Black Jack (12 page)

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Authors: Rani Manicka

BOOK: Black Jack
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‘But I once watched a documentary about the discovery of ancient Sumerian cuneiform tables that told the story of how man was hardly more than an ape until benign extraterrestrials contributed their superior genes to form the human being.’

Green smiled. ‘They’d like you to think they engineered you from an ape, but nothing could be further from the truth. The real truth is that human DNA is divine, and no matter how hard they tried they could not destroy any part of it without unexpected consequences for the whole. All they could do and did was unplug vast portions of the structure and leave them to lie fallow - what your scientists now call junk DNA. And because they understood that, given enough time, the silenced DNA strands would repair themselves and revert back to their original abundance,
the human lifespan was shortened from hundreds of years to what it is now.

‘To convince humans of their “ape” beginnings, ape characteristics were added. Their large eyes, the mirrors of their souls, were purposely made smaller, more simian - a brilliant strategy on the predator-controlled conqueror’s part. Lulled into a spiritual coma humans would look into the mirror and see the correctness of the view that they were descended from the ape. Believing they were not much more than animals they were more easily persuaded to behave like them.’

‘Since the portions of the DNA that allowed connection with all living creatures had been turned off, man had to turn to the predator-influenced languages and cultures to communicate. Communication and culture are things that may seem to the untrained eye like progress, but are an insidious obstacle to real progress as they must be re-learned with every new lifetime.’

‘But why was all this allowed to happen?’

‘Earth is a planet of free will. Very simply that encompasses the complete idea that one may have and do whatever one wishes. When all things are allowed many things can be learned. Of course, there are consequences to all actions, which always have to be faced.’ Green turned away. ‘Let’s get out of the water.’

They left the water and sat on the white sand. Green lay back, all the fractals stretching and playing, more marine-like than ever.

‘There is also another thing they did to the unsuspecting human. One that will be far more difficult for you to accept.’

From his prone position Green fixed his gaze on Black. For the first time since Black had known him, he saw something akin to pity in those beautiful eyes.


Human beings are on a journey of awareness, which has momentarily been interrupted by extraneous forces.

Carlos Castaneda.
Magical Passes

‘Well, what is it?’ Black prompted.

‘Beyond the eyesight spectrum on another level of understanding they hacked into the human mind and placed into it an artificial intelligence, a foreign installation… Their mind - a baroque, envious, cowardly, depraved thing. In one fell stroke man became not only their most exquisite source of energy, but also a container for their mind. The human being would be born, live, and die never suspecting that he was a hybrid, a dual being. The Devil is not found in the ether, but within the mind of humanity. And while man’s true divine spirit slept with only flashes of wakefulness, or what humans call their intuition, a purely selfish, opportunistic, and manipulative parasite operated inside him, urging him to fashion the world around him to suit the parasite’s predatory ambitions and insatiable desires.’

Black laughed out loud. ‘You’re hustling me, aren’t you? My mind is not mine? That’s crazy.’

Green shook his head gravely. ‘I know it’s difficult to accept: they attach themselves deep inside the reptilian part of the brain of every newborn as it struggles to take its first breath. The foreign installation insinuates itself into the dominant position and simulates the real mind. All day long it keeps up an endless dialog, incessantly moving your thoughts from one thing to another. Wonder what’s on the National Geographic today? Feeding time, Black. Wish the pigeons would come back. My, what cute chicks! Devious eyes, his. Mmmm… She’s nice… And on and on, self to self
There is no escape from its chatter, constantly judging, easily offended, and self-centered. The best for me; the rest for everybody else. The voice is so intensely personal and so familiar that you don’t realize it’s not yours.’

Black’s face mirrored his disbelief. Surely it could not be true. ‘That’s impossible,’ he maintained. ‘I have full control of my thoughts. I choose what to think.’

‘Really? Here’s an experiment for you: try to silence the voice in your head. Keep your mind totally blank. If your mind really belongs to you alone then inner silence should be easy.’

