Blaze (11 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #biker, #Romance, #second chance romance, #love story

BOOK: Blaze
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“What’s your plan?  You want Marcus out?”

“Yeah, I fucking want him out.  We need to figure out what he’s up to and at the moment, I’m no closer to that answer.  He’s good at covering his tracks.”

“I’m betting it’s got something to do with the Adelaide chapter.  Look there.”

“I’ve got Nash on that.  And Griff’s finally come around to my way of thinking.  He’s been loyal to Dad for so long but he’s lost all respect now.  Between him and Nash, I reckon they’ll come up with something soon.”

“Good.  I’ll be back in two weeks and the sooner we can take that fucker down, the better.”

“We’re watching your back too, brother.  Have a feeling that Dad wants you out.”

“Appreciate that.  I’ve come to the same conclusion”. 

He finished his beer and then stood to leave.  “I’ll be over at about ten tomorrow morning.  I’m making sure you get to that wedding.”

“Wedding’s not till two, brother,” I reminded him.

“I’m not taking any fucking chances.  The last thing I need is Madison pissed because either a, you’re late, or b, you don’t fucking show at all.”

“No need to worry.  There’s no way that woman isn’t ending tomorrow as my wife.”

He grinned.  “True.  You two are gonna live to an old age pissing the shit outta each other.”

Now it was my turn to grin.  “Too fucking right.”

Chapter 11


“Oh my God, you look beautiful!” Serena exclaimed.

I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror.  The dress I’d chosen for today was white with a corset top and a puffy tulle skirt that fell to the floor.  The tie for the top was at the side and I’d incorporated a strip of black fabric there.  I’d used black leather string to tie it and made this long so that it hung down over the tulle skirt.  There were black jewels scattered throughout the top and these were gorgeous when the light caught them.

I turned back to the girls who were all watching me, and asked, “You think J will like it?”

“Fuck yes!” Serena exclaimed, and we all laughed.  “With your boobs popping out of that top like that, he won’t be able to control himself.”

“You look beautiful too,” I said to Serena who was my only bridesmaid for the day.  J had chosen to have Scott as his best man, with no other groomsmen,  so I’d agreed to just one bridesmaid. 

She looked down at her black dress; it was an above the knee halter dress with a plunging neckline that showed off her ample cleavage.  She’d paired it with stunning black strappy heels.  Looking back up at me she asked, “So, you think I might get lucky with one of these biker dudes?  Cause I gotta tell you, I need to break the drought.”

“Honey, you’ll have Nash eating out of your hands the minute he lays eyes on you,” Harlow promised.

Serena looked enquiringly at me.  “I don’t think I met Nash at Christmas when I visited, did I?”

“No, he spent Christmas with his family.  Harlow’s right, Nash will be beside himself when he sees you.” 

Serena’s eyes sparkled.  “Sounds good, chica.  For the love of God, tell me he’s hot.  And tattooed.  I fucking want tattoos on the next man I bang.”

Brooke laughed out loud.  “You and Nash are so suited it’s not funny.  That totally sounded like something he would say.”

Blake cut in, “Ladies, let’s get back to getting ready for this wedding.  I don’t really want to hear about banging a hot biker dude.”  He turned to me and asked, “Is there anything else you need me to do for you, baby doll?”

I smiled up at him.  “No, you’ve done so much already.”  He really had.  He’d organised the catering for us, and had brought some of his restaurant staff up to Brisbane for the reception.  We were having an outdoor wedding at Mt Glorious after the place on the river I’d wanted fell through at the last minute.  They’d double booked and screwed us around so J had found an alternative venue for us.

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, babe.”  His eyes softened, and he added, “I actually think that J’s going to make you very happy.  Can’t fucking believe I’m saying that, but I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong.”

I grinned.  “Thank you!  I’m just glad you two get along now.  Makes my life much bloody easier.”

The rumble of a bike outside distracted us from our conversation.  I had no idea how we were getting to the wedding because J had taken care of those plans for me, but I figured it would probably be on the back of a bike.  We all headed outside to find two bikes waiting at the curb.  I was surprised to see Nash walking up the path to us.  Griff was with him, and that didn’t surprise me, but I’d never in a million years thought J would send Nash.  They were wearing jeans, t-shirts and their cuts.

