Read Blindfolded Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Blindfolded (16 page)

BOOK: Blindfolded
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Charlotte set up the appointment with the ranch's vet the following week. She stood by, arms crossed, and watched Regan nervously pace the floor.

“You act like you've never been to the doctor before. Calm down.”

“I hate doctors anyway, and
this one's
going to shove a giant needle through my nipples! I have a right to be anxious!” Regan snapped.

Charlotte frowned, beckoning to her. “Over here, now. On your knees.”

Regan's eyes widened as Charlotte transformed into her Mistress, and she slowly sank before her.

“I'm sorry, Mistress. I'm nervous.”

“Turn around, Regan. Stick your bottom in the air; just like you were taught by Jay. Lower your pants to your ankles without getting up.”

Regan trembled and reddened with embarrassment as she obeyed, placing her forehead to the carpet and reaching underneath her to unzip her slacks. She pushed the material past her bottom, feeling the rush of cool air as she exposed her flesh. She saw only Charlotte's polished boots as the trainer stood at her bowed head.

“Look up at me, Regan. This will be the only time I will tell you this. Ponies do not snap or bite. The ones that do are muzzled, and I assure you that is not an experience you wish to have. Now present your bottom.”

Whimpering, Regan raised her backside as high as she could and held her breath. She clenched her jaw as she waited for the first stroke of Mistress Charlotte's crop. The shock of the impact sizzled against her sit spots, and she cried out.

SWISH! The crop snapped loudly as it sunk against the center of both cheeks. Again and again it fell, striping her bottom with angry welts, until Regan released a guttural cry of surrender. She wept pitifully into her arms, ashamed and humiliated by her own actions.

Charlotte squatted before Regan and held the crop to her lips. “Kiss it and thank me, Regan.”

Sobbing, Regan pressed her lips against the leather braid and whimpered out, “Thank you for punishing me for snapping at you, Mistress.”

“Good girl,” Charlotte said, running her hand gently over the top of Regan's head. “You may stay there until the vet calls you in.”

Regan buried her face in her arms, her scorched backside throbbing miserably. Her stomach tightened as she heard the vet enter the room.

“Charlotte! It is good to see you, my dear!” the gentle voice greeted pleasantly. “What's this?”

“Dr. Morrison, this is Regan. She's in for blind-training.”

“Hmmm, by the look of her haunches, it appears she got a little snippy with you.”

“You know me so well!” Charlotte laughed, petting Regan's back as she remained squatted by her side. “She's a good girl, though. I don't think I will have to repeat this lesson. Will I, darling?”

“No, ma'am,” Regan whimpered, not looking up. She felt another set of hands run across her back and along her bare bottom.

“She has no leathering yet. She's just a colt!”

“One that Jay found. She is a natural in tack. I need you to give her the bill of health so we can start bit and voice training. I think she would be an incredible prancer as well.”

“She certainly has the legs for it from what I can see. Stand, Regan, and lift your right leg to your chest. No whining, sweetheart, you earned these marks,” the vet said softly, stepping back.

Regan slowly obeyed, her bottom protesting as she moved. Carefully, she balanced herself, lifting her one leg high off the ground.

“Place your hands behind your head and repeat that with the other leg,” he ordered. Regan found her balance and complied, closing her eyes. “Good girl. Reach both your hands behind your back and grab your wrists. We call this a saddle position. Arch your back. Now, take six high steps forward and lift those knees as high as you can. Try to point your toes down as you do that.”

Regan inhaled deeply, feeling ridiculous as she awkwardly obeyed. She found herself relaxing as she closed her eyes and lifted her chin.

“Amazing! You were right, Charlotte. Definitely a blind-prancer. Did you see how her posture changed when she closed her eyes?”

“Let's get to it. I want to start her training as soon as I can. May I come in and watch?”

“I insist on it. Regan, follow my voice and keep your eyes closed. Very good,” the vet reassured as he led her verbally into the examination room. “Open your eyes now.”

