Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Black Pawn (Michael Cailen Book 1)
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Chapter 58

After dropping Michael off at Rick's, Josh and his carpool worked
their way out of the city.  Everyone had a lot on their mind.  Jessica couldn't
stop thinking about Michael.  She kept hearing that Russian phrase in her head.

“Josh, do you speak any other languages?” she asked.

“A few.  Why?”

She repeated the Russian phrase to him.  She didn't even
have to ask if he knew what it meant because he broke into a huge grin when she
said it.  She could also see a smirk cross Martin's face.

“What does it mean?”  The curiosity was killing her,
especially after seeing the guys reaction to it.

“Where did you hear that?” Josh asked, still grinning

She didn't want to say, not knowing what it meant.  “Just
tell me, what does it mean?”

“Let me guess.  He's about six foot three, likes guns and
only wears cargo pants?”

“Please, just tell me,” she was starting to feel

“It's Russian.  It means 'I love you',” Martin answered her.

“I love you?” she repeated in disbelief.  “Does it mean the
same as it does in English?”

Josh laughed. “What else would it mean?”  He glanced back at
her with that massive smile still on his face.  Martin was also still grinning
and even Gomez couldn't restrain a slight smile.

She leaned back in her seat and looked out the window. still
in shock.  As she pondered this new revelation, her feelings of doubt turned to
elation and she couldn't suppress the huge smile that grew on her own face.


office had been returned to its normal
state, Rick headed home.   He didn't want to be around when Morgan got out of
the meeting.  He didn't know how he would explain his new relationship with
Milovich and he didn't want to.   Of course, if he had known Michael was
waiting for him at home, he might have taken his chances with Morgan.

Rick entered his apartment and closed and locked the door
behind him.  He leaned back against the door and closed his eyes as he took a
deep breath and released it.  When he opened them again, he was face to face
with Michael.  He jumped and let out a yelp.

Michael rushed forward, pinning him to the door.  He felt
Michael's forearm push into his throat,  making it difficult to breathe.

“Rick.  Buddy.  How are things?”  Michael asked mockingly. 
“We have a little catching up to do.”

Rick was filled with terror; it was all he could do to
breathe.  Michael released the pressure a bit and grabbed Rick's shirt as he
pulled him into the living room and pushed him down onto the couch.  Rick
started breathing rapidly.

Michael stared down at him. 

“How did the Russians know where Alonso Gomez lives?”

Rick was panting, and every so often let out a moan of
despair.  He couldn't sit still.  His legs felt like they were on fire and he
wanted to get up and run.

“I'm going to assume you told them,”  Michael said after
seeing his reaction.

“I tried to call you.”  Rick tried to shift the blame.

to call me?”  Michael repeated with a hint
of sarcasm.

“Milovich gave me your number and wanted me to track you.  I
tried calling all last night and this morning.”  Rick swallowed and tried to
regain control over his breathing. 

“I tried.”

“You were hoping I could save Gomez so you wouldn't have to
be a man and stand up for what's right?”

“What was I supposed to do?”

Michael shrugged.  “I don't know.  Not give it to them?”

Rick stared down at the floor.  “They would have killed me
if I didn't give it to them.  I didn't have a choice.”  He looked up at

“Sure you did.”  Michael countered.

Rick didn't understand what part Michael wasn't getting. 
“Give them the address, I live.  Don't give them the address, I die.  Where's
my choice?”

“Well, you just listed two.”

He finally realized what Michael was getting at.  He looked

“You're willing to kill innocent people.  Good people.  To
save your own worthless self.  What kind of man are you?”

“A coward.”  Rick muttered under his breath.

“Damn right.”  Michael agreed.

“It's not just me.”  Rick tried to reclaim his humanity. “My
daughter.  They'll kill her, right before they kill me.”

“Did you know Gomez's two-year-old son was home with him at
the time?”

Rick closed his eyes.