Serena’s eyes hit mine; she looked panicked.  “Don’t tell me I have to get on the back of a bloody bike in this dress?”

Nash pulled his shades off and grinned at her.  His eyes swept down her body and then slowly made their way back up to her face.  “Unfortunately not, sweet thing, but I’d be more than happy to put you on the back of my bike after the wedding.”

I looked at Serena to see her giving him the once over too.  She hit him with a flirty smile.  “You must be Nash.”

“My name on your lips is the best fuckin’ thing I’ve heard all week.”

“These girls weren’t lying,” she murmured, not taking her eyes off him.

He cocked his head to the side.  “How’s that, sweet thing?”

“I told them I needed a hot, tattooed biker boy for tonight, and they said you’d probably be up for it.”

Nash sucked in a breath and swung his eyes to me.  “Fuck, Madison, where you been hiding this chick?”

I rolled my eyes.  “Nash meet Serena, Serena meet your new biker boy,” I hurriedly introduced them, “Now, what’s the plan here, Nash?  There are only two bikes but four of us.”

He raised his hands in a defensive gesture.  “Settle, babe.  We’ve got it under control.”

At that moment, a black Jag eased its way in to park behind the bikes, and Blade stepped out.  He directed his gaze to me but I couldn’t see his eyes as they were hidden behind a pair of dark aviators.  As he walked towards me I noted that he was dressed in black jeans, t-shirt and suit jacket, and heavy black boots. 

He joined us and took his sunglasses off.  His eyes were soft as they took me in.  “You look beautiful, babe,” he murmured.

I loved it when he was soft and as this wasn’t often, I savoured it.  Smiling up at him, I said, “Thank you.”

He turned his attention to Nash.  “You’ve got Madison, and the girls are with me, yeah?”

Nash nodded.  “Yeah.” 

Griff stepped in, his intense eyes focused on me.  “Time’s running out.  You ready to go, Madison?”

“Yes,” I said, expecting nerves to hit my stomach.  I’d been expecting them today because it’s what I’d been told to expect on my wedding day.  But I didn’t feel nervous at all.  For the first time in a very long time, I felt calm and sure.

Marrying J was exactly what I was supposed to be doing today.


ou ready, sweetheart?” Blade asked me, looping our arms together and holding my hand.

I smiled at him.  “More than you know.”

I lost him for a moment.  His gaze became unfocused; something very unlike Blade.  Then he came back to me and softly said, “I’ve come to see that you and J were made for each other, and I understand that type of love; the kind that only fate brings.”

I nodded at him; I was too emotional to say anything because I knew that Blade was referring to his fiancé who had died.

He squeezed my hand.  “Let’s get you married.”

My heart expanded as I took in the scene before me.  Blade and I were about to walk up the ‘aisle’; a grassy walkway created by bikes parked on either side.  At the end was a marquee and our guests were standing in front of that.  J was up there; I could see him, and my belly did somersaults as I watched him watch me. 

Blade took a step and I followed, and a song began playing.  There were speakers set up and I could hear it clearly, and my heart almost burst out of my chest.  J hadn’t wanted much to do with planning our wedding but he’d asked to be in charge of a couple of things.  One was my transportation to the wedding and the other was the music.  He’d been especially adamant that he wanted to choose the song for me to walk down the aisle to and the song we had our first dance to. 

The song he’d chosen was “I Will” by Matchbox Twenty.  We both loved this band and I knew this song like the back of my hand.  Tears pricked my eyes at the meaning behind the song, and I struggled to hold them back.

Blade must have sensed this and he pulled me closer and gripped my hand tight.  Amazingly, I made it all the way to J without crying, but when he stepped towards me and took my hand from Blade, the first tear fell and more followed. 

J’s gaze caressed me and he smiled before lifting a hand to my cheek and gently brushing the tears away.  He moved so he could whisper in my ear, “I’ve got you now, babe.”

I took a deep breath.  My emotions were all over the place, but mostly I was happy. 

