Black: Part 4 (Black Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Black: Part 4 (Black Series)
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“Why didn’t you tell me about the sex room before? Why weren’t you honest about it?”

“Sofie... I told you that I’d been with other women. I even told you why I’d been with them. That room isn’t something I’m proud of.” I give a shrug. “And that’s why it was so easy to do what I did with it…”

“What are you talking about?” she asks, her confusion deepening.

I give her a soft, warm smile. This wasn’t what I’d originally had in mind, but it will have to do. There’s only one thing I can think to try that might make her see just how important she is to me. It’s the only chance I’ve got. And, if it doesn’t work, then…

No, I’m not even going to think about that possibility. It
work. It has to.

“Take a walk with me,” I say, leading her toward the door. “I’ve got something I want to show you...”

Chapter 13


My head races with a million different thoughts as Calvin leads me out of his office and through the club. I don’t even know why I’m going with him. All I know is that there’s something in the tone of his voice, and in the way he’s touching me, that tells me I need to follow along.

Calvin hadn’t responded at all like I’d been expecting. I’d known immediately, by the look on his face, that Wade had been telling the truth about the sex room. Wade never explained how he found out, but somehow he had. Maybe he’d also been telling the truth when he’d said that he was just looking out for my own good—but Wade is one of the furthest thoughts from my mind, right then.

In the first instant that I saw the look on Calvin’s face—the obvious shame he felt about me finding out about his secret—my heart had sank. For a moment, I’d been convinced that I’d made a terrible mistake in trusting him. If my entire body hadn’t gone numb with the thought of Calvin still hooking up with other girls behind my back, I probably would have turned and ran away. If I had done that, I don’t know that I would have ever stopped running. And I don’t think I can handle something like that. Not again.

But there’d been something about the look in his eye when he’d told me that he didn’t have the room anymore. He’d been telling the truth—of that, I’m absolutely certain.

Somewhere deep inside, I know he’s been telling the truth this whole time. It’s just that, after everything that happened, I’ve lived my entire life feeling like I don’t deserve love. From Calvin, or anyone else. It’s been nearly impossible to overcome the insecurities I’ve been living with for so long. They’ve just become a part of who I am.

But with each step we take through the narrow, dark hallways of
Club Addiction
, I begin feeling a renewed surge of hope. Whatever Calvin is leading me toward is something significant. At least, it is for him. And that’s more than enough to make me curious.

And hopeful.

We round a final turn and begin moving our way down another narrow hallway. We’re in a part of the club that I’ve never seen. There are closed doors on either side with those little magnetic swipe locks on them. They remind me of the very same locks we have at the office. The whole hallway feels very out of place, compared to the rest of the club.

Eventually the doors on either side stop appearing, while the hallway continues even farther. We’re so deep in the club that I can only barely make out the thumping bass of the music. We round one final turn and arrive at the end of the hallway. Another door, identical to those before, stands shut in front of us.

Calvin turns and gives me a smile. He seems nervous, but energetic, at the same time. He hesitates for a moment before pulling a white card from his pocket. He swipes it in front of the magnetic lock, and there’s a buzz, followed by a click. A tiny green light bulb on the swipe pad lights up, indicating the door is unlocked. Calvin reaches out and cracks the door, just a little. He holds his hand out, gesturing for me to go ahead of him.

A moment of panic grips me.

Calvin doesn’t need to give me any more confirmation. This is it. This is the sex room Wade warned me about. I don’t want to think about how many other women have stood in this very spot, expecting to hook up with the only man I’ve ever loved. What in the world could be so important that Calvin wanted to bring me back here?

A soft light glows from inside, illuminating the thin crack in the doorway.

“I don’t know about this,” I say.

“Trust me,” he says.

There’s a hint of desperation in his voice. Guilt twists my stomach into a knot. If Calvin really is the love of my life then he shouldn’t need to make that kind of request. Trusting him shouldn’t be some grand act.

If there’s any hope of us making it through this, or making it through anything, it’s time I start giving him the benefit of the doubt. It’s time that I stop
him that I trust him and actually start

I take a slow, steady breath and nod my head. The door gives way to a light push. I take a few steps inside, and give a quick glance around to orient myself.

The room is bigger than I expected—a little over half the size of Calvin’s master bedroom. To the left of the doorway is a minibar, complete with bottles of alcohol and everything needed to make a lot of drinks. In the back corner, there’s a couch turned at an angle. Sitting next to it is a smaller love seat. But it’s what is setup in the middle of the room that catches my attention.

There are two tables lined up next to each other. Propped on each of the tables is a large memory board. The one on the left catches my attention, first. Pictures and clippings are attached to it. Even from a distance, there’s something familiar about them. It draws me farther into the room.

I take a few steps closer. My brow furrows and I squint while studying the pictures. My mind races to place them. At first, I can’t figure out why they look so familiar. But then it hits me.

My jaw drops open in complete surprise.

Chapter 14


I blink a few times, staring at the memory board on the left in utter shock. My heart pounds loudly in my chest.

Arranged on the board is a variety of pictures and clippings that send old memories rushing back to me. The memories stretch back to those early times in Charleston, when Calvin and I were first getting to know each other. There’s a menu from Tommy Condon’s, the Irish pub where we first met. And there’s a picture of Waterfront Park, where we first held each other’s hands while watching the low tide lap onto the coast.

The memories take me back to a simpler time. A better time. A time before everything between us got too messy. I’ve spent the last few years of my life trying desperately to keep these memories out of my head. The way I felt then and the way I feel now are almost completely different. And yet, somehow, they’re almost exactly the same, too.

I feel the weight of Calvin’s presence next to me and I turn to look up at him.

“What is all of this?” I ask, barely able to get the words out.

