Blind Alley (18 page)

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Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Duncan; Eve (Fictitious Character), #Facial reconstruction (Anthropology), #Large type books, #Louisiana, #Women sculptors

BOOK: Blind Alley
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"I told you they wouldn't find it."

"Because you did your best to hide it. When this is over, you're going to have a lot of questions to answer."

"Hmm." Trevor was tearing the strip on the FedEx box. "I'm duly intimidated."

She scowled. "You are not."

"No, but I'd hate to disappoint you." His smile faded as he opened the lid. "There's another package inside." He moved away from the couch on which she was sitting to the screen door. "It's small, velvet, and doesn't look like it would contain a dog toy for Toby. I think I'll just open this on the porch."

She tensed in spite of herself. "Stop it. Aren't you overreacting?"

"Perhaps." He looked in the FedEx box. "No note."

"Maybe it's in the velvet box."

"Possibly." He dropped the FedEx box and slowly opened the blue velvet box.

"What is it?"

"A ring."

"Jewelry?" Relief surged through her as she jumped to her feet and followed him across the room. "Let me see it."

"In a minute." He was holding the ring up to the light.

"Now." The ring was a broad band of intricately carved gold and the stone it held was a brilliant pale green, too pale to be an emerald, probably a peridot. "Do you think Sarah would send me a Borgia poison ring or something?"

"No." He held the ring away from her. "But I don't believe this ring is from Sarah. Why don't you call her while I look it over?"

Her gaze shifted from the ring to his face and what she saw there made her eyes widen. "Why?"

"Call her," he repeated. "If it's from her, it will give you the opportunity to thank her. I'll stay here and wait for you."

She hesitated, tempted to refuse and confront him. Then she went inside, picked up her phone, and dialed Sarah in Carmel.

Trevor was standing underneath the porch light when she came out of the house five minutes later.

"She didn't send it," Jane said flatly. "She didn't know anything about it. Aldo?"

He nodded. "My guess."

"Why would he send me a ring? That's a peridot, isn't it?"

"I don't think so. It's similar and most people would mistake it for a peridot."

"Then what is it?"

"It's a vesuvianite."

"What the devil is that?"

"When a volcano erupts the tephra sometimes forms a glass-like substance that can be polished and refined to resemble fine gems. You may have seen helenite, the dark green stone that became popular after the Mount Saint Helens eruption."

"But this came from Vesuvius?" Her gaze was fastened in sick fascination on the ring in his hand. "I was joking, but could it be some kind of poison ring?"

He shook his head. "I examined it. It's exactly what it appears. He obviously didn't mean to kill you."

"It's beautiful.... Why would he want to give me something this beautiful?"

"How does it make you feel?"

"Angry, confused."

"And afraid?"

Was there fear at the core of her emotions? She only knew she felt chilled and shaken. "It's only a piece of jewelry."

"That's disturbing the hell out of you."

"And that's what he wanted. He wants me scared and panicked." She reached out and touched the gold of the ring. It was warm from Trevor's touch but it didn't pierce the chill surrounding her. "And he wants me to know he's not forgotten me."

Trevor nodded. "It's a mind game."


"If he knows he can't touch you yet, it will probably get worse. A little long-distance torment will be very satisfying to him."

"Do you think he's watching me?"

He shrugged. "Not from anywhere close. I'd guarantee that, Jane."

"And I can guarantee he'll want to see if sending me this ... thing made a sniveling wreck of me. What kind of satisfaction can he get just from imagining the upset?" She could feel her anger growing by the minute. "Oh, no, he'll want to see that he's hurt me."


"No, certainly." She snatched the ring from his palm and jammed it on her index finger. "So let's let him see it doesn't mean a damn thing to me."

He threw back his head and laughed. "I should have known. Aldo may have been carrying this bauble around for years but don't you think Quinn will want the ring to try to run a tracer?"

"He can take a photo." The ring felt heavy and tight on her finger, like a python curling around its victim. But she wasn't a victim and she'd prove it to him. Her anger remained but it was now mixed with exhilaration and excitement. "I'm wearing it."

His smile faded. "You're liking this a little too much. What do you have in mind? A little goading to stir the tiger?"

"He's not a tiger, he's a slug. And what do you care if I goad him? It might bring him out into the open."

He was silent a moment. "You're right. It might do that, if he doesn't pounce and tear you to bits." He started down the porch steps. "And, strangely enough, I would care if that happened."

"But you're not trying to talk me out of it."

"No, but then I've always been a son of a bitch. Do what you like. I'll be there for you."

Sarah just called me." Eve had left her studio and was standing in the living room when Jane walked into the cottage a moment later, "She was concerned. She said you didn't sound like yourself. What's this about a ring, Jane?"

