Black Horse (Breaking Black) (5 page)

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That’s when it hit her. It really wasn’t complicated at all. She loved Colton. He loved her. End of story, right?

“You’re wrong, Colton. It’s not complicated at all. It’s simple. Nothing anyone says is going to take me from you.”

“I feel so guilty for what my father has done. The Fords… They were good people.”

“You are not Black Horse!”

“I know.”

“Say it. I am not Black Horse.”

“I am not Black Horse.”

“You’re his son, yes. You have the power to change the direction of your line. Your history does not define you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?!”

“I didn’t want you to see me like this.”

“Seriously?! You’re human. You can’t always be the tough one. This shit is enough to rip the heart out of any man.”

“Where do we go from here?” Colton asked, clearly confused.

“Home. We have dinner plans, remember?”

Colton pulled Averi in for a hug as a brilliant smile flashed across his face.

“God help me if anything ever happened to you.”


Chapter Five



Averi kicked her high heel on the gas pedal as she sped off from the
cemetery. She agreed to meet Colton back at home later on; she wanted to meet up with Shelly for a while. Averi was pissed. No, she was beyond pissed. She was ready to knock Randy into next month. Tim escaped her wrath by finally coming clean and admitting that he thought that Randy was acting like an idiot, too. She knew they would both be in the car. Randy picked Tim up from work every day at 3:30.

“Call Randy!” Averi yelled at the hands free cell phone device that was installed in her car.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings.


“I have something to say that both you and Tim need to hear.”

“Here we go… So say it… You’re on speaker phone. Say hi, Tim…”

“Hi Ave…”

“Hi, Timmy…”

“So what is it that you have to say?” asked Randy sounding agitated. 

“I’m real sick of your shit! I’m not five. I’m
damn near twenty six years old. I can go out with whoever the hell I want. Colton and I are together.”

, like together together? Dating?!” yelled Randy, clearly disgusted by the idea.

“Like living together. We’ve been together for eleven years. Why do you think I took your house keys away?!”

“How could you?!”

“How could I? How could you! You have no right to control my life!”

“I’m your guardian…”

“I’m twenty-five years old!”

“I’m still your big brother…”

“You can’t even pay your own fuckin’ bills! Handle yourself! I’m an adult, I don’t need a friggin guardian.”

“You better watch your tone wit’ me…”

“I’m gonna stop you right there, Randy. Colton and I are together. Nothing and I mean
is going to change that.”

“Yo Randy, you know she’s just going to do what she wants.”

“Yo Tim, shut the hell up! You’re not helping matters…” said Randy getting hot under the collar.

“You guys act like you’re the only ones affected by Mom and Dad’s death.
I was there!
I was in that closet with Seth for five hours before anyone came. I was shell shocked! His poor face is embedded in my memory. I can’t even remember what he looked like before. That’s how I remember him. Do you realize how fucked up that is?! If Seth hadn’t spun me around, I would be dead too! Uncle Shawn found me and I was so pale that he thought I was dead, too. Do you know what woke me up that night?! Colton throwing a rock at my bedroom window! He tried to warn us! He’s not the fucking enemy!”

Crickets. Randy and Tim had never heard Averi sound so angry before. They were rendered speechless by her tirade, and rightly so.

“I love you, both… But this is your last chance. I am having dinner tomorrow night at my house. You both need to be there. Colton will be there, too. Leave your bullshit at the door. It is your last chance to come to a truce or you will lose me. I love him. You don’t have to like that fact, but you do owe me enough respect to let me live my life how I see fit. I’m not kidding.”


“Dinner is at six.”

The line went dead.

“Shit, she’s serious…” said Randy with a shocked look on his face.

“This is going to turn into a blood bath,” said Tim looking out his window, shaking his head. He was as sick of the drama as Averi was.

“No, it ain’t. I’ll leave my gun at home.”

“Huh?! Did I hear you correctly?”

“I’m not going to lose my sister.”

Tim was at a loss for words. The impossible just happened. Randy backed down from a fight.

“I might not like him, but I love her and she’s dead serious.”


Chapter Six



Averi spent the afternoon blowing off steam. She didn’t want to be in a bad mood for her date with Colton, tonight. She met up with Shelly around three o’clock and the girls treated themselves to a little pampering at Viva Spa.

“A mani/pedi is just what the doctor ordered,” said Shelly as she soaked her sore feet in the bubbling water of the spa.

Averi cracked a smile. Her stress was melting away as the jets soothed her aching feet and helped to relax her mind.

“There is nothing like a pedicure…” said Averi as she tossed her head back, relaxing on the vibrating chair.

Shelly had a look on her face as if she was up to no good.

“Somehow I doubt that!” said Shelly with a pair of pursed pink lips.

“Are you day dreaming about Colt again?”

“A girl can dream…”

“We need to find you a man…” said Averi rolling her eyes.

“Your brother is looking mighty fine these days…”

“Eww! That’s my brother you’re talking about!”

Averi looked at Shelly as if she had lost her mind.

“Yum!” Shelly said, pretending to lick her lips. 

“Who, Randy?!”

Shelly nearly choked.

“Uh… he’s cute and all… in an angry, muscle man kind of way… but he’s hella crazy.”

Averi began to laugh.

“Truer words have never been spoken.”

“No girl… I’m talking about Tim. He’s a cutie pie.”

“Aww… My Timmy?”

