Bishop's Angel (7 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

BOOK: Bishop's Angel
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What was it about her that made wanting her
come so quick and easy? Sure, she was easy on the eyes, but there
was more to it than that. He’d noticed it the first night, when
he’d flipped the light on and peered into her frightened eyes.
Bishop had been with a lot of women over the years, and not one of
them had left such a strong imprint on him that she was all he
could think about.

His thoughts drifted back to Bronco Bill’s,
and the sight of her riding Bully Boy. She’d looked wild and free,
with her hair flying and her body gyrating to and fro. Watching her
had turned him on, and he’d forgotten all about his friends. His
concentration had been on Angel and what it would feel like having
her ride his cock with that kind of abandon.

Shaking his head, Bishop knew he had it bad.
Now that he’d had a taste of something decent in his life he
couldn’t see going back. Maybe too many years of shit were enough.
He began to unbutton his shirt, driven by his intensive need for
Angel, and the hard-on throbbing behind his zipper.


Barnie was lying curled up on the pillow
next to Angel, and opened one eye to look up at him. Too bad he was
going to have to give up his soft bed. Bishop pulled the snap to
his jeans and lowered the zipper, his gaze feasting on the
seductive Angel and the gentle rise and fall of her breasts. As if
sensing he was there she moved slightly until she was on her back.
Then he saw the glimmer of her eyes against the darkness.

“Bishop?” Her tone was low and raspy with

“I hope you weren’t expecting someone else.”
He gently lowered himself over her. “You’ve been on my mind all
damned day.”

A sound of pleasure escaped her, and she
wrapped her arms around his neck. “Oh,” she moaned again, arching
her lower body into his. “You brought me home a present.”

Bishop could feel her smile on his lips,
smiling in turn. The hint of mint laced her breath, telling him
she’d brushed her teeth before going to bed. He ran his hands up
her sides, thumbing her nipples when he reached them. Then his
hands cupped her cheeks and he kissed her, opening her mouth with
the pressure of his so their tongues could mesh.

As their kiss continued the passion grew
between them. Angel’s movements indicated she was turned on as she
twisted beneath him. Her hands caressed over his shoulders and down
his back, cupping his buttocks before moving up his back again.
Bishop thrust his cock between her legs, over the soft material
covering her mound. But it wasn’t enough. He wanted, needed to feel
her naked flesh, her wet pussy, against him.

Whimpers, groans and moans echoed around
them, filling the room with their intimate sounds of pleasure.
Bishop’s hands roamed all over Angel, before pulling her shorts
down and off. He kissed his way back up her body, making love to
her feet, legs, knees, and thighs until reaching his destination,
and heaven. He kissed, tongued, and nipped at her plump pussy lips,
labia, and clit, before burying his tongue deep inside her

“Bishop!” Angel squirmed wildly, clenching
her hands into his shoulders. “That feels so good!”

“God you taste sweet,” Bishop said, slowly
moving up her body. He quickly pulled her camisole over her head,
and then moved on to her breasts. While kissing and sucking at her
nipples he reached for the condom he’d slipped from his pocket
earlier. Ripping it open with his teeth he yanked it out and gave
it to Angel.

She reached between them and rolled it over
his cock.

“Aaaaaaargh!” he groaned roughly, sinking
deep inside her welcoming body. Then, pulling her legs up his
chest, and over his shoulders, he began to thrust, fast and
furious, bringing them both sweet, violent release.






“Hey, Rip, how’s it going man?”

Bishop cringed inwardly at his abbreviated
nickname and acknowledged Wizard’s welcome with a nod in his
direction. “Enjoying the time off, you?”

Wizard nodded. “Yeah, me too. Hope this one
lasts a little longer.” His gaze switched to Angel, and there was a
little more than interest in his brown eyes. “Who’s the pretty

“Angel, this is Wizard.”

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled, offering him
her hand. Wizard had sun-bleached hair, a little longer than
Bishops. He was tall and lanky, and though his tee-shirt indicated
he wasn’t overly muscled, Angel could see the strength and power in
his bare, tattooed arms and hands.

“Likewise, ma’am.”

