Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4) (5 page)

Read Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #romance, #menage, #mmf, #lovers, #womens erotica, #explicit adult fiction, #erotica with story, #red phoenix

BOOK: Blissfully Taken (Blissful, #4)
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I’m sure I can oblige
you, my love.” Dan’s fingers slipped under her long pajama

She stopped him. “We can’t! I don’t
want John to come out and catch us. Just the thought of it gives me

He murmured in her ear. “Chills can be
a good thing.” His hand returned to its task, lifting the hem of
the shirt higher and disappearing between her legs. Jenny closed
her eyes, wanting him to continue despite her qualms. She started
grinding against his hand, marking his fingers with her wet
excitement. His finger slipped into her opening and she only let
out the barest of gasps.

Jenny felt Dan pull down
his sleeping trunks. Her loins tingled in anticipation as he tugged
at her panties. She was hesitant, but unwilling to stop him because
feel his shaft inside her. She stifled her cry when the round head
of his cock pressed against her outer lips. She opened her legs
slightly to allow better access. Dan pressed harder and his shaft
slipped into her just as John opened his door. Dan became stock

They watched John head towards the
kitchen without looking at them. Dan adjusted the blanket, but
didn’t pull out. Jenny’s heart beat rapidly as she lay

John grabbed the pan of lasagna from
the fridge and cut a large piece, placing it in the microwave and
hitting the power button. He looked over at Jenny. “I can’t resist
good Italian food. Damn thing has been calling to me for

Dan grumbled, “But you already had two
pieces not that long ago.”

Doesn’t matter. I’m like
a camel. I must fill up to capacity.” John eyed the piece hungrily
as it spun behind the glass.

They both watched John take the plate
from the microwave after the beep and then sit down at the table to
eat it.

Jenny groaned inside. Dan’s hand
traveled to her stomach as he readjusted and pushed his cock in
deeper while asking John, “You sure you don’t want to eat that in
your room?”

John looked up. “Sorry man, I can’t
stand having food in my bedroom. I’ll try to eat fast, but I heated
it up too much. The cheese is burning my tongue.”

Jenny wiggled her ass against Dan
while telling John. “Don’t feel you have to rush. No need to burn
your mouth on our account.” She lay her head down as if she was
going back to sleep.

Dan moved centimeters only, thrusting
imperceptibly in and out. Every nerve ending in her body was
focused on his incremental movements. She resettled, helping his
shaft to penetrate more deeply.

This connection was what she needed,
what she had been impatient for after Dan’s revelation about Ryan
and his assurance they were meant to be together no matter the
cost. Being connected again, she was in agreement. They were two
people who were made for each other, like Romeo and Juliet. No
matter the cost, no matter the consequences, their love could not
be denied.

Dan laid his head next to her head and
breathed warmth into her ear. “I love you,” he whispered as he
continued stroking her a centimeter at a time.

She heard John blowing on his meal,
smacking his lips, trying to eat quickly so they could ‘sleep’. He
had no idea what he had stumbled into. There was a sense of wicked
fun, making love in front of another without the person’s
knowledge. Jenny readjusted again, hoping she wasn’t being too
obvious. Dan groaned a little too loudly, causing John to look up
at them.

I am hurrying as fast as
I can, man. It is not my fault Jenny makes a killer lasagna for a

Mom was Italian,” she
sighed longingly.

Dan shook his head at John and grasped
her hips, concentrating the head of his cock on that spot he knew
so well. The incremental movements began to have their effect.
Jenny felt her nipples hardening, her heart pounding in her chest
from his effort. She struggled not to move as the rhythmic pulses

She lost connection to everything but
the feeling of Dan inside her. Jenny held her breath as wave after
delicious wave washed through her. When her body finally relaxed
she felt Dan stiffen as his essence permeated her being. She forgot
herself and moaned softly.

Okay, okay! I’ll leave.
You don’t have to be so dramatic, Jenny.” She heard John throw his
plate in the sink before heading to his bedroom and shutting the

Dan chuckled in her ear, “Yes, my
dear, don’t be so dramatic when you come.”

She turned her head towards him. “You
are a bad man, Dan Hayes, a very bad man. If John only knew he
would kick us both out.”

That… or he would ask to

She buried her head in her pillow and
giggled. But a random thought of Ryan surprised her and she fell

It’ll be okay,” Dan said,
pulling her closer. “We will all make it through.”

Jenny held onto those words the next
morning. On her drive to work, she kept seeing visions of Ryan with
tears in his eyes holding his hand out to her. It weighed so
heavily on her soul that by the time she got to work, her stomach
was in knots.

The moment she entered the office, she
knew something was off. The place suddenly got quiet and every eye
turned to her. She looked around nervously and giggled like an
idiot. No one said a thing. She felt the fight or flight instinct
take over, but she willed herself to walk to her desk and sit down.
On her keyboard was a picture. She was kissing Dan while Ryan
looked at her lustfully, his hands on her breasts. In large red
letters across the bottom it read, “Whore!”

Jenny scanned the office and noticed
the same picture scattered throughout the office. It seemed Kelly
had left one on every desk. She had no idea how Kelly had gotten
such an intimate shot of the three of them, but it ripped at her
heart to have everyone looking at it – at her. She tore the picture
into pieces and tossed them in the trash, trying not to show the
panic creeping into her heart.

Miss Cole, come into my
office,” Mr. Thomas commanded.

Jenny got up on unsteady feet and
walked to his corner office. She could feel a myriad of judgmental
stares piercing her back.

