Blackbird's Fall (8 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Blackbird's Fall
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finished off her tea and looked out at the property. It was an overcast day,
and the look of it, and the scent in the air, told her winter was already here.

come on, boy,” she yelled out for the dog, which was busy over by the fence
whining and digging into the ground.

set her cup on the banister and walked over to him. Tightening her jacket
around herself, she kept moving toward Sherman. The fact he was whining had her
on alert. Taking out the knife she had tucked at the small of her back, and
feeling the knife she had strapped to her ankle, she felt safe with that
knowledge she could protect herself. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t afraid of
what could be out there.

It might just be an animal, or
maybe Marius is back.

around, and having her knife at the ready, she stopped beside Sherman. She
didn’t see anything, but with Sherman acting crazy she knew something had to be
out there.


whimpered, but stayed quiet. The wind blew, having the tops of the trees
swaying, and causing the braches to creak slightly. The longer she stood there,
staring into the darkened woods, the overcast sky and shadows causing
everything to be hidden, murky even, the more she felt off. Something wasn’t

on, Sherman.” She turned, wanting to get into the house where at least she
would feel safer than being out in the open. As she made her way quickly toward
the house she heard twigs cracking nearby. Stopping, she heard Sherman start to

to the house, Sherman.” The dog whimpered, but she shooed him on.

into the woods again, she knew she should go inside, but she needed to make
sure that if there was a threat out here she got it taken care of. When silence
greeted her again she all but ran to the house, where the rest of her weapons
were and where she at least had shelter. But just as she was about to reach the
porch this god-awful groan came through the air, so close to her it felt like
it was right on her back. She tripped, the sound startling her. Her foot got
caught on the uneven ground, and she turned her head to see an infected
shuffling toward her.

had a long, dirty beard, and debris and black and red blood covered the white

was on the porch barking and growling.

she shouted at the dog.

up, she turned, knife in hand, and faced the infected. He had dirty clothes on,
and although his pupils weren’t fully clouded over, as they were when someone
had been dead for a long time, there was the start of that milky color. This
man hadn’t been turned very long ago.

reached out for her, groaning and snapping his teeth. She went to lunge at him,
to plunge her knife in his skull, but he fell forward, landing on her. They
fell back on the ground, knocking the wind out of her. She as an idiot for not
bringing her gun, but she knew that she had weapons, and that she knew how to
take down one of these fuckers without ammunition.

and grunting to get him back, she was having a hell of a time stabbing him in
the head and damaging his brain, because she had to keep his face away from
hers. He was clawing at the ground, trying to bite her. The sound of his
gurgling, of his groaning as he wanted to rip her apart, had the adrenaline
pumping through her like a fire infused with gasoline.

kept growling, and as Maya tried to get the infected off of her, the scent of
his flesh decaying and the sight of the necrosis starting to consume his face,
gave her a flash that this might be the way she died. She had no clue where he
had come from. Hell, he could have been roaming around from when the fence had
been busted.

continued to struggle, and as she lifted her hand, thinking she had a good
shot, he turned his head and snapped at her. The sudden act and her fear had
reflexes taking over. She dropped the knife, their squirming bodies causing it
to move up toward her head. If only she could reach the knife tucked at her

then Sherman was on him, growling, tearing at the
clothes. The groaning became louder, but the male still wouldn’t stop trying to
bite her, still didn’t stop trying to rip a chunk out of her.

didn’t want to die like this, didn’t want her life to end this way when she’d
found Marius and felt like she could be happy again.


heard Maya before he saw her. He took off running, the buck falling to the
ground as he charged through the woods and toward the house. He was exhausted,
having walked all night, and only resting off and on. He’d just wanted to get
home to her.

he broke through the trees shock resonated in him, but he didn’t falter in
running toward her. Gun now at the ready, he opened the gate and went over to
her. He was about to grab the infected when Sherman attacked the male, tearing
at his clothing. The sound of fabric rending filled the air.

turned and saw him, a gasp coming from her and strain and fear on her face. “My
knife. I dropped my knife.”

aimed the gun at the infected, the
body up high
enough off of Maya that Marius had a clear shot. But when he fired the bullet
Sherman slammed his body into Marius’s leg, trying to get to the man attacking
Maya, and causing Marius’s aim to be off. The bullet slammed into the corpse’s
jaw, taking off the entire section.

used his boot to kick the infected away and off of Maya, and as the male went
onto his back, his lifeless eyes staring right at Marius and his groan surrounding
them, it was recognition that had Marius frozen for a moment. It was the
asshole that had stabbed him weeks ago. It looked like the crazy prick had
gotten infected, or had been bitten and changed after he died.

me do it,” she whispered.

looked at her, but then handed her the gun. She clearly needed to finish this.

infected started groaning and reaching for them.

