Blood and Politics (111 page)

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Authors: Leonard Zeskind

Tags: #History, #United States, #General, #Social Science, #Discrimination & Race Relations

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Don Warren, “A Narrative Summary of Key Events and Personalities at the 12th IHR Conference, 3–5 September 1994,” September 1994, communication to author.

“Spirited Twelfth IHR Conference Brings Together Leading Revisionist Scholars and Activists,”
The Journal of Historical Review
; Don Warren, personal communication to author, March 19, 1994.

Frank Thompson, “IHR Pot Continues to Boil,”
The Spotlight
, August 8, 1994; John Henry, “Tough Times Ahead for Conspirators,”
The Spotlight
, January 9, 1995; Letters to the Editor,
The Barnes Review
1 (October 1994).

Stanley R. Barrett,
Is God A Racist? The Right Wing in Canada
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987), pp. 156–70.

Christof Friedrich (Zundel) and Eric Thomson,
The Hitler We Loved & Why
(White Power Publications, 1977); Christof Friedrich (Zundel), “Four Books That Shook the World,”
The Liberty Bell
, June 1976; Christof Friedrich (Zundel), “Who Is Behind Quebec Separatism,”
The Liberty Bell
, January 1977; Christof Friedrich (Zundel), “What is Samisdat,”
The Liberty Bell
, June 1977.

Michael A. Hoffman II, “Canada Ignores Civil Rights In Prosecution of Publisher,”
The Spotlight
, April 22, 1985.

Author notes of Zundel videotapes: “Revisionism 101” and “Revisionism 102.”

Deborah Lipstadt,
Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault of Truth and Memory
(New York: The Free Press, 1993), pp. 157–82; Martin A. Lee,
The Beast Reawakens
(New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1997), p. 342.

“Canada’s Top Court Rules Holocaust ‘Debunker’ Legal,” UPI, August 28, 1992; “Supreme Court of Canada: 1992 Zundel Judgement,” Analysis, Section 181: “Its History, Purpose and Ambit,” (available from Nizkor website).

Greg Raven, Introduction on Tape A140, Ernst Zundel, “New Historical Perspectives in Russia,” 12th Int’l Revisionist Conference.

Ernst Zundel, “My Impressions of the New Russia: Is a ‘National Socialist’ Russia Emerging,”
The Journal of Historical Review
(September/October 1995): 2; Serge Schmemann, “Nationalists Gain,”
The New York Times
, December 13, 1993; Carey Goldberg, “Extremist’s Triumph Frightens Supporters of Reform in Russia,”
Los Angeles Times
, December 14, 1993.

Zundel, “My Impressions of the New Russia.”

Zundel, “New Historical Perspectives in Russia,” Tape A140; Zundel, “My Impressions of the New Russia”; Don Warren, communication to author.

Don Warren, communication to author.

Mark Weber, “Who Is Ernst Zundel, and Why Is He in Jail?,” Institute for Historical Review, September 23, 2003; “Germany: Holocaust Denier Gets Five Years,”
The New York Times
, February 16, 2007.

39. Elections 1994: An Anti-immigrant Voting Bloc Emerges

Sam Howe Verhover, “Republican Tide Brings New Look to Legislatures” and “State By State: The Balance of Power,”
The New York Times
, November 12, 1994; Richard L. Berke, “Defections Among Men to G.O.P. Helped Ensure Rout of Democrats,”
The New York Times
, November 11, 1994; Michael Barone and Grant Ujifusa, “The Restoration of the Constitutional Order and the Return to Tocquevillian America,”
The Almanac of American Politics 1996
, National Journal, pp. xxiii–xxvi.

Jason F. Isaacson, “Republicans’ Sweep of the 1994 Elections and Their Agenda in the New Congress,” November 28, 1994, The American Jewish Committee.

“Portrait of the Electorate: Who Voted for Whom in the House,”
The New York Times
, November 13, 1994, p. 15.

Helen Chenoweth (R. Idaho) was first elected to Congress in 1994 with the support of militia activists and opponents of conservation measures; Steve Stockman (R. Texas—10th Dist.) was first elected with the support of the Christian right and the gun lobby in 1994.

Jeffrey M. Peyton, “Pro-Family Surge Sways Elections,”
Christian American
5, 9 (November/December 1994); “Religious-Right Candidates Gain as G.O.P. Turnout Rises,”
The New York Times
, November 12, 1994.

