Blackmailed For Vengeance (16 page)

Read Blackmailed For Vengeance Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #adult, #sex, #love story, #revenge, #vengeance, #sexual, #greek, #lovers, #blackmail, #romance and love, #greece, #adult romance erotica love story

BOOK: Blackmailed For Vengeance
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He had looked into her soft
hazel eyes, so full of a warm glow and he had felt so strange. He
knew what she was, yet he had never felt more alive than when he
was in her arms.

Lee lay still, her whole body a
turmoil of emotions. The loss of her close friend still tearing at
her, while she held herself back from screaming at the man who
still filled her how much she loved him. But she knew that she
could not deal with the stinging contempt and belief that her
declaration masked an ulterior motive which would fill his
wonderful eyes if she spoke, so she kept to herself how much she
was being torn apart with that love as she lay under him silently
looking deeply into his eyes.

As he slid from her he had
pulled her into his arms cradling her, kissing her hair softly. His
gentleness almost more than she could bear at that moment as a soft
tear wound its way down her cheek, while a strange peacefulness had
taken hold of her, as quietly she had succumbed to the sleep which
she had not permitted herself for nearly 2 days lying warm and
securely in the arms of the man she loved.


The next morning she had woken
to find herself once more alone. She felt so lonely, and heart sick
not seeing him there that she had almost broken down in tears
again, just as the door had opened.

“Good you’re awake” he said
causing Lees heart to bubble up with sheer joy

“How are you feeling” he asked
so gently. Lee had looked up at him, a small sad smile on her

“A lot better…” before adding
quietly “She spoke to me before she died”

Yanis had looked so surprised.
“They told me they had her heavily sedated” he said with a

Lee had continued. “She said
that she was ready to die….told me that she wanted to see her
husband again”

He had remembered her words
when they met, remembering the way she had looked at the picture.
He also remembered that she had never remarried “Now that’s real
love” she had told him.

Did she say anything else he
prompted quietly, as Lee had looked at him, a strange expression on
her face, as very quietly and slowly she had continued

“She was so happy that I had
found somebody I could love” she said a look of pain crossing her
face, before she had looked away “Maybe its better she never knew
how little you really think of me”

Lee didn’t see the look of self
recrimination which crossed his face, as he watched her, suddenly
feeling the need to speak.

“Lee…” he began, before she had
turned back to look at him

“It’s OK Yanis” she interrupted
“Thank you for being so kind” she whispered “I don’t know what I
would have done without you”

Looking into his eyes, hers had
suddenly become surprised

“Why were you there, at the
hospital, when she …” her voice had broken slightly as she seemed
unable to say the word

Pushing a hair from her face he
had shrugged slightly

“I don’t know…couldn’t sleep. I
wanted to see you” he said, suddenly realising that of all other
reasons that was the most truthful. He had missed not having her
lying beside him, and the need to see her had made him leave the
warmth of his bed that night.

She smiled softly “Thank-you”
before reaching up to pull his head down to kiss his lips so gently
with an almost featherlike touch before moving across and out of
the bed.

As she stood framed by the sun
streaming through the window, he had held his breath seeing her
lovely body silhouetted against the light giving her an almost
surreal quality, a golden glow surrounding her. Vaguely he
remembered the words of the press and everybody who had met her in
which they had described her as angelic, with the light like that
and the pain in her eyes she really did at that moment look
angelic. Shaking himself, he had reminded himself that this was
Lee, the woman who had nearly destroyed his friend, the woman who
cared for nobody but herself. However, he felt uncomfortable with
the knowledge that he had never yet seen this side of her

“I have to contact the
hospital…. She had no family…… and I want to make sure that she had
a decent funeral…I have some savings” she said softly

Yanis stood beside her “I’ve
already contacted them” he said gently “They were happy to hear
that somebody would be organising everything. I thought I could
take you to the undertaker later on to make some arrangements…and
the money isn’t an issue”

She looked at him with

“Thank you” she said with such
sincerity in her voice and a look of confusion crossing her lovely

“Why are you being so kind to
me” she whispered huskily, as he had moved in to take her in his
arms, his mouth kissing hers as she had moaned gently.

“Because Lee, I am not the
complete heartless bastard you think I am” he spoke against her
mouth as he kissed her so softly that her whole body had shivered
with desire. He had pulled her back onto the bed, his body
comforting her as he drove her once more to the edge of reason, her
heart soaring to be in his arms. Their lovemaking was slow,
languish, but above all so intense. Lee felt that something had
changed something so subtle that she was unable to put her finger
on it, but something so wonderful that she had clung to him

That afternoon, he had sat with
her, as she talked with the undertaker, her face so drawn and sad,
as she had made the necessary arrangements, arranging for the
funeral to take place in two days.

As they had left she had
breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have that ordeal over. As she
had looked into the distance he had watched her eyes grow misty as
she seemed to relive some old memory

“Are you OK” he asked moving
closer to her

Lee had shaken herself looking
at him

“I’m fine” she said giving him
a small shaky smile “It just brings back memories that’s all”

He had looked back at her “Your
parents” he said, as she had nodded gently, biting her lip as the
memories had flooded back

“I lost my mother when I was
12” he said sadly, causing Lee to look at him in surprise. He had
never before given her any personal information about himself

“My father never got over her
death…he loved her so much…. He never married again”

Lee watched as his face became
thoughtful, as though he was for the first time realising

“What happened to your father”
she eventually asked, as he had delved so deeply into her eyes with
his dark ones

“He started to drink, slept
with every woman he met. He died 10 years after her, I don’t really
think he wanted to live” he gave a hollow laugh “That’s what love
does to you” he said with bitterness in his voice

“It destroys you, turns you
into a monster or makes you so miserable you don’t want to live any
more” he said his face suddenly holding the old anger as he looked
at her, before looking away

“Let’s go home” he said before
turning and moving to the car. Slowly Lee had followed him and
silently they had driven home, both lost in their own thoughts.