Sherman,” Maya said in a calm voice.

grabbed the dog’s collar and watched as his woman handled this.

lifted the gun, aimed it at the male, and fired.

sound of the bullet being discharged had Marius’s ears ringing, but he was
focused on the man that had nearly taken his life weeks ago. The bullet took
off half of the man’s face, and now all that was left was an even grislier
visage of the monster he’d turned into.

stood there, both staring at the corpse on the ground. Marius let go of
Sherman, and the dog started whining. He went to Maya and butted his head up
against her thigh. Marius wanted to protect her, but he also couldn’t help the
fact he was proud as fuck that his woman was kick-ass and wasn’t afraid to blow
an infected asshole’s head off.

baby?” he said low, wanting to make sure she was okay.

slowly turned and faced him, her face void of any emotion.

you okay?”

nodded. “I am.” She looked at the infected again, breathed out as if she were
exhausted, and then looked at Sherman.

fine, baby.”

barked and started licking at Maya’s hand. When she looked at Marius again it
was the tears he saw starting to form in her eyes first.

He was in front of her and had her in his arms seconds later. He smoothed his
hand up and down her back, hating that she was breaking down. The gun fell to
the ground beside them, and she wrapped her arms around him.

okay, I really am,” she said between watery sounds. “I guess this all just
brought back a lot of memories because of what happened with my dad.”

all right, baby.” He continued to smooth his hand up and down her back. “You did
good, were kick-ass, as well.”

chuckled softly, and he grinned even if she couldn’t see him. When she pulled
back, he pushed a stray hair off her shoulder. “I’d kiss you, but I’ve been
hauling a buck carcass for the last day, and haven’t brushed my teeth.”

chuckled again and brushed her fingers under her eyes, wiping her tears away.

about I get some water for you, start a fire to heat it up, and get a bath

smiled. “I should be the one getting the bath for you.”

about we save water and jump in together?”

like the way you think, baby.” Despite the fact she’d almost been infected, and
that if he hadn’t gotten here in time things might have gone a lot differently,
the very idea of holding her nude body against this, had all worry fleeing. All
he wanted to do now was be with the woman that he was growing to love, that
he’d die for.

Marius was already in love with Maya, and he knew he wouldn’t let anything
happen to her. Hell, she might even save his ass from time to time.

had him feeling like the luckiest bastard in the world.



The following summer


survived the winter, and although it had been hard at times, Maya and Marius
had stuck together. They’d learned things, as well, knew what to expect for this
upcoming winter, and they’d be ready.

it was they’d been preparing for winter since it officially ended. Nothing had
changed with the infection, and in fact she knew it had only gotten worse.
They’d ventured in town once after the snow had thawed, seeing if they could
scavenge for any supplies, even though she’d had a feeling there wouldn’t be
anything. The once picturesque town of Brook Locke was deserted, rotting
corpses lying in the street, and even a few infected roaming. The stench had
been intense as the bodies thawed.

hadn’t actually seen another healthy human, but she was okay with that. No one
could be trusted, and they had their sanctuary at the farmhouse and on the

sun was beating down on everything today, and even though she was in the woods,
looking for the wild blackberry bushes she knew were close to the property, the
oppressive heat could still be felt.

bent over and pushed some of the foliage away, and saw the bushes of ripened
blackberries. A swatch of light came through from an opening in the tops of the
tress, giving the berries enough to grow. Maya started picking the berries and
putting them in the small basket she carried, but then the feeling of something
close to her had her standing and turning around, the knife that had been
strapped to her hip now in her hand. She held it out in front of her, ready to
use it, but she saw Sherman and Marius coming toward her. He stopped and held
up his hands.