Richard L. Berke, “Defections Bare Fissure in G.O.P.,”
The New York Times
, November 1, 1994; Kevin Phillips, “Under the Electoral Volcano,”
The New York Times
, November 7, 1994; Isaacson, “Republicans’ Sweep of the 1994 Elections and the Agenda in the New Congress.” The split among Virginia Republicans over the Ollie North candidacy was particularly well known.

Michael Vlahos, “The New Wave: When Paradigms Collide,”
National Review
, September 26, 1994, pp. 38–46.

“Races of the Week: Metcalf vs. Swift,”
Human Events
, October 3, 1992; Metcalf lost his Washington State house seat in 1964, served in the state senate from 1966 to 1970, and won a state senate seat again in 1980.

“Fed Faces a Stiff Challenge,”
The Spotlight
, January 3 and 10, 1983, p. 6; “State Senator Campaigning Against the Federal Reserve,”
The Spotlight
, July 18, 1983; Jim Townsend, letter “To ROC Chairmen and Members,” noted that Metcalf sponsored legislation in the Washington state house to file suit against the Federal Reserve Bank, n.d.; in 1984, Metcalf became a national cochairman of Redeem Our Country; he also published a newsletter entitled “Honest Money for America.”

Robert Crawford, “Jack Metcalf: A Chenoweth at Heart? Banking Conspiracies & Native Americans Targeted,”
The Dignity Report
19, published by the Coalition for Human Dignity. Metcalf was a board member of two organizations opposed to Native Indian treaty rights, Salmon-Steelhead Preservation Action for Washington Now and United Property
Owners of Washington; Jack Metcalf, Congressional Record, May 13, 1999, p. H3155: “I urge my colleagues to join me in opposition to the renewal of [whaling] by the Makah Tribe of Northwest Washington State.”

“Metcalf to Address New Party,”
The Spotlight
, July 23, 1984, p. 29.

Jack Metcalf, speech at conference of Larry Humphreys Heritage Library, a Christian Identity establishment, September 1984, transcript made from videotape of his presentation.

Jim Simon, “Candidate Metcalf Assailed over Ties to Far Right Activist,”
The Seattle Times
, October 29, 1994; “Jack Metcalf in the 2nd,”
The Seattle Times
, November 1, 1994.

“Spotlight on People,”
The Spotlight
, December 5, 1994, p. 20.

“Judge Blocks Enactment of New Immigration Law,” Associated Press, published in
The Kansas City Star
, November 10, 1994; “CA’s Anti-Immigrant Proposition 187 is Voided, Ending State’s Five-Year Battle with ACLU, Rights Groups,” ACLU press release, July 29, 1999.

Jane Adams, “Pro. 187—What’s to Be Learned?,”
Racefile: A Project of the Applied Research Center
, January–February 1995, pp. 20–21. Adams drew from a
Los Angeles Times
exit poll.

Michael Barone and Grant Ujifusa,
Almanac of American Politics 1996
, National Journal Inc., pp. 81–82.

Doug Brugge, “Pulling Up the Ladder: The Anti-Immigrant Backlash,” In
Eyes Right! Challenging the Right Wing Backlash
, Chip Berlet, ed. (Boston: South End Press, 1995), p. 206.

Michael R. Alvarez and Tara L. Butterfield, “The Resurgence of Nativism in California? The Case of Proposition 187 and Illegal Immigration,”
Social Science Quarterly
81, no. 1 (March 2000): 167–79; M. V. Hood III and Irwin L. Morris, “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? Racial/Ethnic Context and the Anglo Vote on Proposition 187,”
Social Science Quarterly
81, no. 1 (March 2000): 194–206; Caroline J. Tolbert and Robert E. Hero, “Race/Ethnicity and Direct Democracy: An Analysis of California’s Illegal Immigration Initiative,”
Journal of Politics
(1996): 58:806–18; Susan Welch and Lee Sigelman, “Getting to Know You? Latino-Anglo Social Contact,”
Social Science Quarterly
81, no. 1 (March 2000). It is important to note that there was diversity of opinion among these studies.

Hood III and Morris, “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” p. 203. Hood and Morris also cited a study by Jack Citron of “The Official English Movement” published in
Western Political Quarterly
43 that supported similar results.

