Black Flag (Racing on the Edge) (77 page)

BOOK: Black Flag (Racing on the Edge)
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“What though?”

“Jimi, were you out
here with Charlie earlier tonight?” I asked him after he put his junk away. I
had no desire to see my father-in-law’s camshaft.

Jimi replied with a
grin slinging his arm around Charlie. At the same exact moment, they both
turned toward one our palm trees as though it said their name.

“Oh my—”

Jameson groaned.
“They’re fucking high, aren’t they?”

“Appears that way,” I
answered with a giggle of my own. This was funny to me.

“Hey,” Charlie turned
toward Jimi. “Do you think there’s any of that dip left?” he asked as Jimi helped
him up the steps leading into the kitchen.

Jameson shook his head.
“Could this night get any worse? I told you this was a bad idea, Sway.”


He turned sharply on
his heel. “Don’t Jameson me and don’t give me that face.” He told me matter-of-factly.
“Listen to me next time.”

“Jameson, shut up.” I
shook my head slowly walking over to the patio table to pick up the beer
bottles scattered around.

“Don’t tell me to shut

“I just did.”


“Are we really going to
argue about this?” I spun around on my own heel to face him.

“Yes,” he began and
then stopped when I looked up at him. “I’m going to get a beer.” He mumbled

He was right—this was a
bad idea, maybe even a horrible idea. So far this evening Logan spilled fruit
punch on our living room floor. Aiden had knocked over an entire carton of milk
in the kitchen. Jimi and Nancy had at some point, had sex on our table. Spencer
told Jameson to suck his dick, twice. Charlie and Jimi were high and currently
enjoying the deserts laughing and Lane was making money off everyone and there
potty mouths.

When I walked back into
the kitchen where Alley, Spencer, and Jameson were standing, I was met with
Jimi and Charlie laughing uncontrollably.

“This is too funny,”
Alley reached for the camera on the counter. “I have to get my camera.”

Jameson left the room
while Alley took pictures. I had half the mind to lock myself in the bathroom
the rest of the night.

Another hour later,
Jameson finally returned with an armful of beer cans that I assumed he, Justin,
and Tommy had
. He shuffled through the kitchen,
placing the beer cans in the recycling can, his shoulders slumped forward and a
set scowl on his face, grumbling something no one could
The French doors leading out to the patio slammed behind him.

“What’s his problem?”
Spencer asked walking in with Aiden.

“He just doesn’t like

I shrugged. “

“Did you know Dana is
their neighbor?” Emma asked Alley, giggling. Just then, Jameson walked back
inside, his cheeks flushed from the cool air or his annoyance.

“No shit?” Spencer
laughed. “That’s awesome.”

“Fuck off.” Jameson
told him and walked upstairs.

“Geez, what the hell is
his problem?” Emma balked.

It was only Christmas
Eve; just imagine tomorrow with all of us and presents involved. It may have
been too much but it’d been a while since I laughed this much.


Lying there in bed, I
realized I might have over done the whole “up on my feet” thing these last few
days because
, as I lied there in bed, I was feeling it. My back was
aching, I was cramping, my legs hurt and I had to pee, badly.

Since I was around
twenty weeks pregnant, I’d been on restricted bed-rest due to pre-term labor.
Being up on my feet wasn’t exactly what was allowed.

” I gently tried to push him off so I
could go to the bathroom.

He wasn’t budging.

“Jameson, if you don’t
get the hell off me I will piss myself in this bed. And not only is that gross,
but you will then be lying in piss, so GET OFF!” I yelled trying to push him
off again.

mom, it’s not my turn to where the bunny

What does he dream

I pushed him again.


Did he just growl at

Suddenly kneeing him in
his timing gears was looking pretty fucking tempting as the adorable flailing
spaz started kicking me in the bladder. And if you don’t know what timing gears
they are gears bolted directly to the camshaft.
And the camshaft, well, that was my word for a penis.

“JAMESON!” I yelled
feeling the vibrations of my voice. I should feel bad that I just yelled at him
but seriously, he was lying practically on top of me. I was eight months
pregnant and have a baby pushing on my bladder. I understood he was tired after
the Christmas Eve we had and we had to be at his parent’s early in the morning,
but damn it, I needed to pee!

