Blood Bath, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series Book 4) (7 page)

BOOK: Blood Bath, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series Book 4)
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"Your wolf went to fetch your laptop, coffee and clean clothes from your apartment. He seemed to think you'd
want a shower and your favorite blend before googling this latest problem to death."

"Stop calling him my wolf
," I growled. "And why couldn't I do all of that from my apartment one flight up?"

"I think he enjoyed the idea of me finding you half n
aked in his bed with your scent clinging to his sheets." The jealousy darkening his gorgeous features hurt my already aching head and had my heart skipping a beat.

I flopped down on my back and slipped the gun under the pillow. "Why do I feel like I'm getting over a pandemic flu?"

"You've been out for eight hours, after you blacked out twice at SPTF. You..." He shook his head. "I can't... I need you to get out of his bed. I know you're exhausted but I can't stand the sight of you in just your underwear tangled in his sheets."

"I'm wearing a shirt and my bra." I gave a quick feel for confirmation. "Son of a bitch! How did he get my bra off?" I thought about making him uncomfortable a
little while longer. He deserved it. Then I thought about how I would feel if I saw him in some other woman's bed, innocent or not and had one of those Kill Bill flashing red light, wee woo siren moments.

Once the red cleared and I could see straight again I decided he had suffered enough watching me toss and turn in Cash's bed, missing half my clothes- which Cash and I would discuss later.

I barely had both feet planted on the floor before Aidan had me crushed against him. He tucked my head under his chin and muttered something about wet dog before sniffing under my jaw. He brushed back my tangled hair and buried his face in my neck, his lips resting gently on my pulse. I felt him relax as he inhaled my scent. I tried to back up to get his face off my neck and understand what he was saying. I didn't know it was possible to be pressed this tightly against someone without merging into their body.

"I know you haven't been with him. His disgusting scent is all over you but it's faint. It's not in you."

"Umm, first eww. I don't think I want you to confirm if that meant what I think it means. And second, does he really smell disgusting to you because I think he kind of smells like cedar and lime, like the forest after a storm." He growled and if I didn't know better I would have thought he was a wolf too. "Right, sorry. Jealous vampire. Got it."

"Any man's scent on your body would disgust me." He feathered kisses down my neck while his hands crept lower on my back.

"I wouldn't have expected this reaction from someone who could just toss me aside like yesterday's garbage." I almost said
rip my heart out
but decided against it.

His hands froze below the waistline of my boy shorts. "I did not throw you away like a piece of trash. I was trying to keep you from getting hurt."

"Well guess what, I did get hurt. By you."

"I was trying to protect you, to keep you safe." He wa
sn't pawing me anymore but he didn't let go of me either. I think he was a little afraid of the increased pitch and decibel of my voice, which often led to flailing arms and flying objects.

"News flash
, Neanderthal, you don't dump your girlfriend to keep her safe. You stay firm--" My tirade was cut short by Aidan crushing his lips against mine. His tongue traced my bottom lip before prying its way into my mouth.

His cold touch set my skin on fire as he backed me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head with one hand. His free hand slipped under my shirt, over the curve of my hip toward my ribs. I gasped as he familiarized hi
mself with my neck and his hand slid higher.

"I was wrong. Agrona was right, you were right. No ma
tter what I do to prevent it, you will wind up involved and in danger. Like you always are. I was an idiot. From the first time I saw you, that night at Mahalia's, I knew. And then you gave me your blood. My fate was sealed with the first drop, a chuisle."

I shushed him. "Too much talking. You had me at
I was wrong
." I hooked a leg around his hip, just as the front door opened. We both groaned and not in a good way.

Aidan let me go and nudged me toward the master bath. "Take a shower, it'll help."

"If you're referring to the olfactory onslaught, I doubt it." The front door slamming confirmed my statement.

"The olfactory onslaught will help the wolf remember you're mine
but I was referring to the fact you're still not running at top speed.  You'll feel better after a shower." He laid a gentle kiss on my temple.

"I'm feeling better already." And I meant it. I wasn't normally the needy, dependent kind of girl but Aidan cut me when he decided it was better for him to leave without so much as discussing it with me.

Hearing his admission that I drove him crazy, that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, did a lot to mend the wound. Hearing him say he was wrong practically had me undone. This did not mean I was trading in my sword for an apron to live in domesticated bliss with my vampire.

I traced a finger down his jaw, satisfied for now that he was my vampire again, before closing the bathroom door. I turned the hot water on and decided
to stay in the shower until the pissing contest about to take place in Cash's kitchen was over, or the cold water drove me out.








Cash had coffee waiting and my laptop fired up by the time I got out of the shower. I padded out of his bedroom barefoot in a pair of black yoga pants and the perfectly worn Beastie Boys shirt from my dream.

I knew Cash had simply thrown open a drawer and grabbed the first thing he saw but it still freaked me out. Not as much as the time he obviously spent picking out my underwear, however. No wonder I was dressed like I was going to clean my apartment instead of using my crime solving skills and general bad assery to figure out who was killing these girls. He spent the whole time in my apartment digging in my under
wear drawer - because this set was definitely not on top.

I was surprised to see them both sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me without
ice packs or bandages. They looked up when I came in, with similar expressions of possession and desire. The look Cash gave me was directly related to the matching black lace bra and panty set he picked out.

