Bite (Bloodlines Book 1) (3 page)

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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Bite (Bloodlines Book 1)
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“I would think if the information comes from our files, it would be pretty accurate,” Dean told her.

“I don’t know,” she argued. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to only put in the details they don’t mind us knowing about?”

“They’ve been around too long for the Organization not to know almost everything,” he told her.

“Okay.” She put their SUV into reverse and started to back out of the alley. She still thought her partner was wrong but only time would tell. The more she could watch Kieran, the better idea she would have about how Walkers worked.

Beside her, Dean was speaking to Gabe about arranging a more detailed surveillance on Kieran. Gabe worked on a team with Dare, a bear shifter, and Riley, a fox shifter. Their team backed her and Dean the most. There were currently four squads of agents in the Las Vegas area. Her boss, Marcello Sparro, had concerns about the number of supernaturals who were arriving in town. There was talk about recruiting more agents.

Secretly that was the reason that Kieran had been directed to vacation here. Dakota didn’t know why Caspar wouldn’t just tell Kieran what was going on. Instead Caspar had told Kieran he needed time off, and told Dean to keep an eye on the Walker. She wondered what else they didn’t know.

As she drove south, heading to the Organization headquarters, she kept her eye out for Kieran. There was a good chance that he might follow them. To her knowledge, Kieran didn’t know where their office was located, and that information would be beneficial to him to find if he was planning anything against them. It wasn’t like he’d be able to type them into a Google search or look for them in the phone book. They didn’t exist to the outside world.

While the general public might be aware that shifters existed, they had no clue what still remained in the shadows. Day Walkers were the closest thing to what people would call vampires. Yes, Walkers drank blood, had superior senses and were the scariest in the supernatural world, but they were also the rarest. And all the myths about vampires and how to kill them were pretty much bullshit from what her research had shown. Crosses, garlic and wooden stakes had no more control over them than they would on a human or shifter.

It was interesting the way humans had accepted shifters easily enough and yet had never thought to ask what else was out there.

Dakota made a left on Falcon Ave, which would lead her right into the underground parking garage of the Murphy Institute—the cover corporation for the Las Vegas Organization’s units.

The Murphy Institute took half a block and rose three stories high. The dark brick hid one of the most advanced businesses in the country. Everything inside, from the labs, temporary housing and lock-up to the sleek offices were all state of the art. It could be a little intimidating the first time someone walked through the doors but Dakota loved it there. It sure as hell beat her training days of camping out for months at a time, constant cold and wetness, and the dorms she’d grown up living in.

Unlike most of her coworkers, Dakota lived on site. She didn’t see the point of getting her own place, since at any time she could be sent away for a temporary assignment or for a permanent relocation. Why get comfortable when in a second she could be gone? Her partner was the total opposite but he had more contact with his family than most agents.

Dakota hadn’t spoken to her parents or siblings since she was a teenager. It was just too hard to hear about how well her family was doing when she’d never be allowed to join them. She had five siblings, two of whom she’d never even met. Not that she didn’t keep an eye on them, but she kept it strictly to her files and under surveillance. She made no effort to contact them and they didn’t even seem to think about her, ever.

She shook her depressing thoughts away. This was her life, and for the most part, she enjoyed what she did. As the eldest child, it was her duty to follow the agreement that her ancestors had made. She was a third-generation agent and her family depended on her to watch out for the innocent.

“We’re here,” she told Dean as she slowed to a stop at the guard gate leading into the underground parking. Her vehicle was equipped with a tracking device and a bar scan on the window so the sensors could pick her up, but she still had to show her ID to get inside.

She rolled down her window before she flipped open her identification. “Hey, Margie,” she greeted the guard on duty.

“Hi, Dakota, Dean.” Margie walked up to the driver side. She peered in the back. “Three?” she asked.

“Yes,” Dakota confirmed. “We’ll take them directly to the third-floor lock-up.”

Since the shifter suspects had targeted humans, her and Dean’s job was to get them processed so the law-enforcement agents could be informed. They’d call in either the local police or use the newly formed Shifter Coalition, depending on how severe the crime was. With these three jokers, Dakota guessed it would be the locals who would have to come pick them up.

