Blackmailed Merger (24 page)

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Authors: Marie Kelly

BOOK: Blackmailed Merger
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Her eyes
had fallen
the ground, her voice quieter
“You hurt me, and you will never do that again” her look once more rising to meet his, Dante nodding softly.  “I think that we understand each other Sam” he had murmured


“Although I liked that kid, I liked her
a lot



Frowning, fighting back the need to respond, Samantha had ignored the comment, once more looking at the ring.


“Well I guess this saves us both the time of having to choose jewellery” she had thrown at him, once more taking a seat


“Guess you can go back to your work now”


She had looked over quickly at him, as he had chuckled.


“If I didn’t know any better Samantha, I would think that you were trying to get rid of me”, Sam not correcting him as she had held his look.
  Rising he had again sighed.


“Actually there was one other place we needed to lawyers.
  I sent over your ‘amendments’
and they have prepared the contract for you to sign.  Unless of course you are happy to have this as a verbal agreement between us”


Giving him a disbelieving look, she had once more


“I think you know the answer to that one” seeing as him mouth had twitched, Samantha adding in a more caustic tone


“Believe me this time I will be reading it VERY carefully”, the smile rising to
eyes as he had moved ahead of her, holding the door open for her.  With a voice full of humour he had added


“I thought that I would leave your chastity clause out of the agreement though...unless of course you don’t trust me there either” laughing as she had thrown him a withering look.


Sitting with Bella, Sam had felt happier.  She had missed her old friend, with Bella getting  the job in a wedding planners in Milan soon after she had returned from the Greek holiday
other than Kate’s wedding,
hey had only seen each other when she had managed a trip one summer two years ago, relying on regular phone calls and emails.


For the first time since she and Dante had returned to New York she had felt herself relax. 
Both she and Dante had been at the airport to meet Bella, Sam surprised that he had taken the time out for this but relieved when he had pulled Bella into him, greeting her like a long lost sister, her friend so happy to see them both
together.  Bella and Sam had been even more surprised to discover the lengths that he had gone to ensure that she was able to work effectively and comfortably, having booked her an office for her duration, ensuring that she had access to all the
technical support
she would need, even going as far as to ensure that she had an assistant.


Having had dinner together, he had then left them alone the two now finding themselves in her office, Bella chuckling at her


“Now I could get used to this kind of treatment” she had laughed as the two had sat together, Bella adopting a more professional air
she had opened her planning book.


“OK Sam, two weeks........two weeks!”


She had chuckled


“I like a
” her eyes suddenly growing so serious


two weeks Sam


Her voice had been soft, enquiring
, her eyes holding
.  For a second she had considered telling her the truth, but instead had forced a smile to her lips.  She knew that Bella would never be any part to a wedding such as this, knowing that she would not plan such an event when she knew her friend to be an unwilling participant.  Dante had been right about one thing, their wedding would be a prestigious affair, with over 300 people invited and it was a career
making one for the person organis
it.  If there was to be any good to come out of this farce of a wedding then she wanted it to go to Bella, leaning in and hugging her friend.


“Well we know how we feel Bella, and we could wait 6 months a year....but at the end of the day it would just be time wasted”


Giving a soft smile, she had chosen to slip in one piece of the truth


we want a baby
and we don’t want to bring it into the world before we are married”


She had seen as Bella had visibly relaxed, giggling


“Oh Sam....I am so happy for you...truth is when you and Dante split up.....I didn’t understand it, you were both so in love”


Sam had given a small shrug, holding back the remark that at least one of them had been so in love


I guess we were
too young then...but it is different very different”


The tapping on the door had made Bella look over in surprise


“Are you expecting anybody?”
he had asked, seeing as Sam had shaken her head


“It’s your office” she had chuckled, Bella flashing her a grin


“ of today”


Rising she had moved to open the door, Sam seeing how her whole body had stiffened in surprise.  As Philippe had moved into sight Sam
had grinned
broadly, rising to move over and give him a hug


h my goodness
what brings you here
” she had cried, seeing as Bella had gone so quiet, her complexion pale.  Philippe had given her a bear hug, before releasing her, smiling happily, his eyes moving quickly over to Bella, Sam so aware of the chemistry passing between the two


“Hello Bella” his voice had been soft, as she had moved back to the table her body
, her voice polite


“It is nice to see you Philippe” her tone not giving credence to the sentiment.  Giving Sam an unsure look he had seemed to hesitate before she had pulled him over to join them at the table, Philippe smiling his thanks at her.


“Well, Dante asked if I would be his best man” he had said looking at Sam, grabbing her hands and gently covering it with his other, his eyes so serious


“I am so happy that the two of you found each other again. 
tell him
told you this, but when you broke up he was a mess, I told him at the time that he had to go after you...but you know Dante...
tubborn as a mule”


Sam had looked surprised, not sure how to take this piece of news.  She could not for one moment believe that it was from missing her, more that he had lost the ability to keep up his planned revenge on her father.


Releasing her, he had once more turned to Bella, who was trying so hard to regain her composure
, her hand running down her long blonde hair visibly shaking
, his voice
so soft


I thought that as best man I could offer my services
in any way
help with the plans, seeing as I know the groom so well”


Sam had frowned slightly seeing as her friend had pulled out her diary, pretending to concentrate on the dates


“Well I think that my assistant can talk with you maybe tomorrow” she had finally said Philippe giving Sam a quick look for help as she had tactfully looked away
the message that he was on his own so clear.


“Actually I would rather deal with you”


He had replied, his tone sure, as Bella had
finally looked up at him, her
s hard


“I am sorry Philippe, as much as I appreciate your offer I hope that you understand that I have a very short time to organise this wedding and my diary is full”


His mouth had set before with a small smile he had reached over and lifted one of the business cards sitting on the table.  Sam had seen the surprise on
face, her mouth opening
to speak
as he had finished.


“Well I know how these things are Bella” he had grinned at the two girls


“And I know how appointments get I will keep this and phone you to find out if an opening presents itself”


Sam had held back the laugh, seeing the comical look on
face, the confusion
as she had opened and closed her mouth no sound coming from it as he had stood up smiling


“I will see you later ladies”


Before turning and leaving the office


As the door had closed Bella had given a small frustrated scream deep in her throat


“Who the hell does he think he is!!”


She had exclaimed angrily, looking at Sam for support.  She however, had chuckled back, shaking her head and lifting her hands


“Hey...leave me out of this.  Sound
nice of him to me” she had teased,
seeing the
way Bella had glar
ed at her before bursting into
laughter, playfully smacking out at her, moving to pull a
of colour schemes in front of the two

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