Regan gazed around the room. There was a flat table with a hitching post in the center, various gear and tack on the wall, and a small, steel crate in the corner. He pointed to the table. “I want you to strip off your clothing and climb on up. Stay on your hands and knees. I am going to bridle and hitch you in place.”

After a nervous glance at Charlotte, Regan closed her eyes and slowly removed the protection of her clothing. She felt her nipples harden from the slight chill in the room and ignored the uncomfortable ache that now settled between her thighs. She tried to hold her head up as she hoisted herself onto the cool metal platform, fully aware of the fact that every private part of her body was being openly viewed. The vet attached a wide collar around her neck and hooked it to the post above her head. Wrist and ankle restraints followed and were attached to either side of the platform. Finally, a thick band was placed around her waist and secured to a bar overhead, preventing her from going to her stomach.

“Will she be breeding?” the vet asked, running his warm hands over the woman's shivering skin.

“I suspect that she will once she’s purchased, but that’s a ways off. I do want to keep her covered right now. Doesn't she respond beautifully to touch? And look at that pussy! It's already wet with excitement!”

Regan groaned at Charlotte's words. She had never been on display before a woman, and she felt uncomfortably excited.

She gasped as the vet inserted his finger into her moist opening. “Lovely… absolutely lovely. Look how she can take me. Relax, Regan, I want to see how willing you are,” he said gently, stroking her hair with his free hand.

Regan breathed slowly as he gently inserted two, then three fingers into her body. She felt him spread her and then add a fourth. His fingers were long and slender, and she groaned as he urged his hand within her as far as he could go without forcing himself.

“She can almost take my entire hand, Charlotte! And yet, she is very firm and tight, which tells me that this is not something she is accustomed to. Have you ever been fisted, Regan?”

“I… I don’t know what that is, sir,” she answered, feeling as he stroked his long fingers back and forth within her, slowly widening her canal.

“It's when your owner pushes his entire hand into your body. Breathe deeply. Relax and open yourself for me.”

Regan squealed painfully as he slowly inserted his hand inside of her, the knuckles and thumb disappearing into her wetness. He held still for a moment, feeling as her muscles protested the intrusion. He smiled, feeling them adjust around his hand before pressing deeper within her. Soon, the only part of his hand that was visible was his wrist.

“How does that feel, Regan?”

“Like… like I'm being fucked by a horse,” she coughed, struggling against the desire to both pull away and press him deeper. “I'm glad you don't have big hands. I don't think I could handle much more.”

“That takes time to learn. You are doing beautifully. Excellent. Okay, breathe… Good girl,” he praised as he slowly withdrew his hand. He turned to Charlotte. “She will have no problem with breeding, but limit her to take only a woman's hand. Now, let's measure her tail.”

Dread filled Regan as she felt him cover her winking bottom hole with warm jelly. He inserted a gloved finger deep within her, pressing hard into her anus as he felt her abdomen.

“Is she empty?” Charlotte asked eagerly watching him plunge his finger in and out of the woman's bottom.

“Yes. Sorry to disappoint you,” the vet laughed. He withdrew his fingers and picked up a rubber bulb. “This is an inflatable plug, Regan. I want to see how far we can open you. Shhh, you can take it. I promise to be gentle.”

His voice was soft and reassuring as he pushed the tip of the rubber instrument against her. He eased it in gently, watching so as not to tear her delicate skin. Once seated, Regan exhaled.

“You sound relieved. I've only just begun. Charlotte, would you do me the honors, please? Slowly, now, I don't want to frighten her any more than she already is.”

“Absolutely!” she said, picking up the hand pump. Slowly, she began to squeeze the bulb. Regan's eyes widened as she felt it begin to expand inside of her. Charlotte paused as the vet recorded the measurement, and then resumed, forcing her tight pucker to stretch wide.

