Blood Awakening (11 page)

Read Blood Awakening Online

Authors: Tessa Dawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Blood Awakening
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Her body shook for about fifteen seconds as
Marquis took long, greedy pulls of her blood, and then she simply melted into a
pool of liquid heat in his arms.
Dear gods, the man felt like silk, power,
and perfection at her throat, and she prayed it would never end.

When Marquis finally withdrew his fangs, he moaned
deep in his throat as if the adjustment were painful, and then Ciopori felt two
thick-drops of liquid closing the puncture wounds…and the pleasure was gone. She
slowly lifted her head to protest, but when she parted her lips to speak, he
caught her words with his mouth, devouring her protest with his tongue—seeking with
fevered urgency.

His taste was hot and exotic, and Ciopori met him
kiss for kiss, passion for passion, as their lips explored and their tongues
tangoed in a powerful dance of love. Her breasts began to feel heavy, and her nipples
ached in a way she had never experienced before. And even deeper… the
junction between her legs, a pulsing warmth began to build into a slow fire that
caused her womb to contract and her body to move against his.

She cried out from the unexpected intensity and
grasped at his shoulders, his hair, anything that might hold her up as her
knees gave way.

Marquis caught her effortlessly, lifting her
gently into his arms as if she were weightless. And then just like that, they
were in Kagen’s office, and he was laying her down, ever so softly, against a
wide, velvet chaise.

She had no memory of Marquis walking—or even
flying, for that matter—but as his lips descended once again to claim hers, she
forgot all about the miraculous change of scenery. She felt and knew only one
thing: Marquis.


His name escaped on a throaty groan, wrapped in a
voice far too seductive to be her own, yet his reaction was immediate. He moaned
in response, and his warrior’s body blanketed her own.

Propping himself up by his powerful arms, he gazed
down into her eyes, his own changing pupils glazed over with desire. “You are
the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he whispered. His eyes drank her in
like a man dying of thirst. He sat up then, his deep, heavy breaths increasing
as he eyed her from head to toe. “Undress for me, Ciopori. Let me watch
you...slowly. I want to remember every part of you. Do this for”

Ciopori felt suddenly self-conscious. Having been
raised a princess, modesty had been part of her required decorum. Few females
had ever seen her body nude, let alone a male, yet the look in Marquis’s eyes
drew her like a magnet. His blatant desire made her want to please him more
than she had ever wanted anything in her life.

Ciopori sat up and leaned toward the arm of the
chaise, slowly unzipping the back of her sleeveless dress. Her eyes remained
locked with his, and she smiled when a deep, almost indiscernible growl escaped
his slightly parted lips. Oh yes, he was going to enjoy her as much as she was
going to enjoy him.

Emboldened, she unfastened the remaining clasps
and slowly let the top fall away, knowing there were no undergarments between
her smooth skin and the fabric. And just like that, her breasts were exposed to
his hungry gaze.

Marquis’s breath hitched, and he shuddered. “Ciopori...”

His husky voice poured over her like liquid silk, his
eyelids growing heavy with carnal need. She knew he couldn’t stay away. He
grasped her by the narrow of her waist and pulled her to him, simply drinking
in the sight of her for what seemed a lifetime, his eyes leaving a trail of
fire in their wake. His hands cupped the weight of her breasts with a lover’s
tenderness, slowly kneading the sensitive flesh as his thumbs swept up to brush
the peaks in taunting, exhilarating circles.

He traced her areola with his forefinger and
hissed when the nipple hardened in response to a quick, hard pinch, a gentle
tug, and release. Ciopori cried out at the brief pain and then sighed as his
thumb gently massaged it away. His eyes were like lasers locked to hers, his
mouth turned up in a wickedly sinful smile.

“You like that?” he whispered, his voice no more
than a deep, raspy purr.

He caressed her other nipple in the exact same
manner and watched as she squirmed, moaning his approval, and then he bent his
head and took the first aching peak into his mouth.