“I would not mind cuddling up to him…”

“He’s an ex-Marine, ex-MMA fighter, but he’s a total teddy bear.”

“A really sexy teddy bear.”

“Hurt my brother, and I’ll beat your ass.”

“Me?!” said Shelly as if she didn’t have a reputation as a heart breaker.

“Yes, you. Tim’s a sweet guy. Be good to him.”

“You have my word. Anyways, what’s the latest with Colt and Randy?”

Averi rolled her eyes.

“Total craziness. I gave Randy an ultimatum. Either come to a truce with Colton or lose me forever…”

“Wow…. I never thought you had it in you…”

“I’m sick of the drama! Though I’m not sure if he’s taking me serious or not because he backed off awfully easy.”

“Oh, God… You know him. Stubborn as a mule.”

“So… since they agreed to come to a truce, I invited Randy and Tim for dinner tomorrow night.”

“You what?”

“They all need to get along.”

“But in your beautiful house? Around your new dinette? They are going to wreck your house.”

“Which is why we are eating in the yard. Besides. If they don’t get along, they will have blown their last chance.”

“You’re serious…”

“As a heart attack. I cannot live like this anymore.”

“Girl, soak your feet and let off some steam. You’re getting that crazy look that Randy gets…” said Shelly with a concerned look on her face.

“The ‘If you talk to me right now, I’ll pummel you’ look?”

“The very one…”

Averi smirked, trying to wipe her face clean of any attitude.

“Thing are gonna get better,” said Shelly trying to sound reassuring. “You’ll see.”



Steam billowed over a pot of boiling water as Colton poured tortellini from a bowl into the pot. He had all the burners on the stove going and he was working up a sweat. Wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts, he bustled around the kitchen getting things ready for tonight.
It was a big night.
He loved to surprise Averi. Between owning the garage and working part time for the gym, Colton didn’t have a lot of spare time, so Averi usually did the cooking. Colton’s foster mother was a retired chef that specialized in Italian cuisine. He had learned many of her tricks and his cooking was to die for. She had taught him many of her trade secrets before she passed away from breast cancer a few years ago. Averi loved when Colton cooked and once remarked that his dishes were almost as delicious as he was. He flicked on the radio and tried to rap along to the Eminem song that was playing, but he failed miserably.

“Don’t quit yer day job, Colt…” he said to himself in amusement.

The chicken was baking, the pasta was boiling and dessert was cooling in the fridge. Now he had to prepare the rest of the house for Averi’s arrival.


“Any plans tonight?” Shelly asked Averi as she picked out a shade of nail polish. She opted for a bright shade of coral.

“Colton is taking me out to dinner.”

“I need a man!” Shelly whined. “Someone to take
out to dinner!”

“I buy you lunch every day. Doesn’t that count?”

“Considering I buy breakfast? No. And I love you, but you don’t look anything like your brother, Tim.”

“Thank God. I’m pretty sure that Colton is not into six foot five women with sleeve tattoos, body hair and bulging biceps.”

“Le sigh…” Shelly said with a happy look upon her face.

“Great. Now you’re having a wet dream about my brother.”

“I could be your future sister-in-law…”

“Are you sure you want to marry into this family? We’re all fifty shades of nuts.”

“Umm… You realize who you’re talking to right?!”

Averi just remembered that Shelly had her fair share of eccentricities, herself.

“Point taken! Welcome to the family!”

“Let’s get past the first date…”



Colton pulled a bottle of champagne from the cooler along with two crystal champagne flutes from the china cabinet. In his other hand he carried a shopping bag that was filled with flowers, candles, and her favorite, strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. It was a big night and he had an important question to ask Averi. No one would stand in his path.

It simply couldn’t wait any longer.

Chapter Seven

Flesh Memories


Averi opened the front door of 1026 Hickory Terrace and was greeted by the savory scent of chicken carbonara. Her stomach rumbled as the aroma flirted with her nose. Averi’s mouth curled up into a satisfying smile. In her opinion, there are few things sexier than a man who knew how to really cook. The heavy door swung open as the scent lured her in. A romantic scene awaited her. Candles and tea lights lit the foyer. A trail of candles lining the shelves of the hall led the way to the parlor. Waiting on the oak coffee table was a dramatic arrangement of Averi’s favorite flowers, pink peonies and white carnations. Directly next to the flowers was a simple black box. Averi eyed the velvet box as her heart began to race. Slowly, she opened the lid and smiled when she saw its contents. Inside lay a simple piece of white paper with an instruction on it, clearly written by Colton.


Just One Step


It was a game. Instinctively, she looked to the staircase where soft iridescent lights lined the railing. There was another box, only this time it was longer. With a smile on her face that was pregnant with expectation, she opened the box and found another sheet of paper.


Just One Kiss


Averi laughed. She could play his game. She climbed the stairs halfway and approached her favorite picture of her and Colton. In the photograph, they were locking lips in a passionate kiss when they were only teenagers. She took the small picture frame off the wall. Flipping it over, she found a yellow post-it note. On the note was Colton’s neat scrawl.


Just For Eternity


Averi’s heart began to race. She ran up the stairs where a candle lit path led to her bedroom door. She approached the door as her heart hammered against her chest. She touched the decorative sign that hung on their bedroom door that read “Eternally Yours.” She flipped the sign over and removed an index card with Colton’s writing.

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