Blind Date (5 page)

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Authors: Veronica Tower

Tags: #Romanace, MC/IR, Contemporary Erotic Romance, Ménage

BOOK: Blind Date
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Chris tweaked her nipple, making her body twitch with excitement. “You want to do this the easy way or the hard way?”

Merci boldly touched the tight muscles of Chris’ abdomen, caressing the hard flesh with the balls of her fingers. “Would you care to explain the difference between my choices?”

“The easy way involves you standing up and undressing for me,” Chris told her. “I want to see how sexy you look when you slip out of that dress and drop your bra and panties.”

“Mmhmmm,” Merci murmured. “And the hard way?”

“The hard way involves me ripping that dress over your head, yanking off your bra and panties, and taking you again right now against the couch.”

“You think you’re up to a second round so soon?” Merci asked him. “You did just—oh my God!”

She couldn’t believe her eyes. What had happened to that massive cock?

Chris sat up. “What’s wrong?”

“Your dick!” Merci said. “I didn’t believe her! What happened to it?”

“What do you mean what happened? I came—I lost my erection.”

Merci touched the little thing tentatively with the tips of her fingers. It was completely limp and while still fairly thick, no longer than her forefinger. “But it’s so small!”

Chris laughed, completely unconcerned by the accusation. “There’s an easy solution to that problem,” he said. “Why don’t you slip out of that dress and suck me back to life again?”

“But... it was so big!” Merci said. “I mean like nine or ten inches. How could that little thing swell up like that?”

Chris shrugged. “Don’t tell me mine is the first cock you’ve seen.”

Merci looked him in the eye. “I was not a virgin tonight,” she said, “but this is my first white dick.”

“And black cocks don’t shrink when they go limp?”

Merci shook her head. “Not like this, they don’t. If I hadn’t just seen it—just felt it—I would never believe it.”

Chris laughed again. “Well don’t rely on your memory. Make me hard again.”

Merci folded her fingers around Chris’ penis—flaccid it fit into her hand. She leaned over to lick it.

“Wait a minute! You still have that dress on.”

Merci ignored him, flicking out her tongue to taste the soft flesh in her hand. It truly seemed impossible that it had shrunk to this extent.

She licked him long and slow, letting the flat of her tongue slather the head in saliva until Chris sighed and sank back down on the floor.

That was more like it—she wanted to be the one pulling the strings for a while. She pulled on the limp flesh and kissed the base of the cock, sucking the soft skin into her mouth hard enough to leave a mark.

“What did you mean when you said she was right?” Chris asked.

Ice gripped Mercy’s chest and she stopped sucking on Chris for a moment before she recovered her senses enough to pretend not to understand. “Hmmmm?”

“You said something like: I didn’t believe her,” Chris said.

Merci licked her way to the top of Chris’ shaft, noting that it was longer now than when she first took hold of it. “Do you want to talk or to fuck?”

Her words egged on his erection and she took him fully into her mouth to encourage him, sucking lightly on the growing flesh. With her right hand, she cupped his balls and began to play with them. With the left, she toyed with his inner thigh, using her fingernails to lightly explore his erogenous zones. Her actions triggered an immediate response as Chris’ cock quickly swelled to the size of most of the erections she was familiar with. Fortunately, he didn’t stop there. His penis continued to engorge, pushing Merci’s mouth away from his groin as the shaft lengthened beneath her.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Chris murmured.

Merci switched her hands around, lifting her right to his shaft where she began to pump his length beneath her lips. With her left she cupped his balls, feeling their weight in her hand as she rhythmically squeezed them.

Chris continued to swell, his erection filling her mouth until he was really too big to contain. She worried about gagging and sliding the rim of that huge head out past her teeth, but it wasn’t until Chris began to pump up into her mouth that she actually gave up on blowing him.

“Easy there,” she said, “you’re too damn big to fuck me that way.”

Chris scooped her into his arms and pulled her back down on the floor beside him. “Well let’s be a little more traditional then,” he suggested. His cock pressed against her belly, as his lips found her cheek, her jaw, her throat. His hands began to roam, avoiding her breasts to search out the zipper behind her and painstakingly open it.

Her breasts spilled forward as the fabric loosened and Chris failed to ignore the distraction. He pulled her dress down about her waist so he could free her bosom from her bra. Merci had always believed her breasts were her best physical attribute and Chris certainly appeared to appreciate them. He scooped one mahogany globe up in his hand and began to kiss the large ebony aureole, starting at the edges and working his way in.

Merci felt her flesh begin to pucker and watched the long nipple stand up in pride. “How did you know I like tootsie rolls?” Chris asked just before his tongue darted out to taste the top of one swollen tit.

The shock of pleasure jolting through Merci’s body confused her thought processes. “What?”

“Your beautiful tits look just like my favorite candy,” Chris explained, “mini tootsie rolls.”

He lightly bit the sensitive flesh and a spasm buckled Merci’s body.

“Mmmm, just as chewy and just as tasty,” Chris said.

He sucked the tit hard into his mouth and tried to touch Merci’s stomach but her crumpled dress got in the way.

He let go of the nipple. “This has got to go!”

Grabbing the top of the dress with both hands, he pulled it quickly down Merci’s body, tossing it across the room. The air conditioning embraced her, raising goose bumps on her flesh and heightening her need for Chris’ body. His tongue went to work on her other nipple; teasing, playing and stimulating the ultra sensitive flesh while his fingers glided over her stomach, skirting her navel to patrol the territory just north of her panties.

Merci closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing. She had intended to take control for this third round but all she wanted now was to keep feeling Chris’ lips and fingers. He slipped under her panties and began a foray into her bush, searching the hair of her
mons veneris
for the spots that made her see stars.