I told you not to walk up on me. You’re liable to get stabbed.” She wasn’t
teasing. She’d rather jab first and ask questions later, especially in this
shitty world.

started chuckling, and she sheathed her knife again, not being able to keep her
smile in. Every passing day she grew to love him even more. They were a team,
and she knew that without his company, without his help, she would have had a
difficult time living out here by herself. As it was the last few months where
she’d been here alone had been starting to eat away at her. Not even Sherman as
her companion had been enough.

came closer, and she eyed him, wondering what was on his mind since he wore a

look like you have something up your sleeves.”

lifted his arms. “I’m wearing a t-shirt, baby.”

rolled her eyes at his reply. When he was a foot from her, the tree stopping
her from even thinking about leaving, all she could feel was his body heat.
“You’re funny,” she said in a bland tone, but smiled. He moved a step closer to
her. “Marius, what are we doing?” Maya said on a whisper, feeling her arousal
rise. This was always how she felt when he was near, when he looked at those
with those intense, serious eyes.

reached out and smoothed his hand on her cheek. “I’m not doing anything,” he
said unconvincingly. He continued to move his hand down, over her throat,
across her collarbones, and covered one of her breasts.

only sound that could be heard was of them breathing heavily. Sherman was off
to the side rummaging around, but all she could focus on was Marius.

would you say if I said I wanted to fuck you right here?”

sucked in a lungful of air. “It’s dangerous being out here.”

moved closer until his chest brushed her breasts. “I’ll protect you.” He
pressed her up against the tree, and ground his hard dick into her belly until
she gasped slightly. Maya dropped the basket, the berries forgotten as pleasure
stole her sanity and common sense.

“This is kind of reckless,” she said without
any worry in her voice, without fearing they were in danger.

and doesn’t it feel fucking incredible,” Marius said without phrasing it like a

closed her eyes when his warm breath teased her throat.

at me, baby,” he said low, commanding.

opened her eyes and looked at him. He smoothed his hand over the side of her
head, grabbed a chunk of her hair, and tilted her head to the side. He then
dipped his head and ran his tongue up the length of her throat, eliciting a
moan from her.

Marius,” she said and grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into his
cotton-covered flesh.

taste good, sweet and addictive.”

was so damn aroused, her pussy wet, her clit feeling swollen. Although they
were alone, doing this out here was exciting, almost like she was living
dangerously. Of course she was, she supposed.

pushed him away an inch, but before he could say anything she shed her clothes.
She’d only had a t-shirt and capris on, but they’d felt so damn abrasive on her
flesh. When she stood before him in only her panties and bra he took control.
Marius helped her take her underwear off by grabbing the elastic at her hips
and pushing them down her legs. He then pulled the cups of her bra down so her
breasts spilled out of the top. Having that item of clothing still on aroused
her even more.

her gaze with his, she heard him inhale deeply, as if he smelled her arousal.

smell so fucking
, Maya.” He lifted his hands and
smoothed his fingers over her breasts, down her belly, and cupped her between
her thighs with a firm hold. A gasp of pleasure left her when he slid his
fingers through her slicked folds, parting them. He then pushed a thick finger
into her pussy hole.

keeping his gaze on her face, he removed his hand and brought up the cream
soaked digit. When he licked the finger clean, she felt her mouth part as heat
traveled through her. Marius then lowered his hand and placed it between her
thighs again, strumming her clit back and forth.

leaned in close so his mouth was by her ear. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you
won’t be able to walk straight, baby.”

Oh. My. God.

the last year, and especially with them being cooped in the house during the
winter, she’d really grown close to Marius. He was gentle when the time called
of it, let her have control when she needed it, but then there was this side of
him, the side that was slightly dirty, very dominant, and needed to command.
She was more than happy to give in, too.

what I need,” she said in response, and saw his nostrils flare from his
pleasure. He moved an inch back, but only far enough away to unbutton his
jeans. He pulled his dick out through the fly of his jeans and underwear,
stroked himself, and moved closer.

moved closer to her, gripped her under the ass, lifting her easily off the
ground. Marius was so strong, so powerful. She felt like he’d save the world
just for her. He pressed her back to the bark, and she made a sound in pleasure
and pain from the rough texture.

bet that feels good, doesn’t it, baby?” he asked, his mouth by her ear, his now
bare cock moving against her belly. The feel of the slickened tip had her

she moaned that one word out.

pulled back and looked at her face.

fucking love you.”

love you, too,” she said on a whisper.

