Read Black Lies White Lies Online

Authors: Dranda Laster

Black Lies White Lies (4 page)

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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“Brownsville. It’s in Tennessee.”

“Tennessee? You're a long way from home. You're either running from something or trying to hide something.

“It’s getting late. I must be getting home. I would love to talk to you all night, but I have to work tomorrow.”

“The night is still young Candice, and I would like to continue this conversation. I’ll have my driver take you home.”

“That’s not necessary. I’ll just get a cab.”

“It wouldn’t be polite, and I insist on seeing you home safe.” He paid the waiter and we headed for the door.

On our way out a man at the bar stopped us. “Hey, Old Man. It’s been a long time.”

“Yes it has been. I would like to chat but I must get the lady home.”

“Some other time I guess, when you’re not escorting such a lovely lady.” He looked at me as if he were undressing me with his eyes. He suddenly reached for my hand, “Steven McMillan, lovely to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Steven.”

“I didn’t get your name.”

“That’s because I didn’t say it.”

“Oh, she’s a crafty one. It’s just like you, Ashton, to have a woman with beauty and brains.”

“I will talk to you later, Steven. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Ashton was walking fast to get out of there.

“What’s the hurry?”

“I just want to get you home.”

Sitting in the car, Ashton seemed thousands of miles away. “Penny for your thoughts.”

“I was just wondering how I could convince you to have a night cap at my place.”

I knew this was a lie, but if that’s how he wanted to play it, OK with me. “I wish, but it’s getting late.”

“Candice,” as he moved closer to me, “let me kiss you” and I felt his lips caress mine. I moved away slightly, as if to push him away. “Candice, I’ve wanted to kiss you all night.”

His kisses became deeper and I began to feel the heat of him. I wanted him to kiss me. He ran his hands up my thighs, kissing me with such passion. His hands felt warm and soft, as he went further and further up my skirt, pulling at my lace panties. This couldn’t be happening. This man is my boss. I became dizzy as he stroked the wetness between my legs and kept kissing my lips.

He was taking me to the point of no return. He started kissing me deeper, muffling my moans. I was in a car for God sakes, with two strangers, the driver and Ashton. He was taking me there, and I loved it and hated it at the same time.

He slid his tongue down my neck and I could feel the hardness that had formed between his legs. “Candice, I want you, I want you.” I wanted him too, but was I seriously going to let him do this right here?

I managed to push him away. “Ashton, let’s wait until we get to the apartment, ok?” I managed to pull myself up and pull my skirt down. I could smell the sex and Ashton could smell it too. He had that lustful look in his eyes all men get when they want to unleash the beast.

“Candice, please, will you stay with me tonight?” He sounded almost childlike.

I wanted to say no. “Yes, but I must leave early.” Was I honestly agreeing to stay with a man I hardly knew?

“Anything, I just want you for the rest of the night.” The driver pulled up in front of Ashton’s building and the doorman opened the door.

“Good evening, Mr. Williams, and how are you this lovely evening?”

“I’m ok and you, Jackson?”

I slid to the right side of the car to get out as Jackson reached his hand out to assist me.

“Good evening Miss and how are you?”

“I’m ok, thank you, Jackson.” I wrapped my coat tighter to cover my disheveled clothing. We walked to the elevator doors, Ashton pushing me along as the doors closed behind us.

“Candice, this will be a night you will remember. I promise.” The elevator doors opened as we reached the top floor of his penthouse suite. Ashton took my hand and led me to the sofa. “Would you like a drink?”

“Yes, a vodka cranberry.”

“Vodka cranberry for the lady. I think I’ll have something a little stronger,” and he downed a shot of scotch. “If you would like to freshen up, the bathroom is right through there. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

I walked down the hall, sipping my drink. I turned on the light and saw the most beautiful bathroom, marble from floor to ceiling, black and white tile floors, and a red basin with silver fixtures. White towels monogramed with the red letters, AW. The shower you could have lived in, with jets that would touch every part of the body. I turned on the shower by touching the controls on the wall. The fire place on the opposite side of the room kept the space warm and cozy. I bet a girl could get use to this.

