We have to fight with the weapons we’re given, and all Jasper had was charm and lies.

He was just like us all, struggling for space in a human world that couldn’t see or listen or care. Threatened, helpless, angry at life for dumping us in the shit. Just making his way, steeling himself bright so he couldn’t be hurt.

And look where it got him.

I let my finger trace his curving mouth, that fine curlpointed nose, the shining jewels he wore in his ear, and I planted one last kiss on bloodstained lips and said good-bye.

I turned away, and tears blinded me.

A wretched howl ripped from my throat. I wanted him back, screw me if I didn’t, cutting wit and bad temper and all. I wanted everything to be like it was before. It couldn’t be worse than this. At least I’d had a home, a lover, a sometime friend. Now, I had nothing.

Nothing but a hellcursed ring and burning bones and the foulsweet taste of thunder.

If I didn’t love him, why did this hurt so goddamn much?

I kicked angrily at the dust. I didn’t understand any of this. Everything was gray and smudged, where I’d thought it black and white. Nothing was certain.

Only that if I didn’t get Kane his gemstones, I’d go to hell. When the moon was brightest.
Not soon. Not long.

Foolishly, I snickered, tension giggling mad in my chest. Fucking bureaucrat, always fudging his dates. I bet hell was like that. Full of politicians and public servants.

I’d find out soon enough, if I didn’t do something right away.

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