“What do you think they would have done to his son after
they killed him?”  Michael paused, giving Rick time to think about that.  “I
feel sorry for your little girl.  I do.  But your kid, Gomez's kid.  There's no
difference. They're both innocent.  I understand that she's your daughter and
you want to protect her.  Blood is thicker than water.  I get that.  But what
kind of parent kills someone else's kid to protect their own?”

At this point, Rick started crying.  Michael rolled his eyes
and shook his head.

“So what am I supposed to do with you, Rick?”  He didn't
want to listen to Rick's pathetic sobbing.

Rick sniffled and wiped his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“You're a risk Rick.  You're willing to sacrifice innocent
people.  I can't let you keep doing that.”

Rick shook his head.  “I feel terrible about giving them the
address.  I won't do it again.  I'm so glad he's alive, I don't know what I
would have done if he died.  Please believe me.  I don't want to do any of

“This is your last chance, Rick.  The only reason you're
still alive is because I might need you.  But if anyone else gets hurt, whether
it's the result of your actions or your inaction,  you're history.  If it's
within your power to prevent it, and you don't, there will be no discussion,
I'll just kill you.  Do you understand?”

Rick nodded, but didn't look up.


at a small cabin at the end of a narrow
dirt road.  Meticulously kept, it appeared to have been updated recently with
vinyl siding and energy-efficient windows.  A beautiful flower garden wound
around the house, giving it added charm.  A serene lake could be seen through
the trees behind the cabin.  A dark blue minivan was parked in the driveway.

When they stopped, Gomez got out with Eddie, and the door to
the cabin flung open.  A woman bolted out running towards him.  A few inches
shorter than Gomez and a few pounds heavier, she looked professional, dressed
in a black pants suit.  Her curly brown hair hung loose.  She rushed into
Gomez's arms crying and kissed her son.  Gomez held Eddie in one arm and
wrapped the other tightly around her, fighting off a few tears himself.

Josh stepped out of the truck.  “We should get going,” he
said softly.

Mrs. Gomez took Eddie in her arms and squeezed him tight. 
She kissed his head and then wiped some tears away.  “Where are we going?” she

“Right now, away from here,” Josh answered.

Gomez opened the back door and helped her in.  She looked at
Martin and did a double take at Jessica as she scooted over so Gomez could get

Jessica extended her hand.  “Hi, I'm Jessica.”

“Elaina.”  She shook it.

“I was in a car accident,” Jessica tried to explain her
battered face.

Martin half turned in his seat and greeted her.  “I'm

“Josh,” was all Josh said as he started the truck.

“Nice to meet you all.  Now can someone tell me what's going

Gomez took a deep breath and began telling her everything
that happened that morning and why they were now on the run.  He told her how
Michael had saved him and Eddie and how Jessica had managed to evade the
police.  It was a lot to absorb, and for most of it she just sat there in
stunned silence.  She didn't say much after he finished, either.  It all seemed
so surreal.

Gomez took her hand and looked in her eyes.  He gave her a
reassuring smile.  “It's going to be okay.”  She tried to smile back, but she
was clearly still worried.

A few minutes of silence passed before Josh's phone rang. 
He looked at the caller ID and saw it was Michael. 

“Hey, bro,” he answered.

“I'm done.  Rick gave Alonso's address to Milovich.”

“What a guy.”

“Tell me about it.  I made it clear if anyone else dies from
his action, or inaction, he'll be the next to go.”

“If you don't do it, I will.”

Michael chuckled.  “Anyway, did you get his wife?”

“Yeah we have her.  We're on the highway.”

“Alright.  Find someplace to pull off and wait for me.”

“We're almost out of the city.  I'll let you know where we

They pulled over at a little shopping plaza with a grocery
store so they could pick up food for everyone and some things for Eddie. 
Jessica remained in the car with Josh, watching the cars as they drove into the
parking lot.  Martin returned to the truck a few minutes before Gomez and
Elaina.  After a diaper change and feeding Eddie wasn't quite as cranky, much
to everyone's relief.

Jessica surveyed a beige Camry headed in their direction. 
As soon as she spotted Michael in the driver's seat, she jumped out of the
truck and waited anxiously as he parked next to them.