I removed my clothes and stepped into the shower, exhaling the day’s events. This was happening too fast, I thought. I’m in a stranger’s house, showering. And I knew what was coming next. I wasn’t going to think about that now. I was where I wanted to be at this time. I let the water soothe me, running down my neck and back. I heard Ashton enter the shower with me. He rubbed his body against mine, running his fingers over my erect nipples. Every touch felt like fire as he encircled the tips with his thumbs. He kissed the nape of my neck, causing me to catch my breath.

His hardness was throbbing against me from behind. I heard his deep moans. I felt the rhythm of his heart beating faster with each breath as he turned me to face him. The water running down our bodies felt chilly, the fire between us, more than I could take.

He took my breast between his lips, sucking with ease and force. I thought my legs would no longer hold me in place. He moved with me not missing a step. His lips moving from one mound to the other, loving me with such passion. His mouth was touching every part of my body. He slid his mouth to the wetness between my legs, kissing as if he needed to taste the forbidden fruit that was mine. Kissing and licking me until all I could do was move my body with every movement of his mouth.

My body began to lose control, taking me to that place of ecstasy. I wrapped my fingers in his wavy black hair. His mouth moving faster and his tongue moving deeper into me, he never stopped until my body stopped moving feverishly. I began to feel the water warm as my spasms began to slow. He kissed my thighs, moving slowly up to my breast. A sigh came from deep in my throat. He lifted me from the shower, drying my body with a plush white towel.

He dried my hair, kissing my neck. This man had given me such absolute satisfaction with just his mouth. How much more could I take? My body craved his as he carried me down the hall to a room full of mirrors.

I smelled the freshness of the linen as he laid me on his bed. I lay there, looking at my reflection in the mirrors, thinking how odd. Ashton started kissing my lips, his tongue moving in and out, tasting me, loving me as no man actually had before.

He parted my legs gently and I could feel the pulse of his erection as he entered me, slowly at first. My hands moved over his strong back, gripping him tightly, he moved in and out of my wetness. I could feel him moving deeper, his hands locked in my hair, as my body moved to meet his thrusts. “How does it feel, Candice?”

My hips moved harder. I wanted it all. He sucked my nipples, in and out of his mouth, moving his hips with such rhythm. I screamed with delight from this pleasurable feeling of pain. He began to reach the height of his orgasm and I moved to meet him. “Come with me, Candice.”

My body jerked with such force, I could hear myself calling his name as he exploded within me. We lay there trying to catch our breath. “Candice. You are as sweet as your name.” He kissed me again.

Lying there looking up at the mirrors, I thought what’s with the mirrors. He must be into himself. I could hear his breathing starting to slow and then a soft snore. I lay there thinking of what I had just done. An office romance. But this one could cost me my job if word got out.

I eased from the bed and went to retrieve my clothes, trying to be as quiet as possible. Where the hell are my shoes? That’s right, I’d left them in the living room. No worries, I’ll get them on the way out.

I put on my skirt first. It was as wrinkled as a paper bag. I hated this material I thought. Never again. I slipped on my blouse and used the brush in the vanity to pull my hair back. I didn’t want to look too much of a mess going through the lobby. I moved quietly down the hall and grabbed my shoes on my way to the door. As the door to the elevator closed I wondered what he would think waking up and finding me gone. Like Cinderella but without the glass slipper.

I was greeted by the doorman as I reached the front doors, “Miss, would you like me to get you a cab?”

“Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.” He whistled, and a cab pulled up. I gave the driver my Westside address, and we whizzed through what traffic there was at this time of early morning. All I could think of was Ashton. I sat there feeling more relaxed than I could remember feeling in a long time. He certainly was something, I smiled to myself.

