Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set (65 page)

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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"You wanna be my ol'
lady, don't you," he asked, although the way he said it made it sound like
more of a statement than a question. 


"Umm, well, "
Madison stammered, tripping over her words.  She wasn't sure what to say, she
still wasn't sure what she wanted to do or if she was in over her head.


Dax cast a sidelong glance
at her and then stopped short.  She stopped as well.


"Did I imagine your
hand in my pants on the way up here?" he asked.


"No," she said. 
"I'm just not sure..."


"What?  Whether your
mother would approve?  You want to go back to your nice little house with your
happy parents and exciting bartending job?  That's fine by me.  You have a cell
phone, call yourself a cab."  Dax started to walk towards the house.


Once again, he had read
her soul and knew exactly what it was she was thinking.  It would be a big
disappointment to her parents if she hooked up with a biker, and they had
always been happy and good to her.  And she did live in a nice, safe little


But that's why she had
gotten the bartending job in the first place.  That wasn't enough for her.  She
was drawn to this life.  And even though she barely knew him, she was drawn to


"Wait!" she
called.  Dax paused.  "Yes," she finally said.


"Yes, what?"


"I-I want to be your
old lady."


He didn't turn around, or
even acknowledge her, he just started walking again.  Madison hurried to catch
up.  "So I'm still not sure what we're doing here?" she said, looking
for some kind of attention from the man.


"First things first,
you gotta meet the prez.  All the potential ol' ladies do."


"What for?"


Dax laughed.  "Ain't
no point being the king, if you can't sample the wares," he said.


Madison scrunched up her
face in confusion.  What the hell was he talking about?  Sample what wares? 
Then it hit her.


"Wait, what?  You
don't mean... like... I have to have sex with him, do you?  I don't even know
who he is?"


Dax smiled and turned to
her as they walked, the house only a few feet away now and the door was still
open after Troy had gone in.  "You didn't really know me, either," he


"Ya, but-"


"You really don't
know anything about the MC."


They got to the door and
Dax stepped aside, gesturing her forward.


"The president gets
to sample everything before he decides whether it's good enough for one of his
men," he said, pushing her forward.


Madison crossed the
barrier and walked into a large open room.  Standing around were about ten
other bikers, each clad in matching leather jackets and adorned with a variety
of tattoos.  Troy stood among them, a big smile on his face.  Most of the other
men were grinning as well, and each of them letting their eyes roam over her
body, although most were focused mainly on her tits.


"And before the
president decides to grant one of his men sole ownership of an ol' lady, he
first lets all the other members have a turn so that no one misses out..."






"Your turn."


stared ahead at the big bearded biker in front of her, who now stood naked
wearing only his boots and black socks.  She only knew him as Prez, and had
only met him about five minutes ago after coming into the clubhouse with Dax,
who himself she had only met a couple of hours ago.  That didn't stop her from
fucking him and sucking off Troy, but at least that had been her decision.  She
really had no interest in doing it again for the president of their club.


on honey, show Prez them big titties of yours," he said.  His pale green
eyes were fixated on her chest, and his fingers were wiggling in anticipation
of grabbing them.  Prez looked to be in his late forties, his dark beard
already showing streaks of grey.  Madison could tell his body was once muscled,
but at this point it seemed like he had let himself go, at least in the belly area. 
His gut hug over his flaccid penis, shadowing it in the dim light of his
office.  His body was heavily tattooed, but Madison's eyes were drawn to some
text scrawled across his chest. 
jus primae nocti. 
It looked latin, but she had no idea
what it meant.


Prez stepped
forward, reaching up and grabbing one of her big breasts in his meaty hand.  He
gave it a firm squeeze.  "Mmmmm," he growled.  "Dax picked a
winner this time."


stepped back, out of his grasp, causing the big bearded biker to frown from
beneath his whiskers.  "Dax not explain things?" he growled. 
"You want to be with someone in the club, you gotta be with me, first. 
Jus primae nocti.  I get to fuck all the new broads that the guys bring back
here before they're allowed to be official ol' ladies.  My club, my rules.  If
you don't like it, get the fuck out.  Otherwise, lemme see those big beautiful
tits already!"  He laughed raucously, his belly shaking as he did so.


couldn't believe the way this day had turned out.  Although she'd only met Dax
a couple of hours ago, she was already so drawn to him.  Something about bikers
in general just got her so wet.  She just had to close her eyes and think about
them, clad in their leather jackets, tattoos, attitudes, everything!  Their
whole demeanor just screamed MAN and made her completely overcome with desire.


