Read Black Forest, Denver Cereal Volume 5 Online

Authors: Claudia Hall Christian

Tags: #urban fiction, #action adventure, #mystery suspense, #suspense action, #denver cereal, #claudia hall christian

Black Forest, Denver Cereal Volume 5 (15 page)

BOOK: Black Forest, Denver Cereal Volume 5
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On the other hand, they
saved at least a hundred uniformed police,” Max said.

How do you figure?” Raz

If they hadn’t hacked the
satellite, we wouldn’t have been watching,” Max said.

A very good thing,” Alex

Do we have to do anything
to them?” Max asked.

We have to do something,”
Alex said. “We can’t let them get away with stealing from

We could scare the
bejeezus out of them,” Max said.

They’re already terrified
of me,” Alex said.

We have to do something,”
Raz said.

What?” Max

No idea,” Alex said.
“Look at them. They’re just kids.”

Let’s sleep on it,” Raz

You’re right,” Max said.
“We’ll know what to do in the morning.”

Alex nodded. Raz put his arm around Alex and
they walked back to their car.




Three weeks later

Monday morning — 6:15 A.M.


Naked, Ava slipped into the shallow end of
the pool. Since falling into the river, Seth’s orthopedist had
banned running until his bruised coccyx healed. Of course, Seth
ignored the doctor’s advice until he almost couldn’t move.

Not sure what to expect, Ava prepared for
Seth to join the couch club. She imagined nights in the movie room
with bowls of popcorn.

That was before she knew he had a gorgeous
Olympic sized lap pool with three lanes in what she’d thought was
his carriage house. Turned out, Seth had installed the pool for his
father. It stood empty after his father’s death. Maresol had the
pool cleaned, repaired and filled in no time. Seth had been
swimming every morning and every evening since then. Fifty-eight
years old, injured, and she still could barely keep up with him.
Seth continued swimming laps until he finished his workout. She
thought he hadn’t seen her when he swam over to her.

Good morning,” Seth
pulled off his goggles and cap. “I like this outfit.”

He stroked her naked back. She smiled.

You worked late,” he

I’m meeting with a head
detective on a big case today,” Ava said. “The lead forensics
officer told me to have all my ducks in a row. This detective is
smart and tough. It’s a big deal for someone as junior as me to
meet with him.”

I’ve heard he’s an
asshole,” Seth said.

Indeed,” she laughed.
Gesturing to her naked body, she said, “I thought this outfit might
ease the tension.”

Good thinking,” he said.
“You definitely got my attention.”

She smiled. He held her close and nuzzled
her neck.

What’s happening today?”
she asked.

I have a big meeting with
a junior forensics officer in a few hours,” he said.

After that,” she

You mean the

The auction.”

Sandy’s cutting my hair
around three,” Seth said. “The final fitting for my new tux is
after that. Your dress will arrive at four with a couple of people
to help you get ready. You know all of this.”

I’m nervous about
tonight,” Ava said.

Why?” Seth asked. “I get
dressed up, play the piano for a few hours, and then mingle with
some famous people. It’s pretty easy.”

I heard that you…” Ava
stopped talking. Her anxiety kept her from asking what she needed
to ask.

You talked to your mother
last night,” he said.

I’m going with them
tonight,” Ava nodded

What did Vivian

She said you like ‘animal
sex’ after you play a piece for the first time,” Ava said the words
in a rush. “She said your agent orders a dozen prostitutes for you
to use when you’re done.”

Seth laughed.

I don’t want to be with a
guy who sees prostitutes,” Ava said.

Your mother is not the
most reliable source of information.”

You dated a friend of

Who?” Seth

Francine,” Ava

Seth laughed.

It’s not funny,” Ava

I went to dinner with her
‘friend’ Francine,” Seth said. “With your parents. On a double
date. They set the whole thing up. Francine was nice but a little
too librarian for me. And seriously, unless something has changed,
your mother can’t stand Francine.”

You went on a double
date? With my parents?”

When your father worked
for the DA,” Seth said. “We worked a couple of cases

That was a long time
ago,” Ava said. “Let’s get back to the prostitutes and animal

Seth laughed.

I’m serious,” Ava crossed
her arms and shrugged out of his embrace.

I’ve never even met a
prostitute… except on the job, I guess,” Seth said. “Women hang
around after I play like… groupies. I don’t know where the animal
sex thing comes from. I’m pretty off after I play a new piece. My
agent usually whisks me to the hotel room where I chill out,
shower, whatever for an hour or so. They start the auction when I

And the sex?”

I’ve had sex during that
hour but I doubt it was animal sex. I’ve also eaten dinner, gone
running, showered, watched television, lifted weights, slept…
Sandy’s been with me a few times. Not for sex. I've never had sex
with my Goddaughter, if that’s what you’re asking.” Seth shook his
head. “I would never spend that hour with a stranger. Never. It’s
kind of a sacred time for me.”

Seth shrugged.

I’m not sure what you’re
looking for,” Seth said.

I didn’t know my mom knew
you,” Ava said. “It was weird. Made me feel stupid…

I know a lot of people,
Ava,” Seth said.

Unable to explain herself, she got out of
the pool. He stood in the shallow end watching her.

You’re a confusing

I’m confused.”

You didn’t tell your
parents about us.”

My mother went on and on.
She… I…” Ava said. “I told her about my meeting with you today.
It’s a big deal. The Coroner told me it was the first time a junior
person has met with the lead detective on a case. My lab team was
up with me all night. We’re very excited.”

