BLIND: A Mastermind Novel (52 page)

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Authors: Lydia Michaels

BOOK: BLIND: A Mastermind Novel
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“I love you too, Asher Michael Roan. I loved you before I even set eyes on you.”

His lips pressed to hers as he crawled onto the bed, his fingers slowly unfastening the buttons of her blouse. Her palms glided over his strong arms and back, cherishing that ability to finally touch him freely.

His eyes closed as he confessed, “I’ve died a thousand deaths waiting to feel your hands on me, your gaze on me. But I never imagined this.”

“Me neither. You don’t need to be afraid of me, Asher. I’d never hurt you.

She quickly tugged at his shirt, wanting all barriers away. “Take this off. Hurry.”

He eased back and swiftly stripped the shirt away. His mouth crashed to hers as his fingers slid beneath the strap of her bra and yanked it down. “Do you have any idea how many fantasies I’ve had about this moment?”

A euphoric trance slipped over her. People didn’t fantasize about her. She wasn’t exotic enough to build a fantasy around. “Really?”

“God, yes,

he confessed, his mouth kissing down her chest as his hands plumped her breast. “I nearly died, every time you let me see or touch you.”

He’d always made her feel so good during those moments. “Asher?

She arched into him as his hot mouth closed over the sharp tip of her nipple.


“How did you get so good at…pleasuring a woman?

She’d always assumed he’d had countless lovers. How else could he have known everything he knew about the female body, like all the things he’d taught her when they’d visited the hotel?

His attention at her breasts paused as he rose above her. “I learned everything I know for you. I read, I studied, I interviewed people from all lifestyles, and I watched you carefully to determine what aroused you the most.

His fingers traced her brow. “It’s your mind, Lettie. As much as I love your body, there’s nothing more erotic to me than your mind.”

And oh, how he could seduce her mind. “I wish…

her words fell away. She didn’t want to spoil their reconciliation.

“Tell me.”

Licking her lips, she confessed, “I wish we could take back all the lost time.”

His head shook slowly. “I wasn’t ready. It took me a long time to admit there was something missing and do something about it, but all the changes I made didn’t matter. It didn’t matter how I dressed or what I wore. I needed a woman that could really see
. I needed you, Scarlet.”

“But I was blind.”

“No, you saw the parts of me no one else could.”

“I see you now, Asher Roan. And I never saw anyone so beautiful.”

He smiled. “Should I find you a mirror?”

She laughed, but then turned serious. “I mean it. You’re a beautiful human being, not just on the outside, but on the inside where it counts.”

His face lowered, hiding a sweet smile. Quietly, he whispered, “You don’t know how much that means to me, Scarlet.”

“It’s true.”

He smirked again. “I’m so glad, because…this morning my company went bankrupt. I no longer have a penny to my name.”

Her lips parted. “Oh, my God. Are you okay?” She shook her head. Of course he wasn’t okay. “What can I do to help? Do you need anything?
I don’t know what to say.”

“I just wanted to let you know before we went any further.If that changes your mind
ll understand.”

Here she was, dumping all this other stuff on him when he’d lost his
just that morning. “Do you want to stop?”

“Do you?”

She didn’t want to be selfish, but she would understand if his mind was on more important matters. “I don’t want to, but we can if you’d rather talk—Oh!” She gasped as he rolled to his back pulling her with him, his lips smiling against hers as he kissed her.

“Why are you laughing?”

He drew back and grinned. “I’m just playing with you. My companies are fine. But it’s great to know that doesn’t make a difference to you.”

Her mouth gaped and she pushed him. “You jerk! I felt terrible!”

He laughed and rolled her to her back, kissing her again. “Which tells me how genuine you truly are, but I already knew that. Don’t be mad. I like teasing you.”

Pursing her lips, she pouted. “Jerk.”

He nuzzled her ear as shivers tightened her nipples. “Forgive me?” he whispered.

“No. That was mean.”

He bit her shoulder. “Please.”

She sighed, knowing she’d of course forgive him and actually liking this teasing side of him. “Fine. I’ll forgive you…for a price.”

He chuckled. “Okay. What will it be? A trip to the spa? A new necklace?”

“No way. I want your shirt.”

He frowned. “My shirt?”

She nodded, glancing to the corner of the bed where it lay in a wrinkled mess. “Yup.”

He blinked, his eyes a bit forlorn. “But that’s an authentic 1989 Brainy Smurf classic.”

“I’m aware. I tried bidding for one on eBay last year and got outbid somewhere around a hundred bucks.”

He did a double take. “I got it on eBay.”

“When?” There was no way they’d been bidding in the same auction.

“Maybe last June. I forget.”

Her eyes went wide. “Oh, my God! Are you

He drew back. “

They both laughed. What a small world. “Oh, I’m definitely getting your shirt now! You outbid me!”

