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Authors: C. C. Wood

Bite Me (15 page)

BOOK: Bite Me
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I woke with a start sometime later. I wasn’t sure what exactly woke me up, but somehow I just knew I was no longer in the bedroom alone. I sat up in the bed and reached for the lamp.


My hand stopped in mid-air. Oh shit, he sounded even more pissed than he had before he left earlier. I almost ignored him and turned the light on anyway because it was pitch black in the bedroom. Considering how angry he sounded, I wanted to be able to see his face. I felt so vulnerable knowing he could see me, but I couldn’t see him.

“Conner?” I asked quietly.

“Who else would it be, my dear?”

I jumped because his voice was right next to my ear and his brogue made shivers run down my spine. Not because it was sexy, which it was, but because I knew he was enraged, and I was pretty sure I knew why.

“Why are you still angry?” I kept my voice soft in an effort not to provoke him.

Conner shifted on the mattress. I thought to the end of the bed. I tried to keep track of his movements, but it was pitch black in the bedroom and I couldn’t rely on my eyes.

“Oh but I wasn’t angry when I came back downstairs, Donna. I was calm. It wasn’t until I tried to enter
fucking bedroom that I became angry again.”

I winced when he placed emphasis on ‘my’. I should have listened to that little voice earlier when she told me not to lock the door. She had her shit together. I obviously did not since I kept making the wrong decisions when it came to Conner.

“Um, listen, Conner, about that…”

“Don’t say another word.” His voice was low. “I can feel what you are feeling. I see what’s in your heart even if you don’t want to admit it. I won’t let you push me away, no matter how hard you try or how frustrated I get.” He paused. “Though I do think it’s only fair that I do the same for you.”

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was a little scared to speak. Finally, my curiosity got the better of me. “What do you mean, the same for me?” I asked.

“Frustrate you. Give you a taste of what you want but never truly give it to you until you’re ready to beg.”

The blanket over me began to slide down my body. I looked toward the place where I thought Conner was sitting.

“I still don’t understand,” I said.

Conner didn’t reply. Soon the blanket was completely gone, and I was lying on the bed in nothing but one of his T-shirts and a pair of panties. I jumped when I felt warm breath on my ankles, followed by the press of Conner’s lips to my skin. His hand cupped my foot and he pressed one thumb into the arch, giving my foot a firm caress from the arch to the bottom of my toes. His mouth moved up my leg to the side of my knee and goose bumps broke out on my skin. He repeated the process with my other leg, his mouth touching sensitive spots on my legs as his thumbs continued to work their magic on my feet. I never knew feet could be an erogenous zone.

I groaned softly as Conner released my feet and his hands slowly slid up the outside of my legs until they reached my panties. There was a sharp tug, and the material was gone. The hot swipe of his tongue ran up my thigh to my hipbone. I reached for him, but he moved away. His hands ran up my torso, moving the shirt up to my shoulders. I shivered when his fingers ran lightly over my breasts. Conner didn’t linger, only pulled the shirt off me.

Again I tried to put my hands on him, but he only evaded my touch.

“Conner,” I whispered.

He never replied. His hands glided over my skin, grazing my most sensitive areas with a whisper soft touch. I began to whimper because it felt wonderful, but he never gave more attention to any part of me than another. Every time I tried to touch him or guide his hands to where I wanted, he would move out of reach.

Just when I was ready to scream with frustration and arousal, he put his mouth to my breasts. Conner sucked one of my nipples into his mouth then released it and moved to the other. I arched my back, but he only licked a path from beneath my breast to the inside curve. I felt like my skin was on fire. This was torture.

Then his mouth was at my hip, sucking the skin. I knew he was marking me, and my legs moved restlessly. Though he could bite me and drink my blood, he seemed to enjoy leaving his mark on my skin. He did it regularly. Conner wrapped his hands around my thighs and shoved them apart. I clawed the sheets as his tongue slid over my clitoris.

“Ah!” My back left the bed as he sucked hard. It was almost too much to bear.

Suddenly he grabbed my hips and flipped me over to my stomach. Conner pulled me up on my knees, caging my legs between his, right before he thrust into me. I think I screamed. He moved, pulling out and moving in even deeper than before.

After the teasing touches and torture, this felt incredibly intense, as though he were trying to conquer me. Within seconds, I came.

Conner finally spoke. “Again,” he demanded, his hand moving the front of my body so he could press a finger onto my clit.

It usually took some time for me climax after the first orgasm, but Conner had built the heat inside me to the point that I came again almost immediately. I cried out and tried to crawl away. It was too much, so pleasurable it was almost painful. Conner curved his body over mine, holding me in place with his weight.

“You will take it, Donna. I want you to feel what I feel,” he said, his voice low and rough.

I tossed my head, throwing my hair out of my face. “It’s too much, Conner. Please.”

Another orgasm was building, almost burning inside me. I wasn’t sure I would survive it. I panted as Conner’s hips slammed into mine, so deep I could almost feel him in my throat. His mouth clamped over my neck and he sucked without breaking the skin with his fangs, and I knew he was leaving another mark on my skin.

“Please, Conner,” I begged.

“What, Donna?” he asked, his lips moving against my neck. “What do you want me to do?”

“Bite me. Please bite me.” Somehow the words tumbled from my mouth before I had a chance to think about what I was saying. Even though I craved the feelings his bite created, I feared what it would do to me. I hovered on the edge, desperate for the pleasure but afraid that it would be too much.

He chuckled but it was an evil sound. I shuddered as he sank his fangs into my neck and the orgasm slammed into me. It felt like Conner was ripping the pleasure from my body. I reached behind me and fisted a hand in his hair, holding his mouth against my throat. My entire body bucked beneath him, and I couldn’t hold back a scream.