Jane held up her hand with a hint of bravado. "A present from Aldo. A vesuvianite. Pretty, isn't it?"

Eve stiffened. "Don't be flip. What's happening?"

"So much for him forgetting about me and going on to bigger and better kills."

"Sarah said it was mailed from a Mail Boxes Unlimited in Carmel."

"He's not in California. He'd want to see if the ring had the right effect." Her lips tightened. "He probably hopes I'm cowering under the bed."

"You seem very certain." Eve crossed the room and took her hand. "It looks Byzantine."

"I'm sure it's supposed to look Roman. But what can you expect? He probably took what he could get. Vesuvianite can't be that readily available."

"Then it should be easier to trace. Take it off."

"No." Jane.

"No." She pulled her hand away. "I'm wearing it. He's not going to think he's scared me. I'll wear it and I'll flaunt it as if it were only a pretty bauble a lover had given me."


"That's what Cira would do." She smiled recklessly. "He thinks I'm Cira? Well, I'll act like Cira. She'd never let a murdering bastard make her cringe. She'd face him and taunt him and find a way to bring him down."

"Would she?" Eve's gaze was narrowed on her face. "And how do you know that, Jane?"

"That's how Trevor describes her." Jane shook her head. "No, I won't lie to you. I feel it."

Eve was silent a moment. "Or did you dream it? You never told me the name of the woman in your dream. Was it Cira?"

Smart, savvy Eve. She should have known that the empathy between them was so intense that she'd sense what was going on in Jane's mind. "Yes." She rushed on, "But that isn't For all I know, I'm picking up Aldo's view of her or maybe Trevor's. It could be I read something sometime and I just don't remember doing it. Or maybe I am having psychic flashes. It's not likely, but I'd rather think that than that I'm nutty enough to believe I know Cira because of a dream."

"I think you're protesting too much," Eve said. "You don't have to make explanations to me. I thought we'd settled that issue." She glanced down at the ring again. "Take it off."

"I told you that "

"I know what you told me," Eve said curtly. "And I know it's waving a red cape at a bull. Take it off."

"He'll think I'm afraid." "I don't care.

"I care." She could feel her throat tighten as she looked at Eve. Lord, this was hard. "I love you, Eve. I never want to do anything that will make you unhappy."

"Then take it off."

She shook her head. "You're wrong. We can't give in to him. I might even be able to draw him out and into making a mistake if I annoy him enough. Otherwise, if I take one step back, he'll take one step forward. And I won't be backed into a corner where he can hack my face off." She saw Eve flinch and she hurried on, "I'm sorry. But that's what he wants. He wants me scared and on my knees. We can't give him that."

"I'm not going to give him you either. Why don't " Eve closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. "I'm wasting my time." She opened her eyes and added wearily, "And maybe you're right. I don't know. But I do know if you're going to wave that ring under Aldo's nose we're going to make sure that you're as safe as you can be." She headed for the phone. "I'm calling Joe. Take that ring off, get the digital camera, and take pictures of it so that he can try to locate who sold it to Aldo." Eve

"I'm not angry with you." Eve picked up the phone. "I'm just tired and frustrated and I want this maniac caught before he drives all of us crazy." She smiled. "And, no, I'm not saying you're crazy. Obstinate, opinionated, yes. Now go take those photos."

Chapter Twelve

You're wrong, Jane," Joe said curtly. "You're playing his game."

"No, I'd be playing his game if I hid the ring away." She met his gaze. "And you know it. You just don't want me to take chances. There's an opportunity here. If I was anyone else, you'd admit it." She held out her hand. "Do you think I want to wear it? It makes me sick to my stomach. But it's the right thing to do." She tossed the packet of photos down on the coffee table in front of him. "There are enough photos to start a search for the seller. Trevor said that he may have gotten the ring in Italy years ago."

"We'll see." His lips twisted. "As far as we know he didn't give any of the other victims jewelry. If he's been carrying it around that long evidently you're considered special."

She made a face. "If I'm special, it's because I'm not a victim. And I won't be."

"We hope," Eve said.

"Think positive." Jane moved toward her bedroom. "I'm going to bed now. If I stay here, you'll try to argue me out of it and that's not going to happen. It will only be hurtful. Good night, Joe."

"Running away isn't going to stop me from " He muttered a curse as her bedroom door closed gently but firmly behind her. "You talk her out of it, Eve. She listens to you."

"I tried," Eve said quietly. "She's not listening to anyone now. She thinks she's right and she's sticking to it."

"She's only a kid, dammit."

"Really? I believe we had this discussion weeks ago and you were telling me that she's never really been a kid and that was okay."

"That was before we knew Aldo was on the scene. It's not okay now."

