Billionaire's Second Chance (sam, bella and Kate Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Second Chance (sam, bella and Kate Book 2)
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Hearing his raspy groan
, she pulled back slightly, Philippe looking at her, his eyes full of frustration and fire, “Oh my God Bella.  What you are doing to me”, his head falling against hers as he fought like her to bring his breathing back to normal.

Bella pushed herself from him
, letting her legs fall away from his waist, shame deep in her eyes,  “I... I’m sorry... I don’t know what happened... I didn’t mean...”

His tortured groan silenced her as his hand gently cupped her chin, looking deep into those large innocent eyes
, “No... I am the one who is sorry.  Please forgive me... I... You...”, his eyes flitting away as he gave a deep sigh before moving away from her and pulling himself onto the floor of the cave.  Bella felt the flush rise at the obvious sign of his arousal as he stood, Philippe giving her a small lopsided grin as his hand dropped to help her out of the water.  “There are some things that you just can’t hide.” 

Bella gave a small smile as the two moved around the area,
he pointing to the almost architectural splendour of some of the large stalactites, telling her stories associated with them.

Grinning, she relaxed beside him smiling softly at the outlandish stories, her eyes dancing.  “Are any of these stories true?”, she chuckled as he looked back at her with mock hurt. 

“They could be”, his answer, as he dropped a small kiss on her nose.  Bella stiffened with even just this small touch from him, his face growing more serious as their eyes once more met, the same electricity flying between them.  The sound of Sam and Dante splashing into the large area drove them both apart, Philippe moving to the edge to help the other two join them.

After some more exploring, Bella noticed how, like herself, Sam seemed to be glowing with happiness, the four returning soon after to the boat, where they lay beside their partner
s until the sun dried their swimwear.  Rising, Philippe declared it his intention to make lunch, Bella making swooning motions,  “You cook!  Be still my beating heart”, giving a small squeal as he playfully swiped her bottom.  Laughing, she rose with him, eyes full of mischief, “OK – this I have to see.”

Philippe made a
‘pfft’ sound, declaring that all those who entered his galley were to be slaves for the day, the two disappearing into the kitchen together.  Taking a seat at the table, Philippe pushed a bottle of wine into her hands, grinning,  “OK, your job is to open this bottle and drink the contents until you find me irresistible.”

ella chuckled as she gave him a cheeky grin back, “Do you have more than one?”  Philippe made a shocked sound as he pulled open the fridge retrieving handfuls of sandwich items along with quiches and salad vegetables.  Looking on in surprise, she gave him a severe look, “You told me you were cooking.”

e gave a mock hurt return look.  “Are you telling me this is not cooking?”  Bella shook her head as she laughed, happiness filling her as she followed his actions.  Philippe quickly laid out an impressive spread, brushing away her offer of help as he told her she had her own important job to do.

Sipping the delicious wine
, she leant on the heel of one hand, her eyes following his every move, a small smile on her lovely lips.  “Ah Philippe, you will make some skinny woman a wonderful husband.”

He was unable to hold back the loud guffaw of laughter, moving to stand behind her and steal a sip of her wine.  “Us designated drivers are not allowed to have our own glasses”
, he chuckled, Bella once more feeling the rush of excitement as he leant in against her, her eyes closing as she inhaled the musky scent of him with pleasure.

“Well then
, I am only too pleased to service your requirements.”

His wicked chuckle behind her made her blush as the meaning of her words hit her.  “I...
I mean... You can share my wine”, the embarrassment obvious on her voice as he gave her a small wink.

“I didn’t think you meant anything else
.”  He moved back to the table before pinching his thumb and finger together to make a ‘delicious’ chef kiss gesture.  “Fantastique”, he proclaimed, as Bella jumped to her feet.

“Please allow me to take credit”, she chuckled, running to the foot of the steps and crying out, “Come and get it...
I have finished making lunch.”

Philippe stared at her in disbelief, his lip
s curled with laughter  “Oh... You’re good.”  Bella scrunched up her nose as she laughed back, the tears running down her face as the others joined them, all wanting to know what the joke was.