.” He mumbled as he
rolled away.

Once he rolled off, I
didn’t have time to laugh at him; I was now starting to dribble pee down my
thighs as I got out of bed.

As soon as I stood, I
peed all over the carpet.

Shit that’s just

“Damn you Jameson

If he would have let me
out of bed when I needed to go, this wouldn’t have happened.

I also couldn’t understand
why pregnancy was so disgusting?

I mean, so far I
haven’t seen anything good about it. People say pregnancy is beautiful but I
think that is just a crock of shit. My ass is huge. My ankles look like they
belong to
or one of his distant relatives, I
couldn’t sleep. And I was pretty sure I changed my underwear at least four
times a day from the lack of bladder control. And let’s not forget about the
lack of sex this last week because I honestly felt too damn fat to be even
remotely interested in Jameson’s camshaft anywhere near my crankcase. After
all, that camshaft is the reason I have all these problems. I used to be
attached to him but now
I wanted to

While walking toward
the bathroom, I was momentarily distracted by the fact that my thighs were
rubbing together. Something I never noticed until now and yet another dislike
to add to my “growing list”.

Jameson must have woke
up to my grumbling, which I thought was internal but apparently, once again,
was not.

“Sway, why did you pee
on the floor?” He asked wiping his eyes to focus on me. I hadn’t realized what
time it was but I glanced at the clock, it was only four am.

“Because you’re an
asshole and wouldn’t get off me.” I snapped and waddled to the bathroom with a
towel, slamming the door behind me.

He chuckled;
at my misery.


When I sat down on the
toilet, more pee came out, and more and more. It was an endless flow of fluid,
so I thought. I wondered if I had any body fluids left.

When I thought I was
done, I started to get up. When I stood, my new underwear a gush came out but
this time it appeared to be tinted pink. Confused about this, I reached for the
baby book on the back of the toilet skimming through the pages. Quickly I found
what I need since Emma tabbed the pages of labor for me.

I went through the
checklist they had laid out for the signs of labor.

Back ache



Sudden gush of fluids
double check.

Scared shitless
triple check.

Standing there reading
the signs of labor, I began to realize I was now standing in yet another puddle
of water and scared shitless.

“Oh Jameson,” I yelled
from the bathroom as though I was calling a dog in from outside.

He didn’t answer.

If he thought he was
sleeping through this, he was out of him damn mind. This was one shit storm I
wasn’t handling alone.

Opening the door to our
master bedroom, I tossed the book at his head, not caring at that point if it
hurt him or not. Of course, it hits him in the back of the head with a thump.

Sway, why in the hell did you do that?”
He asked rubbing his head and glaring. “That hurt.”

I must have looked
rather hideous because when he looked at me, his mouth dropped open in shock.

There I was, with just
a bra on standing in the doorway to our bathroom in a puddle of water. My hair
probably looked like a haystack and I’m pretty sure my nipples were leaking
again. I checked just to make sure

, now I needed to
change my bra too. I threw my arms up in the air once again, frustrated with my
lack of body control.

since you’re up
” Jameson reached for
me pulling me toward the bed after I put on a new pair of underwear. “
have some serious make-up sex to do.”

“My water broke.”

“I’ll get you a new
one.” He said yanking me down. “Back to the make-up sex,”

“No, I’m serious. My
water broke.”

“And I told you I’d get
you a new one tomorrow. Get over here

his expression of lust changed rather suddenly when he felt my lack of body
control leaking on him. “Did you pee on me?”

“What are you?” I
slapped him across the face. “I told you my water broke!”

“Well shit
” he took in my appearance again,
comprehension flashed when I turned on the light and untangled myself from him.
“Are you

“Either that or I’ve
peed my body weight in piss. Get your ass up!” I yelled walking over to the
dresser to find some clothes to wear.

Jameson was rambling
incoherently and pacing across the bedroom within minutes as he tried to find
clothes to wear.

Briefly, I was distracted
again by the sight of Jameson scrambling around the bedroom—naked.

Focus Sway, that’s why
you sprung a leak in the first place.



the Author:


Shey Stahl is the
author of the Racing on the Edge Series. The series outlines the life of a
racing family and their battles with being on top.

Released titles include
Happy Hour and Black Flag.



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