Blood and Bone: (Royal Blood #6) (3 page)

BOOK: Blood and Bone: (Royal Blood #6)
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Moltke smiled like he knew the punch line to a joke that hadn’t been told yet. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

He holstered his gun and shoved mine down the waistband of his trousers before striding from the room.

The door slammed shut, leaving Lorelei and I alone and one hundred percent up shit creek. I began to wish I had my old life back when I was with Royal Blood…even the early days with Mercy at the cottage. That life was simple and straightforward, nothing like the game of chess that was working for Intelligence.

“You thought what we went through was bad,” Lorelei rasped from her corner.

I turned with a frown. “He’s—”

“Coo-coo,” she interrupted, sounding delirious.

“How are you even here?” I asked, curling my fingers around the bars separating us. “Vaughn is gone. I thought you’d be with him.”

She straightened up, but the movement was stiff. “
He’s alive?

I nodded, running my gaze over her wrapped up body. “Mercy and I got him out,” I mouthed, pointing to the roof where CCTV cameras and listening devices were operational.

Her gaze flickered to the ceiling before returning to mine. She nodded once to let me know she understood.

“I was tying up loose ends,” she said. “Your friend managed to tail me and knocked me out. Then I was here.”

“Did he do that to you?” I asked, not bothering to try to talk in any code. If I got out of here, then Mercy and I would be disappearing. There was no more Section Seven or MI6 for us. It was nothing but the wind.

Lorelei nodded. “He’s been beating me and withholding food. I haven’t been able to fight back since he keeps sticking me with a syringe. He’s been asking all kinds of strange questions…” She sighed like the effort of talking was draining her energy to zero.

“Questions?” I asked, leaning my forehead against the bars. “What could he possibly want to know?”

“He wanted to know…” She trailed off and shrugged. “He wanted to know about Lafayette. What he did to me.”

Grinding my teeth, I slammed my palm against the bars in frustration.

“I feel like he’s recreating something,” she went on.

“Recreating?” I asked, not knowing what the fuck was happening anymore.

“Sometimes he calls me Vesper.”

Who the fuck was Vesper?
I shook my head and began pacing, my thoughts going to Mercy. She was in danger, and I could do nothing to warn her. When I didn’t come back, she’d assume I was out on another shit-kicking mission. She’d come into Section Seven in the morning and walk right into a hornet’s nest.

Glancing at Lorelei, who’d sunk back into her corner and closed her eyes, I knew I had to get us both the fuck out of here. If I didn’t, we were both going to wind up at the bottom of the Thames with concrete blocks on our feet.

I didn’t know what the fuck Moltke’s problem was, but he needed to be held accountable.

Turning on my heel, I continued my pacing, working out all the pieces of the puzzle in my mind. I’d get us out of here if it was the last thing I did. It wasn’t just us in here, Mercy’s life—and probably Mei’s—was on the line, too.

Fucking Moltke.

Chapter 3

couldn’t sleep
without X.

I didn’t like to define myself through the need to be with a man, but X was different. He was an extension of my soul, and his absence was felt. I didn’t even know how I went through life without him. That emptiness I’d always felt inside was probably waiting for his arrival. Who knew what anything meant anymore.

I spent the day at the gym, pushing myself to my limits before going back to our apartment and flaking out. Even though I was depleted from my workout, I still couldn’t fall asleep.

It was five a.m. when I finally admitted defeat and seven by the time I alighted at Bank Tube station on my final approach to a day sitting in a two-by-four cubicle studying boring operation reports and procedures.

Walking into the office, I saw that I was one of a few overenthusiastic agents who’d already shown up for another day in Her Majesty’s service…and I doubted it was because they couldn’t sleep. Some agents lived and breathed this shit to the point they may as well sleep underneath their desks. Unlike X and me, most were estranged from their families or had no attachments to speak of. It was easier, albeit lonely, that way.

There was a strange buzz in the air. Glancing around the floor, nothing looked out of the ordinary, but it was there, just underneath the surface of my skin…

Noticing the light was on in Jackson’s workroom, I wandered over to see what he was up to so I could avoid the soul sucking paper pushing for another half an hour.

“Hey,” I said, wandering into the room.

Jackson glanced up from his work and smiled. “Hey, Mercy,” he said. “You’re early.”

“I was about to say the same thing to you.”

“Freddy is teething,” he said like I’d understand. “He’s screaming the house down.” Freddy was his youngest son at about two years, and his eldest, Benjamin, was seven.

“So you leave your wife to come in here for some peace and quiet?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

“I’m in so much trouble when I get home.”

I perched on the edge of Jackson’s workstation and watched as he soldered a tiny wire inside a tiny bug. When I said it was a bug, it was a plastic cockroach that I knew he was dying to make a joke about.
A bug, get it?
I smiled and waited for the punch line.

