Black & White (Picture Perfect #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Black & White (Picture Perfect #1)
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Chapter Eleven


From the moment William's deep voice floated into my ears, I was a goner. Shivers ran a line up and down my spine when he spoke. I turned and gazed at him, wondering how such perfection could exist.

He was dressed up, as much as he was dressed down. His white button up shirt shone under the neon lights, highlighting the muscles under his rolled-up sleeves. His black jeans hung low on his hips, leaving nothing to the imagination. I chuckled at the black sneakers he wore; William was an individual with simple tastes, just like me. I had opted for a simple white turtleneck sweater and black skinny jeans against Jude's objections. With my black flats, we could almost pass for twins.

I pushed myself out of the booth, stretching out my hand. I was in the company of family, newly found friends and match-makers who didn't need any more encouragement. A simple handshake seemed the best option.

William had other ideas and pulled me into an embrace. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I felt complete and whole in the moment when our bodies aligned. I didn't want William to get the wrong impression, but I was having a hard time fighting against this insane attraction I had for him.

"Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," I breathed.

I pulled away far sooner than I would have liked, but it was necessary. Multiple sets of eyes were boring into me from around the table, the most intent set belonging to Wyatt.

He didn't look happy which didn't come as any surprise. The frown on his face was more of a sign of his over-protective concern. I didn't know if it was brotherly concern for me, or worry for his job, from the look on Michael's face. Michael had to know as well as I did, that William was nowhere near ready for a relationship.

It's what made William and me perfect for one another at this point in our lives. He wasn't wanting a relationship and I wasn't interested in one (even if I was struggling with this crazy attraction). Despite it, I was here to show William a good time and open life back up to him. We were going to have fun as friends, exactly as we had agreed to do.

A short time later, I downed another shot from the latest round Sabrina had deposited at our table. I was definitely starting to feel the effects of the alcohol; I was beginning to feel vulnerable. The conversation William and I had been maintaining easily all evening had been a casual back and forth question session.

"Beth, does it seem strange to you that everyone's leaving us alone?" William whispered. Technically, it wasn't really a whisper since the live band was screaming their heads off, but it was a low as he could manage and still have me catch it.

I chuckled, "William, you really need to wake up."

"What?" His confusion was utterly transparent in his expression.

“Everyone has an opinion about us. Either they're pushing for us to be in a relationship, or they don't want us to be friends at all.”


“Who, what?”

“Who doesn't want us to be friends?” he demanded.

“Wyatt and Michael. They think we can't handle being friends. They're worried we'll end up hurting each other.”

“So, what? You're angry at everyone for having concerns?”

"Of course not, I'm not angry; I'm happy to have you as a friend, but I'm annoyed at the fact that they're interfering in our lives. Jude's done it before." I shut up right there. There weren't going to be any heavy conversations tonight, this was supposed to be a light and upbeat evening, something fun we could share.

"I'm guessing that's a story for another time?" William asked quietly.

"Yeah, please," I answered softly. I hoped another time would actually be never. I didn't want to talk about it now or ever with William.

"Okay, so let's just forget the question session. We'll keep that for our phone calls, agreed?" William smiled.

He had a talent for steering away from difficult conversations before they got too uncomfortable. Our few phone calls had gone long into the night and been very in depth revealing a lot about our backgrounds. I had learned so many things about William which few people, not even his family, knew about him. I knew he liked Chinese food but it had to come with no MSG and ginger. I knew he liked sleeping with one pillow pulled up against his chest. He never slept in past six on the weekends, since his downtime was so precious to him in regards to Angel. And, he snored in his sleep. I knew that one, because he had fallen asleep on the phone once.

Even though we’d agreed to use our phone calls for
conversations ones where it might be easier not to be face-to-face, I had always managed to keep away from really serious subjects. I just didn't want to talk about my past, determined to leave it there to be forgotten.

William slipped out of the booth and held out his hand, waiting patiently for me to accept it. I guessed what he wanted and nervously accepted. I wasn't afraid of the dancing, I was more afraid of the mixed signals I could possibly be giving William. I continued to be amazed at the sparks which coursed through my body whenever we touched. I had to wonder if the feeling would ever diminish.

"I don't think this is a good idea," I stated, as he led me to the dance floor. I was fighting a tough battle and was determined to find a happy line which William and I could comfortably live with. Dancing seemed too far over on the side marked ‘relationship’ and too far away from the side marked ‘friends’.

William gave me a look that silently told me that he was done worrying about what everyone else thought. How he had understood what I was insinuating was beyond me.

We danced through a few songs, the silence between us comfortable. Butterflies fluttered in my belly with every look William gave me, and the electrical currents ran over my skin at every point where our bodies connected. I struggled to remain casually friendly. If I was honest with myself, I was finding it harder by the second to keep in a neutral zone with him.

As I twirled around him once again, my eyes  connected with one of my Portland nightmares. Her bleached blonde extensions were impossible to miss, even in a crowd like this. The tight, black strapless dress, which left nothing to the imagination, screamed ‘skank’. The over-the-top make-up made her look like a ten dollar prostitute.

I could've ignored all of it, but Mercedes' unadulterated leer at William was utterly disgusting. The lust came off her in waves thick and nauseating. I felt horrible for the fact that William was on the receiving end of her attention. To make it worse, William didn't even know yet.

Mercedes was trouble, and when she wanted something, she would do everything in her nasty power to get it. She was a use-and-abuse type of woman; the woman who needed a cowbell hung around her neck as warning that she was nearby. William wasn't prepared for the likes of her, plus he’d probably never dealt with someone like her.

