Black Jade (19 page)

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Authors: Kylie Chan

BOOK: Black Jade
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‘You should be with him,' my father said, nodding towards John's back.

He stood on a wooden raised platform overlooking the field. The army stood in ranks facing away from the camera, ready for the attack. Banners on pikes stood out as markers for the largest Immortals. The Four Winds were there, surrounded by their own remaining soldiers; and the Mountain's senior Disciples in their black livery stood under a black banner embossed in silver with the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper. The Thirty-Six and the remaining demons of the army stood in formation around them. So few to face so many.

John was deep in discussion with Er Lang; and Simone stood next to them in her Celestial Form, accompanied by her horse, Freddo. She looked tense and frightened. John turned and said something to Simone, and she glared at him and shook her head. He spoke to her again and she frowned, then she and Freddo disappeared.

‘There are two possible outcomes,' I said, checking behind me that the boys couldn't hear from the bedroom where Yi Hao was keeping them busy. ‘Either we win, or we lose. If we win, John
will come back and we'll celebrate. If we lose, John will die, the Demon King will have him in the Pits, and it'll be up to me to defend you.'

‘Are you
you can negotiate something with them if you lose?' Amanda said.

I winced at her use of ‘you'. I wasn't one of them any longer.

‘I have an agreement with him already,' I said. ‘You'll be safe.'

‘Then why do you need to stay here and defend us?' my mother said.

I rose and paced from one end of the room to the other. ‘To make sure he sticks to our agreement.'

‘Wait,' my mother said. ‘What agreement? What are you giving him?'

‘Shut up, Mum,' Jennifer said.

‘Are you giving yourself in return for our safety?' my father said.

I didn't reply. I just stood behind the couch with my arms crossed and watched the television.

‘Emma!' my father said.

‘Let it go, Dad,' Jennifer said.

On the TV, John and Er Lang nodded together and the message came through telepathically.

No demons sighted as yet. They will attack at noon. Stay close and safe.

‘Emma, we spoke about this,' my father said.

I was silent, watching the screen.

‘Emma,' he growled.

‘None of us will be hurt if the Celestial loses,' I said. ‘The King will use you as hostages —'

My mother moaned softly with dismay.

‘— to ensure my good behaviour because he needs me to do something else. We'll all be safe.'

‘How safe?' Jennifer said.

‘Whatever happens, you'll be safe.'

‘Are you sure?' Amanda said.

‘I promise.'

‘Why do I not believe you?' Jennifer said, looking away. ‘The boys have already been captured and tortured because of you.'

‘What does he need you to do?' my father said. ‘If it's what I think it is —'

‘No. He needs me to be a mother to his child. That's all.'

‘You can't be a mother,' Amanda said. ‘You —'

‘Shut up, Amanda,' Jennifer said.

‘Stop telling everybody to shut up!' Amanda snapped.

‘Well, you stop asking stupid questions!' Jennifer snapped back. ‘She's one of
. She can change into a snake, she can probably change into a demon, and she can probably lay disgusting eggs if she lets the Demon King
with her.'

I looked away.

‘Jennifer, that's enough,' my mother said, a sharp edge to her usually mild voice. ‘I suggest you go make sure that little Matthew is okay. It sounds like Colin and Andrew are giving him a hard time.'

‘He's fine,' Jennifer grunted, but she pulled herself up and went to the children anyway.

‘Is she right?' my mother said after she'd gone.

‘No. I can't have any more children.'

‘Then what will you be a mother to? His child? He has hundreds of children. Why this one? Why you?'

‘Wait —
children?' Amanda said.

My mother put it together straight away, and my father wasn't far behind.

‘I never saw you pregnant,' my mother said.

‘Jesus, Emma, he has your child?' my father said.

‘It was when you were held by him in Europe, wasn't it?' Amanda said. ‘You were gone for weeks, and the King had control over you.'

‘You had a child with the Demon King?' my mother said.

‘And John understands and has stayed with you,' my father said. ‘He's a prince.'

