Blonde and Blue (11 page)

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Authors: Trina M Lee

BOOK: Blonde and Blue
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Everything was a blur as he intruded upon the scene. The breath was crushed from me when he threw me against the far wall. I slid to the floor but was quickly on my feet. I was stunned by the energy wall he put between us.

“I knew this would happen. It always takes you. There is no fighting the bloodlust once it’s in you.” He crouched beside the woman, but his eyes were on me.

“Think you can hold me?” I taunted, testing the resistance of his barrier. Sharing power didn’t mean we couldn’t turn that power on each other. Our bond was a double-edged sword. In a true face off, Arys would be my greatest foe simply because he was a part of me.

“I shouldn’t have to, Alexa. I’m intervening because I know if you were in your right mind, that’s what you’d want.” He concentrated on the unconscious woman, and the room filled with warm, healing energy. “You’re no different than any vampire now.”

I ran my hands along the energy wall blocking my path. When I focused hard, I could see it shimmering with flecks of gold and blue, the colors of our two auras. Arys was using my own power against me, and it was working. If I hadn’t been high as a kite on sex, blood and power, that would have frightened me.

The palms of my hands tingled. I was sure I could manipulate his barrier and bend it to my will, but my concentration was scattered. Arys picked the woman up and, with an exasperated eye roll directed at me, carried her from the washroom. Moments later, the barrier dropped.

A look in the mirror had me shrinking back in horror. Blood stained my hands and face. Scarlet smears ran around my mouth, up the side of my face and even in my hair. Even as I stood there staring into my unnaturally blue eyes, I licked the blood from my fingers. Seeing my brown eyes all wolf had taken years to adjust to. I doubted that I’d ever get used to seeing Arys’ midnight blue eyes on me.

I understood completely why Shaz had such a hard time looking at me like this; I looked like something straight out of a horror movie. My ash blond hair was a wild, blood-flecked mess. I sobered as I stared at my reflection. After what felt like a long time, I turned on the tap and washed the blood from my face and hands.

Arys was right. I couldn’t keep fighting this. I needed to hunt, to feast and to kill. The hunger haunted me all the time now. Try as I might to fight the urge, it wasn’t going away.

An eerie giggle spilled from between my lips. It echoed in the silence of the washroom. I felt amazing even after just a taste of her. I wanted to run through the forest so fast that my paws barely touched the ground. I suddenly couldn’t wait to be wolf. At least in the confines of the forest, I couldn’t hurt anybody.

Chapter Eight



I didn’t see Arys when I left the bathroom. I kept my eyes on the front exit and forced my feet to keep moving. Shaz was having a heated exchange with a vampire I didn’t recognize. He was right up in Shaz’ face, demanding entry to the club.

I didn’t know or care what reason Shaz had for refusing. That was good enough for me. I held up a hand on my way past and blasted the vampire in the chest with a shot of the tightly wound energy burning its way through me.

“Beat it!” The blow threw him back out into the parking lot. I didn’t bother to glance his way. If he made any more trouble, I would kill him.

I needed a few moments alone in the night air to get a grip on myself. I walked quickly through the parking lot to my car, passing Kale’s along the way. I did a double take. When did Kale arrive? Thank God he hadn’t seen me and Arys getting it on inside.

My hand went to the bite on my neck and Arys’ ‘
Let’s hope so
’ comment rang in my ears. He’d bitten me for Kale’s benefit. That was a whole new jealous low for Arys. He’d never admit any such thing though.

Kale hadn’t been in the club, which meant he was in the back, in his personal room. I could just imagine what he was up to, probably with some woman. No imagining! Whatever Kale was up to, I didn’t need to think about it, and I didn’t want to know.

 As I drew closer to my car, I got the feeling that I was being watched. I didn’t feel a close presence though. Whoever it was, they were a good distance away. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone or anything else tonight. Just to be safe, I cast a power circle around me. Nobody would get close without walking into it and ending up on their ass.

I unlocked my car with the key remote and glanced inside before opening the door, a habit I’d started when I first got my license. Too many late night movies featuring a creep waiting in the backseat had permanently instilled that caution in the back of my mind. The car was clear. Nobody was around. Still, something felt all wrong.

I opened the driver’s door, and the white envelope sitting on the seat affirmed my unease. Both my name and Arys’ was scrawled on the front in handwriting that was barely legible. I reached for my cell phone first, finding it untouched. Knowing that I was being watched from a distance, I grabbed the envelope, relocked the car and turned to go back into the club. Whatever was inside that envelope, I wasn’t looking at it with an unseen audience.

“Take a break?” I whispered to Shaz upon re-entering the building. After a few words to Shawn, another security guy, Shaz followed me through the lobby. I searched for Arys, spotting him near the dance floor enjoying the attention of two women fawning over him. He looked my way almost as if I’d called his name. I gestured for him to join me and continued on to the back hall.

I didn’t believe there was anything truly dangerous inside the envelope. I sensed nothing unnatural inside. Still, better safe than sorry. I’d rather open it in a private, quiet area. No matter what it was, it wasn’t good. I knew that without a doubt.

Stepping through the door into the back hall made me uneasy. I automatically shielded my presence so that the vampires consorting with their blood whores back there wouldn’t sense me, Kale included. Shaz was right behind me, concern etched on his face.

“What’s going on, Lex?”

I turned the envelope over in my hands. “Someone was in my car. No damage or any sign of a break in. It was just sitting there on the driver’s seat.”

His gaze swept over me, and he wrinkled his nose. “Why is there human blood in your hair?”

“I had a little incident in the washroom with a bleeding woman. Nothing to worry about.” I was relieved when Arys joined us, preventing me from having to explain further. I held up the envelope for him to see. “Someone left this in my car. They were watching me.”

