Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem (5 page)

BOOK: Bliss Series Boxed Set: The Whole Damn Harem
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It’s Saturday night.

The night after my first date with Delicious Daniel.

True to his word, he texted me earlier today while I was doing my weekly housework with Kate.

Delicious Daniel (I changed his name in my phone; sex on the beach was too tempting):
How did my beautiful stranger sleep? I slept very well. Dreamed about sex on the beach and your sweet tasting mouth ;)
I slept well too. Must’ve been all the late night exertions by the lake ;)
Delicious Daniel:
You are trouble with a capital T aren’t you?
Delicious Daniel:
Would trouble like to come with me and tailgate at the Bears game next Sunday? I’m going with a couple of friend, and I’d love for you to join me.
Sounds awesome! I love the Bears. Do you want to meet there or...?
Delicious Daniel:
Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t pick you up?
Now that’s what I’m talking about ;)
Delicious Daniel:
Pick you up around 12?
Delicious Daniel:
See you then, gorgeous.

Okay, so I might have giggled and fallen back on my bed after that text exchange. What is this man doing to me? I’m not one to gush over a guy. It has always been friendship and sex, hand in hand. No feelings, no chance of getting hurt, the end.

It started with Noah, my dreamy work colleague.

a.k.a. The Walking Dildo.

No word of a lie, this man’s cock should be immortalized in gold, or latex, and sold around the world so all women can enjoy the perfection that is his male appendage. He has the slightest of upward bends when erect that seems to hone in on the perfect spot every single time, and he has the stamina of a giant.

We are friends who just happen to make use of an available on-call room every once in a while. Well, in all honesty, at least once a shift if we’re both working. Nothing makes a night shift go faster than an orgasm or two at the hands of a master.

We met the first week I started at the hospital. I had a surgical rotation, and Noah is a surgical resident. Sparks flew, scrubs came off, and my no strings attached relationship with Dr Noah Taylor began. That was nearly two years ago. He’s a great guy, and a really good friend, but we both work way too much to be anything more.

We established the emotional boundaries of our relationship very early on. He’s had relationships during that time, and when he’s dating someone else we stop our arrangement, only resuming again when he is single. I’m totally against cheating when in a relationship, and I refuse to be the other woman, the home wrecker, the harlot.

About a year after I’d met Noah, he’d started dating a speech therapist from another hospital, and it was looking promising, so Kate had talked me into going to a hot new club that was the buzz about town, and rumors were swirling that it was an after-hours sex club as well. Despite the rumors, I was intrigued, to say the least. The sound system was advertised as being one of the biggest and best in Chicago, so I was pumped by the time Saturday night rolled around.

We had specifically shopped for slinky, sultry outfits that would get us noticed, and maybe get us a few free drinks. Beyond that, the world was our oyster. Kate had done my hair in large waves, which I then smoothed out on top and secured a pony tail at the nape of my neck, the look was sexy with an air of sophistication. I didn’t want to come across as a high class hooker looking for a new sugar daddy. All I wanted was a great night out with my best friend, and if I happened to find a hot man who would take me home for a night of unbridled, unattached, scorching hot sex, I wouldn’t complain.

As it happened, we waited in line for twenty minutes before the bodyguard ushered us through. We waded through the crowd to the bar, ordering four shots of 1800 Silver Tequila with a lemon drop each. We tossed back the shots and turned away from the bar as we sipped our drinks, checking out the talent.

“This place is kinda hot,” Kate whispered in my ear.

“Yeah, and I think those rooms on the second level could be where all the night time fun must happen.” I couldn’t help but wonder what really happened behind those closed doors. It had always been a fantasy of mine to willingly give up control with a man rather than being forced to, like I had been in the past, but I’d never found the right man to garner that sort of reaction in me.

As I’d looked around the rapidly crowded room, I wasn’t sure that I’d find one in the club that night either. I was bringing my drink away from my alcohol-warmed lips when I spotted a pair of blue eyes staring at me, like they were looking straight through me. I trembled under his gaze and stood there, unable to look away. I suddenly felt the need to look down from him, like a silent submission to his will, so I did. When I looked up again a moment later, he was gone.

Kate had seen my reaction, and was staring at me, mouth wide open in shock. “WHAT was THAT?” she exclaimed.

Shaking my head out of the haze that was Sean Miller, I looked down at my firecracker of a best friend. “I honestly don’t have a fucking clue, but I need to find out,” I replied breathlessly.

“I’ll say, whoa! That was some hard out sexual tension right there, and you haven’t even met! Imagine the heat if you got to know him,” she said excitedly, bouncing on her toes beside me.

“Settle, petal, it’ll never happen. It was just a moment, that’s all,” I say, taking one last look around the room for the mystery man again, but to no avail. “Let’s get some more shots.” I hooked my arm in hers and led Katie back towards the bar.

“Barman, four more shots of 1800, please!” I had to shout into his ear as he leaned over the bar. I remember he looked behind me and nodded in acknowledgement before pouring out the shots and passing us the salt and lemon wedges. I grabbed a twenty out of my purse, but he waved me off. “It’s on the house, babe.” and off he went to serve some other drunken patron.

“What was that all about?” Kate asked.

“I’m not too sure to be honest. Maybe he thinks we’re cute, or he’s thinking we need to get drunk,” I said before leaning into Kate in a full on giggle fit. Kate started laughing too but stopped suddenly, shoving me with her shoulder to get my attention. When I looked back up at her, she was staring at something over my shoulder. I slowly turned around, the room spinning with me as I went, and I saw him.

