Birthday Wishes - The List: Book 1 (3 page)

BOOK: Birthday Wishes - The List: Book 1
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The car slid to a stop and the doors opened. An elderly couple entered and
he stepped away from me. His face colored slightly and I stifled a giggle in my hand. This man had written, in explicit detail, all the debauched things he wanted to do to my body, but the thought of being busted by other people made him respond like a school boy.

I cut him a break. “My mom
really liked you.”

“Did she?”
He looked heartbreakingly hopeful, like the sweet beau meeting his future mother-in-law for the first time, rather than the lusty hookup he really was. “I’m glad. She seems nice.”

“She is.
For the most part.” It was too soon for me to explain her plentiful and varied quirks. She was a multi-faceted woman and nice didn’t even come close to covering it.

“She has a lot of questions, though.”

I laughed at that. My mom was downright pushy. “She’s like that with everyone, not just you.”

The elevator doors opened again and Luca said, “This is us.”
He did that super suave thing where he placed his hand on my lower back and guided me out of the elevator and toward the correct room. I love when a man does that. It’s one of many on a very long list of things that makes my panties twist and my brain misfire completely.

We made it to the room without anything disastrous happening. My panties didn’t reach a point of complete saturation thus allowing my wetness to drip down my leg, Luca’s hand didn’t scald a hole in my back, and I didn’t force him to his knees and beg him to lick my cunt until I came. All in all, a successful trip
from the elevator to the hotel room door.

opened the door, drew me inside, kicked the door shut and pushed me up against the back side of it. Without asking, he crushed his mouth against mine, a hot, open-mouthed kiss complete with his minty tongue working inside my mouth. Thank god, the small talk portion of the evening was over. I sucked on his tongue, drawing him deeper.

I whimpered when he pulled away. He left me dazed, disoriented, and gasping for breath. I sagged against the door and tried to regain my composure.

He dropped the key card on the table and sat on the bed and removed his shoes and then tucked his socks inside. Very neat. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he said, “So, the list. . .”

. . .the list.” I hoped to God we weren’t going to ruin it by over talking everything we’d already worked out online.

“I was thinking that tonight we could just do what feels good, rather than working on a specific agenda.” He stood and removed his pants. He hung them over the back of the desk chair, then removed his shirt and draped it over the top.
An efficient stripper, but it still kept me collapsed against the door.

“Perfect.” I commented on both his lack of plan and his beautiful physique.
He clearly put time in at the gym.

“Are you sure? Because it is your birthday.”
He stripped off his underwear and crossed the room to where I was standing. He walked with the saunter of a man who knew he looked good. His cock swung low, but hardened with every step. I wanted to be as blasé as he was, but I couldn't stop staring at him. There's nothing cool about staring. I was dismantled and he knew it. His cock twitched and I gasped.

He smiled and said, “Let me help you with this.”

I was right, that smile
make my clothes fall off.

“Do you want to do anything special to celebrate?”
He spun me around and pressed my palms flat against the door at about face level. He swept my hair out of the way and kissed my neck. I tipped my head to the side and opened the line of my neck to his mouth. He sucked gently in just the right spot and my knees quaked. He pushed me harder against the door, and I could feel the length of him flush against me.

My dress gaped open in the back
. I didn’t even realize he’d unzipped it. His chest was firm and hot against my back and I really,
wanted to turn around. He didn’t let me. He circled my wrists with his fingers, gripping them tight enough to be just this side of painful and my body flushed with desire. I needed out of my clothes.

“Stay. Just a moment.”
He nipped my exposed shoulder. “You haven’t answered my question. Do you want anything special since it’s your birthday?”

Was he serious? I could barely remember my name, and was losing the battle to maintain control of my basic faculties, like speech and breathing, and he wanted me to order sex acts like entrees on a menu? I
shook my head. “No. Anything. Everything. It’s good.”

released me and without the pressure of his body holding me snug against the door, my dress slipped to the floor. Objective number one achieved. Now if I could have just convinced my stockings to fall off on their own accord.

ran his hands over my body and briefly palmed the globes of my ass. Thank God I wore a thong or I would have had to wait for the feel of his hands gripping and squeezing the flesh there. Then he continued down my body. When he reached the garters holding my stockings in place, he dropped to his knees.

“So fucking sexy.” He kissed the brief strip of skin between garter and stocking, then released the clasp on one then the other. He helped me out of my stockings and pumps, then bit my left ass cheek hard enough to make me squirm. He slapped the other side and pushed my hips flush with the hard metal door. His fingers dug into my sides, pinning me, and he sucked the skin where he’d bit
ten. He worried it with his teeth for a moment, then sucked hard and long, bringing the blood to the surface and awakening every nerve ending along my spine. He had clearly been paying attention when I outlined what I wanted from a lover.

"These have to go, too."
He slipped my panties down and folded them carefully before placing them atop my stockings. I'd never realized how sexy it was to watch a man fold laundry. Especially a naked one who looked as good as Luca. I'm pretty sure I whimpered when he smiled innocently up at me, his fingers teasing over the tops of my feet.

Never breaking his smile, he gripped my ankles and eased my legs apart. He stretched me until I could feel cool air
on my cunt. He tightened his hold on my ankles, holding them firmly just as he had my wrists only moments ago. "Like this?"

I nodded. It was all I could manage as the blood flow through my body had detoured from the speech forming parts of my brain and landed directly in my exposed cunt. I was throbbing.