Conner kept thrusting, drawing out the climax on a razor’s edge, never letting the pleasure end completely. He groaned deep in his throat as he came.

“You’re mine, Donna. You belong to me.”

In my passion-fogged mind, I agreed wholeheartedly, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it. Conner’s lips closed over the wound on my neck as he gently licked and sucked, using his saliva to help it heal. With each stroke of his mouth, my body shook uncontrollably from the aftershocks.

Conner rolled us so that he was stretched out on his back and I sprawled over his chest facedown. I rested my cheek on his pectoral and heard his heart beating. After a while, as my breathing returned to normal, I realized that vampires weren’t supposed to have heart beats. I moved so that my chin rested on my hands and I could look in the direction of his face. It was still too dark for me to see him, but I knew he could see me.

“How is your heart beating?” I asked. “I thought you wouldn’t have one.” I was also surprised I hadn’t noticed before, but I was usually too exhausted after sex to be my usual observant self.

He sighed and shifted beneath me. I could tell that my refusal to talk about what just happened between us was irritating him. The lamp on the nightstand clicked on and I squeezed my eyes shut. After spending all that time in complete darkness, even the dim light from the lamp seemed brilliant.

A few seconds later I was able to open my eyes into slits and glare at him.

“I’m not actually undead, Donna. I need blood to survive, but the blood still needs to circulate through my body or my limbs will start to decay. The entire process is complicated and extremely scientific. My body works differently than yours, but I can pass for human in many ways. Our ability to blend in has allowed vampire society to survive for millennia.” Even though he had been furious not long before, now Conner was infinitely patient with my questions about vampires, even though he had to give me the same answers repeatedly.

I continued to stare at Conner. Finally, I managed to gather my courage and my thoughts. I didn’t know why, but talking about my feelings never came naturally to me the way it did so many of my girlfriends.

“What you said earlier, about me belonging to you. You know that the belonging goes both ways, right? If I belong to you then you belong to me.” I sucked in a deep breath. Jesus, why was this so hard? “We belong to each other.”

Conner smiled at me slightly and ran a hand over my cheek before threading his fingers through my hair. “Yes, we do,” he answered.

I traced a finger over his pectoral, making random shapes on his skin. “There’s a lot I don’t know and understand about you, Conner. Not just you personally, but vampires in general.”

He sighed. “I haven’t educated you enough about the world I live in.”

I managed to meet his eyes. “I need to know now. I think I’ll be around for a while.”

“Awhile?” he asked, grinning at me.

“Yes, awhile.” I sounded defensive, but that was as far as I was willing to go in terms of commitment.

Conner pulled my face down to his for a kiss. “I guess that will do for now.”

I turned my head and rested my cheek on Conner’s chest. “Thank you.”

His hands stroked down my hair and my back and I relaxed into his body. “For what?” he asked.

“For not being pushy or annoyed because I need more time.” I sighed deeply, enjoying the feel of being petted like a cat.

Conner continued to run his hands through my hair. “I have plenty of time.”

Exhausted from the orgasms and relaxed from his soothing touch, my eyes began to get heavy.

As I drifted off to sleep, I heard him say, “Just don’t make me wait too long, my love.”



I woke up the next day with Conner behind me, his arms wrapped around me and holding me close. He must have turned the lights off after I fell asleep the night before because the room was pitch black again. That sucked because I was desperate to pee. I tried to wiggle out from Conner’s hold, but his grip only tightened and he buried his face into my hair. I patted at his arm but he kept sleeping.

“Conner, I need to get up.”

He grunted, and his arms loosened so I could move to the edge of the bed and turn on the lamp. I darted into the bathroom and took care of pressing business. After I washed my hands and face, I walked back out into the bedroom. Conner was face down on the bed, the sheets pooled just below his waist. I took a moment to appreciate the view before I went out into the living area. I had no clue what time it was, so I turned on the television and was shocked to see it was one in the afternoon.

I sighed and went ahead and made coffee anyway. After last night, I needed it. While I waited for the pot to brew, I grabbed my cell phone out of my bag and called my boss. I told him my grandmother was very sick and likely to pass away soon. I explained that I would need to be off work for a while, around two weeks, because I would need to help my mother care for her. My manager was sympathetic, but I could also tell he wasn’t happy to short a waitress. I just prayed that this whole mess was straightened out before I had to go back to work. Otherwise, I would be out of a job. I knew Conner was serious about taking care of my bills, but I really didn’t want to go there. Just the thought made me tense.

After the coffee finished brewing, I sat at the bar to drink my first cup. I realized that my entire life had changed within the course of days. I was basically living with a vampire and, despite my best efforts not to, I had fallen in love with him. It was scary as hell. Eventually Conner would want to turn me, and I would let him. I thought about what he’d said to me about cutting ties with my family. My parents were still alive. Would they have to someday think that their daughter was dead because they would start to catch on that I wasn’t aging? Then there were my friends. Ivie, Ricki, Shannon, and Kerry were like sisters to me. I would have to leave them behind as well. I loved them like sisters. The thought of giving them up made my heart ache.

My eyes misted over with tears. I would also be giving up my ability to have children. I always thought I had time, and there was no rush, but kids had still been in my future plans. Now I wouldn’t have any at all. I would miss out on all the things normal people did without second thought.

Though if I had children I would have to let them make the choice to grow old and die or to turn vampire. If I was even allowed to make my children vampires. Goddammit, there were too many things about vampire culture that I didn’t know. I hated being ignorant of things that I knew would be important. I sniffed and wiped away a tear that fell from my eye. I also hated to fucking cry. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to will away the wetness in my eyes.

BOOK: Bite Me
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