BITTER SWEET CRAVINGS (The Kingsmen MC Book 6) (4 page)

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“Yeah, Vince already put me on her tail days ago. She’s getting’ bitchy about it, though.”

I laugh to myself. I’ll bet she is.

The waitress saunters up, holding out a plate of pie with the fork rattling against the dish as she walks. I notice her top’s been unbuttoned a bit more, practically spilling her tits out on the whipped cream coated dessert she presents me.

“I’ll call you when I get back to town, bro.” I disconnect the call and slip it back into my pocket.

“Sorry, darlin’. Gotta bounce.” I stand, settling the bill.

She eyes the wad of cash in my hand and whines. “But you haven’t even tasted it yet.”

She tilts the plate back, purposely letting the massive pile of swirled cream drip onto her chest, melting and falling in between her boobs. I swipe my finger in the gooey, sugary, mess on the plate and lift it slowly to suck on it hard, arching my eyebrows at her as I devour it.

Her mouth drops open.

“Nah,” I decide. “I’m more of an apple pie kinda guy.”

The small amount of caffeine has helped a bit, but I find I have to concentrate on keeping my eyes open and on the road as I leave the rest stop behind. With all the thoughts running through my head right now, it’s not the easiest of tasks.

Charlie’s no saint by any means but this shit just ain’t like her. Sure we smoke up every once in a while, but the shit she’s into now….

I got a tip late yesterday from the orderly I paid off at the hospital, Enrique. He’s been keeping a close eye on things over there and tipping me off when things happen, like when she was released, her post-op appointments, when she was scheduled to return to work.

I wasn’t however, expecting to hear that she was shopping around for a refill on her pain meds. But, who’s to say for sure who is and who isn’t in pain? It isn’t like I’d ever had a spinal tap or donated bone marrow like she did.

But, that information combined with T.J. finding her passed out the very next day? Too much of a coincidence for my liking. If I hadn’t already been on my way back to Chisolm, this alone would have been enough to get my ass back on the bike to go home.

I glance down at the speedometer and calculate the distance and time. Then, I accelerate faster to cut it down. At this rate, I’ll be back just in time to catch her when she gets off work.

See what she has to say for herself.





“Have a good night, Maude.” I greet the large woman near the automatic doors on my way out of the building.

“A good
, Charlie.” She laughs, nodding over her shoulder through the glass doors to the early morning sun outside.

I smirk, and shrug my shoulders. “Semantics. I’ve got to adjust to these night shifts, Mo.”

She chuckles. “Don’t we all… no more vacation for you, doll.”

Mo’s such a little firecracker. I salute her like a sailor and crack a smile. With Mo… you just gotta take it and shut up. She’s been here before most of us and kind of runs the
behind the scenes. She’s one person you
want to piss off. The woman got her nursing degree eons ago, back when nurses were nothing more than glorified orderlies. She doesn’t look kindly on us newer professionals showing her up, and I’ve found myself on the wrong side of her radar a time or two.

“Shit!” I stop in my tracks and turn my back quickly, nearly dropping the bag in my hands at the sight of the leather-vested man leaning up against the old Harley parked next to my Jeep in the small employee parking lot.

My heart begins to race uncontrollably, unevenly. My vision begins to blur and distort as I instinctively reach out for something to hold onto. I drop the large purse from my hands and feel my ankles turn to jelly, threatening to collapse as I reach for the larger, older nurse nearby.

Her sturdy hands grab hold of me and help to ease the fall as I lower to the floor, landing on my hip.

“Charlie?” she asks, her voice rising. “Nod if you’re having trouble breathing.”

I feel the heat creeping up, and claw and clammer at my neck to pull loose some buttons. Despite the quick, heavy, breathing I find only a small stream of oxygen entering my lungs… just enough to keep me conscious.

“Slow and steady, child. Even breaths.” She does her best to calm my sudden affliction.

I close my eyes and do my best to block out the image of the sexy son-of-a-bitch who’s waiting outside, stalking the lot.

How does he know I’m here?

I curse myself under my breath. How does he
know where I am? He’s got his network of spies. No doubt T.J. sold me out, all but giving him a printout of my daily schedule.

I’m not ready for this
I’m not ready to see him

Not here, not now,
not ever

“I-I just need to catch my breath,” I try to excuse my little episode.