Even the
naked president in front of her, although he wasn't the most handsome of the
bikers, certainly no Dax, exuded power.  He controlled a room full of thugs,
and even had the power to get them to hand over their women for him to fuck
before he'd allow them to continue fucking them.  There wasn't anything guys
were more protective of than their women, in Madison's experience, and yet here
he was able to command such obedience from them all.  If they couldn't turn him
down, how could she?  She'd hate to have to leave so soon after finally getting
to see a real motorcycle club house.  Besides, she'd already sucked off Troy,
and she wasn't too attracted to him, either. 


With a
shrug, she dropped her hands to the hem of her shirt and yanked it up over her
head, freeing her D size breasts with a bounce.  The biker's eyes lit up as he
saw them and he stepped forward again, this time grabbing both of them at the
same time.  "That's right," he said with a lascivious smile.


closed her eyes, trying to imagine Dax.  His handsome face and strong arms
filled her mind's eye, and she pictured his rough hands against her breasts
instead of the ones that were groping her now. 


She felt one
of the hands slide down and grab hold of her jean shorts, yanking hard against
the button that held them closed.  Worried that he would rip it off completely,
she quickly reached down with her own hands and replaced his, undoing them
herself.  As soon as they were loosened, the president of the Desperados yanked
them to the floor, bending as he did so.  With his face at the level of her
crotch, he pressed his nose against her exposed sex and took in a deep breath.


your cunt smells good," he said.


shivered at that word.  She'd always hated it, it was so vulgar.  She pushed it
from her mind and tried again to summon back images of Dax.  She tried to
picture his body, his muscles, his tattoos.  Even the one across the back of his
neck that said "Shit Happens".  She gasped suddenly as she felt a wet
tongue run along her slit.  Prez let out another little moan as he stood up. 
"And you taste fantastic as well.  Now let's see how good you can suck


He lay a big
hand on Madison's shoulder and pushed her down; forcing her to sink to her
knees and confront the small cock that hid beneath his belly.  She reached
forward and grabbed his dick in her hand, giving it a couple of tugs.  It
immediately began to harden to a size that was easier to slide between her
lips, especially since she had to navigate underneath his extended stomach. 
Opening her mouth, Madison slid his cock in and gave her tongue a few swirls
before starting to bob up and down, her hand following along the trail of
saliva she left behind. 


Within three
minutes, Prez was already grunting and putting his hand against her head,
pushing her off.  "Bend over my desk," he panted.


Madison did
as she was told, bending forward until she felt his belly mass pressing against
her ass and a little poke between her legs.  The president grabbed her hips and
then thrust forward, burying his full five inches into her pussy in one move. 
But he only got about three strokes in before he let out a loud grunt and she
felt him explode inside of her, spraying her womb with his premature orgasm.


yeah!" he said, leaning forward to put his hand on the desk next to
Madison.  His belly was resting on top of her ass and he was breathing heavily
as his cock continued to spurt a couple more times before starting to shrivel
and drop out.  Madison kept her surprised face buried down against her arm,
hiding her smile from the biker.  She hadn't had a guy cum that fast since she
was in high school, and it was all she could do to keep from laughing.  Who
knew how this guy would react to that.


dressed and left the office.  Prez stayed behind, collapsed on his couch and
still catching his breath.  As soon as she made her way back to the main room,
she caught Dax's eye and he nodded at her, but then turned back to a
conversation he was having with another biker.  Madison was a little
disappointed at his reaction.  He didn't seem overly happy to see her, even
though it was his idea that she go and satisfy the president in the first


She made her
way over to him, ignoring some of the comments from the other bikers about the
size of her tits or her firm ass as she went.


continued to ignore her as she approached, his focus on the tall, gaunt looking
biker in front of him.  The man had to be over six feet tall, and had short
brown hair that was cut over his dark, sunken eyes.  She stood there, a foot
away, staring at Dax until the man finally turned to look at her.