The Shifter Coalition worked more like the FBI or Homeland Security but was run entirely by shifters. Their presence was common knowledge as shifters had publically started the agency so that humans knew nonhumans were being policed as well. Dakota had only met a couple of Coalition agents since they’d opened an office close by but those she’d met seemed to be good people. It didn’t bother her that they were in her town. It actually helped. While the Coalition took the more public cases and had to work within human laws, Dakota and the Organization could continue to slink around in the shadows.

“This is it,” she said to her passengers.

“Where are we and what in the hell was that man earlier? He wasn’t a shifter and he sure wasn’t human,” the big guy asked.

Dakota glanced up into the rear-view mirror so she could see his eyes. “This is the final stop of our tour. You’ll be passed off to the cops from here.”

“Cops!” he shouted. “I should be the one pressing charges. That man was a lunatic.”

“That man could have killed you and no one would have ever known,” Dakota said honestly. “Instead he called for us to pick you up. You should count yourself lucky.”

The prisoner snorted. “Yeah right.”

“And if you know what’s good for you,” Dean added, looking over into the back seat, “you’ll make sure your paths never cross again.”

Dakota pressed her lips tight to hide her smile. The way all three prisoners paled spoke volumes.

“What was he?” the youngest looking asked in a whisper.

“You best pray you never find out,” she warned.

He nodded frantically.


Chapter Two




“No, Remy,” Kieran growled into the phone. “I do not need you to come up here and keep an eye on me.”

“I didn’t say keep an eye on you. I just thought you might want some company,” Remy argued.

“I don’t,” Kieran said firmly.

“Yeah right.” Remy snorted. “That’s why you went hunting earlier?”

Kieran didn’t know who Remy had heard that from but he’d put his money on Lettie. The woman never had learned to mind her own business. He’d call her on it but Lettie would just cluck at him and probably wouldn’t let him play with her newest toys if he pissed her off too much. “I was just in the neighborhood. Now I’m back at my hotel and getting into the shower.”

That was sort of the truth. He’d gone straight back to the room he’d gotten when he’d arrived in town but he’d quickly packed his things and sneaked out. His hotel had been off Strip but he’d decided it would be better to hide in plain sight. He’d moved to a better-known place right in the middle of the action. It would make it harder for Caspar’s spies to find him. Give Kieran time to start stalking them first. But he did plan to take a shower, so he wasn’t actually lying.

“Come on, K,” Remy whined. “I like Vegas.”

“You like all the pretty lights and sexy woman,” Kieran replied. “You hate the crowds, noise and smells of the big city. Just stay with your family and turn into a furry beast. I don’t need you here.”

Remy sighed. “Fine, but if you get into any trouble, you know our boss will send me anyway so you better be on your best behavior.”

Okay, so hunting hadn’t been the greatest of ideas, but he’d found out Caspar had put babysitters on him so it hadn’t been totally wasted. “Caspar won’t hear a peep from me,” he promised. As long as he could keep Dean off his trail—and that shouldn’t be too hard—he figured he could stay under the radar. Maybe he’d call his boss and tell him he was moving on. No, Caspar would grow suspicious. He’d just bide his time and watch those who were supposed to be watching him.

Kieran could hear a lot of racket coming from Remy’s side of the phone.

“Remind me again why I came home?” Remy asked, sounding frustrated.

“You love your family,” Kieran answered him. A wolf shifter needed pack, and it was hard for Remy to be on his own. Kieran figured that was why they’d become such good friends. Remy’s shifter side craved the closeness of others.

“I’ll stay a couple more days but maybe I’ll join you for the last week. I need a vacation from my vacation.”

“Okay,” Kieran laughed. “That’ll work.” He just had to get rid of Dean and that sexy shifter first.
No! Damn it, Dakota is not sexy, she’s an animal
. And the only animal that Kieran could ever stand was his best friend.

“I’ve got to go,” Remy said as a woman shouted his name. “Call me if you need anything.” He hung up before Kieran could respond.

