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Authors: Emily Martin

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9/11 attacks, manic fearlessness displayed after

100 Years of Psychiatry


“Affective Disorders: Mania and Depression” (transcript)

Against Depression

Alliance for Human Research Protection
American Cool

American Mania

American Psychiatric Association (APA)

American Sucker


Anatomy of Melancholy

Anderson, Benedict

Anscombe, G.E.M.

anthropologists: and “continuity thinking,” and the understanding of cultural processes

anthropology, cultural

Antipsychiatry Coalition


Arcades Project (Benjamin)


Armstrong, Louis

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Austin, J. L.

Axelrod, Julius

Ayd, Frank


Bakhtin, Mikhail

Baldwin, James

Baltimore, Maryland, deindustrialization in

Baltimore County, Maryland: as “post-suburban”

Barrett, Robert

Bateson, Gregory

Bauman, Richard

Bedford, Errol

Behrman, Andy

Bell, Carl


Benjamin, Walter and the Arcades Project

Bentley, Eric

bipolar disorder, and the ability to practice law “Bipolar 2,” as a distinctively New York City phenomeno and internal multiplicity and interruptio prevalence of use of the term to describe the stock market; and young people

Bleuler, Eugene

Bourdieu, Pierre

brain activity/chemistry, and manic behavior

Branson, Richard
Brave New World

Brenneis, Donald

Brooks, David

Buck-Morss, Susan

bureaucratic order

Burroughs, William

Burton, Robert


Butler, Judith on gender on norms

Byron, Christopher


capitalism “animal spirits” of; and the capitalist entrepreneur; change in personality because of development of

Capparell, Stephanie

Cardinal, Marie

Carnevale, Anthony

Carrey, Jim

Cass, Alden


“Census of Hallucinations” (James)

Chaffin, C. E.

change, and the workplace

Charney, Dov “Chemistry of Insanity”

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