Blood and Politics (118 page)

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Authors: Leonard Zeskind

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Social Science, #Discrimination & Race Relations

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56. After September 11, 2001

“Bush’s Remarks to Cabinet and Advisers,”
The New York Times
, September 13, 2001, p. 16 (transcript of address).

Daniel Levitas, “The Radical Right After 9/11,”
The Nation
, July 22/29, 2002, pp. 19–23; Debora MacKenzie, “Anthrax Preparation Indicates Home-grown Origin,”
New Scientist (UW)
, October 1, 2001.

Adam Liptak, Neil A. Lewis, and Benjamin Weiser, “After September 11, a Legal Battle over Limits of Civil Liberty,”
The New York Times
, August 4, 2002.

Leonard Zeskind, “One Year and Too Many Deaths Later,”
, September 2002; James Ridgeway, “An Informed Citizenry, Telling Trend Takes Hold,”
The Village Voice
, June 11–17, 2003.

Glenn A. Fine, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice, “Prepared Testimony Before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary,” 2003 Federal News Service, Inc., June 25, 2003 (full report released June 2, 2003, titled “The September 11 Detainees: A Review of the Treatment of Aliens Held on Immigration Charges in Connection with the Investigation of the September 11 Attacks”).

Joan McKinney, “Cooksey: Expect Racial Profiling,”
Advocate Washington Bureau
, September 19, 2001 (quote from U.S. Rep. John Cooksey R-Monroe, Louisiana).

Levitas, “The Radical Right After 9/11”; Laurie Goodstein, “Falwell’s Finger Pointing Inappropriate, Bush Says,”
The New York Times
, September 15, 2001.

Ann Coulter, “This Is War, We Should Invade Their Countries,”
National Review
(online), September 13, 2001; Jonah Goldberg, “L’Affaire Coulter: Goodbye to All That,”
National Review
(online), October 1, 2001.

Richard A. Serrano, “Deluge of Hate Crimes After 9/11 Pours Through System Courts,”
Los Angeles Times
, July 6, 2002; Jaxon van Derbeken, “American Nightmare: Sukhpal Singh Sodhi came to San Francisco to help his village in India . . . a year after his death, his family mourns again,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, August 6, 2002.

Levitas, “The Radical Right After 9/11.”

“Whirlwind: Around the country, the far right reacts to September’s terror with anti-Semitic hatred, threats and conspiracy theories,”
Intelligence Report
, Winter 2001, p. 18 (quote from Rocky Suhayda, Chairman of the American Nazi Party).

William Pierce, “Who Is Guilty?”
Free Speech
, National Alliance publication, vol. 7, no. 10, October 2001 (also broadcast via shortwave on September 22).

National Alliance Bulletin
, November 2001, p. 6.


William Pierce, “An Awakening,”
American Dissident Voices
, December 1, 2001 (radio broadcast).

William Pierce, “New Opportunity,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, November 2001, pp. 9–10.

Devin Burghart (unsigned), “Beyond a Dead Man’s Deeds: The National Alliance After William Pierce,” A Special Report by the Center for New Community, August 2002, p. 6; “New Building Started,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, August 2001, p. 1.

“Internet Statistics,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, October 2001, pp. 2–3 (“During the month there were 652,571 visits to our website. That’s an average of 21,051 per day”).

“Report on National Alliance middle management leaders’ briefing,” sent to author, July 2001.

“Washington Protest,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, July 2001, pp. 1–5.

“Anti-Terror Demonstration,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, November 2001, pp. 1–2.

Ibid. Picture caption notes the “MOST CHALLENGING sign at the Israeli Embassy demonstration . . . Jewboy, Jewboy, What Ya’ Gonna Do? What Ya’ Gonna Do When WE Come for U”; Devin Burghart, photos, video and notes, communication to author, December 2001.

Citizens Informer
32, no. 6 (November/December 2001), p. 12 (photo caption notes “Speakers at the North Carolina CofCC November 10th anti-immigration protest in Conover, included . . . A. J. Barker”); “North Carolina,”
Citizens Informer
, 33, no. 1 (January/February 2002), pp. 14, 16.

