Bitter Bite (11 page)

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Authors: Erin M. Leaf

BOOK: Bitter Bite
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“Gorgeous,” Alaric murmured, kissing down her neck. This time, he
was careful to keep his teeth to himself.

Hannah wasn’t sure if she was pleased or disappointed.

“Too many clothes,” Gideon said, shoving at her shirt.

Hannah pushed his hands away. “You first.”

He raised his eyebrows, and then without dislodging her from her
perch on his groin, pulled off his shirt in one swift move. The muscles in his
chest rippled as he tossed it aside. Hannah stared at him, not sure if she
should touch or just look at him all day long.

He laughed. “Touch me, Hannah. I won’t bite.”

“Not unless you want him to,” Alaric said against her ear.

She shuddered and put her hands on that perfect chest. He felt
warm and strong. She leaned down, wanting to rub herself all over him. “You’re
strangely self-assured for a man who hasn’t had sex in years, Gideon.”

“I’ve wanted this nearly as long as I was celibate, Hannah. And my
mind wasn’t chaste.” His hands went to her clothes again. “I want this shirt
off,” he said breathlessly.

She nodded and helped him remove it, grateful she’d worn a pretty
bra today, unlike her usual white cotton affairs.

“Ah, my dear, what a delicious brassiere,” Alaric said, tracing
his fingers over the red silk. “This color suits you.”

Hannah flushed again, wondering if she’d ever get past feeling so
shy. When Alaric bent down and kissed the swell of her breast, she bit her lip.
Why did his touch feel so good?

“Come here,” Gideon said, tugging her away from the vampire.

Hannah willingly went down, shivering when skin met skin.

Gideon sighed and kissed her again, clenching his fingers in her
hair. The tight restraint made her tremble. “Good?” he asked.

“God, yeah.” She shivered when her bra suddenly slipped away. The
feel of him against her nipples was indescribable. Waves of emotions washed
through her via the consort bond, heightening the pleasure. Alaric’s electric
heat sparkled through everything, while Gideon’s affection lent his lovemaking
a sweet edge.

“Lovely, Hannah, let me get the rest of your clothes off,” Alaric
said, nudging her to the side.

She shook her head, hiding her face in Gideon’s neck. “What about

He chuckled. “I will be happy to disrobe.”

She turned her face to watch him undress, letting her hair veil
some of her embarrassment. From the expression on Gideon’s face she could tell
he wanted to see, too. He breathed in hard as Alaric slowly drew off his shirt
and his pants. The vampire’s cock pushed out against his boxers before he
removed that last, thin piece of fabric. She stared. His erection was thick and
flushed with blood. She wanted to touch it. How could a vampire look so alive?
Wasn’t he supposed to be the walking dead? That’s what all the stories
insisted, anyway, but to her he felt feverish. Every time they touched, her
body sizzled.

“Jesus Christ,” Gideon muttered, interrupting her thoughts. His
cock swelled harder against her thigh, hot even through his clothes.

That can’t be comfortable,
she thought distractedly, trying not to act like a total idiot in
front of the two men.

Alaric sat on the bed and trailed his fingers down her arm. “Let
me touch you,” he said softly. “I want to feel your skin. See how you respond
when I kiss you.” He lifted her wrist to his mouth and pressed his lips to her
pulse. The edge of his fangs teased at her, made her want him to bite, as if
she were an apple. “Mmm, cherries. You always taste of cherries.”

“It’s my perfume.” She twitched, pressing her wrist against him so
she could feel the sharpness of his teeth. He smiled at her knowingly and
released her arm.

“Careful, my dear. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Hannah licked her lips, swallowing the words that welled up:
please. I want it. I want the pain.

Alaric’s eyes told her he knew exactly what she was thinking. She froze
when he tugged at her jeans. He wrestled them off while she squirmed and Gideon
gasped, suddenly rethinking her boldness. Alaric smiled and snapped the ties of
her panties, shocking her to her toes.

“What are you doing?” she asked, half-sitting up against Gideon’s
thigh, but Alaric put a hand to her stomach and gently pushed her back down.
“Did you just rip my clothes off me?”

“I’m simply doing what I’ve wanted to do from the moment I tasted
your blood and felt your mind open to me,” he said, sliding down the bed. He
nudged her knees wide.

Hannah clenched her fists, trying not to protest. She wanted this,
right? She’d said yes.
But God, I’m so
embarrassed. What if they think I’m too inexperienced?
Doubt crawled up her
spine, even as Alaric stroked her wet folds. She shuddered when his knuckle
bumped her clit. Her nerves were on fire.