Kieran shook his head as he placed his phone on the nightstand next to his king-size bed. He’d checked into one of the nicest suites that the hotel had to offer. The room had a large bedroom with an adjoining bathroom, a living area with a wet bar, flat-screen television, a smaller dining area, and a good-sized kitchen. It was a lot more expensive than the room that he’d left but it was luxurious, which he appreciated.

He hadn’t checked out of his old room, keeping the charges open on his company card. If his purchases were being monitored, this suite wouldn’t be found. He’d used his personal card under a false identity that he had set up many years ago. He’d learned a trick or two in his time with the Organization. Not even Remy or Angel would be able to track him down now.

The staff had brought up the extra blankets and pillows he’d requested and dinner should arrive in another half an hour. Kieran piled the bed with the extra covers and pillows, making a soft and comfortable nest much like his bed at home.

Since his body ran cooler than a human’s, Kieran preferred to sleep buried in the coziness of blankets. It was something he allowed himself that very few people knew about. He was old enough to know craving comfort wasn’t really a weakness but Kieran wasn’t used to sharing any part of himself at all. It was hard for him to accept that what others learned about him wouldn’t be used later to hurt him. Only his partners knew his secret but he was sure they’d take it to the grave. Kieran finished throwing the covers on then sauntered to the bathroom.

White tiles and dark-green marble covered the walls, floor and shower stall. There was a vanity with two sinks and plenty of counter space. He’d already unpacked his bag and set his toiletries out. Next to the large glass shower was a huge sunken-in Jacuzzi tub. He might relax in there later but at the moment he just wanted to wash the scent of sweat and city off him. Getting Dakota’s shifter’s smell off him would also help him relax. It was barely there, but Dakota’s sweet aroma seemed to haunt him.

He turned the water on hot before he began to strip off his clothes. He’d throw them into the dry-cleaning bag provided on the back of the bathroom door and would have them cleaned later. He did enjoy not having to find a laundromat and washing his own clothes. Maybe he should have a hotel to live in when he returned home. Nah, too many people around, and he’d get tired of it.

Once naked, he stepped into the shower and groaned as the water cascaded over his shoulders. Three different shower heads rained a refreshing stream over him and it felt amazing. He grabbed the shower gel he’d set on the ledge earlier and poured some into his hand. He quickly scrubbed his body then went about washing his hair. It felt good to be clean again, and the only scent he could now pick up was the light spice from his soap.

He was probably cutting it close to the time his dinner would arrive but Kieran had one more piece of business to take care of. He grabbed his body wash again and added more to his hand before he gripped his hard shaft. Even though he could no longer pick up on Dakota’s orange and cinnamon fragrance that had clung to him since she’d touched him, his cock was still rock hard. And what the hell had been up with that? No one touched him—ever. Not even his two partners, who he was closer to than anyone else.

Just remembering the heat from her hand had him closing his eyes while leaning back against the wet tiles. Kieran ran his thumb over the head of his cock before he stroked down. The heat from the shower helped warm him but he wondered if Dakota’s palm would heat him up in the same way if her hand replaced his. He gasped as the thought had his balls aching and his cock twitching.

Kieran had slept with plenty of humans after he’d joined the Organization. Shifters? That was different. What those animals had done to him in captivity could not be called sex.

No! He wouldn’t think about them. Not when he was hard and ready to come. Kieran tightened his grip as he reached down with his other hand and started to tug gently on his balls.
Oh fuck, that feels good
. Faster, rougher, he jacked himself off. If Dakota were in the shower with him, this would be the moment he would push her down to her knees. Yes, he could picture himself stroking off with Dakota in front of him with her mouth open. He’d position the head of his cock at her mouth… He grunted as he came. Kieran kept rubbing his shaft until his seed covered the tiled floor and was washed away.

He turned toward the water and rinsed off.

Now that he was clean, sated and relaxed, he was starving. He hoped his food would arrive soon. He turned off the faucets before he grabbed a white fluffy towel off the warmer.

Ah, he moaned as he dragged the fabric over his body. He finished off by scrubbing his hair with it. Once he was dry, he dropped the towel into the pile with his clothes and strolled back into the bedroom. He picked up a pair of thick pajama bottoms and pulled them on as a knock sounded at the suite door.

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