Jared Taylor, “Teaching More Millions to Hate Us,”
Citizens Informer
, 32, no. 4 (July/August 2001), p. 3 (an editorial note introduces the article, stating it “does not necessarily
represent the editorial position of the
Citizens Informer
; it does, however, represent a view . . . that is too often silenced by the establishment media”).

“Public Opinion Six Months Later; Nationhood, Internationalism Lifted,” Pew Research for the People & the Press, March 7, 2002.

Robert D. Kaplan, “Looking the World in the Eye,”
The Atlantic
, December 2001; Charles Krauthammer, “The Real New World Order: The American and the Islamic Challenge,”
The Weekly Standard
, vol. 7, no. 9, November 12, 2001; David Brooks, “A Moment to Be Seized,”
The Weekly Standard
, vol. 7, no. 17, January 14, 2002.

Andrew Kohut, “The 2004 Political Landscape: Evenly Divided and Increasingly Polarized,” The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, November 5, 2003, pp. 4–36.

Haider Rizvi, “Post-Katrina Poll Finds Americans Prioritizing Poverty over Terrorism,”
Common Dreams News Center
, published on, November 26, 2005 (conducted by “New California Media, a group representing more than 700 ethnic media organizations”).

Samuel Francis, “How Do I Hate Thee? Let Me Count the Ways,”
January 2002, pp. 32–33; Philip Jenkins, “Thinking About the Fall of America,”
, January 2002, pp. 49–50.

Francis, “How Do I Hate Thee? Let Me Count the Ways”; Samuel Francis, “The Tyrant’s Lobby,”
, February 2002, pp. 35–36.

57. The Anti-immigrant Movement Blossoms

“Council News: D.C., Virginia and Maryland,”
Citizens Informer
33, no. 1 (January/February 2002 (“The National Capital Region CofCC meeting on February 21, 2002”); communication to author, report on American Renaissance conference, “In Defense of Western Man,” 2002 American Renaissance Conference, Herndon, Virginia, February 22–24, 2002.

Communication to author, report; The Cat Lady, “The Most Rational Place on Earth,”
Vanguard News Network
), accessed February 27, 2002.

Patrick J. Buchanan,
The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2002), p. 5.

Ibid., pp. 11–24; communication to author, report.

Communication to author, report; The Cat Lady, “The Most Rational Place on Earth.”

Devin Burghart, communication to author, September 2002.

Devin Burghart (unsigned), “Profile: Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC),” Building Democracy Initiative (
), accessed September 4, 2007; Max Blumenthal, “Vigilante Injustice,”, May 22, 2003, accessed December 7, 2006.

Jeff Smith, “Protect Arizona Sounds OK Till You Add People,”
Tucson Citizen
, July 7, 2004; Gill Donovan, “Arizona Bishops Oppose Proposition,”
National Catholic Reporter Online
, October 29, 2004.

Secretary of State Jan Brewer, State of Arizona, Campaign Finance, Schedule E1, In-Kind Contributions, “Protect Arizona Now,” June 30, 2004, report; Opinion (unsigned), “Support for Proposition 200 Has Its Deepest Roots Outside of Arizona,”
Arizona Republic
, September 17, 2004.

Devin Burghart (unsigned), “Protect Arizona Now Selects White Supremacist Leader to Chair National Advisory Board,”
Center for New Community
, Special Report, August 2004; Virginia Abernethy, “The Immigration Threat to Your Health and Your Pocket Book,”
Citizens Informer
33, no. 3 (May/June 2002), pp. 3, 12, 21: “Abernethy, Ph.D., is . . . on the Board of Directors of Carrying Capacity Network and a member of the
Citizens Informer
editorial advisory board.” In addition, the Council News section features photos of “Lessons of 9-11” panel with Virginia Abernethy identified as panelist; “Too Much Immigration?,” Carrying Capacity Network Advertisement,
Citizens Informer
33, no.1 (January/February 2002), p. 8.

Burghart (unsigned), “Protect Arizona Now Selects White Supremacist Leader to Chair National Advisory Board.”

“What FAIR Believes . . . One Unified American Community,” Federation for American Immigration Reform, media press release, August 9, 2004.

