Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC (10 page)

BOOK: Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC
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Andrew pulled Peyton off his cock and to her feet. What he needed was a good hard fuck. He’d fucked some bimbo when while he was out of town trying to calm the cartel down, but she didn’t fight back when he roughed her up, not like Peyton. That’s what turned him on, the bitches fighting back as he buried his cock in them. What had turned him on, though, was having the
and his men cheering him on as he fucked the shit out of the woman they’d given him for his pleasure.


Peyton smiled as she slowly licked her lips and backed toward the sex room. She knew she was going to get fucked when Andrew unzipped his pants, and she accepted it as part of the price of freeing Melissa.


He smiled as she slowly backed toward the play room, coaxing him with her finger, but today he was going to try a new game. He took two quick steps forward and grabbed her head and hauled her roughly back to him. Fucking Peyton with an audience? The thought of it made his cock throb.


“I got a grand that says I can make this bitch beg before I come!” he called, holding her around the back of the neck. “Any takers?” There were none. “Come on!” he encouraged. “I’ll give you five to one I can out-fuck her. I’ll do her right here so you’ll know I’m not cheating you.”


“I’ll take a hundred of that,” a rough man said, stepping forward.


Andrew smiled. “A Franklin right there,” he cheered. The men would be cheering for her, but he loved a challenge and he was confident he could take her. “Anybody else? Since it’s five to one, I’ll go to $5,000. Come on, you pussies!”


“Five hundred says she breaks you,” Pogo said with a grin as he stepped forward.


“Five hundred!” Andrew cheered. “If she does, you can finish her.”


Pogo took her face gently in his hand. He’d been lusting after her since she got there, and he’d take any chance to fuck her he could get, even if it was sloppy seconds. “You take him, you get half,” he promised her with a smile and a wink.


She smiled back, but her heart was hammering. “Deal,” she cooed but then kissed Andrew lustily to cover.


Pogo smiled. “Fuck it. Give me the other four hundred.”


Andrew’s eyes went cold as they narrowed when the men roared in approval. “Done,” he said coolly. He didn’t like Pogo giving her too much incentive, but he couldn’t back down now.


He whirled her around before grabbing the front of her shirt and ripping it open, the buttons flying about like shrapnel. He was going to finish this bitch in record time and put that fucking Pogo in his place.




“Yeah, Babe,” Honey cooed as she turned to face Ironside after he shoved her roughly into the bedroom. “You want some? I got something for you right here,” she purred as she ran her hands down her body, writhing sensually. She began to slowly open her pants, her hand slipping inside, her other hand going to her neck as her head tipped back with a gasp. “I’m so hot!” she breathed, dragging her hand from her neck down between her breasts.


Ironside smiled slightly. It was a good show, but that’s all it was: a show.


“I need to feel your big, hard, cock inside me,” she purred as she sauntered up to him, her hand going into his pants again. He was hard, but not the steel hard he normally was. She began to unbutton his pants, watching his eyes as she gave him her best seductive smile.


He waited as she opened the fly on his pants and slowly slid down his body to take him into her mouth. He breathed deep as she swallowed him, her tongue flicking and darting over and around his manhood. He grunted softly. Honey had skills, and her mouth felt fantastic, but the fire wasn’t there.


She slurped and licked, purring as if he tasted of the finest chocolate, but heat had gone out of his eyes. She took him deep, almost to the point of gagging, but he showed no emotion, no heat, no desire. It was that fucking Peyton! He’d gotten a taste of some new pussy, and now he didn’t want her anymore? Fuck that! She would out fuck that bitch and show him what he would be giving up.


“I need you, Babe. I need to feel your cock in me,” she breathed as she slithered out of her blouse and pants. She helped him undress, panting in exaggerated desire. “Come on, Babe. I want to feel you inside of me,” she gasped as two of her fingers disappeared inside of her, her other hand twisting her breast. “I need you to fuck me so hard,” she whimpered as she lay back on the bed. “Please fuck me hard. Please, Babe, please fuck me,” she moaned as if she was about to come from just thinking about him fucking her.


He crawled into the bed with her, allowing her to roll a condom over his shaft, before he sank to her depths. “Fuck,” he muttered. She did feel good.


She made some sensual noises as he slid into her, noises she knew men liked to hear. “That’s right. You fuck me. You fuck me good and hard. Fuck me any way you want,” she panted, her breasts heaving as she dragged her nails down his chest.




Andrew threw her pants to the floor and pushed her roughly to the couch. If it had been Ironside man-handling her like this she would be panting for him, but with Andrew, she steeled herself for a brutal, uncaring fuck. He stared at her, his eyes burning as he roughly stripped, his big cock bouncing as he jerked his boots off.


The fifteen men there formed a semi-circle around them as Andrew moved in, pausing in front of her. “Game on, bitch!” he growled.


“You want to up the ante?” she snarled in return. She had a well-earned reputation for a smart mouth, so she might as well use it. “How about a side wager, to put some skin in the game and make it interesting? Just you and me.”




“First to come. If you come first, you tell me where Melissa is.”


“And if you come first?” he asked as a deep heaviness filled his cock, the thought of a fuck-fighting her in front of a crowd turning him on even more.


“What do you want?”