Folding his arms across his chest, Arys nodded. “Open it.”

My hands shook slightly when I tore it open. A photo was inside and nothing more. I pulled it out and felt the blood rush from my face. It was a surveillance photo of Lena, the older human witch that Kale and I worked with. I considered her a close friend, family even.

The picture showed her crossing the parking lot of her apartment building, completely unaware that she was being watched. An address and a time were written on the back of the photo. I didn’t need it spelled out any more clearly.

“Is this how they get your attention? By threatening innocent people before they’ve even spoken to you?” Shaz looked disgusted.

Arys shrugged and took the picture from me for a closer look. “I’m actually a little surprised that’s all they did. Makes sense that they would use one of your human friends as a way of making sure we’ll show up.”

Shaz was quickly going from disgusted to livid. “You’re not going without me.”

“What about Lena?” I looked to Arys for answers. “Will they hurt her?”

A shadow passed behind his eyes, and my stomach dropped. “Not right away. They just want you to know that they can and will if you don’t play along.”

A scream rang out from down the hall, causing me to jump. It was quickly followed by a high-pitched giggle, and I shuddered. Good Lord, don’t let that have come from Kale’s room. Shaz frowned, but Arys was completely unaffected.

“What I find interesting is that they want you to meet them in a public place.” A small smile played about Arys’ lips. “They chose neutral ground because all they want to do is talk. This time. I have a feeling they are looking for ways to deal with us without it becoming a power struggle. Which is why they targeted Lena. They weaken you because of an emotional tie. They don’t need to have more power than us to do that.”

“Can’t argue with that logic.” Shaz ran a hand through his platinum hair. “I’d do the same thing.”

I nodded and paced a few feet away then back again. “So would I. But, Lena has nothing to do with this. It’s not fair.”

“Anything to make you squirm, my dear. The biggest mistake you can make right now is to show fear. And, don’t even think of rushing over to Lena’s. I guarantee they have someone watching her in case you do.” Arys glanced at the address on the photo. “We’ll meet them and settle this. Don’t worry about Lena.”

“Shit! That’s three days away still.” I wanted to punch something. The wall wouldn’t be satisfying enough. I couldn’t hurt it.

Arys was utterly calm, the polar opposite of the storm of panic and rage swirling inside me. “They want to draw it out so you agonize about it. Don’t bother. They won’t do a damn thing yet. We’ll meet them. They’ll toss threats and demands at us, and we’ll kill them. Or, something like that.”

A door creaked open down the hall, and I knew without looking it was Kale’s. Both Arys and Shaz turned toward the sound. I waited, sensing Kale’s approach though he moved in graceful silence. I shielded hard, unwilling to touch the metaphysical fire that warmed me as he drew near.

“What’s going on?”

Arys passed him the photo, and I held my breath, waiting for Kale’s reaction. I was relieved to see that he wasn’t strung out on a blood binge. He peered at both sides of the picture, and a frown furrowed his brow.

“I’m coming with you.” Kale’s tone left no room for argument.

I nodded but said nothing. Instead I called Jez. “Do me a favor Jezzy? Call Lena and make small talk. Just make sure she answers and she’s safe. Don’t let on that you’re checking up on her. I’ll call you back in a bit and fill you in.”

  After hanging up, I let my gaze travel over the guys. I found it easiest to make eye contact with Shaz. “Alright. Monday at midnight we meet them.”

“What about Lena?” Shaz asked with a growing fire burning in his jade eyes. “Someone should stake out her place.”

“They’ll have someone watching her, to make sure you show.” Arys was looking particularly smug. I shook my head so that my hair fell over the bite on my neck.

I felt the weight of Kale’s gaze upon me. His expression revealed nothing when he said, “I’ll go to Lena’s.”

That thought didn’t sit well with me. I cut the conversation short. “We’ll talk about it later. I have to call Jez back, and if I don’t go for a run soon, I’m going to lose my mind.”

With a curt nod, Kale handed me the photo and retreated to his room. I knew he had someone waiting for him in there, and I wanted to vacate the hall right away. The smirk pasted on Arys’ face didn’t fade as he and Shaz followed me back into the club.

Shaz headed back to the lobby, calling back to me, “Be careful. I’ll see you at home soon. Or Kylarai’s. Let me know where you’ll be.”

I blew him a kiss and turned to Arys with a sigh. “I need to go home. I assume you have other things in mind.”

“Go run; I feel your wolf pacing inside me.” With a gentle touch, he caressed the side of my face. “I’ll stick around for a bit after you leave. I can’t take much more of this place. It’s painful. So many lovely treats that are to be tasted but never truly feasted upon. It’s a tease is what it is.”

“Yeah, yeah. Willing victims are such a pain in the ass, huh?” I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful shove.

“Willing victim … that’s beyond ridiculous. Takes all the fun out of it. I thrive on the struggle.” He chuckled, and I felt his smooth laughter like the stroke of a finger down my spine. Taking my hand, Arys placed a kiss in the center of my palm. “Come on. I’ll walk you out to your car.”


* * * *


The breeze was cool against my face as I ran through the forest, dodging stray limbs and jumping fallen trees. As a wolf I was able to maneuver through the thick trees and brush with ease. My body moved with a natural flow, instinct guiding my feet with every step. Lupine muscles and senses enabled me to be one with my environment. I savored every moment of such true freedom.

The sky was clear, the perfect backdrop for the curtain of stars overhead. Unlike the city just miles away, the forest was quiet and peaceful. The scent of rich earth and fresh growth tantalized me. The transition of spring to full-blown summer was full of splendor. Everything was new again, thriving in the circle of life. It was earthly and natural, something the rest of my life was not.

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