Mr. Dark and Dangerous.

Mr. Blue Eyes From Across The Room himself. He was dressed in all black; a tailored black pinstripe open-collar shirt, complete with two platinum cuff links at the wrist, black lined slacks that clung to his body like a stripper’s thong would cling to a dollar bill, and freshly-polished black dress shoes. He was definitely Mr. Dom.

Dark and dangerous.

Delicious and domineering.

“Hi,” I managed to get out, my throat tightening up at the sight of him. Even his presence consumed me.

“Hello,” he said. “Enjoying the club, I see.” He had the most amazing smile. It was disarming, thrilling, and spine-tingling, all at the same time.

I was speechless. My ability to speak anything decipherable at that moment was dead and gone. Thankfully, Kate came to my rescue. “Yeah, it’s fantastic. Definitely living up to all the hype, that’s for sure,” she replied cheerfully, leaning forward to shake Mr. Dom’s hand. “I’m Kate, by the way, and this is Mac, or Makenna.” She tilted her head in my direction, snapping me out of my dazzled haze.

“Makenna,” he said in a very deep commanding voice. “I’m Sean Miller. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Holy shit! I could be in a dark room, blindfolded and bound, and climax from his voice alone. You know exactly what I’m talking about. He had a presence; a confidence that was unmatched by any of the other men around him. It was like my body was a homing beacon, and he was my destination.

After staring at each other for a good few minutes, Kate cleared her throat. “I’m going to the ladies. You wanna come too, Mac?” When I looked at her, she arched her eyebrows and tilted her head away from Mr Dom and towards the bathrooms.

“Oh, yeah. Sure, Kate. Nice to meet you, Sir… I mean, Sean,” I say, stumbling through the words. I hadn’t missed the widening of his eyes when I accidentally called him sir. I’ve read enough BDSM romance novels to know what to call a Dom, and this man is definitely as alpha male dominant as you can get.

“I’ll be waiting right here for you, Makenna,” he said smoothly as Kate pulled my arm. As I walked past him, I picked up a hint of the most alluring cologne known to man. It was strong; potent, yet not overpowering, full of suggestion, of desire. I remember my legs almost buckled underneath me as I was suddenly cast under the spell that was Sean.

When we returned from the ladies, there was an equally good looking man standing beside Sean who only had eyes for Kate. She giggled, he smiled, and Kate was done for. She left half an hour later with Ryan. I soon got a text from her.

I’m going back to Ryan’s. Do you want me to call you a cab, or are you going to be okay?
What about your 3 date rule? Lol. I’ll be fine. have fun;)

I remember thinking at the time that Kate really needed to get laid, and I was having a grand ol’ time chatting with Sean.

a.k.a. Mr. Dom.

Before too long, he was pulling me to my feet, and taking my mouth hard and fast like he owned me, right there at the bar. Soon after that, we were walking up the stairs towards the second floor, and the VIP rooms with the closed doors that had been calling me all night. That was the night, Sean Miller introduced me to a world of domination, submission, and the earth-shattering orgasms that could be had under his hands and other body parts.

Sean, much the same as Noah, has no problem with my ‘no strings attached’ policy. In fact, he supports it whole heartedly. He’s a corporate attorney who travels a lot for work and doesn’t have the time, propensity, or inclination to partake in a serious monogamous relationship. In fact, Sean and I only see each other when he’s in town, and I have a submissive itch that only he can scratch. It’s almost like the perfect relationship.

Now Zander...

Well, he’s a whole other story. Zander is a male stripper who I met at my friend Sophie’s bachelorette party six months ago. I’d dragged Kate along with me, and low and behold, about an hour into the night a hot piece of ass dressed up in a police uniform knocks at the door. I just happened to be the one who opened the door, and no word of a lie, I swear I stood there for a good minute with my mouth agape, drooling at the fine specimen of a man standing before me.

“Excuse me, miss, I’ve been called to a domestic disturbance at this address. Is there a Miss Sophie Newhart living here?” he asked in a very serious, demanding tone, looking down at a small black notebook. He looked very genuine and foreboding.

“Ah, yeah, she’s in the living room. What’s this all about?” I asked, a little bit suspicious at the man’s uniform and his lack of protocol. I mean, aren’t they supposed to flash their badge first?

“Good, please take me to her,” he demanded, I felt a little flutter in my stomach. He reminded me a bit of Sean, but with the body of a God wrapped in a tight policeman’s uniform.

I held my hand out, pointing in the general direction of the living room. “Right through here.”

The moment he walked through the doorway, some terrible porn star music started blasting from the surround sound unit, and without warning the police man was throwing his hat across the room and gyrating his hips in time with the beat.

After his performance where he subjected Sophie to an intense ‘interrogation’ and insisted she conduct a hands on body search of him, he hung out with us for the rest of the hour, chilling back and having a beer.

I’d gone outside to get some fresh air, and was contemplating calling Sean for a hook up, when I felt a warm hard body come up against my back. “I wondered when I’d get a chance to talk to you,” he whispered into my ear, moving down to kiss the sensitive spot of my neck that makes me shiver every time.

“And why’s that?” I replied, thinking that he probably tried this line on at least one woman a night.

“Because while it was Sophie’s hands on my body back there, I was imagining it was your hands, your body, your mouth on my…”

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