Blonde Fury (17 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Blonde Fury
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The compere’s voice boomed and rolled around the stadium whil
e Ace and her companions strapped
on their
skates, their
forearm guards and slipped their gum shields in. Beside her Tracey gave her a nervous smile. Some cameras closed in on them as they sat with arms across thighs, legs carelessly open and Tracey
, with a mischievous grin,
gave them a joggle of her heavy breasts. Immediately the image was relayed on the giant monitor screens and the noise increased even more.

Behind them the two trainers tossed a coin and Holroyd won.

“Right, we’re going on the offensive first off,” he told
the guards
, shouting over the continual cheering for the
Wranglers; the home team, and Ace and her part of the team stood up and skated onto the track. The crowd noise died down as
on the opposite straight
the opposition’s defensive team took up station.

The starting pistol cracked and both teams took off, racing to get up to speed as fast as possible. But once they were moving smoothly, the defence were content to slow down and string themselves out across the track. As they came up to the second bend on the steep banking, Ace bent down and held her arms out. Two team mates grabbed them and accelerated down onto the straight, then swung her forward with all their might. Ace crouched low and aimed for two Wranglers on the outside of the track, they half turned to see her
coming and tried to lash out at her instead of holding onto each other’s arms to bar her way. She was able to surge upwards and dig her elbows into their stomachs, then accelerate away as her team mates went low and got crotch holds to throw them over the railings and off the track.

With only eight defenders left, Ace weaved and dodged until she got an ope
ning and went through unopposed
. Leaving the others to grapple with them, she spun around and glided backwards, her tiny skirt wrapping itself lovingly around her buttocks and making for a nice image on the monitors that she caught out of the corner of her eye. But back down the track, Tracey had taken delivery of the ball and the minute they were back on a straight she let it fly, straight and true into Ace’s hands.

Meanwhile four of the remaining Wranglers had got together and were beating up two of the Proteus girls on the railings. With one pass safely delivered the rest of the Proteus offensive team went to the rescue and had a scrap that resulted in a couple of split lips and which needed a
referee to skate on and break
up with his crop wielded across the girls’ thighs.

They made five more passes quite easily before the siren went for the end of the jam and the offensive and defensive teams swapped over. The Wranglers
’ offenc
e was much more effective than their defence had b
een and despite the Proteus team
’s best efforts, six passes got through.

Holroyd told Ace and her colleagues
to concentrate on taking out as many players as they could in the next jam.

“There’s four more sets to go. Start getting rid of them and we’ll score more on the offence than they can!” he told them
, in the heat of the moment actually talking to them

When Ace and her team skated on
the Wranglers

defence was
back up to strength. But instead of trying to get Ace through to the front, the girls worked in two groups of five and fell onto two pairs as soon as they caught them up. They had the element of surprise and all four were thrown screaming from the track at the highest point of its banking. Ace and Tracey and three of the others managed to trap two more of the Wranglers up against the railings on the straight and they swung their forearms joyfully into soft female flesh as the crowd booed and bayed but loved the huge images of breasts being flattened and rebounding and girls’ thighs pumping and fists swinging. By the time the referee b
eat them apart, only two of the Wranglers
were standing and they wer
e both cut above the eyes. T
of those
who had been flung out managed to get back but were groggy and ten passes were completed against a depleted defence.

The Wranglers responded in kind and the Proteus team lost three girls and conceded nine passes. In the third set the defence set out to get Ace.
As the Proteus team came up behind them, expecting to go through the usual passing manoeuvres, the whole of the Wrangler defence turned and closed in on Ace and the two girls who had been going to whip her through. Ace’s world suddenly became a whirlwind of fists and knees and forearm guards. Her head was knocked from side to side. Her feet were kicked from under her and she lunged desperately for the railings. A girl who went down in this melee was unlikely to take any further part in the Derby. She just made it as a fist came down on the back of her head, a hand slipped between her thighs and her world spun sickeningly, only stopping when she hit something so hard it knocked the wind from her. Instantly she was rolling around and gasping and whooping for breath, only dimly realising she was on the matting that lay outside the track. Retching and panting she got to her hands and knees, aware that
back on the track her team would be
running out o
f circuits to complete passes in. Blindly she staggered forwards and collided with one of the posts holding up the banking but she tottered on and gradually gathered her senses as she passed under the banking, hearing the thun
der of skates above her
. With her head clearing
, she ran
clumsily in her skates
through the infield and jumped back onto the track in the midst of her remaining team
. Tracey grabbed her arm and together they accelerated and gathered another of their girls. The three of them j
oined hands and closed on a trio
of Wrangler girls, the
went low and took them behind the knees, then stood up as they hit. The girls described perfect backward somersaults and came down heavily
on their fronts
to lie where they fell. On the screens instant replays of the flying bodies
and deliciously squashed breasts
lit up the night
. But there were only two circuits left and Ace’s left eye was closing rapidly. Tracey sent down two passes but she could only complete on one.

In the infield the stable vet worked hard to cool Ace’s eye and keep the swelling down. She checked her over as well and said there was nothing broken and Ace heard her trainer say that three of the Wranglers

defenders were out of contention.

Which was just as well. The Wrangler offence put another ten past the Proteus defence.

With her bad eye, Ace dropped two passes in the next jam but with only seven defenders to compete against they managed ten and still took out another girl. Holroyd risked playing an offence girl to make up for a lost defender in the next jam and they kept the score down to five.