“It hurts!” Regan cried out, unable to escape. “Please! No more!”

“Breathe slowly; focus on adjusting to it. I know it's uncomfortable. Shhh…” the vet instructed soothingly, reaching forward to play with her hardened nipples. She closed her eyes as Charlotte's hand caressed her clit. A sudden sharp pain brought her out of her revelry.

“Oh, my God!” she shrieked, her right nipple burning with agony as the piercing needle penetrated it. “Stop!”

“That one is done, honey. Aw, poor girl. The first one is the hardest. There you go,” the vet said softly, gently stroking the throbbing breast and spraying it with lidocaine. “The shock is the worst part. There; it should be feeling a little better now. How are you doing?”

“It hurt!” she cried, several tears dripping down her cheeks.

“I know. But I promise, the next one will be wonderful. Charlotte, pump her up a little more. Now hit that switch.” The vet stroked her back, easing her shaking. “Good girl. Breathe nice and deep. Concentrate on your body. Trust me, honey. I don't want to hurt you.”

Regan inhaled as a heavy vibration shook the inside of her bottom. Her breast pain was forgotten as Charlotte resumed stroking her clit. She felt the pressure building, aware that the vet was preparing her other breast, but her need overwhelmed her fear. She climaxed with a shout, barely feeling the needle as it sunk into her pebbled nipple. Waves of pleasure caused her to arch her back, offering her breast as he slipped the bar through the hole. By the time she could breathe normally again, she felt only numbness.

“How long was she gone, Ted?”

“About ten minutes. I have never seen anyone slip into subspace like that. She is unique.”

“That's what I told Jay. So, are we good to go?”

“Let me run the blood samples, and I will get back to you. I'm pretty certain everything will be fine. Make sure she follows the instructions for the piercings. We don't want infection setting in.”

“Shall do. Regan, honey? Can you get down off the table, yet?”

Regan nodded slowly, her body aching and throbbing with many different sensations. She stood still as Charlotte carefully redressed her and turned her to the vet, nodding her head.

Regan smiled. “Thank you, Dr. Morrison. You have an incredible bedside manner. I wish human doctors were as nice.”

“You are welcome. And good luck. Charlotte, take good care of this one. Let me know if she goes to the block, I would be interested in bidding.”

Charlotte said goodbye and led her to the plantation.

“Look at you! You already have trainers lining up to take you on. First the guard, now the vet… I better watch out, or I might start to feel competitive. You should be proud of yourself. Okay, now I want you to lie down and take a nap. You've been through a lot today. I will have one of my Lipizzans come and groom you.”

Regan simply followed her, saying nothing. She climbed into the soft bed and sighed as Charlotte covered her with a sheet. The older woman reached down and kissed her forehead, her voice lost in the distance as Regan drifted away.

“That brother of mine had better get on the ball before I take you. You are one of a kind.”

? Jay was Charlotte's


* * *


Regan awoke to gentle stroking of her thighs and the scent of lavender. She opened her eyes to find one of the blond pony-girls bathing her. The girl smiled through her bit and paused to help Regan sit up.

Her breasts ached painfully, as did her bottom and her groin. She wasn't sure which part of her body was the sorest. The girl tilted her head and offered her a pain pill. A glass of cold water was held to her mouth as she swallowed the medication, and then she found herself being gently pushed back down so the girl could resume her task.

“Where are my clothes?” Regan asked, suddenly acutely aware of her naked state. The girl pointed to a chair. “What time is it? I need to get home.”

“My beauty awakens,” Charlotte stated, walking into the room. The pony-girl immediately fell into a bow before her, her smile growing as Charlotte petted her affectionately. “How are you feeling?”

“Sore everywhere. I have to go home and feed Meow.”

“Who, this?” Charlotte asked, reaching down and picking up the playful kitten. “Someone brought her over because she was lonely.”

“Someone? Jay?”

BOOK: Blindfolded
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