Birthright - Book 2 of the Legacy Series (An Urban Fantasy Novel) (36 page)

Read Birthright - Book 2 of the Legacy Series (An Urban Fantasy Novel) Online

Authors: Ryan Attard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Dark Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Birthright - Book 2 of the Legacy Series (An Urban Fantasy Novel)
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Crowley’s eyes still shifted from side to side. I wasn’t worried – I could sense his death coming. His eyes were moving reflexively.

I smiled. It was a fitting end.

The last thing Crowley saw before crumbling into dust was the symbol for serenity that I had burned into my talisman. How poetic.

Serenity. Tenzin.

I hope it gets branded into Crowley as he burns in hell.


Crowley’s remains crumbled into ash and the wind swept them away. I bent down to pull out Djinn, but it held fast. I no longer had the strength to pull my own sword from the ground. Now that magic no longer nourished my body, I felt the exhaustion accumulated since I left the burning warehouse a million years ago.

I couldn’t take it. My body needed rest and forced it on me. My mind went blank, and the last thing I remember was lying face down on the cold ice.




Sun Tzu’s hands had been clenched throughout my story. “What happened afterwards?” he asked. His grip relaxed.

“I woke up two days later buried in snow,” I replied. My hand snaked around the two empty whiskey bottles and clasped a half-finished third. For a second, I considered forgoing the use of a glass – I had drunk half of our supply anyhow. But I poured more liquid courage into the glass out of courtesy to Sun Tzu. He was still nursing his second glass.

“Turns out my healing power needed some time to recharge,” I continued. The liquid didn’t even burn as it descended down my throat. “So, two days in a coma and I was good as new.” I poured another shot. “I was so freaked out by the whole experience. I saw myself become something I couldn’t describe. I mean, I get it, you know. We use magic – we create stuff that’s not ordinary. We manipulate science. I get that. But when I felt that connection–” I paused and tried not to freak out too much. It’s been years since I had thought about that day. I mean, yeah, it’s always been there like a sore spot at the back of my head, but I’d never brought it to the spotlight.

“That was more power than any person should have.” I exhaled. “So, after I came to, I tried feeling out for power again. I thought it was the forest, but I found nothing. Now, I’m starting to think that whatever’s inside me tugged on the core power of the plane.”

“Yeah, you’re just about right.” Amaymon was in human form with his legs propped up on another table. He had a bottle of Jager all to himself. “Ain’t no forest got power. When people say they feel a particular place’s got a certain aura, they’re talkin’ about a Nexus. But when you went all He-Man, that wasn’t no Nexus. You pulled on the plane’s power. This entire universe, this entire plane of existence, was pumpin’ you up.”

“So, that’s my secret ability?” I asked incredulously. “Leech off the damn planet?”

“Not quite,” said Sun Tzu. “I believe that Crowley might have given you the answers which you seek.”

“Oh, this should be good.”

Sun Tzu ignored me. “I believed he mentioned Prime, did he not?”


“I am led to believe that he was referring to Chi, the energy of life,” he said. “That is your ability.”

“I’m confused.”

“Ain’t that a surprise,” remarked Amaymon. “Listen up. This thing called Prime, it goes by many names. Prime, Core, Spark, Chi — whatever. Even Life magic. It all refers to the same thing. It’s the energy that created the universe and keeps it spinning. It’s what links the dimensions and planes together. It creates bonds between different planes, between man and magic.”

I stared at Amaymon, trying to comprehend what he had just said.

“So, in essence, I control the fabric of life?” I asked.

“From what I heard and saw, it controls you,” he said with a smirk.

“You get what the hell you’re suggesting?” I asked. “I can’t even light a damn candle without rolling in pain–”

“Which is often hilarious.”

“–so how is it possible that I control Life magic or Prime or whatever it’s called? It’s just insane.”

“But a link definitely exists,” said Sun Tzu.

“A link to what?” My voice grew hysterical. “It’s a power that exists in mythology.”

“And you live in a world where mythology and reality often intersect,” said Sun Tzu. His voice was stern, like a headmaster reprimanding a child. “Tenzin told you to accept who you are. Honor him and heed his advice.”