I walked into my building and got on the elevator. I felt tired and refreshed at the same time. I searched my purse for the keys, opening the door. I just wanted to sleep. I needed a shower but not tonight. I wanted to smell Ashton’s cologne as I slept. Dropping my clothes right where I stood, I walked into the bedroom and hit my alarm, not even turning back the covers, naked as the day I was born. If this felt like heaven, I never wanted to leave this space.

All I wanted was to dream of Ashton and that night. And I did.

Chapter 3


The funeral was over and here I was, back at home in this large, empty house. Momma was gone and all I could think about was how I was going to divorce my husband. I had everything, didn’t I? A four thousand square foot home, two beautiful children and housekeepers to take care of it all. But the one thing in my life I wanted and needed was my husband. And he hadn’t touched me in three months. But who was counting?

Bryan was the pastor of one the biggest Mega churches in Memphis, but did that mean he had to neglect his family? He was always gone to this church or that meeting, writing his books, flying from coast to coast. What about me? I know I sounded a little bit selfish, even to myself, but I hadn’t signed up for this.

I think all the members of his church had his number on speed dial. Sitting here looking around I thought about what I would do without Bryan. He provided me with every luxury a woman could ask for. A private jet at my disposal, a black American Express card and three closets full of the finest clothes money could buy. But where was the love we’d once had? Before we had all the money and all it could obtain. God! I just wanted to be normal again.

Mr. Bryan Davis, my sweet and loving husband, who had been raised to be a pastor. All his brothers were pastors. Even his father before him was a pastor. So it was in his blood. That’s what I kept hearing. His mother didn’t seem to mind his father being gone so much. She would say it came with being a pastor’s wife so you’d better get used to it.

We had met at the Tennessee Christian academy. There, he had received his doctrine in Theology. I think I knew I loved him the first time I saw him. I had always known I would marry a pastor. Just because I didn’t come from a Christian background, didn’t mean I couldn’t marry who I wanted.

Momma had always talked about Bryan and his family being so uppity, but I just wanted more for me, more than what she had offered. I didn’t want Momma’s kind of life style. I knew I would do whatever it took to get out.

Mrs. Davis, Bryan’s mother, always talked about Momma being a heathen and not coming from much. Momma was who she was and made it the best she knew how. Who was she to judge my Momma anyway? She may have had the outward things, but inside she seemed bitter and longing for a little love herself. Sometimes it seemed these so-called Christians where always judging others. But not my Bryan. He never judged me on my past. He was always compassionate about people less fortunate. Or it so it was in the beginning.

“Mrs. Davis?” my housekeeper snapped me out of my thoughts. “Will you be expecting Mr. Davis home this evening?”

“I’m not sure Rosa. He’s in a meeting at the church. I’ll call him and check.”

The kids would be home soon. They were on a play date next door with the couple who always looked after them when I needed a break. They were a young couple who my husband had taken under his wing. They didn’t have kids of their own yet. I thought they were a polite enough couple and Sydney and Justin loved them. And every now and then I needed a break.

I went into the other room to call my husband, knowing he wouldn’t be home, but still hoping he would be. I was tired of it being just me and the kids. John, one of the deacons of the church, picked up the phone in my husband’s office. “Mr. Davis’ office,” he said in his extremely deep voice.

“John, it’s Sandra. Is Bryan available?”

“Sorry, Mrs. Davis, he’s in a meeting right now. Can I take a message?”

“I just wanted to know if the meeting would be over in time for him to make it home for dinner.”

“Don’t know, but I will ask him when and if I see him.”

“Thanks, John. I’ll try and leave him a text also if you’re not successful.”

I hung up the phone and wondered why Bryan’s secretary hadn’t answered his phone. She was always there waiting on my husband in some form or fashion. I wasn’t the jealous type, I knew my husband wouldn’t cheat on me regardless of how beautiful she was, and she was a knockout. But I wasn’t a slouch myself.

BOOK: Black Lies White Lies
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