Ancient or not, the nurse in her tells Mo to grab my wrist and search for my pulse. Once found, the pressure is steady until she finds what she is looking for. I can see her eyeing the clock on the wall while her lips mumble and move, keeping count.

My arm feels heavy as she holds it, heavy enough to fall hard when she releases. She squints her eyes and ponders something.

“All right, child. Let’s get you down to the E.R. and see what the problem is.”

I bite my tongue and hold back from putting up an argument. I’m not one to be babied or coddled, and I sure as hell am not one to bring attention to myself… but if playing along and pacifying her prevents me from having to walk out those doors and coming face to face with the man who ripped my world apart, then I’m on board.

I nod to the greying woman who tends to me.

“I think that’s a good idea.”




I pull at the thread-bare cotton blanket to cover just a bit more of my shaking body, but it provides no warmth. The hissing of the oxygen mask is low and steady, adding to my chill.

I breathe deep and let the pure medical-grade oxygen fill my lungs and rejuvenate me. I can finally think clearly… as long as I don’t think of

The lights in the E.R. are bright, unforgiving to the eye when lying back and forced to look up, but nonetheless necessary. I close my eyes to avoid them, and try my best to relax, relishing the crisp oxygen.

I get several minutes of peace until the curtain opening draws my attention as the sliding metal sounds swoosh across the track.

“Just when I think I can go home, one of my favorite nurses decides to pay me a visit.” Dr. Walker enters, carrying a clipboard.

I take the soft plastic air mask off, knowing that I won’t be able to speak without sounding like a fish as long as it’s on.

“Hey Dr-“ I stop as he tilts his head, anxiously waiting to see how I’ll finish the greeting. “Harris,” I finish.

He flips the top page of the chart. “Looks like everything’s within normal limits here. How are you feeling now?”

I sit up. “Much better. It was just low blood sugar, I think, and some back pain.”

His eyebrow arches at the magic word.

“Pain?” He asks. “I thought you’re taking something?”


I forgot he knows about the prescription. I think quick on how to back out of this. “Um… it doesn’t really manage it all that well, so I just deal with the pain.”

Dr. Walker’s pen clicks and he begins to scribble loudly on something leaning against his clipboard. A small, white piece of paper is torn clear of the pad and handed over to me.

“This should take care of the pain, if the other last meds haven’t been working. Just make sure to only take them when you have at least eight to ten hours of rest time, so no taking them before work.”

I’m stunned, and take the thin paper between my fingertips. I don’t know what to say. He handed over the script so easily.

“Th-thank you, Harris. I really appreciate your doing this.” I quickly fold the slip and tuck it in my pocket.

“And now… we’re going to fix the low blood sugar.”

I tilt my head. “We are?”

His thin lips break into a smile, showcasing his perfectly white teeth. His eyes twinkle and his face grins, the short stubble of an overnight beard making him look a little rugged.

“Yup. Breakfast. You. Me… and this great little waffle house across town.”

Wow… that was smooth. I think of the prescription in my pocket and know there is no way to gracefully turn him down.

I try to configure this all, to see how I can possible make this work. I would never, ever, have accepted a date from him. Well… maybe in another life I would have, before coming to a place like Chisolm, as he’s exactly what my type used to be.

But since I’ve seen the other type of men out there, the kind that make my body scream and connect with my soul….


What am I talking about?

That’s the type of guy who got me into this mess in the first place, that nearly destroyed me. On second thought, maybe I should give Harris a chance. He’s educated, successful, polite… everything that looks good on paper.


“Breakfast sounds great. Just give me a few minutes to freshen up… that is… if I’m discharged?”

He signs off on the slip, officially releasing me from my little E.R. visit. “I’ll meet you downstairs by the employee entrance.”

With a quick little wink that’s boyishly cute, he leaves me be to wonder what the hell I’ve just done.




Thank God I have a spare set of clothes stashed in my locker. I don’t remember exactly when I made the decision to keep them there, but I’m thankful regardless, and it keeps me from looking like a shapeless marshmallow in my scrubs.

The skinny jeans and fitted top are slightly wrinkled from being crumpled in my metal employees locker but it’s still an improvement. I throw on a gauzy little scarf and touch up my makeup before heading down to find Harris exactly where he’d said he’d be.

