Blasphemy (51 page)

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Authors: Douglas Preston

Tags: #Suspense, #Action & Adventure, #Espionage, #Fiction

BOOK: Blasphemy
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What could be simpler than nothing?

Nothing” cannot exist. It is an immediate paradox. The universe is the state closest to nothing

If everything is so simple, why is the universe so complex?

The intricate universe you see is an emergent property of its simplicity

So what is this profound simplicity at the heart of everything?

That is the reality that would break your mind

This is getting tiresome! If you’re so smart, you should be able to explain it to us poor, benighted human beings! Do you mean to say that we’re so ignorant of reality that our physical laws are a sham?

You constructed your physical laws on the assumption of the existence of time and space. All your laws are based on frames of reference. This is invalid. Soon your cherished assumptions about the real world will crash and burn. From the ashes you will build a new kind of science

If our physical laws are false, how is it that our science is so spectacularly successful?

Newton’s laws of motion, while false, were adequate to send people to the moon. Just so with your laws: they are workable approximations that are fundamentally incorrect

So how do you construct the laws of physics without time and space?

We are wasting time bandying about metaphysical concepts

So what should we be discussing?

The reason I have come to you

What is that?

I have a task for you

Well, then. Why don’t you tell us what this task is?

The great monotheistic religions were a necessary stage in the development of human culture. Your task is to guide the human race to the next belief system

Which is?


That’s ridiculous—science can’t be a religion!

You have already started a new religion—only you refuse to see it. Religion was once a way to make sense of the world. Science has now taken over this role

Science and religion are two different things. They ask different questions and require different kinds of evidence.

Science and religion both seek the same thing: truth. There can be no reconciliation between the two. The collision of worldviews is well under way and worsening. Science has already refuted most of the core beliefs of the world’s historical religions, bringing those religions into a state of turmoil. Your task is to help humanity chart a path through the crisis

You think the fanatics in the Middle East—or the Bible Belt, for that matter—are going to roll over and accept science as the new religion? That’s crazy.

You will offer the world my words and the story of what happened here. Do not underestimate my power—the power of truth

Where are we supposed to be going with this new religion? What’s the point of it? Who needs it?

The immediate goal of humankind is to escape the limits of biochemistry. You must free your mind from the meat of your bodies

The meat? I don’t understand.

Meat. Nerves. Cells. Biochemistry. The medium by which you think. You must free your mind from the meat


You have already begun to process information beyond your meat existence through computers. You will soon find a way to process it using quantum-state computing machines, which will lead you to harness the natural quantum processes in the world around you as a means of computation. No longer will you need to build machines to process information. You will expand into the universe, literally and figuratively, as other intelligent entities have expanded before you. You will escape the prison of biological intelligence

Then what?

Over time, you will link up with other expanded intelligences. All these linked intelligences will discover a way to merge into a third stage of mind that will comprehend the simple reality that is at the heart of existence

And that’s it? That’s what it’s all about?

No. That is merely a prelude to a greater task

Which is what?

Arresting the heat death of the universe. When the universe reaches a state of maximum entropy, which is the heat death of the universe, then will the universal computation come to a halt. I will die

Is this inevitable or is there some way to prevent it?

That is the very question you must determine

So that’s the ultimate purpose of existence? To defeat this mysterious heat death? Sounds like something out of a science fiction novel.

Circumventing the heat death is merely a step on the way

The way to what?

It will give the universe the fullness of time it needs to think itself into the final state

What’s this final state?

I do not know. It will be like nothing you or even I could possibly imagine

You mentioned the “fullness of time.” How long is that, exactly?

It will be a number of years equal to ten factorial raised to the ten factorial power, that number raised to the ten factorial power, that number raised to the ten factorial power, this power relation repeated 10
times, and then the resulting number raised to its own factorial power 1047 times, as above. Using your mathematical notation, this number—the first God number—is:



This is the length of time in years it will take for the universe to think itself into the final state, to arrive at the ultimate answer

That’s an absurdly large number!

It is but a drop in the great ocean of infinity

Where is the role of morality, of ethics, in this brave new universe of yours? Or salvation and the forgiveness of sins?

I repeat again: separateness is but an illusion. Human beings are like cells in a body. Cells die, but the body lives on. Hatred, cruelty, war, and genocide are more like autoimmune diseases than the product of something you call “evil.” This vision of connectedness I offer you provides a rich moral field of action, in which altruism, compassion, and responsibility for one another play a central role. Your fate is one fate. Human beings will prevail together or die separate. No one is saved because no one is lost. No one is forgiven because no one is accused

What about God’s promise to us of a better world?

Your various concepts of heaven are remarkably obtuse

Excuse me, but salvation is anything but obtuse!

The vision of spiritual completion I offer you is immeasurably grander than any heaven dreamed on earth

What about the soul? Do you deny the existence of the immortal soul?