“What’s that, J?” I asked, swinging my legs back and forth.

Jackson glanced up from his work and grinned. “It’s a
. Get it? A bug
in the bug

I laughed and turned my attention to the office beyond. Something odd still prickled underneath my skin, and I wasn’t so sure pinning it on being earlier than usual was the culprit.

“Have you seen X about?” I asked.

“Mr. Blood? Not since yesterday.” Why Jackson still called X ‘Mr. Blood’ was beyond me. Sometimes, his anxiety got the better of him despite the superstar IQ he sported. “He went somewhere with Mr. Moltke, and then I didn’t see him after that.”

I frowned. “He went somewhere with the boss man? Do you know where that might be?”

Jackson shrugged and turned back to his work. “Downstairs, I think.”

‘Downstairs’ was the slang we used for the holding cells. They were on a lower level, but it was a euphemism for being six-feet under. Section Seven didn’t have much need to detain targets, but when they did, it was down there in the pit. Once they were in, there was no way out. No one had staged a successful breakout, either. I wondered who the guest of honor was if Moltke had called on X.

“Who’s down there?” I asked, fishing to see what else Jackson knew. Not a lot probably, but it was worth a try.

“I don’t know, but it’s probably need to know.” He shrugged. “I’m just the tech guy.”

“Is Mei in?”

“Not until tomorrow.”

I grunted and turned my attention back to the office. If Moltke took X downstairs, and neither of them had been seen since… My hackles began to rise, and I slid off the edge of the workstation.

“I’ll catch you later, J,” I said absently and strolled out into the general populous of Section Seven.

Something wasn’t right. I’d bet my left leg on it. We had a lot of things to hide from Moltke, X more than me, but what we did for Vaughn was pretty much treason. If Moltke had found out what we’d done and had gotten to X, then I was next.

Sauntering through the rows of desks, I pressed the down button on the bank of elevators and shoved my hands into my pockets, the picture of nonchalance. A spy in the midst of a nest of spies. I guess that was the thing about our kind, the last place we expected to be double-crossed was at ground zero.

When the elevator arrived, I stepped inside and pressed the button for the dreaded ‘Downstairs’. The doors slid shut, and the car began to descend. I’d just sweet-talk my way inside and check to see if X was there. If he wasn’t… No harm, no foul. If he was, then that was another story entirely.

The elevator doors slid open with a ding, and I stepped out into the hall. I expected to be greeted by a surly guard who would bark ‘
Who goes there?
’ at me, but when I saw a body on the concrete floor, I hesitated.

I didn’t have to check his pulse. A pool of blood had congealed below his prone body, dark and sticky, scenting the air with a copper tang. A knife protruded from his neck, his attacker not even bothering to take it out. The poor fucker had bled out slowly, not even able to call for help.

I glanced up to say a little prayer, and that’s when I saw the block of C-4 explosives stuck to the wall. The red LED display read seven minutes and counting. 6:59… 6:58…

. Kneeling beside the fallen guard, I rifled through his pockets until I found the encoded keys that would get me inside the holding cells.
I had to check if X was in there

Swiping the card through the reader, the light flashed green, and I shoved my way inside. As soon as I stepped into the clinical room, I felt his presence. It drew me forward like a magnet, and my heart began to race even faster as his gaze met mine.

,” X exclaimed, wrapping his hands around the bars.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?” I asked, shoving the key in the lock. Unlike the first, it was an electronic skeleton key, encoded to each cell. I had to insert the column into the mechanism and turn. There was a click, and I wrenched the door open.

“Moltke,” he replied, taking the keys from me.

That’s when I saw who was in the cell next to him, and my heart skipped several beats. “

She just stared at me, her eyes glassy. She looked like shit.

“X,” I said as he unlocked her cell. “The guard is dead. That’s how I got the keys.”

“What?” He frowned, looking totally perplexed.

“We need to get out of here,” I said, urging him to hurry up. “There’s a block of C-4 on the wall… With about six minutes and counting down on the timer.”

,” X cursed and scooped Lorelei up into his arms.

“What?” Lorelei stirred, suddenly realizing something was happening.

“I told you I’d get you out of here,” X murmured to her as I ushered them forward.

The hall was empty, the block of C-4 still stuck to the wall like a spitball of death, the timer counting down to boom time.

X set Lorelei on the floor, leaning her back against the wall. Inspecting the wiring looping in and out of the explosives, he shook his head. “I can’t deactivate it. It’s on a loop, and if I break the circuit…”

. I’d been through ballistics training. I knew the amount of C-4 on this wall was enough to blow out a support beam of a building about the size of the one we currently stood in.