But in the final set the Wranglers played the same card and risked everything by making up defence numbers from the offence team – it meant girls had to skate two jams consecutively but it was a ploy that sometimes worked. In this case they came for Ace again. But this time Tracey and the others were ready for it and closed ranks in time. The fight was a rolling mass of kicking screaming girls intent on avoiding their owners’ whips. Hair was pulled, nails raked and the crowd loved it. Ace forgot about passes, all that mattered was getting rid of the opposition. She got one against the railings and began using her forearm guards to batter her breasts until she had to turn away and then she could reach under her and tip her over, lo
ving the feel of the soft labia
against her fingers as she did so.
But before she could turn and skate on, someone got her left nipple and twisted savagely. She screamed and chopped down to remove the grip but hurt herself even more in doing so.
It distracted her for an instant and s
he felt her hair grabbed and again she was
between the legs and thrown in her turn but managed to roll with it this time. It was on a straight so there was not much height to fall from and she was able to vault straight back over the railings and plant her skates firmly on the breasts of a Wrangler girl who was about to finish off Tracey who was bent double and nursing her groin in front of her.

Bruised and damaged, the offence team made only four passes after that.

Holroyd’s face was grim. The home team only needed to complete on two passes to win. There were
only seven
girls on the Proteus
team who could
still skate
. Ace counted eight Wranglers able to c
arry on in offence. She felt Holroyd’s
hand on her shoulder a
she swilled out her mouth and watched the pink
water sink into the sand.

I’m calling a battle royal for the last jam. Take out their receiver if you can!” he said and was gone. Ruefully she wiped her small towel down her front, wincing at the stinging from the cuts she had sustained. A battle royal! She hadn’t been in one of those for a long time. There was an argument going on between the referees and the Huston trainer but Holroyd was within his rights. A battle royal could be called at any stage, but it was usually on the final jam and it meant that both teams could field every girl who could still stand
– even if that meant that both teams had more than ten slaves playing
. The crowd cheered as it was announced. There were going to be some fine fights now.

Ace looked across to the Wranglers team and noted the tall black haired girl who was her opposite number. The girl looked back at her and sneered. The receivers were always the tallest girls in a team so they both knew what they were looking at. Ace made the
forked finger
gesture of having her eyes on her and the girl just beckoned her on. Then the siren sounded and she had to summon up
last shreds of energy and skate on. Holroyd had weeded out
the most dazed, bruised and exhausted girls and fielded twelve in total. The Wranglers had fourteen but Ace could see that two of those were limping badly. Her opposite number was still moving freely and didn’t look to be carrying any injury.

The starting pistol cracked and the girls skated away, the Wrangler team coming up from behind. Their receiver was positioned in the middle of their pack and in between the fighting, they would try and sneak her through to get the final passes away. At the end of the first lap they made their move. It was a simple mass charge. All fourteen girls in a close huddle tried to batter their way through. Handicapped by having to skate backwards at times, the Proteus girls struggled to contain them. But one girl managed to get a leg between the legs of a Wrangler and bring her down, she took several others with her in the scrum and they wasted valuable time sorting themselves out while the Proteus girls took advantage and engaged in single fights to try and eliminate more players.
The Wrangler receiver was first up out of the writhing mass of girls and with a face like thunder headed straight for Ace. She spun on her skates as the girl arrived and threw her against the railings. She went into them face first and Ace skated up behind, flicked her little skirt up and spanked her bottom before she could get off them. The crowd howled in protest and the girl went mad, chasing after Ace with murder in her eyes. Ace let her come again and ducked as she swung a punch. The girl’s long thighs were right in front of her face and, in different circumstances, she would have liked to investigate further, but here and now there was work to be done. She grabbed them and hoisted, then flung her away before she could lose her
balance. S
he had flung her towards the in
field and as Ace glided up the banking for the next corner, she saw the girl helplessly spin on her bottom down across the smooth wood of the track and sail into the trainer’s area, scattering bottles and towels all around her.

forwards again and pumped her tired legs, keeping low to avoid the other fights going on. She sped along the next straight, dodged low on the next banking to avoid Tracey who was being held by two Wranglers and punched by a third
and made for the straight again. Her enemy was just getting back onto the track and struggling to get up speed.
She was bent forwards and p
umping her arms to get up speed, her little skirt fluttered at her bottom, emphasising
nakedness rat
her than covering anything. Her buttocks
quivered and rippled as she skated making an enticing target.
Ace came down on her at full tilt and
landed another full bloode
d smack on the girl’s
then she
elled on her skates
and grabbed a breast with her right hand and clenched hard
Her left hand took the girl between her legs and then she heaved her up and threw
her bodily back towards the in
There was a delicious feeling of softness
from the girl’s well lubricated cunt
There was a scream and she was gone, helplessly skidding on her front across the polished wood of the track, she tumbled
eadfirst back into the in
field, ploughing through the benches th
is time, her long legs briefly scissoring
in the air
as she somersaulted amid the debris
and as Ace glided up the banking and looked back, she was making no move to rise. But that didn’t mean game over. There would be another girl who would practise receiving in case of such an emergency. Tracey had gone down and in some ways that made life easier, she couldn’
t be distracted by
concern for
. She kicked off from the top of the banking and went looking to stop the Wranglers making the winning passes.

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