The funeral had gone quickly.
Lee had been touched to see so many people turn up for Mrs Green’s
funeral, mostly older people who had known the lady for many years.
Peter had attended giving her hugs and support, as she had looked
so fragile, looking warmly at Yanis as he held her close to him.
Neither of them had talked about their feelings after the
discussion outside the funeral home, but with each passing day, Lee
had felt the love within her grow more and more for the man who
stood beside her.

Jim seemed to be making
progress, and Lee felt that one day soon he would wake up and then
what. She had frowned realising that she had no idea what would
happen when he did. When she had signed the contract, it was on the
grounds that they would not have a personal relationship, but so
much had changed. They were lovers, and she was in love. Sadly she
knew that it was one sided. After his outburst two days prior, so
much had fallen into place - his lack of commitment to any one
woman and his need to punish those who used love to hurt others.
With a heavy heart she knew that soon she would find herself with a
choice, to walk away from Yanis or to stay as his mistress until he
had bored with her, and with a heavy heart she knew that there was
really only one option to choose.

It was with surprise a few days
after the funeral that she had received a letter from the lawyer of
Mrs Greens estate, in which she had been named as the sole
beneficiary of her friends will. She had been shocked to discover
that apart from the flat she lived in which was worth a great deal
of money; she had also had a significant portfolio of valuable
shares and money in the bank. Suddenly Lee had found herself to be
a wealthy woman. She had not told Yanis of the news, not really
sure why, but part of her realising that he was only keeping her
with him until he could punish her by removing all of his wealth
and making her penniless again. Had he known about her new found
wealth, then there would have been little point to this exercise,
and Lee realised that she was scared that he would end the
relationship, her heart wanting to spend every minute she possibly
could with him. She had known how pathetic this was, but every day
she had with him was a bonus and one which she clung to with her
whole being.

The next week had passed in a
daze. The fund raiser for the orphanage was due at the end of the
week, and Lee had started going to see the children every night
before visiting Jim to get them ready for their dance session. She
had quickly put together some routines which the children were to
perform, surprised herself at how well they learnt them. Yanis, had
drifted back into his old routine, having breakfast with her early
and returning late, almost as though he was deliberately pulling
back from her. She had known that soon he would tell her that he
wanted her to leave, and while her heart had broken each time this
had crossed her mind, part of her longed for him to release

Finally the day of the fund
raiser had arrived, and the dinner had gone well. Yanis had looked
heart stopping handsome in his black tuxedo, and Lee had worn a
vivid red cocktail dress, which hugged her perfect figure, making
him watch her with a smouldering look, which the press had quickly
seized on, later reporting of the golden future for the golden

He had given a speech, which
Lee had stood in wonder listening too, as he spoke of the need to
support children in care and to ensure that they had the same
opportunities as other children. As he had finished he had felt a
strange warmth, seeing her clap her face lit up with that wonderful
smile, which still had the power to transfix him.

It had then been her turn as
she had introduced the children of the orphanage, as they had
performed three routines, which had the audience on their feet. Lee
had danced a final routine with one of the older boys, which was a
ball room tango, which had stunned Yanis, who could only watch in
wonder at how she had moved so sensually and yet gracefully around
the stage.

The faces of the children had
made him feel so emotional, as she had pulled them all back onto
the stage, introducing each and every one of them, her dazzling
smile showing how proud of them she was. He had watched her,
wondering again how someone like her could do what she had to so
many men. He knew that Jim had not been her only victim having
witnessed the scene between her and David Jones, and he had
wondered how many more there were. Frowning he wondered if the
tears she had cried could have been real, forcibly making himself
push down the memories of the hospital. She was starting to crawl
under his skin, and Yanis knew that if he had any sense then it
would have to end. Lee Andrews had to go, before….before what he
thought to himself frowning even more deeply.

That evening Lee had been in a
happy mood, as she had laughed describing how the children had told
her about their plans

“It was so wonderful Yanis” she
had cried, her eyes sparkling brightly

“They are planning on starting
a dance club, and Jamie was talking about “taking it on the road”
she giggled mimicking the eldest of the children, who was also the
most street of the group.

“Of course, he also has decided
that I am to be his lady” she chuckled, her eyes laughing at Yanis,
who had laughed back at her

“Oh really” he retorted “a
wicked smile playing on his lips.. Is he into older women

She had looked at him with a
mock shocked look

“I’ll give you older, old man”
she laughed, giggling as he had grabbed her pulling her onto the
bed before tickling her

“Care to take that back” he
chuckled, as she had squirmed uncontrollably under him laughing
while begging for mercy. As he stopped and looked into her eyes, he
found the words he had practiced all night driving home
disappearing as he pulled her into his arms suddenly needing to be
part of her, to make love to her, which was exactly what he did as
she sighed deeply her whole being wanting the same as him.

The next morning, he had crept
into the room carefully moving back under the covers, as she had
turned to look at him.

“Good morning… what have you
been up to” she giggled gently.

“I thought you were asleep” he
had smiled down at her as he had raised himself onto one arm

Lee had laughed, “nope”

“Well in that case, I wondered
if you might like to go somewhere nice this weekend”

Lee had smiled “Anywhere
special in mind” she had asked, her whole being filling with
happiness at the thought of having him to herself for the whole

“Actually I do” he said huskily
against her neck

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