Ciopori felt the jolt all the way down to her
toes, an electric stream of energy pooling in her core. Unable to control it,
she began to roll her hips beneath him like waves following a commanding tide, and
she instinctively arched her back, offering more of herself to his seeking

Marquis began to suckle in earnest as she cried
out with pleasure, his lips exploring one nipple while his fingers explored the
other. And then she grabbed him by his glorious mane of hair and held him to

Dear gods, she wanted this man inside of her…

Marquis snarled a low, approving growl as he
remained deftly lodged in her mind, obviously reading her thoughts, as well as
her reactions, for the sake of increasing her pleasure.

He seemed to know everything she craved the moment
she craved it, and as his hands began to explore the rest of her body, he
adjusted the pressure…the motion…the intensity in accordance with her every
whim. He was creating a whirlwind of passion, a growing storm of need that was driving
her out of her mind.

And then a large, commanding hand gently stroked
the base of her ankle and slowly began to slide up the inside of her leg, his
fingers tracing the contours of her calf as it approached her inner thigh,
where he began to knead the flesh with increasing pressure. She gasped at the
unexpected advance when he caught at her legs and eased them apart.

He smiled and dropped his head, blowing warm air
over the lace panties that lightly covered her core, and then he licked right
through the thin material. Ciopori moaned and shifted on the chaise. Her body
slid down, and her legs eased apart.

Marquis sat back then, all at once leaving her
bereft. “The rest of your dress,” he instructed as his eyes swept over the apex
between her legs.

Ciopori held her breath as she awkwardly removed
what remained of the garment, leaving only her panties between them.

Marquis smiled and cupped her, rotating the heel of
his hand against her cleft, groaning as she raised her hips and pushed back
against him. “
Da, dragostea mea—danseaza pentru mine

Ciopori’s heart skipped a beat, and her womb
clenched as the familiar Romanian words rolled off his tongue:
Yes, my
love—dance for me
. She was as aroused as she was startled by her own powerful

In her relatively young life, she had never
thought of herself as sexual, erotic. As the king’s daughter, her virginity had
been guarded like the castle treasure; to even think of a male in such a way
was to endanger his life. But lying here now, beneath Marquis, every carnal
desire she had ever buried awakened beneath his hands, stirred in response to
his words, trembled at the sight of his smoky eyes and smooth skin. The heat he
was generating was almost painful, and she found herself wanting him…
…that were as shocking as they were exciting.

Marquis purred like a jungle cat. “What is it you
want, my love?”

Ciopori inhaled sharply, unable to speak, and
Marquis shook his head back and forth. “No. That is not an answer.” He slipped
two fingers beneath her panties and began to massage the heat of her desire. “Tell
me what you want, Ciopori.”

Ciopori arched her back and writhed beneath him. She
tried to talk—she really did—but the sound was trapped beneath a growing
inferno of heat and sensation and swirling colors. Her mind was engulfed in

Marquis stared down at her through heavy-lidded
eyes as he slowly removed her panties. His fingers traced every curve and angle
of her long, sexy legs as he went along.

When he finally knelt on the chaise above her, she
felt so incredibly vulnerable and exposed. He was still completely dressed,
while she was laid out before him like a banquet on a palace table. Before she
could ask him to undress, he slipped two fingers inside of her and probed in a
sweet, thrusting motion, pressing against her with his hand, even as he teased
the same spot with his thumb.

“Do you want this?”

Ciopori whimpered like a child.

“Or this?” He replaced his fingers with his tongue.

Marquis groaned into her core, sending shuddering
vibrations deep into her womb as he slowly tasted her essence. And then, his tongue
took on a life of its own. “Dear gods,” he moaned, “you taste like…the moon and
the stars, themselves…a goddess.” His body shuddered. “I could love you forever.”

His tongue dove back in, this time bringing his
lips, his fangs, and his sweet, sensual mouth with it, as he ravaged her like a
hungry animal: grazing, tasting, suckling…drinking.

Ciopori cried out, her harsh scream filling the
room. Oh gods, she had to be quiet...but how? When Marquis stopped abruptly, she
almost cried out again—only this time, with need. She couldn’t have stopped now
if she wanted to. Was he angry?