"Good." He moved his hands to my waist and stood slowly, sliding his body against mine. His cock made contact with my inner thigh and I gasped again. Seemed that was the only sound my mouth could effectively make. And since it served the dual purpose of adding oxygen to my lungs, something I was desperately lacking, I was all in favor.

kept his hands on my waist, his grip firm and commanding, and pressed my body into the door. With his cock nestled between my thighs, he rocked his hips, testing my opening, but never pushing inside. I tried to tilt my hips, to open myself further, but Luca held me firm. He continued to rock, his length gliding smooth and silky against me. The tip teased my clit, an unbearable, near constant pressure that drew me higher, but would never ever take me all the way.

I cried out in frustration. "Please."

The word was barely more than an exhale, but he heard me. He tightened his hold on my waist, and continued his maddening slow, teasing pace. "You feel so good." He punctuated his words with a particularly hard thrust and groaned. "

"Luca." I was ready to plead. I needed more and he was showing no sign of giving it. I reached behind me with both hands, grappling with his hips. His skin was smooth, his muscles hard, and when I touched him, he tensed further. "Please." I tried to pull him into me.

"Stop." Luca pulled back until just the very tip of his cock was lodged between my thighs. It twitched and jerked, slipping higher between my ass cheeks. Luca stood perfectly still, his breathing metered and intense.

squeezed my sides, then released me. I felt abandoned until his fingers once again circle my wrists. He guided my hands to the wall and pressed my palms flat against the surface. I pictured my prints sinking into the paint and becoming permanently etched in the thin metal beneath. The pressure he exerted left an impression of permanence.

"Stay. Here."
He articulated each word as an individual, separate sentence, complete, but complementary. The words tickled against the skin of my neck, hot and thick, like the heavy weight of molasses dragging over me.

I swallowed hard and nodded. My movement was staccato, completely lacking grace.
He nipped at the hard tendons exposed in my neck. He sucked the skin between his teeth and ground his teeth together carefully. I scratched my fingers against the door, desperate to find purchase in something,
. How was I supposed to remain immobile when he did something like
? The ache in my belly flared hot and I almost collapsed from the intensity.

his hands were on my waist again, supporting me, and his cock notched into place between my thighs as if drawn by instinct. He felt perfect with the thick surface pressed flat against my cunt, and the thought of him inside me overwhelmed. He stroked, pulling back and pressing forward with controlled precision and if not for the strain of his fingers digging into my hips, I would have thought him unaffected.

thrust especially hard and jerked me back to meet him. He stilled, holding me away from the wall, his dick throbbing between my thighs, panting into my neck and wound his fingers into the hair at the base of my scalp, pulling the strands tight, then pressed forward until I tilted my head down.


His cock peeked out from between my legs. Where normally I'd see smooth, waxed skin, I saw the proud tip of his erection, glistening with evidence of my arousal. He pushed his hips tighter into me and it jutted out further. I whimpered and my fingers itched to touch him. He held my head in place, my hair in his grip, and forced me to watch as he circled my waist with the other hand. He reached his fingers down, slithering over my skin, until he reached the apex of my thighs.

he exhaled the word as he touched the tip of his penis, rubbing his thumb roughly over the opening and collecting the pre-cum leaking out. "I can't wait to get my cock between your lips, to fuck that pretty little mouth."

He pulled his hips back a fraction and snapped them forward hard and quick. I was crushed between
his pelvis and the punishing hold of his palm pressed flat against the low part of my belly. His fingertips grazed the exposed head of his penis as he thrust forward. He did it again and again, so many times I lost count. With each thrust, he worked his fingers against me, slipping between my folds to circle my clit. He ran his finger over the length of himself, and pressed me against his cock as he rocked between my thighs.

It was delicious and teasing and so, so hot. My cunt burned as pressure built inside me, pulsing hot and hard. He carried me higher, made my insides burn
until the pressure felt impossible to contain. And when I could take no more, he gripped my clit, fully hard and exposed, between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed frantically.

I boiled over, heat and steam rampaged through me, culminating low in my stomach and flashing out through my torso and my legs, and blackening my vision. In that one sweet, suspended moment, all I felt was pure bliss.

I slumped against the door and Luca turned my body and scooped me into his arms before I collapsed completely. His solid chest muscles were suddenly at my fingertips, free to explore, but I was too wiped out to take advantage.

his, I thought, was how brazen women felt. Women who took until they were sated, wanted without remorse. I added my name to their ranks because, God help me, just finished or not, I most certainly was not done.

pressed small kisses into my hair as he carried me across the room, then set me gently onto the bed. I'd never known a man to move so precisely, so caringly, while sporting such an enormous erection. In my experience, being that turned on added a level of urgency. Luca acted like he had all the time in the world to make sure I was comfortable.

He kissed me and smiled, such a simple gesture. My insides melted.

"More than." I nodded and smiled back stupidly. I imagined that same smile would be there days later and I would have to explain it to other people. For now, though, I was happy to give it room to grow on my face.

"Good." His eyes darkened. "I'm going to fuck you now."

"Please." I officially sounded like a simpering idiot as I lay there helpless, clutching my thighs together and wanting nothing more than this man, this beautiful man, to finally push inside of me.

"None of that." Luca gripped my ankles and pulled my legs apart, stretching my feet as far apart as his arms would reach. "Like this. Or I'll tie you up."

I whimpered. God. This man turned me on to the point of brain dysfunction. The growing knot of tension in my stomach flared out and my clit literally twitched. I thought that was an expression reserved for bad
stories in porn magazines. Turned out, I was wrong. How many other things would Luca teach me before the night was over?

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