Bleacke's Geek (Bleacke Shifters) (15 page)

Read Bleacke's Geek (Bleacke Shifters) Online

Authors: Lesli Richardson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Bleacke's Geek (Bleacke Shifters)
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Dewi’s driving scared him as much, if not more, in broad daylight as it had Saturday night. With her eyes concealed behind mirrored sunglasses, she shot through traffic as if it stood still around her. She had to get a parking permit when they reached the campus, then she followed his directions until they were parked in the staff lot outside his building.

She got out of the car, slung a worn backpack over one shoulder, and waited for him while he once again juggled everything. “You don’t have to go in with me,” he said.

“Why?” He loved her playful smirk. “Afraid I’ll hurt someone for getting too close to you?”

“No. I’m afraid you’ll have time to rethink taking on a loser like me.”

Before he realized what happened, she’d grabbed him by the tie and hauled him down to her eye level.

“Listen to me,” she growled.

He listened.

“Don’t you
put yourself down like that again, okay? You’re
, and I love you, and I don’t give a shit what your life was like or what others thought of you before I met you. I love you just the way you are, and I think you’re perfect.” Then she kissed him, nearly driving him out of his mind right then.

Okay, so much for not teaching with a hard-on.
He wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.

She released his tie and smoothed his shirt out. With a playful smile, she held her hand out, motioning for him to lead the way. “After you.”

“Um, uh huh.”

She followed him into the building. In the lobby, they had to wait for the elevator. He thought he was avoiding the inevitable when John Scoggins and Pete Smith walked up.

“Hey, Ethelbert,” John said, both men obviously staring at Dewi.

Ken felt shocked when he had to beat back the sudden urge to deck John and Pete for how they were looking at Dewi. “Hey.”

Pete cleared his throat. “Um, hi,” he said to Dewi.

Standing behind Ken, she slipped her arms around his waist and laid her cheek against his back. “Hi,” she said in a sweetly seductive tone.

Both men’s jaws dropped.

“You, uh, look different today, Ethelbert,” John said.

Ken thought fast. “No glasses.”

“Oh. Oh yeah.”

The door to the elevator opened. Ken stepped in, Dewi smoothly following him and keeping him between her and the two men, who were now obviously trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Part of him felt amused, because he knew damn well she could kick the other two men’s asses.

Part of him felt proud to know she was his.

And an even bigger part of him still wanted to pound the crap out of the two men for staring at her the way they were. She wore jeans, a tank top, and a long-sleeved chambray shirt over the tank top, unbuttoned down the front with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She wasn’t dressed in a seductive way.

But she was a seductive woman, just her very aura enough to make Ken want to fuck her right there, audience or not.

When the elevator door slid closed, John, whose office was only three doors down from Ken’s, finally said it. “So, who is she?” he asked. “Want to introduce us?”

Ken had just enough sense to edit himself before he said the wrong word. “This is Dewi Bleacke. She’s my…girlfriend.”

She peeked out from behind Ken and smiled. “Hiya.”

He could have dropped to all fours and started barking like a dog and they wouldn’t have looked more shocked.

The two men stood there as the elevator door opened on their floor. Ken, shadowed by Dewi, stepped out. He turned to look at them with no small measure of satisfaction. “You guys going somewhere else, or to your offices?”

“Um, oh. Yeah,” Pete said, awaking from his stupor. Both men stepped out, but didn’t follow. They stood there watching Ken and Dewi walk down the hall and around the corner.

“That was fun,” Dewi said with an evil smile.

Ken couldn’t help but laugh as he stopped in front of his office. “Yeah, loads.” He handed her his coffee as he dug his keys out of his pocket and unlocked his office door. He wasn’t tenured, so his office space consisted of little more than an oversized closet, with barely enough room for his desk, his office chair, a chair in front of his desk, and a wall of bookshelves. At least he had a window. Well, half of a window, which extended into the office next door.

Dewi dropped into the chair in front of his desk. “When’s your first class?”

He glanced at the clock. “Nine.” That was almost thirty minutes away. He set his computer and papers on his desk. “My last class ends at noon, but I have three scheduled student conferences this afternoon. I’ll be able to leave here by four.” He sat. “Are you sure you want to hang out here all day? You could come back at lunch time and we could go eat somewhere.”

She sat the backpack on the floor next to her chair. “Nope. I’m fine.” She smiled up at him. “Wanting to get rid of me?”

“No. Wanting to keep you from being bored out of your mind.”

“Don’t worry about me. I brought stuff to do.” She patted her backpack. “I’m all set.”

“I’m not sure I can focus knowing you’ll be waiting here for me.”

She grinned. “And you only have four more weeks of this. So when do you tell them you’re quitting?”

“Do I have to think about that today?”

She leaned forward in her chair, a sensual smile on her face. “Just think about it, being able to lay in bed every morning with me until you’re ready to get up. Or until I get you up.” Her gaze pointedly dropped to his crotch before returning to his eyes.