Alvarez and Butterfield, “The Resurgence of Nativism in California?,” p. 168.

Ibid., pp. 174–77.

Tolbert and Hero, “Race/Ethnicity and Direct Democracy: An Analysis of California’s Illegal Immigration Initiative.”

Hood and Morris, “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?,” pp. 201–203.

Sam Francis, “Racialpolitik,” in
Revolution from the Middle
, p. 216. In the same commentary Francis adds, “The vote for Proposition 187 goes far to relegitimize the racial aspect of American identity.”

“Populist Tally 231,000 Votes in Chicago,”
Populist Observer
, December 1994, p. 6; “Record Number of Populist Party Candidates in 1994,”
Populist Observer
, September 1994, p. 6.

40. The Bell Curve: Legitimizing Scientific Racism

Seymour Martin Lipset and Earl Raab,
The Politics of Unreason: Right-Wing Extremism in America 1790–1970
(New York: Harper & Row Publishers), pp. 252, 265–66; Arnold Forster and Benjamin Epstein,
Danger on the Right: The Attitudes, Personnel and Influence of the Radical Right and Extreme Conservatives
(New York: Random House, 1964), pp. 248–49.

Revilo P. Oliver, “Dear Colonel Dall,” letter, December 17, 1970.

Robert S. Griffin,
The Fame of a Dead Man’s Deeds: An Up-Close Portrait of White Nationalist William Pierce
, pp. 137–38.

Since Oliver’s death, collections of his writings have been posted on the Internet at

Kirsten Kaiser Strom, speech,
The Revilo P. Oliver Memorial Symposium
, November 19, 1994.

Sam Dickson, letter of invitation to memorial, November 8, 1994.

Author, notes and transcription,
The Revilo P. Oliver Memorial Symposium
, Videotapes 1, 2, and 3, National Vanguard Books Item no. 625; memorial at Jumer’s Castle Lodge, Urbana, Illinois, November 19, 1994.

Ibid., Tape 3.

Author, notes and transcription,
The Revilo P. Oliver Memorial Symposium
, David Duke, Tape 3.



Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray,
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
(New York: The Free Press, 1994); Stefan Kuhl,
The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism and German National Socialism
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1994).

William Henry III, “Born Gay?,”
, July 26, 1993, pp. 36–41; “Debate: Is Homosexuality Biologically Influenced?,”
Scientific American
, May 1994.

Robert Wright, “The Biology of Violence,”
The New Yorker
, March 13, 1995, pp. 69–77.

Tom Morgenthau, “IQ: Is It Destiny,”
, October 24, 1994, pp. 53–55.

“The Negro,”
Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911
, reprinted in Russell Jacoby and Naomi Glauberman,
The Bell Curve Debate: History, Documents, Opinions
(New York: Times Books, 1995), p. 439.


Tom W. Smith, “Public Opinion on Race and Affirmative Action, Table 7,” National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, report prepared for the Southern Regional Council, December 1996.

Jason DeParle, “An Architect of the Reagan Vision Plunges into Inquiry on Race and IQ,”
The New York Times
, November 30, 1990; Charles Murray,
Losing Ground: American Social Policy 1950–1980
(New York: Basic Books, 1984).

DeParle, “An Architect of the Reagan Vision Plunges into Inquiry on Race and IQ.”

“In America IQ Is Not Destiny,” unsigned editorial,
, October 31, 1994, reprinted in
The Bell Curve Debate: History, Documents, Opinions

“O Tempora, O Mores! Breakthrough on Race?,”
American Renaissance
, December 1994, p. 8.

41. The Oklahoma City Bomb and Its Immediate Aftermath

“This Doesn’t Happen Here,”
, May 1, 1995; “Oklahoma Bombing Survivors Plan to Sue U.S.,”
The New York Times
, March 20, 1997 (this article cites “more than 500 hurt”); Jo Thomas, “Bomb Trial Goes Swiftly,”
The New York Times
, May 9, 1997 (this article cites 850 wounded, but the precise number of wounded victims was never established in court); Larry Mackey, “Closing Argument for the prosecution in the trial of Timothy McVeigh,”
United States of America v. Timothy James McVeigh
, 96-CR-60, May 29, 1997 (cited evidence introduced during the trial of four thousand pounds of fertilizer purchased by McVeigh and Nichols, but the exact size of the bomb was never precisely established).

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