There’s a glimmer of amusement behind his beautiful blue eyes.

“It’s a little… project… I’ve been working on these last few weeks. I needed
to keep me distracted while you relentlessly tormented me.”

My cheeks ache from the smile that spreads across my face. Calvin places a hand in the small of my back as he steps around me. He guides me closer to the table on the left as he begins explaining it.

“Since you came back in my life, the thought of this room has sickened me.” He fixes me with a warm smile. “You see, I realized that I’ve just been using this room so that I could forget about you. And that was when I knew that I needed to do something special with it. I needed to take this room that made me feel so bad about myself and turn it into something that made me feel good…”

I’d nearly forgotten what this room used to be. The gentle reminder tugs at my heart, but as Calvin continues explaining what he’s been up to, it’s almost immediately forgotten again. Whatever this room used to be, that’s not what it is anymore.

“So, I turned it from the place I went to forget about you, to the place I go to worship you,” he continues. “I wanted to put something together that would remind me of our past.” He gestures to the board on the left. “I pulled together everything that reminded me of you. Where were first met. Where we first kissed. All of those beautiful things we shared that made those months with you the happiest time of my life.” He pauses, and then adds, “I believe you ladies call it
, or something like that.”

I let out a light laugh.

“Something like that,” I agree.

His smile broadens, making my heart flutter even faster.

“Have I told you how happy you make me when you’re around?” he says. “Just knowing you’re nearby makes the world brighter.”

I bite my lip, trying hard not to squeal in delight. How could I have
doubted him?

“It means so much to hear you say that,” I say.

He turns to face me, fully, wrapping both arms around my waist and pulling me close. The warmth of his hard body envelopes me. It takes all of my willpower to not pounce on him right then and there.

“In that case I’ll make sure I say it to you everyday.”

Calvin’s look is intense and passionate. I bite my lip again and squirm a little. The emotions I’m feeling are nearly too much for me to handle all at one time. I need a little more space to process all of this. Not too much. I don’t ever again want too much space from Calvin. But a little. For now.

“What’s this other one about?” I say, pointing at the board on the right and changing the subject.

Calvin cranes his neck and looks before leading me to stand in front of it. Unlike the one on the left, this board is totally blank.

“Well, I put together the first one to memorialize all of the memories about you—about us—that make me happy. This board, on the other hand, is about all of the things in our future.”

I frown.

“But it’s blank…”

Calvin gives me an excited look.

“That’s the whole point!” he says. “It’s completely wide open. We can do anything we want. Anything at all. There’s nothing that’s going to get in our way.”

The brief moment of confusion lifts and another smile spreads across my face.

“That sounds magical,” I say.

Calvin turns to face me and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Only because what we have is magical. Only because

Something stirs deep inside that causes me to bite my lip, again.

“I’m not the only magical one around here,” I say.

“You’re definitely the
one around here.”

He cocks an eyebrow and gives me one of his patented
I want to fuck you
looks. The stirring inside of me intensifies.

“Is that so?” I ask, giving him a suggestive smile.

Calvin’s arms tighten, pulling me even tighter against his body. I can feel the bulge in his pants growing. The thought of his hardening cock is all it takes to send a flood between my legs.

Calvin leans in and presses his lips into mine. My heart skips a beat as our mouths part and our tongues begin to dance with each other. With the taste of his tongue in my mouth, time seems to stand still. The entire world stops around us for a moment that I know I’ll never forget. In that moment, nothing else seems to matter. All of the doubt, the insecurity, the distrust, all of it, withers away.

When we finally break apart, the passionate look in Calvin’s eye leaves no doubt about what’s going to happen next…

Chapter 15


With one swift movement, I reach down and lift Sofie into my arms. Her legs wrap around my hips and she grinds the softness of her center against my restrained cock.

I carry her to the couch in the corner of the room, bumping into one of the tables and sending everything on it spilling to the ground in the process. Sofie doesn’t even seem to notice the disturbance, though. Her arms wrap tightly around my neck and she grinds herself against me even harder. Her tongue dives so deep into my mouth I wonder if she’s trying to find a way to climb inside of me.

When we get to the couch, I spin around and fall backward into it. Sofie whimpers when we land. Her legs spread even wider as she works her tiny waist in small circular motions. I buck my hips upward, digging my cock into her just as much as she’s doing it to me.

“Take me, Calvin,” she pants between kisses. “Take me right now.”

Sofie’s lips break away from mine and she begins quickly kissing down my neck. Between soft kisses she lets her tongue trace a thin wet line along the sensitive parts of my flesh. Her hands clasp the top of my shirt and with a single quick jerk she rips the shirt open, revealing my hard chest.

“You know, this is an expensive shirt…” I tease.

She looks up at me, innocently.

“Oh? Does that mean I should stop?”

She gives me wide, puppy-dog eyes as she sinks even lower. Her hand slides into my lap, stopping just next to my bulging cock. Her little teasing is almost too much for me to handle.

“I suppose I can always buy a new one.”

The grin on her face widens.

“That’s what I thought…”

Sofie wastes no time in going back to work. She rips apart the latch on my belt and quickly unhooks the clasp on my pants. Her hand dives beneath until her fingers wrap around my cock. She pulls it out, gripping it tightly. Her hungry eyes widen in delight and she bites her lower lip as she begins twisting her hands in tight circles while jerking it up and down.

I let my head sink back onto the couch and close my eyes. A deep groan of pleasure flows out of me as I let myself enjoy what she’s doing.

Sofie works my cock like this for a couple minutes. She’s so good with her hands that I can already feel myself getting closer and closer to completion. No other girl has ever been able to get me off with only her hands. But then, no other girl has made me feel anywhere near the way Sofie does.

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