“You don’t have to do this,” Gideon said, obviously sensing her
tension. He kissed her temple as if she were a child. She didn’t want him to
treat her like that, and so she turned to him and grabbed his shoulders, trying
to tell him how she felt without actually saying it aloud. His eyes were the
same, attractive hazel she remembered from all her classes.
He’s the guy
you’ve wanted for years, you idiot.
Don’t chicken out now.

“It’s okay to say no, Hannah,” Gideon said.

“No, it’s not,” Alaric stated unequivocally. “This will keep her

Hannah closed her eyes as her skin heated. “Just get it over with,
okay? I’m fine.”

“Just get it over with? I think not. I would never wolf down my food
with such a beautiful feast spread out before me.” Alaric laughed. “Trust me,
Hannah. You’ll be better than fine by the time we’re done with you.”

“I’m not that beautiful.”

“You are beautiful, and not simply on the outside. You are lovely
in your heart, which is more important,” Alaric said, moving his thumbs across
her pussy.

Hannah trembled. How would he know? Even the bond couldn’t tell
him that much about her, could it?

“He’s right,” Gideon said. “I’ve known you for years. You are the
most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

Hannah’s eyes flew open. She felt his certainty in her bones. “I
don’t know what to say,” she whispered, overwhelmed.

“You don’t need to say anything,” Gideon said softly. “Just

She tried to shake her head, but then Gideon kissed her and she
couldn’t think about her insecurities anymore. She’d made her decision. She
gasped into his mouth, jerking when his tongue touched her lip.

“Easy.” He stroked her arms, then moved to her breasts and played
with her nipples.

Oh my God.
She arched her back.
How can that feel so
She squeezed her eyes shut again and gritted her teeth against the
moans trying to break free. She liked what he was doing a lot.
Maybe too much.

“Yeah, that’s it, sweetheart. Just let go.” Gideon palmed her breasts.
“We’ll catch you.”

Hannah tried to relax, but when Alaric kissed her pussy, she lost
her battle with herself. There was no way she could keep all of her emotions
bottled up while he did that. She shuddered and let herself fly.


Chapter Seven


Gideon watched Hannah’s face as Alaric pleasured her, and instead
of feeling jealous and angry, his arousal only grew stronger. He shifted,
trying to relieve the pressure on his cock, but it didn’t help. His skin felt
too tight for his body. His mind burned with the emotions drifting through the
consort bond. Nothing in his life could have prepared him for this, and he
loved it. He loved being with Hannah and Alaric together. He stroked her
breasts soothingly, not wanting to overload her. Hannah gasped.

“Perfect,” he murmured, more to himself than to her. He’d hated
his orientation for most of his life, and he’d mistakenly tried to bury his
needs in the priesthood, and what happened? He’d still ended up with both a man
and woman in his bed. He’d ended up
with the former student he’d
fallen in love with years ago and a vampire who fulfilled his hidden desire for
a dangerous man.

This should teach me not to repress my instincts,
he thought wryly. Everything secret
always came out in the end. He watched Alaric’s mouth moving over Hannah’s clit
and wanted to feel that mouth on his cock. He wanted to lick Hannah until she
cried out his name. He wanted to love, and be loved.

“Oh God.” Hannah twisted in Gideon’s arms. “What is he doing to
me? How can that feel so good?”

“He’s sucking on your clit.” Gideon wanted to see her face as he
said the words. She didn’t disappoint, flushing pinker. “Do you like it?”

She nodded. Gideon smiled and kissed her again. She tasted like cherries
and vodka. She tasted like heaven.

“You have a gorgeous cunt, Hannah. I could watch him suck you all
night long.”

She cried out, eyes going dark at his words. Alaric smiled up at
him over her mound, then went back to his task.

He watched Alaric bring her right to the edge over and over again,
stopping just before she climaxed. Hannah didn’t seem to understand what he was
doing, but Gideon knew she’d figure it out soon enough. He flicked her sweet
pink nipples, loving the way she shuddered when he touched her. He shifted
again. His balls

“You’re still in your jeans, Gideon,” Alaric said, lifting his
head. His lips were wet with Hannah’s pleasure. “That must be uncomfortable.”
He slid his hands down her thighs and back up again, sinking his thumbs into
her core. Hannah moaned.

Gideon shook his head, too distracted by her pleasure to care
about his own discomfort. “I’ll be fine.”

“No, Alaric’s right. You shouldn’t be the only one here with
clothes on,” Hannah said breathlessly. Alaric still had his fingers in her

, he thought, mouth dry. He watched
Alaric draw his thumbs out and fuck them back inside. Her pink folds quivered.