Lunch was a wonderful event, everybody chatting animatedly, only Thomas seeming out of his depth as the Greek men dominated the male conversation, both quick-witted and up for the three women.  As they finished, Philippe gave Dante a smile, a strange signal passing between them both as he grabbed Bella’s hand and Dante Sam’s both crying out
, “Last ones on deck are to do the cleaning”, Kate laughing as she and Thomas were left with the chore.

Taking over the large built
-in sun-lounger, Philippe threw himself down onto the softness, pulling Bella with him, the two lying on their stomachs, resting their heads on hands as they looked at each other.  On the other side of the boat Dante and Samantha fished; the two of them lost in the other as Philippe stared deeply into Bella’s eyes.  “I am having a wonderful day Bella.”

She smiled and nodded softly back.  “Me too”, her answer, a soft breath against his hand as he smiled. 

“Dante and I have to go back to the mainland tomorrow.”  The flicker of disappointment on her face made him smile harder.  “It was my intention to go back to New York... But I want to see you again.”

Looking sadly back, she whispered forlornly, “We are only here for another ten days...”

Philippe’s lip twitched softly, “What if I didn’t go back to New York... But returned here, to you?”  Bella felt as her mouth broke into a large grin as he continued.  “Would you consider spending nine of those days with me?”

She flicked a look to Sam, knowing that Kate would also be there, her head nodding, “I think I would

Philippe leant in and dropped a kiss on her lips, both of them instantly feeling the tremors at just this simple touch.  “Then I will

The rest of the day passed
all-too-quickly, Bella making sure that Philippe had her mobile number and she his.  He made her laugh with texts sent as they lay enjoying the sun.  Laughing, she told him to stop, receiving more and more ludicrous replies, Bella realising that she had not laughed as much in years, looking over at the handsome man beside her, knowing exactly why.

As the boat returned to its temporary moorings
, the three couples moved back towards the villa, the sun having set and darkness descended on the village.  The night gave a welcome reprieve from the burning heat of the sun, the temperature pleasant as the three couples slowly moved along the cobbled streets.  Bella, without even thinking, pushed her hand into Philippe’s, he grinning down at her with approval.

Reaching the villa Sam and Bella looked at each other as Kate gave Thomas a quick peck on the cheek, waving goodbye to the others as she sauntered into the
stone building, a dejected Thomas moving away to his hotel knowing that things were over between them. 

Philippe pulled Bella to one side, his arms moving around her waist
, pulling her harder to him as she allowed her arms to gently rest on his shoulders.  “Have a good trip Philippe... I will miss you.”

A small groan left him as he nodded, “No more than I you, Bella”, both their eyes holding the other’s
– one the colour of a soft summer sky, the other a darker, almost inky blue – both filled with longing.  Raising his hand, he brushed a stray hair from the softness of her cheek, his eyes flicking down her lovely face, reaching the large red lips, a sigh full of need leaving her as his hand moved to cup the back of her head.  His mouth took her lips, his tongue sliding against the velvety softness, tasting the gasp as she fell harder against him. 

He wanted this woman, wanted her more than he could ever remember wanting another.  Losing himself in the taste of her mouth, their tongues caressed the other, their bodies melded together, her breasts tight against his chest, her hip against his groin
– the evidence of his attraction digging gently into her belly. 

Time meant nothing as his mouth sought hers, tender yet so passionate at the same time, Bella putty in his hands, never wanting it to end.  With a will of their own, her hands moved through his hair,  her fingers caressing the thick softness, the texture and feel of the glossy silky strands running through them making her moan as heat curled low in her belly.

The cough close by brought the two of them crashing back to reality, Philippe pulling her from him, his eyes staring down at her seeing the struggle she seemed to be having opening those beautiful eyes, her lips so red from their kiss.  “I... I”, the words hardly audible as Philippe dragged in a raspy breath. 

“Goodnight Bella...
I look forward to seeing you soon... Very soon.”