She opened her drowsy eyes to peek at him and saw
nothing but love—and desperate need—dripping from his chiseled, handsome face. “I
am afraid you still haven’t told me what you want,” he admonished, “so I have
no idea what to do next.” He laughed a wicked, sinful laugh.

Ciopori was breathing in short, rapid breaths as
she forced her mind to focus. “I want…”  She panted some more. “I...oh gods…I want…I
don’t know.” She clutched at him, but he moved out of reach. “
I want you
she whimpered. It was all she could think of.

Marquis’s eyes burned into hers. “How,

Ciopori shivered as her eyes involuntarily swept down
to the center of his trousers and the thick, straining sex that pressed against
them, now jerking in response to her gaze. He slowly licked his full bottom lip
and stroked the enormous shaft through the silky material with his hand. “Is this
what you want, Ciopori?”

She writhed beneath him in response and groaned.

Marquis smiled then, his perfect white teeth
gleaming beneath his full, sculpted lips. “I didn’t hear you.”

Ciopori sighed. “Yes.” It was a mere whisper, but
it seemed to please him.


Ciopori’s eyes grew big.


Ciopori held his gaze, knowing her eyes were
pleading. “I want you inside of me,” she capitulated. “Dear gods, I’ve never
wanted anything so badly.”

Marquis bent over and slowly kissed her, his
passion so intense she felt like her heart might stop beating. His desire was
only eclipsed by his tenderness as he massaged and tasted her breasts, swept
his hands down and around the flat of her stomach, and finally drew his fingers
up over her core...again and again...until she was nearly weeping.

“Why are you teasing me?” she uttered, breathless.
Her voice hitched from the torture.

Marquis shook his head. “Not teasing you, Princess.
Preparing you

He leaned back then and removed his shirt,
exposing muscles like a granite statue, a stomach made of layered bricks. And
then, in a slow, languid movement, he began to unzip his pants. As he dropped
the black silk slacks along with his boxers to the floor, his magnificent erection
sprang into view, and Ciopori froze beneath him.

The male was positively
and oh-so-incredibly
His sex was like a steel rod sheathed in pure velvet: hard
and invincible, yet smooth and refined. The blunt, curved head was only slightly
smaller than her fist, and the sight of it gave her pause. She wanted him,

Her eyes moved down to the thick shaft itself—at
least the width of her forearm—and she shuddered. Marquis shook his head and
slowly traced her bottom lip with his fingers before gently inserting his thumb
in her mouth. Instinctively, she began to suckle.

“I would
hurt you, Ciopori,” he
murmured. “I need you to trust me—completely—to give yourself fully over to my

Ciopori stared into the eyes of her timeless lover,
and her heart filled with him even as her body grew warmer. Whatever hesitation
she had felt melted into absolute assurance as she relinquished her concerns,
and her body became fully, irrevocably, his. “I do trust you completely,

Marquis smiled then and gently blanketed her, his
powerful erection pressing tight against her stomach as he continued to kiss
her and explore her body. As Ciopori groaned, his sex jerked and expanded,
small drops of arousal leaking out of the tip to coat her belly. Reaching down,
Marquis caught one of the pearls on his forefinger and placed it on her tongue,
grinding his thigh into her sex at the same time...

And she fractured.

Unsure of what was happening, Ciopori clung to his
broad shoulders, her nails digging in for support, as her body spun out of
control, contracting and releasing in shocking waves of ecstasy. From her
thighs to her womb, she became a spiraling comet, the vibrations in her inner
and outer core causing her to cry out like she was mad, her mouth buried in the
thick of his arm.

Taking full advantage of the moment, Marquis repositioned
his hips and gently pushed her legs aside with his thigh. In one fluid motion,
he thrust his heavy sex into her, sheathing himself halfway.

Ciopori cried out as the enormous shaft broke through
her maiden’s barrier and began to stretch her impossibly from the inside out,
but the powerful waves of the orgasm carried her through the pain on an
inexorable peak of pleasure. Before she could lose one to the other, Marquis
began to rock back and forth, gently at first—stretching, opening, seeking
deeper and deeper with each careful thrust—until he was finally surging in and
out of her with total abandon.

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