“Gideon,” Hannah said as Alaric sat up. “Take off your jeans.”

He blinked. Gideon couldn’t believe she’d noticed his discomfort.
Tonight was all about her. Every woman’s first time deserved to be spectacular.

“He won’t be clothed for long,” Alaric said, moving onto the bed.

Before Gideon could react, the vampire had unzipped him and dragged
his pants down his legs. When air hit his dick, he shivered and gritted his
teeth. Even that stimulation was almost too much.

“Wow,” Hannah said, staring at his cock.

He frowned. He knew he was big, but he didn’t want her to be
frightened. “Don’t worry, Hannah. I’ll be very, very careful.” He knew she had
to be wondering how he would fit. He’d only had a few lovers, and all of them
had found his size intimidating.

“Indeed,” Alaric said, casually taking Gideon’s shaft in his hand.
“He will.”

Gideon groaned. He hadn’t expected the other man to suddenly touch
him like that, not that he was complaining. “What are you doing?” he gasped
out. His hips jerked.

“See, Hannah? He likes to be touched firmly. I’m sure he will
enjoy more delicate, teasing touches at times, but you can tell by the way his
body moves how much he likes this.” Alaric jacked him slowly, but solidly.

Gideon fisted the blankets, not sure when he’d lost control of
this situation. “Oh shit.”

Alaric tossed him a quick grin. Gideon didn’t care, as long as the
vampire kept doing what he was doing with his hands.

“Do you like touching him?” Hannah asked tentatively.

Gideon smiled at the hesitation in her voice. Her inexperience was
much more of a turn on than he’d anticipated.

“Of course.” Alaric’s voice was low and sensual. “He’s strong and
very, very handsome.”

Gideon glanced at Hannah, worried how she’d react to those words.
Would she be weirded out? When his gaze landed on hers, though, she seemed more
curious than disturbed, which was a good thing. When he looked at Alaric, the
vampire gave him another one of those cocky smiles. Gideon licked his lips as
he reminded himself that what they were doing was very dangerous.

And I can’t afford to let my emotions get in the way. Hannah is my
main priority.
pang of worry shot through him as he considered their situation. Right now, he
had everything he’d always wanted and never thought he could have. What if the
demon got in and hurt Hannah? He’d never forgive himself.

“Shh,” Alaric said, smoothing a hand up his thigh. “Don’t think about
it. Enjoy this moment.”

Gideon didn’t know how Alaric understood his worry, but his touch
soothed his unease. He shuddered and let his head fall back as Alaric handled
his erection.
I can’t fight this.
He was in bed with a vampire he’d seen
kill someone.
I’m going to hell.
Guilt lashed at him, but he ignored it.
He wasn’t sure he cared anymore.

“You’re going to climb on top of him and put his cock into your sweet
pussy, Hannah,” Alaric said, thumbing the tip of Gideon’s cock. “You’re going
to go slow, so you can feel every inch of him penetrating you.”

Gideon groaned. “I’m not going to last long if you keep talking
like that.”

Alaric let him go. “Are you ready?” he asked Hannah.

She shook her head. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready.” Her voice

She’s so young.
A rush of affection shot through Gideon. “Hannah.” He sat up and
gathered her close. “We won’t do anything you’re not ready for, despite what
Alaric says. You know that.”

She nodded and glanced at Alaric. The vampire waited patiently,
but Gideon knew he was thinking of the demon he’d mentioned. Hannah was the
most vulnerable of the three of them. Alaric’s worry trickled through the bond,
almost too faintly for Gideon to sense it.
controlling what we feel, somehow. Keeping us from knowing everything.
thought should have disturbed him, but instead he was pleased. If Alaric could
control it, so could Gideon.
I simply
need to learn how.

“I’m ready,” Hannah said, clearly oblivious to the undercurrents
flowing between Alaric and Gideon.

Not surprising. This
is a momentous occasion for her and she’s a bit distracted
. “You know I care for you,” he said,
stroking her hair.

“I care for you as well,” Alaric said softly. “It’s the nature of
the consort bond to love.”

Gideon lifted an eyebrow in surprise. It must have taken a great
deal for Alaric to admit that.

Alaric shrugged when their gazes met.

Not giving anything else away, hmm?

Alaric’s hand tightened on Gideon’s thigh and Gideon hid a smile
as he tipped up Hannah’s chin. “Kiss me,” he said. “Kiss me the way you’ve
always wanted to, but never could because I was a priest.” He let the words
sink in, relishing the flush of pleasure they gave her. “And your teacher.”