“Angel’s been staying at my sister’s place
while she and her husband are away on a cruise,” Bishop explained,
laying his arm casually over the back of Angel’s shoulders.

“A friend of the family,” Wizard commented.
His hand engulfed Angel’s. “So, she’s like a sister,” he teased
with a wink.

Bishop chuckled, knowing exactly where
Wizard was going. His friend had yet to release Angel’s hand, so
Bishop reached forward and gently broke their contact. “Hell no.
Not in any way. She might be like a sister to Diana, but that
doesn’t apply to me.”

Wizard’s bellow of laughter followed them as
they walked off. “I like him,” Angel said as they walked toward a
group lingering by the pool.

“Ripper!” An enthusiastic voice welcomed as
they neared the group.

“Ripper?” Angel asked, looking up at Bishop.
“As in Jack the Ripper?” she teased.

Bishop shook his head with a grim look.
Maybe he should have said yes to Jack the Ripper. He supposed he’d
eventually have to tell Angel how he came by his nickname, but if
it were left up to him she’d never find out. He could only hope
none of his friends thought they were doing him a favor by telling
her. As much as he didn’t want her to find out that Ripper came
from his deadly use of a knife, he did want to be the one to tell

“You never did tell me what your team calls
you, or why.”

Christ…had she read his mind? Bishop only
smiled down at her, thankful they’d finally reached his friends.
“Everyone I’d like you to meet Angel. Angel, this is Herc,” he
nodded, “Razor,” he raised his beer, “and John.”

“John?” she said in a surprised tone.
“Bishop told me you all came by your names because of something you
were associated with.”

John laughed. “I know where this is going.
But John is my real name. I’m the only one here who isn’t in the

“And he’s the only one here smart enough to
be married,” said a pretty woman slipping out the back door of
their house. She set a tray down on the table next to the grill and
then turned and offered Angel her hand. “Hi Angel, I’m Misty.”

“Nice to meet you. Do you need any

Misty exchanged an amused look with Bishop.
“I like her already. It’s about time you showed up here with
someone as smart as she is pretty.” As she turned to go back into
the house she grabbed Angel by the arm.

Bishop’s gaze followed Angel, taking in the
sexy swing of her butt beneath the shorts she was wearing. If he
squinted hard enough he could just about make out the line of her
lacy panties. He swallowed hard, struggling to control his reaction
to watching her move. It seemed that everything she did turned him
on and made him feel good. Every time he possessed her, instead of
being sated, he wanted her even more. That realization pissed him
off, because he knew better than to let himself get involved to the
extent that it could compromise his actions and decisions

He had to have a clear head when he was on
an assignment. That meant he was under control at all times, and
the only thing on his mind was that mission. They could get a call
to return to base at any time, and for the first time in his career
he began to wonder if he’d be able to flip the switch. He had to
know he could turn his emotions off when he went into battle.

“Hey, man, you look like you’re having a
fight with yourself.”

John and Bishop had been friends since
middle school, and had planned on joining the service together when
the time came. What John hadn’t planned on was being in a
life-altering car accident that left him with a permanent limp. In
spite of the separation they’d remained good friends, and had kept
in contact by various means of communication.

Bishop accepted the cold beer John handed
him. He took a long swallow, his gaze going to the pool where Herc
and Razor had joined their female friends. It was obvious by their
barely there bikinis and slutty actions what they wanted from his
friends. Hell, they were exactly the kind of women he needed to
keep things in perspective.

He met John’s eyes, shrugging. “I think I
might have made a mistake.”

John wasn’t dense, and even though Bishop
hadn’t been around much in the last decade, their emails and phone
calls to each other had kept them abreast of what was going on in
each other’s lives. They were as close as brothers. “You mean with
Angel?” Bishop nodded reluctantly. “She seems like a nice girl,

“She is nice. That’s the problem. I’ve had
so much shit in my life that I snatched up the first good thing I
could get my hands on when I came home.” He let out a humorous
laugh. “Hell, she didn’t stand a chance. As soon as I looked into
her eyes I wanted her.”

“So? What’s the problem?” John moved to the
grill and picked up the tray of steaks. “You deserve good things in
your life.”