Aidan's was because he knew he would be the one to actually see me in them. Although this dammed shirt was thin enough to give Cash an idea of what he was missing. Actually that might explain why Aidan
had a smug look on his face instead of fighting with Cash again.

he last time the three of us were together was at my sister's wedding reception. There was dancing, the silent declaration of both men's intentions, fighting. You know, the usual. I had been ignoring the strain on both of my relationships - friend and boyfriend - ever since. If nobody else was in the mood to discuss it tonight, I was happy to continue to ignore it.

I poured a cup of the Starbucks eighty-twenty blend, wishing Cash
had grabbed my French Press too. I switched to a press a couple weeks after swearing off the Daily Grind, and was hooked. Of course the need to feed my caffeine addiction meant I would gnaw on coffee beans if that was my only option. Aidan slid my laptop to his side of the table while I mixed in the perfect amount of sugar and cream. It was obviously going to be one of those passive aggressive battles. This was going to be a long night.

I took a sip from my mug, relishing the taste of the magical brew, and
thought about the best keywords for my search. My companions new better than to pester me with questions about passing out at the station or what I had seen when I held the necklace until after my second cup of coffee.

would have to call Masarelli soon but he'd have to wait until after my refill and a little bit of googling. I needed something more substantial to tell him because
I saw a murder but it was like a hundred and fifty years ago and then I had a bad dream
, was not super helpful.

New England vampires would probably bring up a page of useless websites but I didn't have a better starting point. Imagine my surprise when the first thing to come up was a link to a newspaper article and the History
Channel's website for a corresponding show based on its findings. I started with the article.

1892 Exeter, RI- Mysterious illness claim
ed life of nineteen year old Mercy Brown and her mother. When it appeared her brother was doomed to suffer the same fate, Mercy's body was exhumed. Upon examination, doctors discovered pink flesh, longer hair and nails than the girl was known to have in life and she was subsequently deemed a vampire. Her heart was cut out, burned and the ashes fed to her brother who died two months later.

1896 Willington, CT- Dr. Grant, deemed a snake oil salesman by modern medicine, sen
t a letter to editor of local paper offering a cure for vampirism. According to Dr. Grant, to determine if the recently departed had indeed become a vampire, one should look for vines growing through the grave site. If vines had over taken the grave, the remains should be dug up and burned. Upon hearing word of Dr. Grant’s advice, Isaac Johnson dug up his two children, Amos and Elizabeth, and performed the cure.

Century Griswold, CT- in an undated and relatively unmarked grave researchers discovered grisly remains of who they affectionately call J.B., the only thing etched into the tombstone. Upon examination it was determined that the head had been posthumously removed and placed in the grave facing west. All of the ribs were broken and the femur bones crossed over the torso to form an X- the symbol for death. With no full name, or written record of anyone with the initials J.B. living in Griswold, it may never be determined who this person was and why his remains were desecrated.

Researchers now believe the rampant fear of a vampire den living in New England during the late
1800s was in fact a wide spread infection of tuberculosis. Symptoms of fatigue, pale skin, coughing up blood -which often left the sick with blood on the corners of their mouths- was cannon fodder for the superstitious, leading to the belief that vampires had invaded and corrupted their communities.

Damn. Interesting but not very helpful. Aidan had been reading the article as well and went sort of rigid when he got to the end.

"Tell me what you saw that made you search for this?"

"I didn't search for this. I searched for
vampires in New England."

"Maurin." Aidan's tone said he wasn't in the mood for games. "That would have garnered all sorts of ridiculous results. Why this article? What about it called to you?"

I spun the laptop around so Cash could see what we were talking about before I answered him. "It felt like the right time period. I got something from the necklace, from a girl but not the right girl. I was hoping I could make some sense of what I saw before I talked to Masarelli."

Aidan's hand clasped mine. "Tell me what you saw."

I told them both in vivid detail about my reading from the necklace. Cash looked confused. Aidan looked stricken.

"Mercy Brown."

It was a whisper but I heard it. My stomach dropped. I gave Cash a cursory glance to see if he was keeping up but he just shrugged. I squeezed Aidan's hand, prompting him to continue.

wasn't dead when he threw her into that grave. They thought he killed her but while the townspeople were out looking for him he came back to finish the job. I think he may have actually loved her."

He was there. He didn't need to read the article. Aidan
saw it firsthand. He wasn't newly turned, of course I knew that but I'd never really seen him as anything beyond the thirty year old man he appeared to be. We spent a lot of time getting to know each, our likes and dislikes but as he told us about Mercy Brown I realized how seldom he talked about his past.

For the first time I was getting
more than a glimpse of Aidan's history, of the events that shaped the vampire I had grown to love. I had a million questions that I knew would break the spell Aidan seemed to be under. I needed to let him tell the story on his own.

"She rose the next night with an insatiable thirst and no comprehension of what she had become. He warned her not to go but she was afraid. Of him. Afraid of the monster she realized he was and
what she had become. She went to the only place she felt safe, home. Her brother was there and she succumbed to her thirst. She drained him. Once her blood lust was sated the reality of what she was, what she had done lay like a withered husk at her feet. He found her muttering about the devil and her soul while rocking her brother's corpse and took her back to his home. He would never save her. Not that night or the night the necromancer came.

"Mercy was not the first he sired, not after centuries of walking the
Earth. He was insane, a tyrant in life and no better in undeath. I think he thought she could save him. Instead he spent the next four years keeping her from walking into the sun.

I was there waiting, watching. Dr. Grant was no doctor. He was a necromancer, hired by Willington to rid their community of the demons hiding among them." He laughed. "Demons, if they only knew they truly existed, but we were terrifying enough."

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