You told your mother you
were meeting with me and she told you about animal sex?” he

No!” Ava glared at him.
“You don’t understand.”

I don’t,” he

He got out of the pool. Knowing she loved
the hot tub, he turned on the bubbles, stepped in and gestured for
her to join him. She crossed her arms and shifted her hip at his
manipulation. He gestured again. Too tired and emotional to put up
a fight, she got in the hot tub and sat across from him.

Are you saying that you’d
like to have animal sex?” he joked.

She glared at him. Shrugging, he smiled.
They rested in the warm bubbling water for a few minutes.

How are you feeling?” she

Good,” Seth said. “Ready.
Sandy gets to come home from the hospital today.”

Will you have time to see
Rachel?” Ava asked.

I’m not missing my Rachel
time. No way, no how,” Seth said. “I’ve been there every day at two
o’clock since she was born. I won’t miss it today

Even upset, Ava had to smile at his
dedication to the tiny baby.

What’s really going on?”
Seth asked.

I don’t like it that my
mother knows more about you than I do,” Ava said. “My mother and

I’ve been around a lot of
blocks. People think they know things about me.”

I don’t like it,” Ava
said. “Makes me feel stupid and small.”

What matters is what
happens, right here and right now,” Seth said. “I want to sit in
this hot tub with you… spend my morning with you.”

But these people
you,” Ava said. “I

I don’t think we ever
know another person,” Seth said. “Not really. People who think they
know other people are fooling themselves. We can only know this
moment and ourselves. Even then…”

Ava nodded when Seth shrugged.

Let’s enjoy today…
tonight… together,” Seth said. “We’ll see what tomorrow looks like.
You’re off tomorrow?”

Ava nodded.

Would you like to spend
tomorrow with me?” Seth asked.

Did you really go to
college twice?” Ava asked.

Seth raised his eyebrows at her. Shaking his
head, he got out of the hot tub. He grabbed a towel and left the
pool room. He walked across the yard and opened the sliding door to
the kitchen where he turned on the coffee pot. He went upstairs to
shower. He had finished his shower when Ava appeared in the
bathroom. He wrapped the towel around his midsection and continued
getting ready.

I want to know you,” Ava

Then know me,” he said.
“I’m not my history. I’m me, here and now. Anything else is just a
resume that strangers use to evaluate your value.”

But…” Ava shook her head
at the stubborn look on his face.

Are you happy? Right now.
Right this moment,” he said.

I’m confused.”

Are you enjoying our time
together?” Seth asked.

Ava nodded. Seth started shaving.

That’s all you need.” He
looked at her in the mirror. “When you stop enjoying our time
together, you’ll let me know?”

Ava nodded. Seth washed the shaving cream
from his face. His face was in a hand towel when she said,

He turned to look at her.

What if it’s not enough
for me?” Ava said.

Is it enough for you?”
Seth asked. “For you – not your mother, not your friends, not
Francine, not the man on the moon.”

Ava thought for a moment then nodded.

It’s a big day,” Seth
said. “Your first meeting with a lead detective. Your first
designer gown. Your first music auction. Your first animal

Ava burst out laughing. Seth smiled. He
touched her face and went into the bedroom to get dressed. She took
a fast shower. Wrapped in a towel, she joined him in the

I was thinking of leaving
a few of my things here,” Ava said.

There’s plenty of space,”
Seth said.

I’ve been here every
night since the mansion,” she said. “It would be nice to have a few
of my things.”

Do you want your own

Ava nodded.

Let’s look at rooms
tomorrow when we have time,” Seth said. “Right now, I need to get
to a work breakfast with the investigative team.”

He kissed her and left the room. Ava sat
down on the bed. For a moment, she wanted to cry her eyes out. She
had no idea why she was so confused and weird this morning.

She just…

...wanted Seth.

Smiling at her own childishness, she wrapped
the towel around her wet hair and lay down. She grabbed Seth’s
pillow and fell sound asleep.


Monday morning — 10:30 A.M.

Seeing her Dad’s car pull into the Castle
driveway, Noelle ran all the way down Race Street and into the
Castle. She’d taken Buster on a walk to kill time until her mom,
Sandy, came home from the hospital. Everybody was off school and
work today to celebrate Sandy’s arrival. With Buster on her tail,
Noelle ran up the Castle stairs and into the apartment.

No one was there!

Hello?” Noelle

We’re in here,” her Dad’s
voice came from the back.

Noelle ran toward his voice. Nash, Teddy,
Charlie, Sissy, and Dad were standing in the hall. She skidded to a
halt. She didn’t want to appear hasty or stupid or…

Noelle!” Sandy exclaimed.
“There you are!”

Noelle threw herself into Sandy’s open arms.
The sheer bliss of being loved and loving overwhelmed the girl. Her
eyes dripped tears.

You’re finally home,” she

I’m finally home,” Sandy


Monday mid-day — 11:00 A.M.

Detective O’Malley?” the
lead forensics officer asked. “Have you met the junior Forensics

Seth held his hand out and was introduced to
Ava and her lab technicians. Ava was so nervous she felt like she
was shaking. Her lab technicians sat down around her. They were as
ready and prepared as they possibly could be.

They’re young,” the lead
forensics officer said. “But good. Technician Alvin, let’s start
with the good news and move to the interesting.”

BOOK: Black Forest, Denver Cereal Volume 5
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