I shut up and listened. Talking about Tenzin had been hard enough. Now, Sun Tzu was using that against me. Well, it might have been for my own good, but that didn’t mean I had to like it.


“Okay, so I have this power,” I said with a self-defeated tone. “So, what now?”

Sun Tzu’s eyes softened a fraction. “You must understand the nature of your power. When lost, one must retrace one’s steps and start the journey anew. You must learn who you are again.”

“You got power,” said Amaymon. He must have felt the need to dumb it down for me.

My familiar knew me so well.

“You got the power, whatever it is,” he went on. “Once you understand it, you can control it.”

“And how do I do that?” I asked.

“Call me when you find out,” he said as he raised his shoulders. I sighed.

Basically, I had to understand a power I knew nothing about, without any outside help or clues of any kind. It’s linked to my healing, the shadows and Life magic, or whatever it’s called. Oh, and I had to solve it quickly, because according to Amaymon and Mephisto, without this power, we had no chance against the Sins.

Hold my calls – this might take a while.

“Perhaps you could ask your sibling for advice,” suggested Sun Tzu. “I am certain that, as your twin, she must be experiencing a flux of power herself. Remember, this power affects both of you.”

“I’m not exactly on the best of terms with her,” I replied. “This discussion might just send us back to hating each other’s guts.”

“But you must look past your differences,” insisted the Asian. “This is no time for petty squabbles. The fate of the universe is at stake here.” His voice was more aggressive.

“Geez, okay, okay,” I said, taken back. “I’ll talk to her.”

Sun Tzu calmed down. Not that he had moved or indicated any change in his serene composure. It was the aura around him — it went from calm, to highly aggressive, to peaceful again. Amaymon tutted. Sun Tzu shot him a look, and the demon’s eyes clearly indicated that he had discovered some insight on Tzu’s nature, but intended to keep it a secret.

“Speaking of ice,” Amaymon said, breaking the sudden tension. “What happened once you thawed out? How’d you make it down the mountain?”

I nodded. That was the hint — change the subject before things get too bad. And I did not want to mess with Sun Tzu. Never, ever, screw around with old kung-fu guys. It rarely ends well.

“Same way I got there,” I said. “I walked.”


Approximately 8 years ago


I did not stop by the mansion on my way back to the city. I had seen enough pain and destruction and had no desire to see any more. Gil had made it clear that I wasn’t welcome there – not that I would have returned.

I wanted to get out of that forest. I wanted, no, I needed to detach myself from that power.
Never again
, I thought. I will never experience that again, as long as I get the hell away from Trinity and Gil, and the mansion, and the whole can of worms. I would go back to the city and start fresh.

Tenzin had inspired me to do what he did. I could wander around helping others. There were plenty of monsters around, might as well use my power for some good. God knows there were better warlocks than me, but they all did it for profit. Like my whole damn family.

No, I decided, I will not be like that. I will not be a warlock. I will be my own person – just a guy with magic and a shiny sword. And I won’t make money my priority. I will carry out Tenzin’s legacy.

Doing kindness for the sake of kindness.

Heck, someone had to be the good guy, and I didn’t see anyone else stepping up. Someone had to protect the underdog. I will fight for them, making sure that monsters don’t take away their lives and families like Crowley and Dad did mine. I am powerful, and I will do the right thing.

Not a lot of sixteen-year-olds say that. But as I said before, I don’t fall into the ‘normal’ category. It felt good to come to that conclusion – it felt right. This was my calling, and I accepted it.


The opportunity came about two weeks later. Call it whatever you want: divine intervention, luck, probability.

I call it catching a break.

He was the owner of several clubs around the city. I distinctly remember him from my night escapades when I used to sneak out for a bit of fun.

This club was more of a lounge, and it was crappy at that. The place looked like a mess-and-a-half, with termite-ridden furniture, cracked walls, and a paint job from World War One. He told me it hadn’t been used for years, decades even. He had inherited it, like he had with the other clubs, but it was too far from the populated areas and just too damn small. The owner was in a ton of debt already, so he couldn’t afford to upgrade it. Two clubs were enough, he had told me.

So, he was looking to get rid of the place. He said it would make a nice office, if my standards weren’t too high. Only problem was, he couldn’t get rid of the place yet. Not when a family of poltergeists had taken up residence.