“I know,” I whispered back, and we proceeded to promise ourselves to each other.


smiled at Nash as he stood to make a speech.  He winked at me and raised his glass.  Then he looked at J.  “J didn’t ask me to make a speech but the fucker did ask me to make sure Madison got to the wedding on time, so I’m gonna take it upon myself to give  a speech anyway.”  He turned his attention back to me.  “This wedding’s taken a long fuckin’ time to happen, sweet thing, but J finally got his shit together and I have to hand it to him; I can see how happy he’s made you.”  Looking back at J, he said, “You and I have had our differences, brother, but I can finally see what Madison sees in you.  Doesn’t mean though, that I’m not watching out for her still.  Keep her happy and we’ll all be fuckin’ happy.”  He paused and then broke out in a huge grin.  “Here’s to the happy couple; may they continue to piss each other off for the rest of their lives.”

Nash sat back down and I couldn’t help myself.  Leaning over to J, I asked, “Why did you choose Nash to get me to the wedding?”

“You love him, and I love you.  Plus, Nash knows how to handle you; knows how to calm you and I figured you might need that today.”  He grinned at me.  “I’m trying to change my asshole ways, babe.  Trying to get along with that fucker for you.”

“Well you scored points today, J.  Lots of points.”

His eyes lit up.  “What the fuck do those points get me?  Cause I’m ready to cash them in right now.”

I kissed him and then murmured, “That.  Anything else, you’re going to have to work for.”

He smirked.  “I think we’ve established that the last thing I need to work for is your pussy.”

He was so right. 


ongratulations, honey,” my mum said as she enveloped me in a hug.

“Thanks, Mum.”  She’d spent some time with me this morning helping me get ready but after that I hadn’t seen much of her.  This was one of the only things about today that I was disappointed in.  That and the fact that my father was an asshole and not worth having at my wedding.

“Your father -” she started but I cut her off.

“Please don’t mention him, Mum.  Not today.”

“Okay, honey,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Thank you.”

“J’s a lucky man,” she murmured. “And I’m so happy that you found a man who loves you as much as he does.”

I hugged her again.  It meant a lot to me that one of my parents knew how good J was for me, and supported me in my choice.

As we broke our hug, I noticed J giving me the look that said ‘get your ass over here’.  “I’ve got to go and see what J wants, Mum, but I’ll catch up with you a little later on, okay?”

She nodded and I made my way to my bossy biker.  He looked hot today dressed in his jeans, tight black t-shirt and cut.  It was pretty much his standard attire but I could tell he’d taken extra care today.  And that body of his.  My eyes soaked him in.  His muscles flexed under that t-shirt and I was getting anxious to get it off of him.

He noticed me checking him out and smirked at me.  “How long you reckon it would take to get you out of here and under me somewhere?”

I was just about to answer him when we were interrupted by some of his biker friends.  He pulled me close and I whispered back, “Not long, baby, so let’s hurry this along.”

He looked down at me and shook his head.  “You’re gonna kill me one day, you know that, right?”


draped his arm over the back of my chair and leant close to me.  “You ready for our first dance, sweetheart?”

“Oh God, J, are you going to kill me with this song too?”

He grinned at me.  “You liked that other one?”

“Yes,” I murmured “I loved that you picked that.  Who knew you could be so deep?”

“Fuck, babe.  My cock gets hard when you say deep,” he groaned.

I smacked him lightly on the arm.  “Can you get your mind out of the gutter for even a moment?”

“Not when you’re next to me.  And not when I haven’t fucked you for a good twenty four hours.”

I decided it was time to play with him.  I turned my head so our lips were close, and whispered, “I did what you said.”

He looked perplexed.  “And what was that?”

“You said not to wear any underwear.”

His eyes widened.  “Christ, woman.  Don’t fucking tell me that now.”  He looked away from me and then back at me before saying, “This dance is gonna have to wait.”  He grabbed my hand and abruptly stood up, pulling me with him.

However just as he did that, Griff, our MC for tonight, called out, “Time for your first dance, you lucky bastard.”

I stifled a laugh; J actually looked pained.  “Come on, baby.  Let’s get this done and then you can take me out of here and fuck me,” I said just loudly enough for him to hear me.

Now he just looked pissed off.  But he pulled me towards the dance floor.  He wrapped his arms around me and rested his hands on my ass.  Then he promised, “One dance and then I swear I’m gonna fuck you so you never forget it.  You’ll remember our first time as a married couple for the rest of your fucking life, Mrs Reilly.”

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