Blind Acceptance (29 page)

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Authors: Missy Martine

BOOK: Blind Acceptance
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“Be nice, or I’ll cut off your air until you pass out.”

Hesitantly, she tried to nod. She didn’t want to be unconscious. She didn’t know what they’d do to her if she couldn’t fight.

“Good girl. Just keep being a good girl, and we won’t have to hurt you.”

The other man laughed. “Yeah,
won’t have to hurt you.”

She heard the other man’s footsteps as he came back.

“I’ve got the tape for her mouth, and I’m gonna give her an injection.”

Laynee felt uncontrollable fear at the word

“Why waste the shot? Boss said he’d take care of her.”

“No reason to take any risks. The shot will put her out.”

The one holding her tightened his arms. “Are you ready?”


Before she could figure out what they meant, the hand over her mouth disappeared and a wide strip of tape took its place. Her jaw ached from the force the man used to apply the tape.

“Now, just a little stick and we’re on our way.”

Hands pushed up the sleeve of her shirt, and she felt a small stick in her arm, followed by a burning sensation.

When she struggled, the man holding her closed his hand around her throat.

“Be still right now, or I’ll end you.”

She didn’t doubt he’d kill her, so she concentrated on calming herself. They were taking her to somebody, so chances are the shot wouldn’t kill her.
What is
wrong with my life? First my father
tries to kill me, and now these two are
kidnapping me. My father is probably
behind this, too. I should have never
left the school.
She blinked back her tears but still felt one slide down the side of her face.
If I’d never left school,
I’d never have met David and Eric. A
lot of good it does me now. I’m gonna
die without getting to tell them I love
them one more time. Or am I? They
said we’d have some kind of psychic
bond after we mated. So can they read
my thoughts or my emotions? I’ve got
to be projecting a pretty healthy dose
of fear.
She closed her eyes and concentrated on the smell of her mates.

Hear me, mates. I’m in trouble. I need
your help. Please, hear me.

“Open the back door so I can put her in the cage, and we’ll hit the road.”

Cage? They’re gonna put me in a
She heard another car door open followed by a grinding noise like metal on metal.

“Tie her hands.” One of the men dragged her hands behind her and fastened them together with a rope.

The man holding her lifted her high on his chest and then tossed her into the air.

Her legs flailed as she fell, banging her head soundly on a metal bar. Her legs kicked out to find several of the bars running vertically. She was in some kind of cell or cage. Her head pounded, and nausea nearly overwhelmed her. The loud click of a lock brought fresh tears to her eyes.

“For crying out loud, you’re gonna bruise the merchandise.”

“Don’t be an ass. You know what he wants her for. A few bruises ain’t gonna matter.” The door slammed shut on his last word.

Laynee’s thoughts were jumbled as she tried to get to her feet, only to find the cage was not tall enough for her to stand. She had just settled on her knees when the vehicle lurched forward, throwing her off balance, her head crashing once again into the bars, right before the welcome darkness closed in around her.

David carried the tray filled with coffee, juice, and Danish to the bedroom to find Eric sitting on the bed tying his shoe laces. Eric looked around and grinned. “You didn’t leave Laynee to bring up another tray, did you?”

David set the tray down on the dresser. “What are you talking about? Is she in the shower?”

Eric stood, the color draining from his face. “No, I thought she was downstairs with you.”

“Shit, where is she?” David walked out into the hall sniffing the air. “Damn it, I can smell her all over the house.

Your wolf can scent better than my bear.

Can you follow her trail?”

Eric ripped his clothes and shoes off and initiated the change. The popping of his bones echoed in the quiet room as he shifted into his gray wolf. David stood aside as the wolf made his way into the hall, sniffing the carpet as he moved along. He followed him down the back stairs to a door that led outside.

Reaching over, he opened the door and watched Eric follow her trail. He’d only taken a couple of steps when he stopped, threw back his head, and let out a long, mournful howl.

“What is it?” asked David.

Eric shifted, turned his anguish filled eyes to David, and pointed to the grass.

David moved closer and spotted the cane Laynee had been using around the house. Eric growled. “There was a male here. The scent of her fear blends with his. I’m gonna follow it. Stay close if you can.” Immediately, he shifted back, put his nose to the ground, and moved toward the driveway. Again he stopped, growling at something on the ground.

David hurried over and spotted tire tracks leading away from the house on the dirt road. “Don’t shift, Eric. You’ll use up all your energy if you keep shifting back and forth. I see the tracks.

I’m guessing whoever has her took her off in a car. I can feel something from her. It’s a combination of fear and extreme anger. Can you track it?”

In answer, Eric took off across the field. David glanced around and then took off running after his brother. It would be risky for him to shift. Folks might mistake Eric for a large dog, but nobody could mistake his bear for anything but a bear. They didn’t need some nosy neighbor reporting they’d seen a wild animal running loose. His bear didn’t like it, but they’d have to depend on Eric’s wolf to track down their mate.

Robert paced back and forth, waiting for his daughter to be delivered to him.

“Everything’s almost over. Soon, I’ll have everything I’ve ever wanted. I just have to get rid of Laynee and make sure everyone believes her two new friends are responsible.” The sound of a car pulling up had him rushing to the door.

He opened it a crack and watched as two men got out of a delivery van.

“Anybody here?”

Robert opened the door and stepped outside. “Did you get her?”

The taller of the two turned. “Yeah, we got her. I’m Lenny, and this is Darren. Who’re you?”

“None of your business, that’s who I am. Where is she?”