Bishop let out a deep breath. “She’s not an
object, and she sure as hell isn’t like” he nodded toward the
giggling, half-nude girls in the pool, “the women I usually get
involved with.”

“You mean Bambi and Fawn?” Smoke bellowed up
toward John’s face as he added the meat onto the grill. He jumped

Bishop almost spit out his beer. “Are you
kidding?” John nodded. “Well, if that isn’t obvious. I’m surprised
Misty allows them here, knowing what they are.”

“Misty is the perfect female, my

“Did I hear my name and ‘perfect’ in the
same sentence?” A teasing female voice asked as Misty and Angel
reappeared from inside the house. Smiling, Misty sat a large bowl
of chilled shrimp and cocktail sauce on the table.

“You did, honey.” He flipped a steak

Angel placed a stack of paper plates,
napkins, and silverware next to the shrimp. Bishop reached for a
shrimp, dipped it into the sauce, and offered the first bite to
her. Their gazes met as her mouth closed over the offering, and
like the strike of a match, desire flared between them, just like
that. Bishop clenched his teeth, struggling to ignore the punch of
awareness in his gut.

“Fuck it,” he groaned low, giving Angel a
hard kiss. He meant to keep it brief but the instant their lips
meshed it was as if something was keeping them fused together.
After a couple of comments, and someone clearing their voice, he
pulled away.

“I hope you don’t expect me to do anything
like that with you while we’re here.”

Because she was looking past him toward the
others, Bishop turned his head to see what she was talking about.
Herc had picked up his girlfriend and was tickling her belly with
his tongue. Razor was nuzzling his face in the overlarge breasts of
his date, and twitching enough to tell him what her movements
beneath the surface of the water meant.
That was me not long

Angel opened her mouth when he offered her
the rest of the shrimp. “You mean you don’t want me nuzzling your
breasts?” He asked in a low tone, for her ears only. “You don’t
want my tongue on you?” He found the flare of awareness in her eyes
mesmerizing. “I’d like nothing more right now than to be kissing
every square inch of your naked body.”

“You don’t play fair,” Angel complained in
barely a whisper.

“That’s all part of the fun, honey.” He
winked at her.

“Oh? I don’t know if I like this kind of
,” she said. “The thought of you kissing me all
over just made me soak my panties. If you’re a good boy maybe I’ll
let you have a taste when we get home. ” She turned and walked

The little witch!
Bishop took a sip
of his beer, a smile hovering over his face as Angel had managed to
turn the tables on him without half-trying. He should remember she
wasn’t just a pretty piece of ass. She had a brain, unlike the
bimbos his friends had brought with them. The sound of a woman
screaming drew his attention to the pool. Busty had removed her top
and was playing the frightened virgin scene. Herc was all over her,
and Wizard was filming the whole damn thing. He shook his head.

“Steaks are ready!” John plopped the platter
down in the middle of the table.

Bishop swung around and reached for a piece
of celery in the salad bowl. In no time everyone was making their
way to the table. He hoped Angel hurried up and sat down next to
him, because he didn’t like the way Busty was suddenly eyeing him.
She had the look of a hungry shark.

“Well, hello. Another handsome Navy SEAL.”
She slithered next to him to make room for Herc on the other side
of her. “My name is Candy. Looks like Tawny and I are going to have
to share you, honey.”

Didn’t John say their names were Bambi and
Fawn? Bishop glanced questioningly at John when hearing the name
Tawny. John was reaching for a steak, and shrugged it off as if to
say, ‘doesn’t really matter.’

“You are a SEAL, aren’t you, honey?”

The woman was older than he’d first thought,
and was wearing enough makeup to cover the entire cast of a
burlesque show. “Yes, ma’am.”
Where the hell is Angel?
fixed a baked potato, trying to ignore Candy, who was either a club
dancer, barfly, or prostitute, politely. He glanced at Wizard.
“Where’s your date?”

He spoke around a mouthful. “Couldn’t get
her out of bed, man. Wore her out.”

Laughter erupted around the table. “Yeah,
right!” John said in a disbelieving tone.

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