Bella gave him a tremulous smile, still feeling the way her whole body buzzed, not understanding the disturbance even just a kiss from him brought to her whole being.  “I look forward to it
, very much.”

Philippe gave her a soft smile, “I will phone all the time.
  Be sure of that.”

Nodding, Bella joined Sam, both girls moving together into the villa, both waving to the two men who stood watching them.  As the door closed, the two women started laughing, hugging each other, both jumping up and down as they declared how gorgeous each man was, sighing as they moved up to their rooms, both exhausted from the day’s activities.

Walking back to the marina, Dante gave Philippe a knowing smile.  “They are pretty cool.”

Philippe chuckled back, “I’m thinking of cancelling my meetings in New York
.  I have a local one tomorrow too late to cancel but I might well be coming back with you tomorrow night.”

The soft laugh of his friend made him look around
, seeing the way Dante smiled.  “Careful Philippe... Could it be that my words last night were a little closer to the truth than you might realise?”

Giving a small snorting sound
, he looked back at Dante, “Look who is talking, don’t think I didn’t see you and Sam.”  Dante shook his head, his lips curled.

Together the men guided the boat to its permanent moorings before they walked back over to where the cars were parked, organising when to meet for the trip back to the mainland the next day.

Chapter Three

Dante waved his friend goodbye as he manoeuvred his sports car up the winding cobbled streets to his home.
  Philippe hesitated, leaning on the hood of his own luxury car, looking up at the large moon.  Pulling out his mobile, he once more looked at the picture of Bella he had taken as she laughed at him, his mouth twitching at the memory of that laugh.  He dialed her number with the overwhelming desire to hear her voice again.

“Hello Mr Tremour”, the soft lilt of her voice saw a large grin fill his own features.

“Hello Miss Smith”, his chuckle eliciting one of her own.  “Were you asleep? Did I wake you?”

, I was just sitting at the window looking at the moon.”

Philippe gave a genuine gasp of surprise
. “I was doing the exact same thing”, pausing a second before he added more wistfully, “I wish that we were watching it together.”

For a second there was silence before
she replied gently, “So do I.”

Clutching the phone harder
, he ran his tongue nervously around his lips, not sure why, when he was used to having woman throwing themselves at him, he felt so unsure of her.  “W... Well I know the most perfect place to really see it... I could pick you up if you wanted... We could enjoy it together.”

Holding his breath
, he waited as she seemed to consider his words before giving a small laugh.  “I think that would be... good.”

Philippe felt the happiness
swell his chest, a goofy smile on his mouth.  “OK, I will pick you up in ten”, quickly hanging up before she had a chance to change her mind.

In her room Bella stared at
the phone, her hand flying to cover her mouth as she laughed softly.  She should have said no, the memory of the incendiary kiss still making her whole body hum with the need for him.  She had been with Nigel for two months and he never made her feel a fraction of the way Philippe could with just a kiss.  She knew she was playing with fire and that she would no doubt be the one burnt but she didn’t care.  For once in her life she did not care about the repercussions – she wanted to be with Philippe.

Jumping to her feet, she pulled her shoes back on, pausing for a second as she savaged her lip before pulling a sheet of paper and writing a quick note, leaving it on the bed.  Moving out of her room she stealthily snuck down the stairs, wincing as one
step squeaked – her heart beating wildly that the other girls might hear and she would have to explain to them both why she was sneaking out of the villa so late.  With the corners of her mouth lifted she shook her head softly.  Did she even know the answer herself?  Reaching the door, she ensured that she had her keys before slipping out slowly, closing it with a small click, giving a big sigh of relief as everything remained dark and silent.

Moving out onto the cobbled street
, the air heavy with silence, her heart thudded deep within her chest as she saw Philippe moving towards her, moving faster as had he. The two met with small conspiratorial chuckles, Philippe wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her high up to him as she threw her arms around his neck.  “My God Bella... I feel like a teenager again.”

She chuckled and nodded against him, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight, a wicked smile on her lips, “Yes...
I wonder who will be the one to ground me.”

