Billionaire's Trust (Standalone Book) (Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (28 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Trust (Standalone Book) (Billionaire Bad Boy Romance)
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the low light of our bridal suite, I looked at my wife and shook my head. How
had I gotten so lucky? This had been a day more perfect than I ever could have
imagined. The only thing that could have made it better would have been to have
my parents alive to see it.

looked beautiful, in a dress that was unlike anything I’d ever seen. It started
out deep blue at the base and got lighter and lighter until at the top it was
the lightest shade of robin’s egg blue. I knew this because I’d been the one to
help her pick it out. We’d decided to reject all the traditional wedding
dictates and create a celebration that reflected everything we valued and

had a rough time after the shooting while I’d recovered. And we’d had to go to
court to support
as she was put on trial for
Lydia’s murder. When the judge asked her why she’d done it,
simply said she didn’t know. There was no good reason for it, and she couldn’t
remember doing it. I still had my doubts about whether she’d actually done it
or whether she’d been the fall guy for someone else’s crime, but she had seemed
to make peace with it. Roger proved to be a solid lawyer and a good friend to

the trial was over, I’d kept my promise to Brooke and done everything in my
power to extract myself from the drug trade. I’d made a deal with one of the north
side guys to let him be silent owner of Apex if he’d let Kesha run it the way
she saw fit. I wanted to sell it to her, but she just didn’t have the cash to
buy it. So I did the next best thing and retained ownership of the club until
Kesha could raise the cash to buy it. I let the north siders do their thing in
the back room and didn’t ask questions. I knew that Kesha had made her own deal
with them, but I didn’t interfere. Once she’d made enough bank to buy the
place, I’d be out of that world for good.

I took the profits I’d been banking and bought a couple of properties on Skid
Row and set out to develop them so that folks living there could have a grocery
store and other small neighborhood stores. I trained the workers and only hired
people from the neighborhood. I would never want for money, so I figured I
could use my good fortune to help change the neighborhood for the better and
maybe benefit kids who were in the same situation as Beck and I had been.

got clean, and I bankrolled his college degree. He was now a sophomore at UCLA,
working on a degree in nursing and hoping to enter the rehab sector once he
graduated and earned his license. All in all, we were doing pretty well.

looked at my wife and smiled as she wrestled with the zipper on her dress.
She’d never looked lovelier than she had looked standing in front of me reciting
her vows, and I’d never loved her more than I did today.

, and let me help you with that, silly woman,” I
chuckled as she walked over and turned around. I couldn’t help myself as I
reached up and swept her hair off of her neck before I leaned down and kissed
her softly. She sighed as she leaned into my kiss and I slowly unzipped her
dress, letting it sink in a brilliant blue pool on the ground at her feet.

Malone, you were the most beautiful woman at the party today,” I whispered as I
slipped my hands around her body and ran them up until I gently cupped her full
beautiful breasts, one in each hand.

you were the most dashing man at the party, Mr. Malone,” she sighed. “I’m so
lucky to have married such a handsome man.”

talented,” I said. “Don’t forget how talented I am.”

I don’t think you’ll ever let me forget that, Mr. Malone,” she whispered as I
bent down and ran my tongue up her neck.

if I have my way, you won’t,” I said, smiling as I teased her nipples with my
fingers and drew a soft moan from between her lips.

do that so well,” she sighed as I slid my hands under her lingerie and began
teasing in earnest. I quickly undid the rest of her trappings and before I knew
it, my wife stood before me naked and shining in the low light.

God, you are beautiful,” I murmured as I scooped her up and carried her to our
wedding bed. “I’m never going to be able to get enough of you.”

she replied as she stretched up and wrapped her arms around my neck so she
could pull me down into a deep kiss. “Get those clothes off and come test that
theory out!”

quickly shed my wedding suit and climbed into bed next to her. I loved running
my hands over her bare skin, not only because she was so soft and warm, but
because it elicited a response I loved no matter how many times I did it.

you think we’ll ever get tired of this?” she asked as she ran her hand up my
arm and watched me admiring the curve of her hip as she lay pressed against me.

doubt it, but I’ll let you know if it ever happens on my end,” I said with a
wink. “We may need to bring in a pinch hitter if that happens.”

such a jerk!” she laughed as she reached down between my legs and firmly
grasped me with her hand. “You’d better be careful because I now own half of

wish!” I said as I slid my hand between her thighs and slipped my fingers
between her silky lips. She cried out softly as I began stroking. “Then, this
is half mine.”

,” she moaned as she continued squeezing and stroking
in time to my rhythm. I leaned over and kissed her deeply as we lost ourselves
in the attempt to please each other. I could feel her becoming more aroused,
and I knew I was growing harder in her hand. When I slipped a finger just
inside her tight wet entrance and felt her grip me, I knew I had to have her.

pulled her on top of me as I rolled onto my back and slid my shaft between her
dripping wet lips. She moved back and forth, coating me in her wetness as we
both moaned and ached for more. The intensity of the teasing drove us both to
the edge of our raging desire. In one swift movement, she gripped the base of
my shaft and slipped the tip just inside her tight opening. She rocked back and
forth a little, teasing me by pushing in and pulling out as I felt her juices
running down the length of my shaft and coating everything below it.

moaned loudly, wanting to thrust up inside of her and feel myself buried in her
warm wet womb, but I knew better. I knew that if I waited for her to make the
first move, it would be that much more intense and amazing. And when she did,
it was.

teased until I begged her to stop, and then she looked down at me with those
beautiful blue eyes as she took me inside of her in one quick motion.

cried out as I felt her enveloping me and then rocking back and forth before
she began the familiar rhythm I’d come to know and love. I gripped her hips as
I thrust up to meet her downward motion and felt her riding me harder and faster
as she rocked. I reached down and began stroking her sensitive little nub,
knowing full well that she was on the edge of a huge orgasm and that all I had
to do was stroke her enough to send her flying off the edge. And so I did.

felt it building as she tightened around me and I thrust up into her harder and
deeper as I felt her begin to climax. She cried out and fell forward as she
braced herself against my shoulders and rode me harder. I held her thighs and thrust
up again and again, feeling my own release just moments away.

it,” she moaned. “Oh God, yes!
, please! Yes!” The
sound of her pleasure sent me flying off the edge of the cliff. I felt my whole
body go numb for a moment as the heat moved from my feet to my head and then
engulfed me in a wave of pleasure so intense that I cried out as my hips pumped
upward of their own volition. I couldn’t stop as I rode the wave with her, both
of us moving and sliding against each other.

we were finally still again, I lifted her damp hair off of her face and said,
“I don’t think I’ll need a pinch hitter.”

burst out laughing and lay in my arms until we both fell into a deep, deep


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book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are
products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not
to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual
events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.


© 2016 Alexa Davis

BOOK: Billionaire's Trust (Standalone Book) (Billionaire Bad Boy Romance)
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