BLAMELESS: MC Biker Romance (Black Thorns, #3) (26 page)

BOOK: BLAMELESS: MC Biker Romance (Black Thorns, #3)
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Now that Jase is no longer a threat, on account of him being dead, I don’t have to stay there under lockdown anymore. Even though Eddie is still out there, he’s not seen as a big threat, like Jase was. The club members don’t believe he’ll
have the balls
to come here and do anything now that he doesn’t have Jase to back him up. While I really appreciate Black Thorns taking me in and protecting me under their clubhouse roof, it’s great to be free again to come and go as I please. It’s a huge relief.

I can get back to my life. Well, first, I need to focus on helping Zeb get back to his. It’s been a little over two weeks since he tried to…end things. And he’s been doing really well. I’ve worked hard to keep him distracted and now that the lockdown is lifted, he’s back at his bike shop in the town of Reirdon Falls, working there and using that as a distraction as well. Something to put his focus into.

I’ve been staying with him in his apartment, not wanting to leave him alone, even though he says he’s getting better. He swore to me that he’s past those suicidal thoughts. And I know he is. I can see it in him. He’s returning to the man I first fell in love with. But I don’t want to risk leaving him too soon. Although, I do need to make a trip to Brockford soon to check in on my diner. Even though I know it’s in good hands with my staff running it
the club also helping out as well, I need to be there myself. I really miss it. I love what I do. I love owning that little diner.

The prospect steps into my path. He doesn’t look much older than twenty, if that. He dresses like a rockstar. Ripped jeans, a studded leather jacket and long black hair all the way down his back. He has more jewelry on him than I’ve ever seen on anyone before. Rings on every finger, three gold chains, earrings and bracelets.

“Runner’s girl.”

“It’s Sarah.”

“Right,” he says, folding his arms across his chest and getting comfortable.

What’s happening here? It looks like he’s settling in for a long conversation. I don’t have time for that.

“Uh…I need to go. Zeb’s waiting for me inside.”

“You know, sweet thing,” he says, completely ignoring me. “I didn’t believe it when I first heard. He don’t keep women ‘round after he’s had ‘em. Uses ‘em once, then tosses ‘em. But you…you must be something special, yeah?”

Who is this guy? Why is he asking such an invasive question? “Who…who are you?”

“Shy, ain’t ya? I get it. He’s mixing it up. Going the virgin route for a bit.” His eyes dart to my boobs. “Can see why. Hot damn, you’re a sweet piece of ass. Sexy fucking curves you got going on.”

I look down at myself. I’m not dressed in my normal way. I’m not as covered up as I usually am. I don’t feel so self-conscious anymore. I know it’s largely due to Zeb’s incessant compliments about my body. I finally feel sexy and more confident. Sure, there’s still a long way to go, but it’s a good amount of progress. The fight training I’ve been doing with Ax has also been working its magic on me. It’s really helped to boost my self-esteem, knowing I can take care of myself.

And that’s why, as I look down, I can actually see a little bit of my cleavage on display in my soft-pink, strappy tank top. It has a sheer shirt over it with flared sleeves. I’m still not comfortable showing my legs yet, because the bullet scar there is so prominent. So, I’m wearing jeans. Nice ones that cling to my butt that Zeb tells me drive him crazy. I’m also wearing shoes with a bit of a heel. Who knew that heels could make you feel so sexy? Now I understand why other women wear them.

When my gaze snaps back to his, I see he’s still staring at my boobs. Argh. What a pervert. And he’s so obvious about it, which just makes it incredibly rude as well.

“You’re a prospect, right?”

“Right. Name’s Ben. Me and your
had been hitting up bitches together for the last year. Had some good times and some real sweet pussy.”

I get it now. I can see why he’s being so hostile. The idiot is upset that he’s lost his wingman. Urgh.

“Step aside,” I tell him, my voice harsh and surprising even me. I guess after everything that’s happened lately, I’m done with people trying to bully me. I won’t stomach it anymore.

He doesn’t step aside, though. Instead, he grabs my hand and says, “He’ll be done with you soon. Guys like him don’t settle down, sweet thing. Don’t be kidding yourself. You’re just a different type for him. Something new.”

“You don’t know a thing about us,” I bite back at him.

“I know
. And this ain’t what he’s about. Being the good little boy, sleeping with meek little virgin-type bitches. Settling down.”

Oh my God. How dare he say these things to me?

I yank my hand free. Shock plays on his face at my sudden rough move. He clearly wasn’t expecting a
virgin-type bitch
to do something like that.

“You’re wrong. About all of it,” I tell him fiercely.

I brush past him quickly, before he can try to stop me again.

“You’ll see!” he calls after me.

His threat sends a shiver down my spine. I hate even thinking about losing Zeb. He means everything to me. I don’t want my life to be without him.

He’s wrong. What he said isn’t about me and Zeb. It’s about him and his jealously and insecurities over losing his partying partner in crime. Besides, I didn’t push Zeb into
down, or anything. In fact, I gave him many options to walk away. But he didn’t. He wanted me. He

Yeah, that’s right. We’re fine. Everything’s fine.

That prospect, Ben, is really scary though. The freaky look in his eyes, him getting physical and grabbing my hand like that. I need to make sure that never happens again—that we aren’t ever alone somewhere together.

I know if I told Zeb, he’d make sure Ben never even looked at me again.

But I can’t.

He has enough going on as it is. He doesn’t need any additional stress. And something like this would have him losing his temper completely. These bikers are very possessive over the women they’re with. Anyone touching
what’s theirs
is a major thing. Rox has told me many tales of Ax demonstrating that sort of thing over her. And I know Zeb is the same as well, given how he was that night of the safe house invasion and the way he
me to make sure no one in his club tried anything with me.