His cock jumped inside his jeans, throbbing, screaming for him to lay her over his desk and fuck her silly right there. He was about to reply when someone knocked on his open door. He looked up to see two more of his colleagues, Jason Cranston and Mark Perry, standing there and staring at Dewi.

“Um, hey, Ethelbert,” Mark said. “How was your weekend?”

Before he could answer, Dewi turned and sweetly smiled. “He got himself a girlfriend and spent it getting laid. Any questions?”

Ken swallowed hard.

Both men stood there looking stunned. Jason finally shook his head. “Um, no. Cool. See you later.”

She laughed as they left. Then she leaned back and pushed the office door shut. “That should get tongues wagging.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. I’m not used to being the center of attention.”

She held up four fingers and wiggled them at him. “Four more weeks.”

“I know. You won’t let me forget either, will you?”

She grinned. “Hell no.”

He finally made it out of his office to class, but not until Dewi had given him a soul-melting kiss that hardened his cock. He tried to adjust his jeans, gave up, and nearly walked out without his papers. Dewi’s playful laughter followed him out the door and down the hall to his classroom.

* * * *

Ken’s first class didn’t end soon enough for his liking. He willed the clock to move faster, and had nearly thirty minutes until his next class after the first one ended. He opened his office door to find Dewi still sitting in the chair in front of his desk, her feet propped up on his desk and a small netbook open in her lap. She looked up at him. He slammed the door closed behind him and locked it. She barely had time to set the netbook on the desk before he was on her. He yanked her up out of the chair and planted his lips on hers with happy moan that she echoed.

He bent her backward over the desk, his hands fumbling with her jeans until she had to help. She pushed them and her underwear down her hips and he dropped to his knees. With another happy moan, he buried his face between her legs. She grabbed his head and held on as he quickly brought her to an orgasm she was barely able to keep quiet through.

When he knew she’d finished, he pulled her to the edge of the desk and flipped her over onto her stomach. He shoved his own jeans down to his knees and sank his cock home inside her with a happy moan.

“Yesss!” she softly hissed, pushing back against him.

He slapped her on the ass. “Hold still, baby.” Part of him felt horrified that he’d done that, but she wiggled beneath him, obviously happy. He grabbed her hips and fucked her, hard and fierce. Her soft, barely muffled mews of pleasure as she came again only fired his own need. As hard as he could, he slammed his cock deep inside her until he exploded with a relieved moan of his own.

Before he could recover, she pushed up off the desk, dropped to her knees in front of him, and sucked his softening cock into her mouth with a satisfied grunt.

“Oh, baby!” he whispered.

She quickly got him hard again, deep throating him when he came and swallowing every drop.

That took his knees out from under him. He collapsed into the chair with Dewi’s head in his lap, her body practically wrapped around his legs.

He stroked her hair. Her eyes dropped closed as a content smile curved her beautiful lips.

“I could sit here all day,” she whispered.

“Me, too.”

She giggled. “No you can’t. You have a class.”

He smiled and closed his eyes. “Not just yet I don’t.”

They sat there in that position until a few minutes before his class started. Dewi stood, stretched, then crawled into his lap and kissed him. “I love you,” she whispered, her eyes searching his face.

He smiled and cupped her cheek with his hand, his thumb caressing the spray of freckles under her left eye. “I love you too, Dewi.”

They both stood and he pulled himself together. He had just enough time to hit the bathroom and freshen up before heading to class. He noticed a few odd looks from some of the female students, but as he stepped behind the podium he surreptitiously checked his zipper.

Nope, it’s up.

He couldn’t figure it out. Come to think of it, a few of the female students in his first class had given him odd looks, too.

After class ended, he was gathering his things when one of the students, Brenda Stillings, approached him.

“Dr. Ethelbert?”

“Yes?” He looked up. Oh yes, he remembered her, even if he couldn’t name most of his students. Hell, he’d masturbated to fantasies of her triple-D beasts and tight clothes plenty of times. The irony wasn’t lost upon him that he now thought Dewi was countless times more beautiful than this girl.

“Do you have time for a student conference this afternoon? I’m having…a problem with something.”

“Sure.” He checked his schedule. “Two-thirty okay?”

She eagerly nodded. “Wonderful.” She smiled and waggled her fingers at him.”See you then!” Then she bounced out of his room.

Consternation set in.
What is up with her?
She was a B student. Didn’t seem to have any unusual troubles with the class. She’d never asked to have a conference with him before.

He shrugged and headed back to Dewi. He only had ten minutes before the next class, so that only gave them time to snuggle and kiss a little.

He’d nearly forgotten about the exchange with Brenda by the time lunch rolled around. He’d had another steamy encounter with Dewi between classes that left them both panting and sweaty and sprawled over his desk. They headed out to Dewi’s car.

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