‘I am certain I could do that.’

‘I think you will be very surprised to find that you are, in fact, a host for the parasite’s mind, and that the parasite’s chatter is relentless and quite literally unstoppable for the ordinary human. There will be no inner silence for you.’

Black was shaking his head when Green’s eyes suddenly glowed very bright. ‘You don’t want to believe me, but you have, as a young child, glimpsed the parasite once or twice in your own bedroom, haven’t you? Those frightening dark shadows that you decided you didn’t see?’

And Black remembered what he had forced himself to forget. The first time that winter evening when he was not yet five, and again a few weeks later. From the corner of his eyes he had seen fleeting black shadows that looked like big, black oil slicks, but they could fly. They had touched him, a feeling like a cold breeze. He had felt their intense malevolence and been very frightened of them.  But they had been quite clearly extraneous to him.

‘In fact, the parasite’s talking to you now, isn’t it? It is surely saying that I am talking nonsense. That it is all a big lie. It couldn’t possibly be true. How could it? He’s lying, Black. He must have a nefarious agenda of his own. Don’t listen to him. And now, is that little friendly voice congratulating you for not being so naïve? So silly?’

Black was so confused, he just wanted Green to stop. He could just about accept all the other things Black had said - but this? This was too much.

‘When you have accepted the monstrous thought that the human mind is the horde’s conduit into the third dimension you will start to appreciate that the most vital part of any marauder’s field of attack is not physical but psychological. Success within the mind will ensure success in all other endeavors. They have
imposed a program of mind control or soul enslavement to keep mankind imprisoned by its own fear of death, of mortality; ignorant of its true, divine nature; and distracted by material problems. The human life has become a banal search for money and sex.
Any and every form of suffering on this plane is pre-programmed to steal emotional energy. It is why all the mechanisms that produce, promote, and increase fear, pain, sexual deviance, compulsiveness, violence, hate, guilt, and suffering are ever increasing - they are having a grand feast.’

‘Why do they need the red sludge so badly?’

‘Because they feed on it. To know what their greatest addiction is you only have to turn on the TV and you will instantly be aware of what emotions are being propagated. They have set the stage for a deeply corrupt and destructive society
and now all humans are trapped in it. Everyone simply by participating in it is responsible for it. That is why live is evil spelled backwards. And they will do anything to prevent the awakening of the trapped true beings from occurring.’

‘But it seems to me,’ Black argued, ‘that every day we are progressing. We have better medicines, better education, better architecture; we can circle the world in hours; we have telephones, and the Internet, which connects us all and gives us immediate access to people and news around the world; and our technological advances are such that we have even landed on Mars.’

Green smiled. ‘Is that what your TV has been telling you? All these things you mention are things that man could once do without any machines or gadgets. Now he has to look outside himself, to technology, for them. Do you know you once held a majestic library of knowledge inside you? That
were the Internet? You didn’t need telephones because you could communicate with all living things - the way you communicated with the unicorn. You certainly didn’t need a little device to tell you how to find your way to the next town, you had your own GPS system and could, at will, travel to any part of the universe - never mind Mars.

‘Medicines. You don’t have better medicines; you have the illusion of better medicines. Most of your cures are not cures but suppressors of symptoms. The memory of the unlimited pharmacopeia in your genetic code lies untapped - you were trained not to remember. Architecture. Your best technology is still unable to recreate the stone-cutting of the pyramids, which are, in reality, sound-activated energy centers. All your progress and civilization are counterfeit creations, substitutes, designed to make you look outside yourself to perform what you could naturally do.

