Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jace had never known Logan to react with anything other than cool resolve and steely determination. Even before training to become a Navy SEAL, Logan had always been the calm in the middle of the storm. Seeing his reaction—even as small a reaction as trembling fingers—somehow served to remind Jace that Logan was only human.

“That’s only one thing right. What’s the other?” she asked with a grin. It was obvious that her true personality was beginning to return now that her fear was no longer an issue. Logan grinned at her question but turned to Jace and waited for him to answer.

He smiled. It wasn’t often in the BDSM scene that they came across a woman so unaware of her own submissiveness. Most women sought out the clubs in an attempt to understand what was missing in their lives. Sweet, little Emma had no idea what she needed or how amazing her life could be.

“The other thing he got right,” Jace said, pausing to make certain he had her full attention, “is that you, darlin’, are a natural submissive.”

“Bullshit,” she said with laughter in her voice.

Logan smiled. “Is that a challenge, little one?”

“Um, no,” she said anxiously as fear returned to her eyes. “I…um…I–I don’t want to t–try anything I saw out there.” She started to wriggle inside the blanket as if she’d suddenly realized her vulnerability.

“Emma. Stop,” Logan said in a deep, commanding voice that Jace had often envied. Emma ceased moving, staring at the man who held her as if she couldn’t quite believe she’d followed his order. “Good girl.” Logan smiled and brushed that errant curl out of her eyes once more.

Jace moved closer and touched her cheek gently with his finger. “We can help you,” he said impulsively. Normally he didn’t get involved with untrained submissives, but there was something about this woman that simply appealed to him.

“Help me how?” she asked suspiciously.

“Help you to learn what it is you’ve been craving.”

She rolled her eyes as if she were dealing with two very dense individuals. “I’m not craving anything. What I want to do is go home and forget all about whips and chains and dog collars.”

“So you have no curiosity about why you feel safe here? Or why you’re still lying here in my arms even though you claim to want to go home?”

She looked startled by Logan’s words and quite ready to argue the point, but at the last moment she laughed self-consciously and snuggled closer to Logan.

“I don’t understand it at all, but I do feel comfortable with you two.” She almost looked like she was going to fall asleep, but then she stiffened again and blurted, “But I didn’t like anything I saw out there. Please don’t punish me. Hell, I wanted to kick that guy with the whip. What the hell could a woman do to warrant such harsh punishment?”

“You thought she was being punished?” Jace asked, unable to keep the incredulity out of his voice. Fuck, her boyfriend really hadn’t explained anything at all.

“She wasn’t being punished?” Emma asked in confusion. “She wanted him to do that?”

“Yes, little one, if your Dom had explained things better—“

“He’s not my Dom. Not my boyfriend either now.”

Logan nodded his approval. “If he’d explained what to expect, you might have noticed that the woman’s moans were not from pain. She was on the verge of orgasm when we left the room.”

“Seriously?” she asked, sounding unconvinced.

“Seriously,” Logan said with an indulgent grin. “Would you like to explore the club a little more before I drive you home?”

Chapter Two

Emma was about to argue that she’d find her own way home when it finally occurred to her that she didn’t have her keys, purse, or even her clothes. There was a reasonable chance that her jeans and shirt were still in the locker Greg had rented at the front of the club, but she’d left her purse and house keys in Greg’s car.

Considering that she was in a rather unusual position, maybe it was best just to accept Logan’s offer of help. But then the rest of his proposal sank into her brain, and her natural curiosity piqued at the idea of watching some of the things that had been happening in the main room. Now that she understood the submissives weren’t being punished, that they were actually enjoying what was happening, she found herself wanting to know more, wanting to understand this strange world just a little better.

“Do I have to wear the dog collar again?”

“No,” the other man said, sounding angry. He must’ve noticed her reaction because he moved closer and touched her face once more. “Sorry, darlin’, but your boyfriend abused your trust with that little stunt, and if I hadn’t already kicked him out of the club, I’d probably hunt him down and kick his ass.”

She smiled, ridiculously grateful that someone other than her thought of her ex-boyfriend’s behavior as a betrayal of trust. Granted, she hadn’t exactly been submissive—more like scared to death—but Greg had quickly become angry with her reactions and hadn’t bothered to reassure her that what she thought she was seeing wasn’t actually what was happening.

“We won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do,” Logan said in a confident voice.

“Can I wear clothes?” The two men looked a little stunned by her request, but when Logan nodded, the other man opened a cupboard and rummaged through a number of strange-looking outfits. He made a sound of triumph as he finally found what he’d been looking for. He held up the outfit that resembled something similar to a standard little black dress, but with far less material. She was about to protest when she realized he wasn’t waiting for her opinion. He was waiting for Logan’s approval.

Logan nodded and shifted her in his arms so that he could unwrap the blanket from around her. Suddenly horribly embarrassed to be nearly naked in front of these two men—despite having been dressed in only her underwear in the main part of the club earlier—Emma reached for the outfit. The other man pulled it out of her way.

“Stand up,” he said in a voice that made it clear it wasn’t a request. She glanced nervously at Logan. He nodded reassuringly and helped her to stand in front of him. He steadied her with a warm hand on each hip as the other man stepped forward.

“Lift your arms,” he said as he arranged the material in his hands. Confused and maybe a little turned on, she shook her head and crossed her arms over her breasts.

“I don’t even know your name.” It wasn’t exactly an original line, but it was the only one to come through her foggy brain. The man behind her laughed softly and slowly caressed the skin on her hips and thighs.

“My name is Jace,” the man in front of her said with a bemused grin. “Now lift your arms.”