He found them too—Merci never remembered feeling so many sparks without her genitals actually being part of the action. Sure Chris was sucking on her nipples, but that didn’t explain the twinges of pleasure shocking her groin or the way her body leaned into his fingers as they caressed her.

He ventured further south, testing the moistness of her lips and dragging the sweet liquid out into the air to lubricate her clitoris. Merci couldn’t stifle her moans. She let her hips rise and fall, gyrating sensuously beneath Chris’ skilled fingers. She’d completely surrendered control to him and she didn’t care. All she wanted to do was let this man make her come again.

His mouth switched back to her other nipple, leaving the first suddenly cold without his lips to warm it. His fingers slid inside her again, letting the long middle digit ride her clit as he penetrated her. His forefinger and ring finger rode either side of her labia compressing them against the middle finger—making her tremble—longing for something larger. Her heart beat could outpace a race horse’s. Chris’ actions were generating enough electricity to power a twelve story skyscraper. The charge kept building, building, building. His lips on her nipple... His fingers in her pussy. All powerful need peaked in her groin and further engorged her already swollen tits. Her fingers began to flail as her body quivered on the verge of climax. She brushed his monster cock with her hand and clamped hold of it.

Chris jerked in response, curling his long middle digit inside her, accidentally digging hard into her g-spot.

Merci’s whole lower body erupted in pleasure. She screamed, thrust her hips high into the sky, and squeezed even harder on Chris’ cock.

The bastard let go of her convulsing pussy and pulled away. A moment later he swung her body around, pushed her legs high into the air, and yanked her panties off. Her hips continued to dance, riding out the orgasm that Chris was no longer conducting. He forced one ankle back near her ear, crushing Merci’s breast with her own leg, and rubbed his thick erection against the lips of her pussy.

Merci’s tremors intensified as Chris bore down to his task. He found the slit between her lips and thrust hard with his hips.

Merci’s mouth opened in startled pleasure. She couldn’t believe the shear girth of him. Her pussy tightened spastically around his length, still vibrating with her continuing climax. Chris howled with excitement and began to pump, bullying his way through her tightened circumference, the friction of his passage renewing her orgasm. She dug her fingernails into his white ass, encouraging him to thrust harder, faster, edging up his climax until molten fire filled her insides and triggered one last orgasm to meet his.

“Wow,” Chris mumbled into the top of Merci’s head. “I guess I really owe Liv big time for this.”

Merci heard Chris’ words through the fog of half-sleep but didn’t fully comprehend them. “Owe her for what?”

 “For introducing us,” Chris said. “It’s seems funny now, but I never really thought Liv liked me before. She’s not an easy woman to get along with.”

Merci felt her heart go cold with dread. Liv didn’t like Chris and Merci was suddenly afraid that Chris would learn why she had agreed to go out with him.

“It’s my fault, I guess,” Chris mumbled. “It’s embarrassing, but I really didn’t remember.”

“Remember what?” Merci asked, truly not understanding what he was talking about.

“It’s what you asked me about at dinner. I really don’t remember how far we went.”

Merci racked her brain until finally her sleepy mind started functioning again. “You don’t remember if you slept with Liv? Oh my God, everything makes sense now!”

“It’s terrible,” Chris agreed, “but I got really, really drunk at a party a few years ago. Apparently Liv and I hooked up afterwards and she got very angry when I didn’t call her the next day. But that was nothing to how furious she got when she realized I didn’t know what she was talking about. I just honestly didn’t remember anything. I guess Liv has finally forgiven me.”

Chris’ words explained so much that Merci had never understood. He’d given Liv the ultimate insult—not remembering their night together—and Liv really was too proud to ever forgive Chris for that transgression. Merci would have to tell him or next time Liv might get her revenge.

“She hasn’t forgiven you, Chris.”


“Do you know why she suggested I date you tonight?”

Chris hesitated for a moment before admitting that he did not.

“Liv had just had a one night stand with a black man and she was talking about a difference she’d noticed between his dick and white ones.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Neither did I at first,” Merci admitted. “Apparently most black men keep their size all the time and just get really, really hard when they’re erect. Most white cocks get small when they’re soft and then grow maybe three or four times their length as they harden. Liv told me this and I didn’t believe her. Anyway, Liv set up this evening to prove her point.”

Chris sat up beside Merci, half spilling her on to the floor. “You went out with me to see how much my dick grows during an erection?”

Merci sat up beside him. “When you say it like that it sounds bad, but the truth is even worse. Liv wanted me to get you to expose yourself—get you all turned on so I could see the size of your erection—then pretend to be frightened by your size and kick you out unsatisfied.”

“What?” Chris asked. The expression on his face would be comical if the situation wasn’t so serious.

“She wanted you hurt—embarrassed—feeling ashamed of your body,” Merci said. She didn’t tack on the obvious ending: like you made her feel.

“And you were going to do this?” Chris’ indignation hurt Merci even though it was justified.

“I don’t know. I’d been drinking. I don’t really remember what I promised. I just knew I had to go on this date and well—you’re really not the guy Liv’s been telling me about all of these years. You’re sweet, selfless, strong...about the only thing Liv got right is that you have an incredibly big cock. So I thought I’d take a look and make up my own mind as the evening went on.”

“So this is all—”

“No!” Merci would not compromise on this point. “I started throwing out Liv’s opinion and making my own plans before we even got to the restaurant. I like you, Chris. This was real tonight.”

Chris fell silent for a moment. “I wish I could be sure because I really like you, Merci.”

“How can I make you sure?” Merci asked.

Chris didn’t answer, so she leaned forward and kissed him tenderly, letting her tongue stroke some enthusiasm back into his body.

“I’ll make a deal with you,” she suggested, taking his penis back into her hand. “You let me make certain you’ll never forget tonight, and I’ll let you take me out tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and as often as you want.”

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