His gaze turned intense, lust darkening his eyes. “Would you really have paid a hundred dollars for a Brainy Smurf shirt?”

“Of course! Do you know how rare he is? It’s not like a Papa or Smurfette. They’re everywhere.”

He gripped her arms. “I seriously need to make love to you. Right. Now.”

Her giggle was silenced by a very serious kiss and she moaned.

His hands curved around her breasts, plumping and massaging as his mouth descended. Her thighs parted as he pulled her pants away. After so much patience it was impossible to passively lie there. She unlatched his belt and tugged it free of his jeans, tossing it carelessly to the floor.

Twisting the button loose, she unzipped his pants and reached for him, not stopping until her fingers wrapped around thick heat. “I’ve got you now,

she teased and he groaned, his head resting on her shoulder, his breath beating against her flesh in a rush, as her fist slowly pumped over his impressive length.

“I’m afraid I have a confession, Scarlet.”

She stilled. “What?”

“There haven’t been many women. I’m not a virgin, but…”

She frowned and released him. “Ashe
… Please look at me.”

His head slowly turned, his eyes apologetic. “I’m not sure if I can deliver perfect, but I want this to be right.”


she whispered.

“I might…

he swallowed and glanced away. “I’ve waited a
long time for this—for
—longer than fourteen encounters. It’s closer to fourteen years. I’m afraid I won’t be able to…”

Her hands cupped his jaw as she softly kissed his lips. “Asher, this may surprise you, but I’ve never been good at sex. You’re the only man that’s every made me feel sexy. If it’s over quickly, we’ll do it again. And again.

She grinned. “And again.”

He chuckled, his smile full of relief. “God, I love you.”

“No pressure, okay? We’re in this together.”

His focus drifted over her shoulder and back to her. “Okay. You’ll have to pardon my occasional doubts. It’s a habit I’m trying really hard to break.”

“I have those moments too. We can work through them together.”

He kissed her, slow and deep until her toes curled. Gripping her wrist, he brought her hand to his cock. “Touch me, Ms. Farrow.”

Her nipples tightened at the sudden commanding tone in his voice. She’d never expected to enjoy a demanding lover, but she loved it when he took control. With him, nothing was ordinary. Her fingers tightened as she slowly stroked him. His hips pressed into her as his mouth spread kisses across her shoulders and throat.

The feel of his skin against hers was indescribable and she sensed him getting close as he gasped and whispered her name. His body tensed and he tried to pull back, but she wasn’t having any of that.

“Your touch is the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt. Please don’t stop.”

“I’ll never stop.” Her body flooded with arousal as his body trembled. Seeing him respond to her touch was incredibly erotic. “I’ve waited so long to touch you like this.”

Her hand worked over his flesh as the most vulnerable, sensual sound left his throat and heat shot onto her belly.

His arms pulled her close as he shook and pressed his face to her throat. “I’m sorry.”

He had absolutely nothing to apologize for. The fact that she could actually make him lose control was euphoric. She pumped her fist one more time and his body trembled. Releasing him, she lifted her fingers and stared into his eyes as she slowly licked them. She’d waited an eternity to taste him

Eyes wide, he let out a slow breath. “Fuck.”


she agreed and smirked.

He glanced down. “I’m going to need a moment.”

Stretching beneath him, she sighed. “Hmmm

whatever could we do to pass the time?”

His smile was slow and priceless. He laughed quietly and turned away for a split second, collecting himself and quickly cleaning up his release. When he looked back at her, he smirked and asked, “Ms. Farrow, do you need to come?”

Her breasts lifted as her gaze softened and lust breathed between them. “Yes, Mr. Roan, I’d very much like to come.”

“Then you shall.” He removed her pants with impressive speed. “Part your thighs and let me look at your pretty pussy.”

His words were such a turn on her body immediately responded. Yes! This was the man she loved. This was the man that made every encounter stand apart from all the rest, gave her the courage to expose hidden parts of herself. Slowly, she drew her legs apart. “I’m very wet,

she confessed, as his eyes dropped to her core.

He sat back and there were no words to describe how much it pleased her to watch him look at her with such hunger.

“Your panties are soaked through, Ms. Farrow.

Her body pulsed as he spoke, his eyes focused on her core. “Pull the lace aside and let me see.”

Her fingers slipped beneath the silk and she slowly exposed her sex. Cool air teased her folds as he stared at her and growled. Leaning close, he slid a finger deep and held. “Next will be my cock.”

Her eyes rolled back as she gasped, his finger withdrawing and plunging deep again. She held her panties aside as he fucked her with his fingers, intently increasing her pleasure and stretching her with each added digit.

Her hands were suddenly pushed away as the lace of her panties tore and his mouth was on her, kissing, licking, and nibbling as his fingers continued to probe. Arching into him, she cried out as he teased her clit and her sex pulsed. “Yes!”

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