Sit,” he ordered,
directing her to a chair across from his desk when she shut the
door. “We are a conservative company, Miss Cole. The public expects
that we conduct ourselves in a professional manner at all times.
Even outside this office.” He scowled harshly. “We do not invite

I understand, but…” Jenny

No! This is not a
discussion. You have proven yourself unworthy of our clients’
trust. You are terminated as of this moment. Please collect your
things and go. We will deal with the details later.”

The stern look on his face shamed her.
She stood up, needing to grab the back of the chair for support.
She turned from him and headed towards the door. “You disgust me,”
he growled under his breath. The way he said it made her feel
filthy and unclean.

Even though she tried to remain
courageous, tears fell as she returned to her desk and blindly
gathered a few things, cradling them to her chest. Jenny looked
ahead of her, concentrating on the door in her attempt to leave
without further incident.

A notoriously late employee met Jenny
at the door and held it open for her. His smile faltered when he
saw her tears. She couldn’t take any more and ran to her car,
slamming it shut before screaming. “Fuck you! Fuck you,

Jenny leaned her head back and forced
herself to breathe. She’d just lost her job... Her reputation as a
broker was compromised. How could she recover from this?

I can’t…

She called Dan, but then couldn’t
bring herself to tell him what happened. “Never mind, Dan. There is
something I’ve got to do.” She hung up and started the car,
determined to face her enemy head on. If Kelly thought she was
allowed to embarrass Jenny at her work, then it was only fair to
return the favor. She consciously kept to the speed limit, not
wanting to risk another encounter with the police.

The entire drive Jenny imagined how
she would cut Kelly down in front of her coworkers, making her feel
the same level of humiliation Jenny felt. There was a sense of
exhilaration at the thought of revenge.

When she pulled into the
parking lot she was shocked to see Dan there.
What the hell?

He walked up to the car and motioned
her to unroll the window. Jenny did so reluctantly. “I had a
feeling this is where you were headed.”

What? She called you to
gloat?” Jenny spat.

No, there was something
in your voice…” Dan opened the door and pulled her out of the car,
enfolding her in a tight embrace. “What happened, Baby? Tell

Jenny growled, “The bitch littered my
office with photos of the three of us. I lost my job,

He squeezed her tighter. “I’m so
sorry. I can’t imagine.”

It was fucking awful and
embarrassing!” She felt her anger building. “You can’t imagine
because it didn’t happen to you. Everyone in the office saw it. I
was fired on the spot and made to feel like the scum of the earth.
I have never felt so low in my life!”

Dan remained silent, which pissed her
off. “My reputation is shot, Dan. How the hell am I going to
recover from this? My professional life is ruined.” She struggled
to get out of his arms. “You said this would be worth the
consequences, but look at me! I have crushed Ryan’s heart,
tarnished my reputation and lost my job. How is love worth this?
It’s not!”

He lifted her chin and looked her in
the eye. “Fine. Don’t hold back. Tell me how you feel.”

I am so fucking angry
right now I could explode! I hurt so badly in here,” she cried,
pounding her chest, “because I ripped Rye’s heart out. I want to
die from shame. I felt like a whore today.” She looked at Dan
accusingly. “I have never felt that way in my life.”

He let go of her. “What are you trying
to say, Jenny?”

aren’t worth this. Maybe I’ve
made the biggest mistake of my life.”

His gaze was unwavering. “Do you
really believe that?”

Dan’s face was unreadable as he waited
for her answer. She’d lost everything, but looking into his dark
brown eyes one fact remained clear - losing Dan overshadowed
everything else. “No,” she said miserably.

He cupped her cheek and searched her
eyes. “I thought I almost lost you just now.”

Jenny glanced at Kelly’s office
building. “She came close to beating me.”

But she didn’t and she
won’t,” he said gruffly. He pulled her to him and pressed her cheek
into his chest. “Birthing pains, Baby. We are almost

She closed her eyes and sighed,
“Almost there…”

Dan insisted on taking her car,
leaving his in the parking lot. He drove her to a swanky hotel. She
wondered what his plans were, because she felt physically and
emotionally spent. He asked her to undress and then followed suit.
“Lay on your stomach with your legs spread slightly open,

I’m not in the mood,

Yes, you are.” He crawled
onto her and straddled her ass. Instead of sex, he gave a deep
massage. “Relax and let my hands love you.”

She completely melted into the bed as
his fingers made love to her skin. After he was done with the
massage, Dan turned her over and lay beside her, playing gently
with her hair. Jenny shuddered in pleasure as tingling chills
traveled down her spine.

She opened her eyes and stared at Dan,
realizing it was time to return the favor. “Lie back. Your woman
wants to love you the same way.”

Dan looked surprised but leaned back
and closed his eyes, smiling to himself.

Jenny grazed the toned muscles of his
chest with her fingertips. His coarse blond hair contrasted with
his smooth muscles. She twirled her finger in a patch of chest
hair. “You are a handsome man. I have always thought so… from this
manly chest hair,” her finger moved to his torso as she said, “to
that flat stomach with a cute innie.” His stomach muscles twitched
when she lightly circled his bellybutton. “I even love…” her
fingers trailed downward and she felt him tense, but she continued
down his hairy leg to his toes. “These skinny toes.” She bent over
and kissed his big toe. On a whim, she encased his toe with her
lips and sucked lightly.

You wicked

Her lips made a popping
sound when she released the appendage. “I
playing unfair.” She pulled her
body on top of his and lay on him, naked skin against naked

Dan wrapped his arms around her
saying, “I think I know how to solve our problems.”

She lifted her head, surprised at the
serious look on his face. “Oh yeah?”

He brushed the hair from her eyes. “I
think we should get married now.”

She asked wearily, “When you say now,
what do you mean?”

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