He stepped out of the car and walked over to her.  She
leaped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck.  He gave her a quick
squeeze and kissed the top of her head.  Martin rolled down his window and
Michael leaned on the door.  He greeted everyone and introduced himself to

“There's a car seat in the back of the Camry.  Hope it's the
right size.  We should move it over.”

“Why don't we just ride with you?” Gomez asked.

Michael glanced at the Camry then back at Gomez.  “Because
it's stolen and it's probably better if you aren't in it if the cops try to
stop us.”

“Fair enough.”  Gomez seemed more than happy to stay in the
truck now.

Jessica eagerly volunteered to ride with Michael.  After
Eddie was unhappily secured in the car seat, they started on the road back to
the hideout in Boston.


Josh and Michael pulled into the parking lot of the garage
hideout shortly before 11 p.m.  Everyone was tired and cranky, especially
Eddie.  After herding everyone upstairs and securing the truck in the garage,
Michael and Martin left to dispose of the stolen Camry and pick up some air
mattresses, blankets and pillows.

They returned a short time later.  While Martin said goodbye
to Josh and Jessica, Michael handed some pillows and bedding to Gomez.

“You and your family can take the bedroom over there.” 
Michael pointed to the room next to the bathroom.  “It should offer you a
little privacy.”

“Thank you.”  Gomez appreciatively passed the bedding to his
wife, then turned back to Michael.  “I really can't thank you enough for what
you've done.  I owe you my life.”

“No, you don't.”  Michael brushed it off.  “It's what I'm
trained to do and it was the only right thing to do.  You don't owe me for

“You're too modest.”  Gomez smiled.  “Regardless of how you
spin it, I'm indebted to you.  I will do all I can to help you.”

“You would've done it anyway.”  Michael grinned.

Gomez chuckled.  “Yes but now I have extra motivation.”

“That you do,” Michael agreed as he watched Elaina setting
up the air mattress in the other room and Eddie playing with one of his new

Martin materialized next to them.  Michael shook his hand. 
“Thanks again, Martin.”

“I'm glad I could help.”  He turned to Gomez.  “I don't know
if I'll see you again, but it was a pleasure meeting you.”

“Likewise.”  Gomez shook his hand.  “Thank you.”

Martin looked back at Michael.  “I'm sure I'll see you
around.  Take care of yourself and you know how to reach me if you need me.”

“Will do Martin.  Thanks again.”

Martin walked toward the stairs where Josh was waiting to
walk him out.  They disappeared down the stairwell while Michael said goodnight
to Gomez.  Jessica was working on the other air mattress, getting the bed ready
for them to sleep. He helped her finish setting up.

“You got any pain killers?” she asked. “My whole body

“The Vicodin was at Josh's.  All I have is morphine.”  He
looked at her.

“Fine with me.”  She slumped down on the mattress.

Michael went downstairs to get the med kit from the truck. 
Jessica passed out a few minutes after he gave her a shot.  He didn't give her
much.  Just enough to take the edge off.  But since she was already so
exhausted, it only took a little relaxation for her to slip off to sleep. 
Michael joined her a few minutes later while Josh took first watch.


had just started to come up when Jessica
groggily rolled over and wrapped her arm around the body next to her thinking
it was Michael.  Her eyes still closed, she sighed and snuggled up to a now
very awake Josh.

Josh was a little stunned and not sure how to react.  He
quickly spotted Michael, who was incredibly amused by the situation and who
gestured for him to stay quiet.  Josh made a face like he didn't think that was
a good idea, but Michael insisted.  Josh nervously played along.

Jessica squeezed him tighter and slowly opened her eyes to
look up at him.  She didn't seem to notice at first that it wasn't Michael. 
But after a few seconds, a confused look came over her face and she nearly
jumped out of the bed.  Michael was nearly in hysterics.