“There’s no telling how many others are set,” X went on, mirroring the conclusion I was coming to myself. “I could get one, but the others…” Because there wouldn’t be just one down here. There’d be others set around the building. Someone was trying to bring down Section Seven…

,” I said, my heart beginning to thump wildly in my chest.

“We need to get out of the building,” he commanded, picking up Lorelei again. “

We stepped into the elevator and I thumped the button for the ground level. I’d have to pull the alarm on the way out. In the event of an emergency, the elevators were shut down, and they were the only way to access the lower levels. We had to get to the ground floor before I could raise the alarm, or we’d be blown into itty-bitty pieces.

“X,” I said as the car began to rise. “We don’t—”

“Don’t say it, Mercy,” he snapped, interrupting me.

We didn’t have enough time to get anyone out.

“It was Moltke, wasn’t it?” I asked instead as the numbers on the display ticked over.



“We’ll figure it out if we can get out of here,” he shot back as the doors slid open with a cheery ding that was totally out of place considering our predicament.

Launching myself out of the elevator, I almost slammed headfirst into Jackson.

“Oh, hey,” he said. “I’m just going out for a kebab. Can I get you guys anything?”

There was no time to ask him why he thought a kebab at nine a.m. was a good idea. Grabbing his arm, I wrenched him toward the door, pulling the fire alarm. Klaxons and wailing began to go off, but deep down, I knew it wouldn’t be enough.

” Jackson exclaimed, his gaze flicking from me to the fire alarm, to X, and finally to Lorelei. “What—”

Without breaking stride, I pushed him out the security entrance and into the misty London rain. “

He stumbled, still unaware of the danger he was in. Fisting my hand around his tie, I pulled him along behind me as we sprinted down the alley and around the corner. Behind us, Lorelei bounced in X’s arms as we tried to get clear of the blast radius.

A deafening
split the air, sending debris flying, and an unbelievable heat seared my back as I flung myself over Jackson. We fell in a heap on the footpath, huddled just around the corner—I hoped it was far enough to get out of this alive. Didn’t matter the condition as long as we were still breathing when the dust settled.

Lorelei landed beside me, and X curled his body over hers as glass and rubble exploded over us.

Time seemed to slow down as hellfire rained down on our backs, debris opening hundreds of tiny cuts in my clothes and tearing into the skin below. Rock pounded against my flesh, bruising right to my bones. It seemed to go on forever, and I found myself praying for an end to the carnage.

My ears rang, the sounds of passersby running and screaming on mute as I shoved myself to my knees. Traffic had come to a standstill. Cars and buses had crashed into each other, and some had even borne the brunt of flying masonry. I’d seen a building blown up before—X had leveled Lafayette’s wine bar in Paris—but there hadn’t been any bodies then. I couldn’t think about that…I couldn’t think about it, or I’d never be able to get up.

Jackson stirred beneath me, his clothes covered in dust and grime. I fell back against the wall behind me and thanked fucking God that the stupid bank next door had walls strong enough to protect us from most of the blast.

I slapped X on the arm, and he knelt before me. Holding my face in his hands, he placed a hard kiss against my lips.
He was okay. I was okay.

, I mouthed.

X nodded.
She’s okay

Knowing his ears were probably ringing just as bad as mine were, I got out my phone and tapped in a message, my hands shaking.
Lorelei needs to get out of here before the emergency services arrive
. Turning the screen to him, he nodded again and took the phone from me.

His message was simple.
The cottage

I nodded and deleted the text. X pointed to me, then to Jackson, then to himself and Lorelei. He’d take care of her, and I’d take care of him.

He turned to Lorelei and scooped her emancipated body into his arms before pushing to his feet and disappearing into the haze.

“Jackson,” I said, my voice still muffled. My hearing was starting to come back, but that god-awful ringing was still there.

His hand came down on my shoulder as he climbed to his feet. Wobbling, he leaned against the wall and wiped the dust from his face. His forehead was bright with blood, the color looking odd against the ashen color of his skin.

He stumbled forward, making his way toward the place where Section Seven used to be.

Jackson, wait!
” I called out as I scurried to my feet, but he didn’t stop. Following his path, I climbed over a pile of rubble and came to a halt, my gaze colliding with what was left of the Section Seven headquarters.

I felt sick.

Jackson’s mouth fell open, and he began to shake as he stared at the destruction. “

Most of the building had come down, the insides of the east wall still intact with filing cabinets and desks perched precariously over the smoking crater. It was a full-scale war zone.

The work day had been well under way, the offices full of agents and clerks going about their jobs, sacrificing their happiness for the greater good…
There had to have been two hundred people in there.

I was too late.
I couldn’t save them.

Color and beauty, color and beauty,
color and beauty

Sirens wailed in the background as the cavalry swarmed toward us. I reached out for something to hold onto before I fell and found Jackson’s hand.

“A kebab saved my life,” he declared. “
A fucking kebab.

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