groaned and kissed her hard, possessively. He used his body to spread her legs
wide, and she wrapped her legs around his waist for stability. Arms around his
neck and hands gripping the short strands of his hair, Maya let her head rest
on the tree and closed her eyes.

kissed her, long and deep. She wanted more action, wanted to feel the hardness
of his body against the softness of hers thrusting into her, claiming her. She
didn’t want to stop until they were both sated, out of breath, and she was sore
between her thighs.

command and power that poured from him were like a second entity, and made her
feel so feminine, submissive. He could do whatever he wanted to her, could
touch her, dominate her, and control her until she couldn’t stand, let alone
think straight, and it would be all because she wanted that, needed it even.

was not afraid to admit she liked to be controlled sometimes, that she craved

had his shirt on, still had his pants on even. The only piece of him that was
exposed was his huge, monstrous cock.

mine, Maya, and it’ll always be that way,” he growled out those words.

.” As it was she wanted to submit to
him, wanted to be helpless and at his mercy.

dipped his gaze to her chest. “You’re so damn gorgeous, Maya.”

loved how he said her name, loved the way it made her feel and had her pulse
increasing. The cool air brushed along her chest, and she felt her nipples
harden even further to the point they ached.

you ready for me, baby?” He sounded guttural and harsh, and she had a hard time
keeping her eyes open.

always ready for you, Marius.”

tensed against her. “Damn, I love when you say that, love everything about

leaned forward and kissed him. “Fuck me, Marius.”

groaned, and dipped his head closer so he could run his tongue along her top and
bottom lip.

want you to touch me, baby.”

reached between their bodies right away and grabbed his big, hard, and hot
dick. Her mouth dried further. Marius was a big man, and his cock was no

see what you do to me, Maya? You see how hard you make me?” He wasn’t kissing
her any longer, but he still had his mouth pressed to hers. “I am so fucking
hard for you, baby. I’ve never been this hard for anyone, ever wanted anyone
else like I’ve wanted you.”

could have said desperate times made things different for people, but she knew
if she’d met him before all of this she would have still seen a man she could
have loved.

He panted against her mouth.

feel hard enough to drive nails through steel.”

say that’s a pretty accurate description right now.” He groaned those words
out. He thrust into her grasp, and she moaned. She felt pre-cum line the tip of
his dick, smeared it around the crown with her thumb, and loved that he
clenched his jaw in response.

me, Marius,” she said for a second time. She closed her eyes, thrusting her
chest out, needing some friction.

want you right here with me.”

am.” The words were breathy as they came from her. Marius went back to running
his tongue over her lips, and she pressed her hand more firmly on his dick. “I
really need you, Marius.”

groaned against her mouth, and in the next second was squeezing the mounds of
her ass like he owned them. But he did, and every other part of her body, just
like she owned him.

pushed her hand away, and she felt him grip himself. He ran the tip of his dick
over her slit.

and down, up and down.

dug her nails deeper into his shoulders.

want to see those pretty lips of yours around my cock.”

mouth watered. Going immediately to her knees, wanting to do this, needing to,
Maya felt her throat tighten. She clenched her thighs together as the tingling
and pressure in her pussy intensified. Beads of sweat lined the length of her
spine and between her breasts as her arousal climbed.

reached out and ran his thumb along her bottom lip, and gently pulled her flesh
down. His lips parted as he watched the act, and when he let go of her just as
gently, it was to place his hand on her shoulder.

shaft was hard and pointing right at her face, and being this close showed the
prominent veins that lined the length. She wanted that thickness in her mouth,
and wanted the tip hitting the back of her throat. Not thinking and just
acting, she lifted her hand and cupped the heavy weight of his balls. The sound
he made seemed pained, but at the same time filled with pleasure.

“Suck my cock.”

opened her mouth but kept her gaze locked with his. When the tip of his
erection brushed along her lips he made another gruff noise and moved his hand
behind her head so he could grab a chunk of her hair. He pulled her further
toward his dick until she was forced to take half of it in her mouth. Mouth
stretched wide and lips wrapped fully around his length, Maya felt her eyes
water at the sheer size of him.

flavor was salty and musky, but there was this potency about him that had her
moving her tongue along the crown of his erection and licking away the pre-cum
that spilled from the hole at the tip.

it, Maya, lick it all off.” He breathed harshly, like a rabid animal. “
.” He tugged at her hair until
pleasure and pain coalesced with each other.

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