I do my best to shake off what happened outside as I make my way through the shop, to the office at the back.

As soon as I open the door, arms grab me and pull me inside. I scream in surprise.

My back hits the wall and I grin as I look to see Zeb standing there, smirking at me as he pins me against the wall.

He leans in and kisses me hard. Deeply.

When he pulls back, I’m breathless from the intensity of it.

“Wow,” I gasp out. “What was that for?”

“Does a man need a reason to kiss the fuck outta his girl?”

I giggle. “No. No, he doesn’t.”

He steps back and looks me up and down. “Hot damn, woman. You’re looking so sexy in that.” He traces his finger along the tops of my boobs. “
sexy, Sarah.”

I start blushing like an idiot at his words. So brazen. Always so brazen. “Thanks,” I manage. I hold up our paper lunch bags between us. “Steak sandwiches.”

“My favorite.”

“I know.”

“The way
make it is why it’s my favorite.”


He takes them from me and walks over to his desk, calling over his shoulder, “Yeah, really.”

I make my way to his desk as he’s slumping down on the other side into his leather chair.

“Stuck doing a lot of paperwork today?” I ask him.

Usually when I come by with his lunch, he’s out in the actual shop area working on a bike. He’s rarely ever in his office.

“Yeah. I been putting it off for too long. Doing the books and all that. Ax is getting his panties in a bunch ‘bout it.”


He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I know.”

“You’re still okay to leave in about an hour though, right?”

“Damn straight. Told you I’m gonna do it, so I am.” He smiles sweetly at me. “Ain’t nothing to worry ‘bout there. Made you a deal, didn’t I?”

“I’m glad. I was hoping you’d say that, because I have a pre-therapy treat for you.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “A treat, huh?” he asks, playing along.

“Close your eyes.”

“Close my eyes?”

“Are you scared?” I tease.

“Kinda, yeah,” he jokes.

“I’ll be gentle. I promise.”

His eyes flash with heat. “Then I ain’t doing it. Gentle ain’t gonna work for me.”

“You like
with me,” I point out.

He grins. “Yeah. Just don’t tell nobody that.”

“You’re worried it’ll ruin your tough guy rep?”

“I think me tryin’ to throw myself off a bridge has already done that, darlin’.”

We both stop short and an awkward silence falls between us as we both realize the painful weight of his words. He’d said it flippantly, but the subject matter is anything but that.

“Choosing to go on and keep fighting makes you really strong, Zeb. It’s not the other way around at all. Tell me you know that.”

He nods slowly. “Sorry. Slip of the tongue. That’s all.”

“You swear?”

“Yeah. Just thinking ‘bout it all, cuz I got my first therapy session real soon. My mind’s a mess with it all.”

“I see. I get it, baby. I’m going to take your mind off all of it.”

“Sarah, I ain’t fucking you in my office. It’s too dirty. You ain’t that kinda girl.”

I thought he might say that. Ever since he took me in the clubhouse garage, he’s been showing regret over it. He keeps seeing it as being something dirty and the action of the Zeb from the old days. But he doesn’t see that it wasn’t that at all. It was desperate need and passion.

“Okay,” I say anyway. We’ll see about that in a few moments. “Close your eyes and turn around.”


“I don’t trust you not to open them slightly before I’m ready with my surprise.”

“All right,” he says, squeezing his eyes shut and then turning around, his back to his desk. I take a moment to appreciate his sexy butt and then I get to work.

I pull my shirt over my head and drop it on one of the chairs beside me. My tank is next. I kick my shoes off and then start undoing my jeans. I strip them off quickly, until I’m just down to the surprise.

I take a deep, calming breath, because I’ve never done this before. I’ve never
my body to anyone before on my own terms like this. I’ve never been comfortable or considered myself sexy enough to do it. Until now.

“Ready,” I say. “You can turn back around.”

I brace myself as he turns back to me slowly.

“Fuck me,” he gasps out, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

I’m wearing a lacy red matching bra and thong set that has sexy little cut outs all over it. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination at all.

He stalks towards me, the predatory look in his eyes making me nervous

“You…uh…like it?”

He steps into me and grabs my hand, pressing it to his dick. “More than
, darlin’.” Yes, he really does like it. He cups the side of my face. “You’re making it real hard for me to control myself here.”

“I was trying to make it impossible,” I tell him with a sly grin.

“Mmm…I love it when you get all fiery like this.”



In the next second, he’s stripping off his cut and black muscle shirt. He tosses them over the back of one of the chairs and wiggles his eyebrows at me. My eyes go to his chest, savoring the delicious sight of his hard abs and his toned biceps.

He kicks the chairs out of the way and then commands, “Bend over the desk.”

A tremor of excitement courses through me.

I position myself over the desk. He leans over my back and takes my hands, guiding them to the other side of the desk. “You’re gonna need to hold on,” he whispers in my ear. He trails his fingers down my arms, over my hair, my neck, to my shoulders. His slight, teasing touch has my skin tingling all over.

His hands slide up the backs of my legs, to the tops of my thighs. I moan out as he cups my ass and starts kneading it softly.

“Such a fine little ass,” he says. I hear him unbuckling his belt, the sharp sound of a zipper coming down. He grabs my hips and grinds his dick between my ass cheeks, along the thin fabric of my thong. “I’m gonna make you come so hard, Sarah,” he tells me as his hand slides into the front of my thong. He drags his fingers through my wetness. “Mmm…so desperate for me, ain’t you? This wet little pussy’s begging for my cock, ain’t she, Sarah?”

BOOK: BLAMELESS: MC Biker Romance (Black Thorns, #3)
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