I swallow hard and build up enough courage to look beyond him out the doors to where Clink is still perched. I can’t help but notice the stark contrast in the two men as I shift back and forth between them.

The windows and doors are tinted against the sunlight but Clink lifts his eyes from his phone just as I’m taking him in, somehow aware of it.

It’s been nearly an hour since I first saw him standing guard out there, and a small part of me is surprised he’s stuck it out and is still there, even if he’s unaware of what’s behind my delay.

I guess I had subconsciously wished he would have given up and left, made this easier on me. But then again, Clink never seems to be that considerate to what might be best for others… just himself.


“You all right, Charlie?”

Harris can see the building frustration, no doubt, on my face as the man outside, once the man of my dreams but now the man of my nightmares, is getting me worked up again.

I pull myself together, and decide how best to handle all of this.

And then it hits me.

If Clink is thinking he can just bombard me as I go to my car… then, boy, is he in for a surprise. Let’s see if he likes the little show I’m going to put on for him.

“Me?” I turn on my charm, reaching for his arm and locking elbows with him. “I’m better

I lower my shades, knowing my eyes will be a dead giveaway to Clink.

Harris leads me to the exit, as the mechanical doors work their magic and put us on full display to my fucked-up suitor blocking my car in with his Harley.

As soon as we clear into the sunlight, I make sure to laugh heartily and as femininely as I can, squeezing Harris’s arm.

I see Clink jump to attention, straightening up from his slouched position and ripping off his sunglasses.

I should win a damn Academy Award for the acting job I’m putting on right now. Harris seems to be eating it up and, although he doesn’t know it, he plays right into my plan by taking advantage of the moment and moving his arms to rest over my shoulders, pulling me in tight.

“I’ll drive,” he volunteers.

I laugh again, this time letting my hair whip around.

“Anything you say,
.” I seductively play with him.

He seems to like it, and so I up the ante, loud enough for Clink to once again hear.

“Especially if it includes bed rest.” I continue to look straight ahead to where Harris has pointed his car key, at a shiny black Jaguar convertible, but let my eyes spy, hidden beneath the sunglasses, my periphery where Clink is looking dangerously close to attacking.

I broaden my smile as Harris opens the passenger door for me. I settle into the butter-soft leather and enjoy the chivalry as he closes the door before making his way around to his side.

The car hums to life before he’s even entered, the engine starting, the windows lowering, the flexible convertible roof opening to allow us to bask in the warm rays of sunshine.

Once he’s seated and buckled in, I shift closer, gracefully picking up his hand to set on my thigh.

He licks his lips at how forward I’m being, unaware that it’s an act, and his fingers begin to knead into the tight denim that clothes me.

The powerful purr of the imported engine sounds like a tiger waiting to pounce on its prey as we back out of the hidden reserved parking space and slowly navigate our way through the lot.

Clink turns to watch every movement with the low-set car giving him the advantage of seeing
including the good doctor’s hand massaging my upper leg,

I lift my hand to comb through my wavy hair just as we pass him on the passenger side. I laugh once again at Harris’s dull humor, but secretly howl with silent satisfaction as I stick my middle finger up at my stalker and flip him off while driving off with another man.

Life is good sometimes…
when it has an unexpected opportunity for revenge.

“I must say, Charlie, I’m surprised by the sudden change of heart. I’ve been asking you out for months now,” Harris voices his approval of my acting skills.

Oh crap! Now that Clink is left behind and no longer a spectator, I can’t really drop pretenses. I smirk and try to make the best of the situation.

“What can I say? You saved me.” I say, referring to his treating me in the E.R. just a little while ago.

He smiles.

We turn right onto Elm Drive and then quickly park in front of the Waffle Hut. He cuts the engine and we sit in silence for an awkward moment.

I move to open the sleek door, but he calls out.

“No, don’t. Let me.” I pull my hand back and watch as he comes around to help me out like a perfect gentleman.

I blush just a little. Mom would die happy if she saw how Harris is going out of his way to be a polite. A perfect, non-biker, non-tattooed, non-smoking, gentleman.

The décor of the Waffle Hut is straight out of any 1970’s breakfast joint. The yellow and orange color scheme is slightly nostalgic and eerie in its own right.

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