Unable to think of a reason to protest—they were dressing her after all, not stripping her bare—Emma obeyed. As the scrap of material settled into place, Jace took a step back and appraised her appearance with a critical eye. He shook his head. “The bra needs to go.”

Emma squeaked in protest. The dress had a neckline that plunged practically to her navel. Without a bra, she’d flash bare breast anytime she leaned forward. She was working herself into a full-fledged panic-slash-tantrum when Jace leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

His large hand cupped the side of her face as he slowly, gently explored her lips with his own. His tongue coaxed her mouth open, and he pressed inside as she sighed. A part of her wondered why she wasn’t protesting, but the man certainly knew what he was doing. She’d never, ever, been kissed with such skill before. She sighed again into Jace’s mouth and was barely aware of Logan undoing her bra until Jace stepped back, gave her a beatific smile, and whispered, “Good girl.”

Logan pulled the straps down her arms, encouraging her to thread her hands through so that he could remove the undergarment without taking off the dress. Strangely, she was both disappointed and relieved that neither of them seemed inclined to look at her breasts. Relieved that they seemed to be the honorable men she’d somehow decided they were, and disappointed because her breasts were the only advantage to carrying a few extra pounds. With the weight she’d put on over winter, she actually had cleavage.

Although, considering how precariously the dress covered her, she was fairly certain they’d get a good view every time she moved. Logan continued to caress her hips and thighs softly through the material as Jace once again stood back and looked her over. The grin he gave her made heat curl in her belly, and for the first time in a very long time, she felt feminine, sensual, and horny as hell. She smiled at Jace shyly, wondering what he saw when he looked at her that way, but then the man stepped forward and pressed another quick kiss to her mouth.

“You are very beautiful,” he said as he grazed his knuckles over the hard tips of her breasts. Her breath caught as liquid heat flooded her pussy. Never before had she felt so turned on so fast.

“Come on, little one. Let’s show you around the club before Jace and I forget why you’re here.” Logan wrapped his hand around hers and led her to the door. It wasn’t until he opened it that she realized the room they’d been in was completely soundproof. Screams and moans again reached her ears, and she cringed at the unsettling noises.

Jace stood behind her, threaded his arm around her waist, and whispered into her ear. “Relax. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds.” She did as he told her, unwilling to look too closely at the reason why she would want to please him. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and tried to force herself to relax and concentrate.

At first all she heard were screams and grunts of pain, but then slowly her mind filtered the sounds, and she realized that some of the moans were those of people—both men and women—in the throes of orgasm. She opened her eyes slowly as the naked woman strapped to a strange-looking cross moaned and shook as climax burst through her. Even as she practically vibrated with her release, the man with her continued to flay her skin with what looked like a bunch of soft leather strips. She moaned even louder as he sped up, hitting her harder, hitting her faster. The final blow struck her exposed and swollen pussy. She screeched, her entire body convulsing. The man stepped closer to support her weight as the woman’s legs gave out.

He held her tight, as another man undid her bonds. She collapsed into the first man’s embrace, her cheeks tear-streaked, and the skin on her breasts, butt, thighs, and naked pussy all marked with red welts. But it was the expression of her face that held Emma’s attention. The woman looked amazingly content. She was obviously exhausted, but she smiled and mouthed the words “thank you” to the first man as the second man wrapped her in a blanket and lifted her into his arms. He also thanked the first man and then carried the woman away.

* * * *

Logan could feel Emma’s confusion. “What is it, little one?”

She seemed reluctant to answer, but glanced between Logan and the Saint Andrew’s cross where the woman had been. He wondered if she realized she was caressing Jace’s forearm where it wrapped around her middle. The movement certainly seemed unconscious.

“I…um…the guy with the…um…thing.” She made a hand gesture to indicate the man currently wiping down the Saint Andrew’s cross.

“The flogger,” he told her with a smile.

“The guy with the flogger…he wasn’t her Dom?”

“No,” Jace answered. “That’s Derek. It’s not unusual for him to flog another Dom’s sub—when the Dom requests it, of course. He’s considered one of the best and has coaxed many a stubborn submissive into intense orgasm. Would you like to try it?”

She hesitated so long that Logan thought she wasn’t going to answer. It wasn’t until he looked more closely at her, that he realized their sweet and lovely Emma was trying to deny her curiosity rather than find a nice way to refuse. He couldn’t help himself. He leaned over and pressed his lips against hers, lingering longer than he intended, but pleased to feel her relax slightly.

“M–Maybe later.” The words were quiet, nervous, but at least she wasn’t trying to deny the need she felt. The man who’d brought her here had been a complete fool. He’d been so concentrated on his own gratification he hadn’t noticed the natural submissive he’d had in his care. Well, a fool and his sub were soon parted. Lucky for Logan, she seemed more than willing to explore her submissive nature. Perhaps the next three weeks wouldn’t be so boring after all.

Stop. What the hell was he thinking? He might be on three weeks' medical leave, but he’d never spent that length of time with any submissive. He avoided relationships like he avoided enemy fire—vigilantly. As soon as he was cleared for active duty, he would be assigned to another one of the SEAL teams, and then he’d be deployed to anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. He groaned when he realized Jace and Emma were both watching him closely.

“Logan, is everything all right?” Her voice was so melodious, her concern so genuine that he pulled her from Jace’s arms and held her close for a moment. Jace nodded once slowly—a clear indicator that he expected answers later. Logan nodded back and then released his tight grip on the woman in his arms. She looked at him with a soft smile, clearly aware of his delaying tactic. He distracted her by sliding his hand into the loose material of her dress and cupping her breast gently. She moaned quietly as he rolled her peaked nipple between his finger and thumb.

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Emma's Education [Viper's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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