Yvonne Wingett, “Protect Arizona Now Adviser Denies Racism Charge,”
The Arizona Republic
, August 7, 2004.

“The Yes and No of Proposition 200—‘The Immigration Initiative’: Voters’ Opinions About Proposition 200,”
, August 2005.

Leonard Zeskind, “The New Nativism: The Alarming Overlap Between White Nationalists and Mainstream Anti-immigrant Forces,”
The American Prospect
, November 2005, pp. A15–A18; John Hawkins, “An Interview with Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO),”
Right Wing News
), accessed March 14, 2005.

Devin Burghart, Eric Ward, and Leonard Zeskind, “Nativism in the House: A Report on the House Immigration Reform Caucus,” Center for New Community, Special Report, 2007; “About Us: Proposed Agenda for the 108th Congress,” Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus (, accessed August 24, 2005.

Devin Burghart, communication to author, July 15, 2005.

58. Willis Carto and William Pierce Leave the Main Stage

San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, “Notice of Sheriff’s Sale,”
Legion for the Survival of Freedom (plaintiff) v. Willis Carto, et al. (defendant)
, February 20, 2002; “Carto Estate Auctioned for Pennies on the Dollar,” March 20, 2002 (Legion says it paid $350,000 for the property and then turned around and offered it for sale).

Leonard Zeskind, “IHR Split Reveals Corporate Misdeeds,”
, May 1994, p. 23; Leonard Zeskind, “Money Matters: Holocaust Denial Leaders Battle over Millions,”
Intelligence Report
, Southern Poverty Law Center, Summer 1997; Leonard Zeskind, “Carto Loses Another Round,”
, December 1997, p. 22; Leonard Zeskind, “Liberty Lobby Closes its Doors,
Ceases Publication,”
, September 2001, pp. 32–33.

Willis Carto, “Debtor’s Examination,” June 21, 2001,
Legion for the Survival of Freedom v. Willis Carto
, N64584.

Attorneys for Willis A. and Elisabeth Carto, “Debtors’ Schedules, Statement of Affairs, Attorney Compensation Disclosure . . . ,”
In re Willis A. Carto and Elisabeth Carto
, United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of California, signed June 19, 1998 (“On May 19, 1998, Superior Court to be residence-owners in alter-ego capacity. Debtors deny this contention”); “Order Dismissing Case For Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction,”
Hereford Corporation and Hans-Dirk Oldemeier, Plaintiffs v. Legion for the Survival of Freedom, Willis Carto and Elisabeth Carto
, United States District Court Southern District of California, 01CV2040 DTM (JFS), December 11, 2001.

“Carto Estate Auctioned for Pennies on the Dollar,” March 20, 2002 (“It is thought to be worth in excess of $600,000”); “Notice of House for Sale, Hillside Hideaway,” (this notice claimed the assessed value was $416,614).

The Barnes Review
9, no. 1 (January/February 2003);
American Free Press
1, no. 1 (August 20, 2001); James P. Tucker, Jr., “OKC Cover-Up Exploding,”
American Free Press
, May 16, 2004,

“Dr. William L. Pierce Dies, Alliance Continues,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, June 2002; Kevin Alfred Strom, “The Mission of the National Alliance,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, June 2002.

Communication to author, August 2002.

Beyond a Dead Man’s Deeds: The National Alliance After William Pierce
, A Special Report by the Center for New Community, August 2002, p. 5.


David Cay Johnston, “William Pierce, 69, Neo-Nazi Leader, Dies,”
The New York Times
, July 24, 2002.

Dennis Roddy, “Hate Was in His Blood but Not in His Genes,”
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
, August 28, 2002.

Beyond a Dead Man’s Deeds
, pp. 7–8.

“Erich Gliebe Chosen as National Alliance Chairman,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, July 2002.

59. The Penultimate Moment

Project Megiddo
, U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (“National Alliance . . . Pierce is able to provide his followers with an ideological and practical framework for committing violent acts”).

Devin Burghart, photos, video, and notes, communication to author, September 5, 2005; “Taxpayers Against Terrorism,”
National Alliance Bulletin
, August 2002, pp. 4–6.

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