‘As for progress, what is it that you think is progress, anyway? Space-age cars, whitening toothpastes, detergents that work at lower temperatures, lady shavers in prettier colors, a betting shop on every street corner, bigger malls to buy things you don’t need, more TV channels with more girls with less on them, supermarket shelves filled with fake food - fake colors, fake flavors, and fake chemical ingredients. Or is it nuclear energy, drone technology, or aerosolized air, tainted water, irradiated foods, super weeds, smart bombs, the electromagnetic soup you live in? Or is it the illusion of democracy?’

Black stared at Green. Put like that, it did seem truly bad.

Green shook his head. ‘I’m afraid that there is not one genuine step of amelioration of life on this planet. There is no improvement anywhere in this fraudulent kingdom.’

‘But how is it, then, that no seer or advanced soul from any age has warned us about this parasite race that you claim has controlled and ruled this planet since time immemorial?’

‘Take some time to reflect on what you are saying. If a seer truly understood that each and every human being is infected, then he would not be speaking to human beings but to the predator. The parasite would never allow any human to hear what he was saying as the truth, and even if it did, the information would bring nothing but hopeless despair. Do you remember when Jesus said to Judas, “Step away from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the Kingdom. It is possible for you to reach it, but it will grieve you a great deal?’’

‘Are we totally doomed, then?’

‘No. Despite the fact that the entire species has been deliberately bred into psychotic consciousness and trapped inside their own fearful, infested minds, which are in turn trapped inside a bigger mind - the collective global mind - human beings are not technologically animated flesh, but light beings who hold a powerful connection to the original source of creation. At any time they can tap into the vast energies coursing through their bodies at every moment and become gods as is their natural destiny.

‘Remember a hologram cannot be cut up. Any change to it, no matter how small, will be reflected throughout the entire whole. Your every thought changes the hologram. With childlike innocence you can influence the whole system for you are building this universe as you go with every thought, word, and action.

‘Now with the cosmic retooling and inter-dimensional collapse of barriers, magical transformation can take place. The filaments in your double helix are already beginning to evolve and stretch out for their lost light encodings. Light is knowledge and information. Large parts of the human genome that are now lying dormant are waiting for an extrinsic factor to switch them on. Your DNA will be entrained. Your bodies will become less dense. Unimaginable characteristics and super abilities are awaiting the human race.

‘It is why your oppressors have introduced so many new methods of shutting down these powerful energies. Fluoride in the water, genetically modified organisms, poisons in food that pass the blood-brain barrier, aerial spraying, the electromagnetic smog that is incompatible with the human frequency, mercury in the teeth, tainted vaccines and many other methods.’ Green had stopped speaking but Black said nothing. He needed time to think.

‘Soon you will have to leave; but would you like to swim first?’

Silently Black stood and walked into the water. He felt the cool breeze against his sun-warmed body. The warm water reached his chest quickly. A wave washed into his face making him splutter. He turned back to tell Green that he didn’t know how to swim, then he realized. It was like in
The Matrix
. It was not real air he was breathing. Here he knew how to swim. He plunged into the waves and let his arms cleave the water powerfully. With his mind blank he swam out into the open sea. By the time he looked back Green was a tiny green light, and still he swam. Farther and farther away. Until he was suddenly back in his frozen body, brought back by an unfamiliar thud under his window.


A fronte praecipitium, a tergo lupi

(A precipice in front, wolves behind)

Veera laid the ladder he had borrowed from his landlady against the front wall of Bumi’s house, and glanced around tensely. Quiet for the moment. If any local busybodies asked, he would say he was being a good neighbor, helping the widow nail back that loose bit of her windowpane. He unhooked his duffle bag from his shoulder and threw it on the ground. Squatting over it, he took out a hammer and looked up. It seemed a long way up. He was apprehensive of heights. His armpits were already dripping with sweat. He stood, determined to climb. Wiping his hands down his trouser front, he placed his hands firmly on the ladder and put a nervous foot on the first rung. It seemed solid enough. Carefully he put his other foot on the second rung. He looked up. The window with the blue light was not too far away, he told himself, and as it turned out he reached it surprisingly fast. He peeped in.

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