His eyes cold and grey as he regarded her.


Why was he
being such a dick all of a sudden?   "I did what you wanted, can we get
out of here?"


don't see me talking here?" Dax said, his jaw clenched as he spoke through
gritted teeth.  "I have some business to take care of, why don't you just
hang out here for a while until I get back."


mouth opened in shock that he would even suggest that.  "Are you fucking
kidding me, Dax?  What the fuck-"


Dax grabbed
her by the elbow and gave her a yank towards the door.  "I'll be right
back," he said over his shoulder to the tall biker.


He guided
Madison out into the sunlight and slammed the door behind them.  "You need
to watch the way you talk to me, girl."


you!" she spat back.  "I did what you wanted, I fucked your
president.  What are you all pissy about?"


A look
passed over Dax but it was quickly replaced with stony detachment again. 
"Who said that was what I


Madison was
incredulous.  "What the fuck?  You're the one that said I had to fuck your
president and everyone else in this fucking club if I want to be with you.  A
bullshit set of rules if you ask me, but I did it.  At least the first part. 
But if you're-"


Dax growled, interrupting her again.  "All I said was if you want to be an
ol' lady here, there were certain things you needed to do - I didn't tell you
to do it."


wrung her hands.  "I thought you wanted me... to be with me..."


Dax's steel
eyes continued to bore into her.  He was probably reading her soul again, as he
seemed to have a knack for doing.  Whatever he saw, his eyes softened slightly
before he responded.


Madison, you're a good kid.  I just don't know if this life is for you, you
know.  It's not for everyone.  You're still young, and this is a rough bunch. 
You don't want to get mixed up in this shit."


Madison blew
an exasperated breath from her mouth, causing some hair that had fallen into
her face to flutter away.  She hated when someone tried to guess what she was
capable of, make decisions for her based on what they thought they knew about
her.  Yes, she probably was in over her head but being here actually made her
feel alive, and being with Dax was exciting.  She hadn't ever felt this way in
her normal boring life, and she wasn't interested in returning to that now. 
Not after having a taste of this, as small as it had been so far.


"Do you
want me to leave?" she suddenly asked.  She was scared to hear the answer,
but she had to know. 


Dax said
nothing for a moment, and Madison could feel her heart pounding in her chest as
she waited for the answer.  She felt herself biting her lip and consciously
stopped, unwilling to show her nerves or weakness in front of the powerful man.


he said finally.  "But I think you should."


you telling me to?"




I'm staying."


Dax shook
his head slowly.  "I don't think you know what you're getting yourself


Madison let
out a long shuddering breath.  "But I have you to protect me, right?"


The biker
laughed, shaking his head again. "This is a bad idea."


She walked
forward, putting her arms around his waist and lifting herself up on her tip
toes to give him a peck on the lips.  He responded by pressing his lips against
hers firmly, and the peck turned into something more.  His arms wrapped around
her as hers slid up his back.  They kissed for another minute and then finally
pulled apart.


have a lot to learn about the way things work around here."


me," she said.


He shook his
head again, sighing.  "Like I have time for that.  Listen, I have to go on
a run, to pick something up.  That's why I told you to stay here.  We can talk
when I get back."


face dropped at the mention of her staying on her own in the clubhouse again. 
Especially after Dax had mentioned the whole bit about new girls being shared
amongst the club members before they could get with someone permanently.  It
was bad enough fucking their leader, she really wasn't interested in being the
focus of a gangbang while she waited for Dax's return.  "Can't I come with
you?  I really don't want to stay here alone..."


sure there are some other girls in the house somewhere," Dax said.


don't know any of them."


The biker
just looked at her with his grey eyes again.  Whenever he did that, she
couldn't look away.  She'd get caught in their hypnotic stare and her knees
would feel weak as he probed into her core.  Finally he nodded.  "Alright,
fine, this time.  We're just going to get something owed to us, it shouldn't be
a big deal."  He turned on his heel.  "Come on back inside."


When they
got back in, the main room had cleared out for the most part, leaving only the
tall biker and two others talking in a corner.  When he saw them return, he
broke off and approached them.

BOOK: Black Dogs Motorcycle Club: Full Series Box Set
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