"Too late." Eve's faint smile was sad. "We might have had a chance of bringing a little springtime into her life before this happened, but not now. She's changed."

"She's just gotten more obstinate."

Eve shook her head. "She's formed. I've been watching it happen. She reminds me of one of my reconstructions. I work and I work and I know somewhere beneath my fingers everything is there but it's not ready to come out. Then all of a sudden, it all comes together."

Joe was looking at her with a frown and she tried again. "It's like placing a fine piece of pottery in a kiln. When it goes in, it's soft and still malleable. When it comes out, everything has been burned away but what it is and is going to be forever. Aldo did that to her." Her lips tightened. "May he burn in hell."

"I'll second that." Joe looked down at the photos. "He may not be close enough to her to know she's flaunting that thing."

Eve raised her brows.

"Okay, wishful thinking." He picked up the photos. "I'll fax these to the department and get busy on trying to backtrack that package from that Mail Boxes Unlimited in Carmel."

"She's right, isn't she? Much as we hate it, it's an opportunity."

He nodded as he headed for the fax machine. "Yes, dammit, she's right."

The lamplight made the pale green vesuvianite flash and sparkle like the cold edge of a knife. Aldo liked knives, Jane thought.

Don't look at it. Don't think about what he did with those knives.

She turned out the light and tucked her hand beneath the covers. It didn't help. She could still see it burning, glittering in her mind's eye.

Then accept it. She'd made the decision and she had to live with it. She took her hand from beneath the covers and let it lie on top of the counterpane. Aldo had handled this ring. He'd touched it and looked at the glowing stone and thought about how it would disturb her. She could almost see him smiling and fondling it.

Well, it's mine now. And I won't let it be anything to me that I don't want it to be. So screw you, Aldo.

She closed her eyes and willed herself to go to sleep. She would not dream of Cira and she would not dream of Aldo. Close them out, rest, and gain strength and determination.

No, don't sleep. Think. Go over everything she knew about Aldo and find a way to bring him down. She was tired of hiding and letting him think he could terrorize her. The situation had to change. She had to make a move.

Sorry, Eve....

* * *

The next morning Bartlett, as usual, was standing in front of the cottage. He smiled gently as Jane walked toward him. "Good morning. I hear there was a little disturbance with the mail last night."

"A little. Where's Trevor?"

"With Matt Singer double-checking security. He should be here soon. You can reach him by cell phone if it's important."

She shook her head. "I want to talk to him face-to-face."

"I see. Well, I'll be glad of your company while you're waiting." His gaze went to her hand and his smile faded. "Trevor is right, you really shouldn't be wearing that."

"Trevor didn't try to stop me."

"I know. He said it was up to you. It didn't surprise me. Though I was disappointed."


"I like him. But I'd like him more if he'd admit that he isn't as hard as he pretends."

"I don't believe there's much pretense about it."

"That's because he's extremely good at it."

"Like the time he was pretending to be from Scotland Yard investigating your wife's death? Evidently he didn't fool you."

He smiled. "Almost. But I knew he wasn't a policeman when I followed him to Claridge's. Policemen don't usually have the funds for elite accommodations."

"But smugglers and con men do?"

"Exactly. And after I became acquainted with Trevor I realized my best chance of getting Ellen's killer was with him. He had dedication." He added gravely, "Dedication is important."

"So is honesty. How many times has he lied to you?"

"Only the one time. He is honest in his own way."

She shook her head. "I don't understand that kind of honesty. It's either one way or the other."

"Black or white? I'm afraid Trevor is definitely in the gray areas. But that's better than being black, isn't it? A man of his capabilities could be a superb villain. It must be a great temptation to him."

"He told me how much he liked money."

He nodded. "So he says."

"You don't believe him?"

"Oh, I believe he likes it. He grew up poor and had to fight his way. But there are easier ways to acquire money when you're as brilliant as Trevor. He doesn't have to walk a tightrope. I think he got a taste of it when he was a kid and over the years it's become an addiction."

"Is that why he's after Aldo? Not the gold, just the thrill of the chase?"

"No, I think it's a little more personal than that. Did he tell you Pietro Tatligno was a mercenary with him in Colombia?"

Her eyes widened. "No, he just said he was an antiquities scholar."

"And a very brilliant one, but he sowed a few wild oats before he gave up the military life and went back to school. Evidently he and Trevor became very good friends and it was Trevor who brought him to Guido Manza."

"You're saying he's after Aldo because of guilt?"

"Trevor would deny it. He says guilt is nonproductive." He smiled. "He might even tell you he was after Aldo because Aldo double-crossed him."

"He did say Pietro didn't deserve to die."