“You pull a train. You take every man here watching, until he goes soft,” he snarled. Let’s see them cheer for her now, the bastards!


She swallowed hard. After the fucking Ironside gave her last night and again this morning, she could outlast this asshole. “You’re on.” She saw his smile flicker. “What’s the matter, Stud? Don’t have the balls for it?”


“I’m going to make you scream, bitch!”


She smiled to hide her nervousness, knowing he was going to get rough and this wasn’t going to be pleasant. “Then let’s get it on.”




“That’s it! That’s it! Fuck my tight little pussy,” Honey panted, trying to rev him up. They’d been going at it hard for twenty minutes, and Ironside had given her a shuddering orgasm, but there was no passion in his fucking. He’d actually started to pull out after her orgasm, as if he was going to quit, until she’d kicked him in the ass with her heels and begged him for more.


He grunted, burying his head in her neck, driving into her hard and fast. He wanted to come, he
to come, but he just couldn’t seem to get there. He pulled out of her, and flipped her to her stomach, then pulled her back and up before stuffing the two pillows from the bed under her hips.


“Oh, fuck,” she gasped, slamming her ass into him even before he entered her as if she couldn’t wait to feel him inside again. He lunged into her with another grunt, then bent over her back, his hands going to her breasts, knowing it would make her come. He’d almost reach orgasm when she came the last time, and he wanted to drive her into another one so her rapture could drag him to the finish line.


“Fuck, you feel so good,” she murmured, no longer acting, rocking with him as he thrust into her. Being taken from behind with her lover laying across her back as he played with her tits was always got her off, and


He could sense his orgasm beginning to spool up again, the need rising in him, the pleasure blotting out thought. He began to drive into her harder, faster, straining for his release.




Peyton cried out as Andrew twisted her nipple painfully hard. “You fuck!” she snarled, heaving her hips as she pushed him off of her, tumbling him to floor. She threw herself across him, pressing her breasts into his chest so he couldn’t twist them again and allowed him to steer his cock into her again.


“You like it, you slut!” he growled.


“I’m going to make you come so fucking hard!” she snarled as she worked her hips. Between his roughness and getting the shit fucked out of her by a
man the night before, she was in no danger of coming, but Andrew was beginning to show the strain, his face twisting in erotic agony.


“Fuck!” he growled, trying to roll her over.


She resisted his attempts to roll her to her back, but he was too big and strong. He rose up on his hands, pounding into her furiously hard, panting hard in effort, sweat beading on his face and chest. They’d been fucking hard for thirty minutes, and the men around them had all pulled their cocks out and were stroking them slowly.


“That’s it, Stud! Fuck her! Fuck her good!” somebody cheered again.


“Fuck, you feel so fucking good!” she snarled, clamping down on him with her pussy.


“Shit!” Andrew barked, pulling out of her and lunging back while holding his cock tight. “Fuck, you almost made me come again,” he growled after a moment, slowly releasing his cock. He staggered to his feet and grabbed her arm, pulling her off the floor. He flopped to the couch, scrunching low so his hips were hanging off the front with his feet planted firmly on the floor. As he wiped sweat from his face she swung her leg over him, holding him erect as she lowered herself over him. He grabbed her head in his hands and began to thrust into her furiously. “Fuck!” he roared, his teeth pulled back in a snarled.


“Fuck my tight pussy with your big cock. Fuck me until I come!” she wailed, trying to push him over the edge.


As the observers rumbled in approval, knowing this was the end game, a man stepped from the crowd, pumping his cock hard and fast, until he flung his head back with a gasp, his semen splattering on her breasts and Andrew’s chest.


“You’re such a nasty fucking come-slut whore,” Andrew snarled, smearing the man’s come over her sweaty breasts. “Fuck!”


She began to thrust on him hard and fast as he froze his hips, his face twisting as he fought his orgasm. “Don’t stop! Don’t stop fucking me! I’m going to come! Don’t stop!” she cried, trying to lure him into coming.


“Give it to her, Stud! Fuck her! Don’t stop! Make her come!” the crowd roared.


He pulled her down, mashing her into his chest as he began to thrust hard and fast again. “If I lose, I’ll fucking
you,” he snarled softly into her ear.


Her blood ran cold. She was trapped, trapped between servicing fifteen men and death…and if she was dead, she couldn’t help Melissa. She pushed her way up out of his grasp, twisting her face as if in rapture. She waited, waited until she knew he was about to come.


“I’m coming!” she screamed. “Oh, fuck! I’m coming so hard! Fuck me!”


Andrew roared his release an instant later, pushing up hard and deep, his hands going to her throat and squeezing hard as he pumped slowly into her.


She couldn’t breathe, her hands going to his wrists, trying to break his hold on her neck as he continued to plunge into her, the gathered men cheering them on as they struggled. He released her throat and slapped her tits hard, making her cry out with the last of her breath. She gasped, drawing a deep breath, before falling to his chest to protect her tender flesh.


“Don’t every challenge me again,” he sneered softly so only she could hear. He pushed her off of him to the couch, his cock already going soft. “She’s one hard fucking whore, but no bitch can out fuck me,” he bragged as the men began to pull off their pants.


Peyton sank back into the couch, wanting to cry, but refusing to give the bastards the satisfaction.

BOOK: Bjorn: Teutonic Knights MC
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