‘Emperor,' I said. ‘I was already pregnant when the Demon King took me. The child is mine and John's.' I tried to keep control of my voice and failed. ‘The Demon King ripped him out of me prematurely and kept the baby for himself. That's why I can't have any more.'

My mother blanched and fell to sit on the couch with her hand over her mouth.

‘Oh, Emma,' Amanda said.

‘His name is Frankie. Because of his . . . unusual heritage, he's maturing much faster than a normal human child. He's about eighteen months old, but he looks like a ten year old.'

‘The Demon King is holding him hostage to control you?' my mother said.

I watched the screen and decided to tell them the truth. ‘As John's son, he can take the Jade Throne if the Demon King wins. The King's set him up to be a puppet Jade Emperor. He needs me to escort Frankie to Heaven when he takes the throne. Only his biological mother can do that.'

‘Why haven't you tried to rescue him?' my father said.

‘I have. Twice. You know how John is always saying “Going in to attempt a rescue in the centre of their power is a foolish waste of life”? It is. Leo and Martin nearly ended up . . .'

I didn't say it. On the screen, the army stood silent and motionless, waiting for the attack. The camera's time stamp said 11:20; we had forty more minutes.

I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the pain in my chest that always appeared when I thought of Frankie. ‘If the Demon King wins, he wants me to be Frankie's nanny. As his biological mother I have to be the one to protect him when the King brings him up to the Heavens to take the throne.'

‘He wants you to be nanny to your own child? That's monstrous,' my mother said.

‘I'd be with him, I suppose,' I said with forced cheerfulness.

On the screen, the sky was a brilliant Celestial blue with the occasional fluffy white cloud; a delightful day. The Celestial soldiers' robes and hair were lifted by the fresh spring breeze.

‘He's a lovely boy,' I went on as I watched the soldiers. ‘Sweet nature, big dark eyes from his father, tawny hair from me. He's curious and gentle and bright as a little button.' My throat filled and I swallowed it. ‘He's not evil like they are, he's too caring, and they hate it. They want him completely obedient, so . . .' It was very hard to speak. ‘They broke his arm for no reason at all, just to keep him terrified and under their control.'

My mother rushed to wrap her arms around me. I let go into her shoulder, my throat strangling me and my chest hurting.

‘If we win, I'll never see him again,' I said, choking on the words. ‘And if we lose, I'll never see John again. The best I can hope for is that all of you are safe.'

‘Why didn't you tell us?' Jennifer said from behind me.

‘You need to share, honey,' my father said next to me. ‘We're your family.'

‘Another grandson,' my mother said into my hair.

Someone stroked my back; Jennifer. ‘You should have told us, Em, that's awful. We could have helped.'

‘Something's happening,' Amanda said, her voice sharp. ‘Dragons!'

I pulled away from my mother, took some gasping breaths and wiped my eyes. Amanda was right: half-a-dozen dragons in True Form, all brilliant glittering colours in the Celestial sunshine, were gathered around John and Er Lang as John spoke to them.

‘What's he saying?' my father said. ‘I wish we could hear!'

I linked up with John and rested lightly on his consciousness. He felt me there and touched my mind, aware of my grief, and his warm caring eased my spirit as much as my family's support.

‘He's sending them to be sentinels at the edge of the Heavens,' I said. ‘We don't know where the demons will attack from, and the guards at the Gates aren't reporting anything. He's worried the demons will come in from somewhere else so he's sending dragons to patrol.'

‘When are the demons supposed to be here?' my mother said.

‘Pretty,' Matthew crowed from the doorway, and Colin picked him up and carried him, protesting, back into the room.

Colin reappeared in the doorway. ‘What's happening?'

‘They're supposed to be here at noon,' I said. The time stamp at the corner of the screen said 11:37. ‘We should be able to see them by now. Where are they?'

‘How do they know what time?' Jennifer said.

‘The Jade Emperor told us,' I said, confused. ‘He's always right about everything.'

I flopped to sit on the couch and watched the dragons take off with a visible blast of air beneath them, leaving just John and Er Lang discussing strategy on the platform.