And that’s where I came into the picture. I had told him I’d take care of it. He wanted to call Child Protective Services. I showed him Djinn. He told me all about the place and left me to my devices. Turns out, I didn’t need a friendly magic dog – I had a glowing magic sword.

I’m not going to recount every single detail of the event, that’s for another time. But the gist of it is that I won and the poltergeists lost. Not that they had presented much of a challenge. Some of them tried to fight. Most just panicked. All were noisy. Why is it that guys who can’t handle themselves always yell the loudest? It’s just annoying. By the time I was finished with them, only an antique boom box remained, which had MC Hammer’s
“Can’t Touch This”
looping through it. I’m not one for rap music, but after the second
“Stop! Hammer time,”
I began to appreciate that eighty’s classic.

Besides, it drowned the poltergeists’ incessant yelling, which was a bonus.

The guy who hired me had been in league with the damn things all along. He had no money to pay me with, as he never expected me to make it out in one piece. So, I pinned him down, did a light show with Djinn, and demanded he change his ways or I’d come find him.

The guy wet himself.

Then I asked for payment. He had none. But he was a businessman, so he cut me a deal.

“Take the place,” he had said. “It’s yours.”

I remember looking around and wrinkling my nose. It was a piece of crap. But then again, I needed a place to stay, and nothing would be as glamorous as the mansion. I looked again with new eyes. This place was well suited for me. Like me, it needed to start over. It’s amazing what a little bit of perspective does.

“I’ll take it,” I said as I threw him out. I remember spending a half-hour just staring at the place. But I no longer saw a dump. I saw the opportunity of a future.
A base of operations
, I thought. For the first time in weeks, a genuine smile stretched my face.

Welcome home, Erik.




The twinkle in Sun Tzu’s small eyes was evident.

“Doing good for the sake of it,” he said. Even from his seated position, he managed a slight bow. “My friend, you have earned even more of my respect today. I am proud of you, as I am sure your Master also is in the afterlife.”

A lump formed at my throat, and I felt my cheeks flush. Damn old man was going to make me cry.

The ever-empathic Amaymon, completely oblivious to our moment of sentiment, jumped up and down in his chair, wriggling his butt on the chair like a hyperactive five-year-old.

“Oh, oh,” he hollered. “My turn, my turn. Tell him about when your sister brought me over for the first time.” He chuckled and leaned over to Sun Tzu. He draped one arm over the Asian’s shoulder and tapped him enthusiastically. “You’re gonna love this one, Gramps,” he said gleefully, completely ignoring the uncomfortable look Sun Tzu was giving him. “I star in this one.”

“No, you don’t,” I shot back.

“Yeah, I do.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Yeah! I do!”

“You don’t!”

“I do,” he insisted.

“Dude. I’m a freakin’ adult,” I said. “Are we really doing this?”

“Just tell the damn story.”

“I will,” I replied. “Now, shut up, sit back and let the guy telling the damn story speak.”


Approximately 8 years ago


The place was still in shambles when Gil showed up. I had just put up a new door and started a paint job.

Money was a problem.

I did favors and jobs for people around the area. It seemed monsters and horrors were aplenty in this town.

Sometimes, I traded my services for supplies, other times I earned enough money to buy what I needed. Word soon spread about some kid who took care of supernatural business. Most of the time, it was superstitious idiots who wanted a light show or just to challenge me. I got money up front wherever I could, especially if I thought they were trying to con me.

The place was barren, not even so much as a picture or a stick of furniture. I’d bought a mattress for eight bucks and put it in whichever room or corner the paint fumes didn’t reach. I lived off two sandwiches a day, and in complete solitude.

But I was happy. This situation was only temporary. I never lost sight of the big picture – this was my home and my own life. For once I was in control of what I did. From here on out I would call my own shots.

So, you can imagine how thrilled I was when I thought I’d gotten my first client. The doorbell, freshly bought a couple of days before, rang, and I skipped through planks of wood and cans of paint to answer it. My first client. This was officially the start of my business. I opened the door to reveal my sister standing in the afternoon sun, holding a black cat in her arms.

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