He saw her swallow hard before she leaned forward. The moment
their lips touched, he let himself fall back and lifted her onto him, tucking
his prick against her wet core. They both moaned, and then Alaric was there,
too, smoothing a hand down their bodies.

“Feel his heat? His strength? Rock your hips, Hannah. His cock
will give you pleasure. Put it where my lips suckled you.”

Hannah trembled, but did as Alaric instructed, sliding herself
back and forth. Gideon gritted his teeth and ordered himself to hang on. She needed
him to be in control and not shoot his load like a damn teenager.

“That’s it,” Alaric murmured, helping her sit up and straddle
Gideon once more. She threw her head back, hips moving more wildly now. Gideon
bit back a growl as her slickness coated him. She was so soft, and he was just
at the edge where pleasure met pain. Her weight was a subtle torture—he needed
more. A lot more.

“I’m ready,” she gasped unexpectedly.

Gideon looked up. Her hair formed a tousled halo around her head.
Her brown eyes were half-lidded with pleasure. He gripped her hands, then
guided them to his erection. Her mouth opened when she touched him. Gideon’s
hips thrust involuntarily, but then Alaric sat himself on Gideon’s thighs,
tucked right behind Hannah.
Sweet Jesus.
Gideon was unable to move.
Their combined weight trapped him.

“Lift up, Hannah,” Alaric said, helping her.

She knelt up, and the two of them took Gideon’s cock and placed it
at her entrance.

Dear God.
Gideon fought for control as he
felt her heat engulf the tip of his dick. The two of them were going to kill
him before this was all over. “Fuck me,” he begged. His voice came out low and
rough. “Come on.” He tried to thrust his hips, but Alaric held him down. The
sense of bondage excited him as much as knowing he’d be the first man to
penetrate Hannah’s body.
You are a perv
He clenched his eyes shut. Shame washed over him, but Alaric and Hannah’s
arousal pushed it away before it spiraled too far.
You’re not a priest anymore
, he reminded himself.
This isn’t a sin. And you love her,

“He feels good, doesn’t he?” Alaric murmured.

Gideon forced himself to watch Hannah’s face. She glanced down at
him, pink mouth open and Gideon had to shove his hands into the bedding. Better
he fist the blankets than bruise her delicate skin. He wanted to fuck and fuck
until he passed out. He wanted to slam inside her until she couldn’t tell one
body from another. From the heated look Alaric gave him, the vampire felt the
same way.

“I can’t believe we’re really here,” she whispered, surprising

Gideon took a deep breath. “I’m not your teacher anymore, Hannah.
You can have this.
can have this.” He said it aloud to convince

She shook her head and let herself sink down a little. “Yes, you
are. You’re still my teacher, Gideon.”

Gideon went still. He’d never imagined a few small words could make
him feel so big.

* * * *

Hannah fought to keep her balance. The last thing she wanted to do
was fall, and she didn’t know what the hell she was doing. Alaric put his hands
on her hips and steadied her.

“Take it slow,” he whispered into her ear. Waves of reassurance
flowed through the bond.

She nodded, letting her body inch down onto Gideon’s erection. He
was so big it ached to take him inside, but it also felt good. Really good. She
was more than ready for this, thanks to Alaric’s skill at pleasuring her. He
had her so revved up she thought she might explode if she didn’t climax soon.

“God,” she burst out when she’d made it halfway down Gideon’s
cock. It was hurting more now and she wasn’t sure what to do. “It’s too big.
He’s not going to fit.”

Alaric moved closer, pressing himself up against her back. He felt
good, too. His erection tucked hot and thick against the base of her spine.
“Let me help,” he said.

She swallowed as he slid an arm around her waist, then he reached
down and massaged her clit. Sparks of heat shot through her and her hips moved,
taking more of Gideon inside. The burn sharpened as her body stretched, but the
pleasure Alaric coaxed from her made the pain feel good, somehow. “What’s
happening?” she gasped. “This is impossible.”

“Let him in,” Alaric said.

She shook her head. “It’s too much.”

Gideon had his head thrown back. The muscles in his chest flexed
and she suddenly realized this must be torture for him. How often had he had
sex before this? If he’d had any lovers at all, it probably had been years,
maybe even decades since the last time he’d been intimate with one of them. He
was more than a decade older then she was, after all. “Gideon,” she said,
hoping he would be able to reassure her.

He looked at her, then over her shoulder at Alaric. “Take your
time, Hannah,” he said roughly. He ran his palms over her thighs. “You’re so
beautiful.” His hands shook.

She had to smile at those words. “I want more.”

His face tightened as he tried to lift his hips, but Alaric’s
weight kept him from moving. “Take what you want from me, sweetheart. I’ll
never hurt you.”

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