Jessica was not amused, and Josh immediately shifted the
blame to Michael, saying it was all his idea.  She shot daggers at him and
protested that it wasn't funny.  Josh fled downstairs as soon as she turned her
attention to Michael.  He didn't want to stay and risk incurring her wrath.

Michael calmed down and apologized.  “I'm sorry Jess, but
the look on your face was just priceless.”  He had the biggest grin on his
face.  He walked over to her and held out his arms.

She couldn't stay angry with him.  She stepped forward and
let him wrap his arms around her.  She rested her head on his chest and pinched
his side as payback.  He grabbed her wrists to prevent her from doing it again
and held them firmly against her back, keeping her in his arms.  He squeezed
her tight and nuzzled her neck.

“I love you,” he whispered in Russian to her, like he had
done before.  Except now she knew what it meant.

“I love you too.”

Michael froze.  In fact, it seemed like he might have even
stopped breathing.  He pulled his head away from her neck and looked down at
her.  She looked into his eyes and savored the look of surprise and elation on
his face.  He smiled and gently caressed her face.

 “Josh told you didn't he?”

“No," she smiled.  "Martin did."

“What did you do, announce it to the whole group?”

She chuckled.  “I didn't tell them who said it, I just asked
what it meant.”

“Yeah, but they knew it was me as soon as you said it.”

“Well ... you should have told me what it meant,” she
grinned at him.

“Makes no difference, I guess.  They already know I do.”

“You told them?”

“Didn't have to.  You've got Josh who's known me for years
on top of being highly skilled in intelligence gathering.  And then you have
Martin who is ex-CIA.  It's kind of hard to get anything past those two.”

“I guess when I look at it that way.”  She smiled bashfully.

He kissed her lips and squeezed her tight.  “We should meet
with Kevin and your friends to work out how we're going to hack into the CIA.”

Jessica's smile vanished before he even finished his
sentence.  Her mood suddenly shifted from upbeat and chipper to melancholy in a
matter of seconds.

“What's wrong?” Michael asked, concerned with the sudden
change in her emotional state.

She didn't answer, she just stared at the floor.  She was
struggling in her mind with how to put into words what she was thinking and feeling.

“Jessica, what is it?”

“I don't want anyone to see me like this.”  Her body
stiffened and she clenched her jaw, determined to hold back the tears.  She
refused to look up at him.

“Jessica, what happened isn't your fault.  You didn't do
anything wrong.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“No.”  She pulled away from him.  Angry tears streamed down her
face as she began to lose her battle against the torrent of emotions that
wanted to burst forth.

“No?  No what?  No it is your fault?”

“I won't be the victim again.”  More tears fell.  “Someone
does something to me and I can't stop it.  Then, everyone feels sorry for me. 
I'm weak and can't save myself from anything.  I know that, and if they see me
like this they'll know it too.”  She started sobbing.  “I can't bear it.”

“All right.  Time out.  Let's get one thing straight.  This
stuff about you being weak.  I don't want to hear it.  Because it's not true. 
Who decrypted the message and flash drive from Alex?  Who saved us from the
Russians with her insane driving skills?  Who's going to be hacking into the
CIA and blowing this whole thing wide open?  And unless Dmitri was lying, from
what he said, you pretty much beat the crap out of that guy who attacked you. 
You've been through some terrible stuff in your life and you survived.  There
is one thing you certainly are not, and that is weak.”

The forcefulness of his words gave her pause.  She took a
few deep breaths and fought to regain her composure.

“Let's not forget that a corrupt CIA agent and the entire
Russian mafia want you dead because they are afraid of what you can do to
them,” he added.

She smiled at that last part as she brushed away the last of
her tears.  “Yeah, I guess you're right.”

Michael broke into a huge grin.  “You are the only person on
earth who would find that comforting,” he teased her.

She laughed and he pulled her towards him and gave her a
hug.  He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

“So, what are we going to tell them?” she asked.

“The truth.”  He gently squeezed her and rubbed her back. 
“Some mafia guys abducted you, got a little rough with you ... and then you
killed them.”

She giggled and looked up at him with a huge grin on her

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