‘Even if the demons didn't come through the Gates,' I said, ‘they should be close enough to see.'

I sat rigid with concern as the clock in the corner of the screen clicked over. John and Er Lang stopped talking together and stood silently on the dais, the breeze ruffling their long hair. The soldiers stood in orderly ranks, chatting to boost each other's morale.

The clock showed 11:44 and still no movement. John cocked his head, listening. Er Lang said something to him and he shook his head.

‘What the hell is going on?' my father said.

‘They're not coming?' Jennifer said with relief. ‘No war?'

‘It could be a ruse,' I said. ‘The Jade Emperor's never wrong. Maybe the demons changed their minds at the last minute.'

The soldiers on the field readied themselves, lifting their weapons.

The clock clicked over to 11:49 and still no movement. I resisted the powerful urge to contact John telepathically and ask him what was happening. It was obvious they didn't know any more about it than we did.

‘Is there anything we need to do?' my mother said. ‘Should we hide in the bathroom or something?'

The clock showed 11:54.

‘No,' I said. ‘But if we lose, keep the boys still and quiet in their room so they don't attract unneeded attention.'

‘My son is not going through that again,' Jennifer said, her voice low and fierce.

‘I'm here,' Greg said, and took her hand. She clutched it.

It was 11:56 and still no movement. The soldiers in the field stood motionless. I checked to confirm that the camera feed hadn't frozen.

The time clicked over to 11:57.

‘This is insane,' I said. ‘We should be able to see them. What's going on?'

‘We should have filled the bath with water in case the water's cut off,' my mother said, and started for the bathroom.

My father took her arm to stop her. ‘Too late for that now. Stay here with us.'

The clock reached 11:59 and we all held our breath. Everything was completely still and quiet. The time sat on 11:59 for what seemed like five minutes, then it clicked over to 12:00.

Amanda made a tiny sobbing sound of terror.

John and Er Lang didn't move on their platform. The soldiers shifted, readying themselves. They looked around, wondering if the attack would be coming from a different direction. I gripped the arm of the couch so hard my fingernails dug into the leather, leaving marks. My mother took my father's hand and held it.

The clock ticked over to 12:01 and everybody jumped.

We all sat still and silent as we watched the army. The boys in the other room were playing a raucous game, thumping against the walls, but nobody stopped them. The clock ticked over again, and then again.

At 12:11, after an interminable wait, Er Lang said something to John, but John didn't reply.

At 12:15, Gold appeared next to John. John spoke to him, then Gold saluted and disappeared.

‘John probably asked Gold to go to the Jade Emperor and see what's happening,' I said.

My phone rang and I checked the caller: Jade. I answered it.

‘Emma, do you know what's happening? Has the demon attack been called off?'

The phone beeped: another call coming through.

‘I don't know what's happening but they may still attack. Stay alert.'

‘But the Jade Emperor said noon, didn't he?'

‘I really don't know, and I have another call. Stay where you are and don't lower your guard.' I hung up on her before she could say anything and switched to the other call; it was Meredith.

‘Emma?' she said. ‘What's happening? Has it been called off?'

‘Keep the Mountain on high alert,' I said. ‘As far as we know they're still coming. We're checking with the Jade Emperor. I'll update you as soon as I know something.' My phone beeped again, then again. Two more calls. ‘Tell everybody you know to sit tight and hold on; they may still be coming.'

Stand by
, John said.
They may still attack. Stay alert.

I answered the next call: Er Hao. On the television, Er Lang was also on the phone, turning on the spot as he spoke into it. John had the distracted look he wore when talking telepathically.

‘So how long will we wait?' my father said. ‘Before we know?'

‘Yi Hao said they haven't attacked?' Er Hao said on the phone.

‘Keep Buffy inside until we're sure,' I said. ‘Is Leo there?'

‘He won't move from the front door, ma'am.'

‘Good. We still don't know what will happen.'

Gold reappeared next to John and I tapped into John to listen.

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