I pulled William closer, taking control of his hands and placing them on each side of my hips. I ground my body against his, and felt him stiffen. It was an uncomfortable situation, but this was the only thing I could think of to try and keep Mercedes away from him. If she saw us together, she might steer clear. She seriously didn't want another run in with me. At least, I hoped she didn’t.

William's heart was beating out of his chest, his breathing coming in short quick breaths. His body slowly began to relax as I continued to move seductively against him. It was becoming obvious what my actions were doing to him physically. I wanted to stop, pull away and forget what I’d started. The only problem with that plan, was I was enjoying the feeling. The alcohol was inhibiting my thought processes and relaxing the tight hold on my desires.

Things took an interesting turn as my body began to tense up with anxiety. William brought his leg between mine, and our bodies began to sway in the most intimate of ways. The lightning snapped between and around our bodies; it was inside me, traveling in bursts of crackling electricity through my head, my chest, and parts lower down. I ground myself seductively against his thigh; the increased pressure creating a need for a release which was unlike anything I’d ever felt in my existence. This was wrong.

William's body melted into mine as we floated around the dance floor. His hands moved off my hips, sliding to my back. We were tight against each other; every part of our bodies, intimately memorizing each other. The electrical current crackled against our contact. We were closer than we’d ever been before. As we moved together, the world faded away around me. His warm breath against my neck sent chills over my body. His hands roamed over me zapping my energy, and I allowed him to take control. It was so wrong, but it felt so right.

We continued our little tango together, as though we were the only two people on earth. His hands traced invisible lines across my curves. I melted into him, my blood burning as it raced through my veins. I closed my eyes, remembering him shirtless in the studio. The memories only served to inspire my hands to roam around his body, enjoying the well-defined muscles beneath his shirt.

His hands traveled back to my hips, grinding my body against his obvious desire. Lust was tangible on both of us, surrounding our bodies. The pressure in my lower regions was building, and my body begged to be set free. I slid my hands into his; I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I could see the glossy look in his eyes burning down at me. My mind went utterly blank as my gaze ghosted over his lips. My breath hitched in my throat as he lowered his face towards mine. His hands trailed up my body, my fingers still entangled in his, and he cupped my face. My heart was beating out of my chest as his lips skimmed my cheek. I could feel him inhaling my scent, like a succubus stealing my essence.

His breath against my skin brought goose bumps rising in its wake. His voice was like silk in my ear. "Beth, is this happening?"

My mind was numb with euphoria. I was torn between pushing away from his and pulling him closer. The only thing which made sense was a fervent desire to claim him. He peppered tiny kisses against the skin under my ear and I knew I wanted this, I wanted him. His lips moved slowly, methodically across my jaw line, closing in on his final destination.

Fireworks exploded within my body, the flashes of white sparks erupting in my mind temporarily blinded me and my knees buckled. My body was exploding with zaps of electricity traveling to every nerve. Nothing like this had ever happened before. William's arms tightened around me, holding me steady as I came down from the euphoric high I was on. His voice was barely more than a whisper as he spoke. I couldn't make sense of it, but the word '
seemed to be almost a mantra he was whispering as he caressed my skin with his mouth. I didn't want it to end.

As his lips made silent promises of capturing mine, a shrill voice tore us apart. "Why, Beth, I didn't know you had a boyfriend!"

My thoughts came crashing back to earth, reminding me why I was in this position. I pulled back just enough to find William's cheeks were glowing red and no doubt matched mine. I sighed, mentally bookmarking this moment. I was in deep trouble.

I turned around, squared my shoulders and narrowed my eyes as I glared at Mercedes. "Hello, Mercedes. No date tonight?" I battled silently to bring myself back under control.

"Oh, the night is still early. I have some prospects but nothing as fine as this beautiful man you have," Mercedes purred as she ran her eyes over William's body brazenly.

Bile climbed up into my throat in disgust. "That's really too bad, Mercedes. Unfortunately, when you whore yourself out so often, your name gets around to the

The look on her face suggested she would happily murder me. "Beth, you should know better than to listen to rumors. I don't whore myself out."

"Whatever, Mercedes." I turned my back to her, positioning myself between her and William. I caught a glimpse of the expression in his eyes. He was unsure what was going on, but like any man, he knew a cat fight when he saw one. I silently pleaded with him to trust me.

"So, are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" I could almost hear the flicking of her forked tongue as she spoke.

"My name's William," William stated as he shifted my body so I was tucked into his side. He didn't correct her assumption and for his sake, I wasn't going to either.

He draped his arm over my shoulder, resting his hand on the lower part of my back, which pulled my shirt part-way up. He ran his thumb in circles across my exposed skin. Every time he touched me, I felt like an eagle enjoying the freedom of the air, but in reality, grounded at the same time. I really
in trouble.

"Well, well, well, William - Beth's kept you a secret for far too long," Mercedes hissed seductively. I figured if she had claws, they would be stabbing me right around now.

"I'm here now. I'm not a secret anymore, so if you'll excuse us," William answered, drawing us back towards the booth.

I could smell Mercedes’ skunk-like perfume and knew she was following us. William flinched suddenly and I pulled away just enough to glance behind us, my eyes widening at her behavior. Mercedes hand was glued on William's ass, and when she saw me looking, her eyes shot daggers at me. I obviously needed help to rid myself of this menace to the male population.

"Hello, Mercedes."

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