"Ah, maybe he's getting close to admitting the truth." He shook his head as he looked down at her ring. "It's very pretty, isn't it? It's a terrible thing to use beauty to bring fear."

"It only brings fear if you let it. It's only a ring."

"And she's not about to let it," Trevor said from behind her. "I take it Quinn wasn't able to persuade you to shed it."

"No." She turned to watch him come toward her. He looked wired, restless, and she was again aware of that barely contained energy he exuded with every movement. "It's my ring. My choice."

"True." He stopped before her. "But since I'm not as ethical as Quinn I might try to manipulate circumstances to make your choice be my choice."

"Joe's honest but he's not above doing that, too. So maybe you're more alike than you think."

He grimaced. "Don't tell him that. He wouldn't be flattered. He's a straight arrow and I'm nowhere near straight. I prefer the path untraveled and most of those are as twisted as a snake's back."

She nodded. "Twisted. That's why I came out to talk to you."

"I told her that she could call you and you'd come," Bartlett said.

"Anytime." He stared her directly in the eye. "Anywhere."

She felt... strange. Breathless. She glanced hurriedly away. "Easy to say. You couldn't have been more than a mile down the road."

He smiled. "But you still didn't phone me. Because you preferred to quiz my friend, Bartlett, about me?"

"I'm touched." Bartlett beamed. "Do you know that's the first time you admitted I was your friend? How encouraging."

Trevor shook his head resignedly. "Do you know he really means it? You can't fight it." He took her arm. "Come on, I have to get out from under his shadow. All that sweetness and light makes me look bad in comparison."

"It shouldn't," Bartlett called after them. "I did my best to make you appear to advantage. It was quite difficult."

"I don't doubt it." Trevor glanced down at her as they moved down the path. "Did you laugh in his face?"

"No, I wouldn't hurt his feelings."

"Perish the thought. Are you going to be in line to be wife number four?"

"I didn't come down here to talk about Bartlett." She stopped and turned to face him. "And you know it. So why are you trying to keep me from saying what I mean to say?"

"Maybe I'm enjoying myself. From the moment I met you it's all been tension, defensiveness, and suspicion. I like to see you like this."

"Like what?"

"Sort of soft. I don't give myself credit for any change of demeanor but I've always been one to take advantage of any break I'm given."

"I'm not soft. I don't pretend to be."

"Most people have a soft side. You show yours to Eve and Quinn and Toby." He wrinkled his nose. "And now to Bartlett."

"That's different."

"And that's what I'm saying. Refreshing." He held up his hand as she started to speak. "Okay, I can see you're growing impatient. Fire when ready."

'You said that Aldo was a computer genius. When you were hobnobbing together in Herculaneum how much did you find out about his surfing habits?"

"Internet surfing?"

"What else?"

"First, we weren't hobnobbing. Second, why the hell do you want to know?"

"I'm not sure. Something keeps nagging at me but it's not clear yet. I'm sure you weren't bosom buddies but you were both computer geeks. You had that in common and you were isolated together in the tunnel. You must have communicated on some level."

"What are you digging for?"

She shrugged. "Everyone has favorite Internet sites they go to almost every day. I know I do."

"So do I." He was frowning. "You want to know what sites are Aldo's favorites?"

"Do you know?"

"Probably. As you said, we had that in common and I admired his expertise. We didn't share information but I did watch him occasionally."

"Can you remember?"

"It's been a long time."

"Can you remember?"

He nodded slowly. "That entire period is pretty well carved into my memory. What do you want from me?"

"I want you to make a list of all his preferred sites."

"I may not remember all of them, Jane."

"Well, whatever you do remember. Anything."


"It's a starting place. I don't know where else we can go. I was lying in bed last night and trying to think of any way to get to Aldo before he got to me. But I don't know anything about him. Not really." She made a helpless gesture with her hand. "There's so little ... He's nuts. He thinks I'm Cira's reincarnation, and he uses computers. I picked the most concrete thing to work on."

"And how do you intend to use it once I rack my memory and furnish you with the info you need?"

"I told you. I'm not sure yet."

He studied her expression. "You may not be sure but you have an idea where you're going with this. I could hold out and force you to share."

"And I'd resent the force and you'd have the devil of a time getting me to cooperate with you for the foreseeable future."

"That's true." He smiled. "I just thought I'd bluff a bit. I don't like being left in the dark but I'll be patient. I know I'll be the first you'll tell when it all comes together."


"Because you realize I'll help you. I won't argue. I won't try to keep you from sticking your neck out. If you have a chance of getting him, I'll let you run the risks." He paused. "Even if it means taking you away from Eve and Quinn and that blanket of protection they've wrapped around you."

She was disappointed, she realized in surprise. Why? It was what she'd expected, what she needed from him. "Good. When can you have the list for me?"

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