Lenny rolled his eyes and opened the back of the van.

Robert stepped closer and swore.

“What the hell did you do to her?”

Darren shrugged. “Just gave her a little shot to make sure she stayed quiet and gave us no trouble.”

“You drugged her?”

“No worries, mate,” Darren said. “It’s a mild dose, and she should wake up if you splash a little water on her face.”

Robert shook his head. “Did you have any trouble?”

Lenny barked out a laugh. “No, sir.

We got her just as she walked out the door, and she didn’t have time to kick up a ruckus that would have brought any trouble. I doubt anybody even knows she’s gone, yet. How’d you get her to come outside by herself, what with her being blind?”

“Again, none of your business. Get her out of that cage, and then get out of here.”

Lenny narrowed his eyes. “How you gonna get home?”

“I have my car nearby. You don’t have to worry about me. In fact, you don’t need to think about this again. Jeremy has your payment, and as far as I’m concerned, we’re never going to set eyes on each other again. Is that understood?”

Lenny looked at Darren and then back at Robert. “Sure, man. If that’s what you want.” He turned and opened the cage.

Reaching in, he grabbed Laynee by the feet and dragged her to the back of the van. “Here’s your delivery, sir.” He picked her up and dumped her at Robert’s feet, laughing when she let out a strained groan. He looked over at Darren. “Let’s get out of here, man. I don’t think our services are needed anymore.” The two men got in their van and drove off, leaving Robert staring down at his daughter.

“I’ve got to wake her. I’ve got to know how much she’s told the others about our little camping trip.” Kneeling, he grabbed her hair and pulled until her face was turned up to the sun. Using his other hand, he slapped her cheek. “Wake up, Laynee. It’s time to talk to Daddy.”

Laynee struggled to open her eyes.
cheek’s throbbing. Why does it hurt?
A burning sensation moved across her face and then another blow had her head jerking sideways, her scalp prickling where something pulled at her hair. A voice she’d hoped never to hear again found its way through her jumbled thoughts.

“Wake up, daughter. We have to talk.

Come on. I got the tape off your mouth.”

She groaned and tried to pull away from the hand tangled in her hair. “Let go of me.” Gritting her teeth, she rolled and pushed up to her knees. The room seemed to spin out from under her.

“What did you do to me?”

Robert laughed. “My associates were a little too zealous. They gave you something to keep you calm.”

She coughed and tried to spit the bad taste in her mouth out onto the ground.

“The asshole injected me with something.”

He chuckled.

“Such language, daughter. We don’t have much time. I’m sure your friends are going to come looking for you soon.”

“You never had any tapes for me, did you?”

“Actually, your mother left a whole box of the damn things. I’m not sure why I didn’t destroy them over the years, but truth is, I still have them.”

She turned toward his voice. “Where are they?”

He laughed. “Not here.”

Laynee breathed in deeply, trying to figure out where she was. She was outside. The light breeze stirring her hair carried the scent of pine needles and wild flowers. She could also smell dirt and something oily.

“I want to know what you told those boys about me, daughter.”

“Where are we?”

Robert reached down and grabbed her arm. Yanking hard, he brought her to her feet. “I’m not going to ask you again, Laynee. What did you tell them when they found you in the woods?”

Her father’s fingers bit deeply into the flesh of her arm. He smelled strongly of unwashed clothes and sweat.
I just need
to stall. I know my mates will come for
me. I just have to give them a little
“I told them the truth, at least as much of it as I knew. That we were camping on our way home after picking me up from school. I didn’t remember much when I woke up, so there wasn’t much I could tell them.”

“And that’s it?”

Laynee laughed harshly. “That’s all I told them. But they sure told me plenty.”

“What are you talking about?”

“They told me you tried to kill me.”

“Why would they tell you something like that?”

“Eric snuck up on your campsite and heard you and Jeremy talking. After that, he went searching for me. They sent an investigator to check you out, Father. He came back with all the poop on your shenanigans.”

“Impossible, I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“They told me about your embezzling money from the clients at your company and how you needed my inheritance to get out of trouble.”

“That’s impossible,” Robert cried. He slapped her across the face. “There’s no way anybody could have found out about the money.”

Laynee spit when she noticed a coppery taste in her mouth. “You went to Mr. Kemp and gave him papers saying I’d signed them to give you control over my affairs.”

Robert laughed. “You did sign them, Laynee. Everything I put in front of you, you signed. You were very cooperative, child.”

“Yeah, what else did you make me sign?”

“Only one other important document.

Your will that leaves everything to your dear, old dad.”

“You son of a…” Laynee kicked out with her foot, connecting with her father’s leg.

“Damn it!”

Her heart soared for a moment and then fell when he pushed her roughly to the ground. “I’ve had enough of this. The authorities are going to look real hard at the two strangers you brought into our home when they find your body. By then, they won’t believe anything they say, and I’ll have put the money back where it belongs.”

Laynee jerked away when he leaned down and rubbed his hand across her head.

“Time to say good night, Laynee.”

She tried to get to her feet when she felt him move back. Before she could move, the sound of something growling filled the morning air.

David followed closely behind Eric’s wolf until he could see a clearing up ahead. Eric’s growl turned sinister at the same moment he spotted Laynee. David began tearing off his clothes as her father picked up a baseball bat and held it over his head, looking down at his helpless, bound mate.

Eric charged across the clearing as David began his shift. He could hear Eric’s vicious snarling as his bones popped, reshaping his body into his bear form. His eyes popped open when he heard a pain-filled cry from his brother.

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