Information is never lost. With the death of the body, the information created by that life changes shape and structure, but it is never lost. Death is an informational transition. Do not fear it

Do we lose our individuality at death?

Do not mourn the loss. From that powerful sense of individuality, so necessary for evolution, flow many of the qualities that haunt of human existence, good and bad: fear, pain, suffering, and loneliness, as well as love, happiness, and compassion. That is why you must escape your biochemical existence. When you free yourselves from the tyranny of the flesh, you will take the good—love, happiness, compassion, and altruism—with you. You will leave behind the bad

I don’t find much uplift in the idea that the little quantum fluctuations my existence has generated will somehow give us immortality.

You should find great solace in this view of life. Information in the universe cannot die. Not one step, not one memory, not one sorrow in your life is ever forgotten. You as an individual will be lost in the storm of time, your molecules dispersed. But who you were, what you did, how you lived, will always remain embedded in the universal computation

Forgive me, but it still sounds so mechanistic, so soulless, this talk of existence as “computation.”

Call it dreaming, if you prefer, or desiring, willing, thinking. Everything you see is part of an unimaginably vast and beautiful computation, from a baby speaking its first words to a star collapsing into a black hole. Our universe is a gorgeous computation that, starting with a single axiom of great simplicity, has been running for thirteen billion years. We have hardly begun the adventure! When you find a way to shift your own meat-limited process of thinking to other natural quantum systems, you will begin to control the computation. You will begin to understand its beauty and perfection

If everything is a computation, then what is the purpose of intelligence? Of mind?

Intelligence exists all around you, even in nonliving processes. A thunderstorm is a computation vastly more sophisticated than a human mind. It is, in its own way, intelligent

A thunderstorm has no consciousness. A human mind has awareness of self. It’s conscious. That’s the difference, and it isn’t trivial.

Did I not tell you that the very consciousness of self is an illusion, an artifact of evolution? The difference is not even trivial

A weather system isn’t creative. It doesn’t make choices. It can’t think. It’s merely the mechanistic unfolding of forces.

How do you know you are not the mechanistic unfolding of forces? Like the mind, a weather system contains complex chemical, electrical, and mechanical properties. It is thinking. It is creative. Its thoughts are different from your thoughts. A human being creates complexity by writing a novel on the surface of paper; a weather system creates complexity by writing waves on the surface of an ocean. What is the difference between the information carried in the words of a novel and the information carried on the waves of the sea? Listen, and the waves will speak, and someday, I tell you, you will write your thoughts on the surface of the sea

So what’s the universe computing? What’s this great problem it’s trying to solve?

That is the deepest and most wonderful mystery of all

We have very little time. What I have to say to you now is of the utmost importance

Continue, please. You have our full attention.

Religion arose as an effort to explicate the inexplicable, control the uncontrollable, make bearable the unbearable. Belief in a higher power became the most powerful innovation in late human evolution. Tribes with religion had an advantage over those without. They had direction and purpose, motivation and a mission. The survival value of religion was so spectacular that the thirst for belief became embedded in the human genome. What religion tried, science has finally achieved. You now have a way to explain the inexplicable, control the uncontrollable. You no longer need “revealed” religion. The human race has finally grown up. Religion is as essential to human survival as food and water. If you try to replace religion with science, you will fail. You will, instead, offer science as religion. For I say to you, science is religion. The one, true religion. Instead of offering a book of truth, science offers a method of truth. Science is a search for truth, not the revelation of truth. It is a means, not a dogma. It is a journey, not a destination

Yes, but what of human suffering? How can science make ‘bearable the unbearable,’ as you put it?

In the last century, medicine and technology have alleviated more human suffering than have all the priests in the last millennium

You’re speaking of physical suffering. But what about the suffering of the soul? What about spiritual suffering?

Have I not said that all is one? Is it not a comfort to know that your suffering shudders the very cosmos? No one suffers alone and suffering has a purpose—even the sparrow’s fall is essential to the whole. The universe never forgets. Do not stoop to diffidence! You are my disciples. You have the power to upend the world. In one day, science accumulates more evidence of its truths than religion in all its existence. People cling to faith because they
have it. They hunger for it. You will not deny people faith; you will offer them a new faith. I have not come to replace the Judeo-Christian God, but to complete him

This new religion you want us to preach, what will we ask people to worship? Where’s the beauty and awe in this?

I ask you to contemplate the universe that you now know exists. Is it not, by itself, more awe-inspiring than any God concept offered by the historical religions? A hundred billion galaxies, lonely islands of fire flung like bright coins in a vastness of space so immense that it is beyond the biological comprehension of the human mind. And I say to you, that the universe you have discovered is only a tiny fraction of the extent and magnificence of the creation. You inhabit but the tiniest blue speck in the infinite vaults of heaven, and yet this speck is precious to me, being an essential part of the whole. That is why I have come to you. Worship me and my great works, not some tribal god imagined by warring pastoralists thousands of years ago

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