Placing her gently back onto the ground, he took her hand, the two moving to where his car was
– now the only vehicle left in the square.  Bella gave a gasp of approval at the luxurious sports car, her eyes flicking to him, full of both laughter and mockery.  “Boys and their toys.”

Philippe opened his arms in a
‘What?’ gesture, a huge grin on his face, “I liked the colour”,  as he moved to open the door to allow her to slip inside the soft leather interior.

When he finally joined her she looked at him almost shyly
.  “So... Where does the moon look so wonderful on this island?”  Philippe winked at her before gunning the car and moving out of the square, happy to have her once more by his side.

Beside him, Bella enjoyed the five minute journey before the car swung into the driveway of a large villa, her eyes wide as she gasped.  “Is...
Is this your home?”, a wary note coming to her voice as Philippe turned to look at her.

“Are you OK Bella?”

She bit her lip softly, “I... I thought you said”, she began as he gave her a smile.

“The best place to see the moon?”  She nodded softly as Philippe gave another smile.  “Follow me
.”  He moved from the car and opened her door, holding his hand out to take hers.  Giving a sigh, she allowed him to help her out, surprised as they had not moved to the large house but to the side of the building.  Bella was surprised to find that the house was situated near the side of a hill which sheared away to reveal mainly sky, the inky blackness the perfect backdrop for the large moon which hung in the darkness, its brilliance filling her vision.

“Oh my God Philippe”
, she moaned, her hands grasped to her chest in wonder,  “It... It is stunning.”

She felt him move up behind her, his arms
wrapping around her shoulders as he pulled her close to him, his head against hers, his soft breath fanning her cheek as she felt the tremors of awareness fill her,  “I promised you the moon”, his sensual voice whispered against her, “I hope that I didn’t fail to deliver.”

Bella slowly turned in his arms, her eyes still full of the glow from the large orb behind as she flicked her look over his handsome features.
  “Philippe... I... You make me feel so...”, stopping as her teeth pinched her bottom lip, her look full of the desire for the man holding her.

is look back was equally serious, the fires stoked in him also.  “I feel it too Bella... God do I feel it.  Since the cave I have not been able to stop thinking about you... About the smell of you... The touch of you”, his head dropping as his tongue slid along the crease of her mouth.  “The taste of you.”

Groaning softly, she fell in harder against him.  “I don’t want you to think I’m the kind of girl...”

His head shook gently, “I never would”, his voice huskier, before his mouth took hers, his kiss wonderful, gentle, erotic and mind-blowing.

No words had to be spoken as he led her to his house, pausing at the car to look deeply into the blue pools of her soft eyes.  “I can take you home if you want”, he offered.

Bella shook her head, her tone full of such honesty.  “I don’t think either of us wants that”, she whispered as he squeezed her fingers in his hand, moving to the villa and unlocking it. 

Without even turning on any of the downstairs lights, the two moved to the upper landing, Philippe leading her to his bedroom, Bella feeling the way her heart beat so fast in her chest.  Looking around, she admired the opulence of the room, her look falling onto the huge bed, only covered with cotton sheets, Philippe smiling following her look.  “I don’t like to be too warm”, his only response as she gave him a nervous smile back.

Now that they were actually in his room, it all seemed so real.
  Bella breathed in the musky scent of his aftershave, moving over to sit on the side of the bed, her arms outstretched behind her as she looked over at him.  “Who wants that?”

Philippe moved over to join her, standing looking down at the woman bringing such disruption to his body.  With actions she had not known she was capable of, Bella sat
up straight bringing herself up close to his body, her head thrown back to look up at his face, seeing the desire and need in him, the look filling her with an abandon which was both liberating and terrifying.  Her fingers rested flat on his belly as she began to unbutton his jeans, seeing as his eyes closed, a soft sigh leaving his lips spurring her on as she allowed her hand to pull down the zipper.  His body jumped as her hand brushed against the straining hardness of him.

Philippe pulled the t-shirt over his head, Bella groaning seeing his toned muscular tanned body once more, the hair splattered over the chest
thinning to a line leading to the heat of him.  Grasping his waistband she let her lips rest against his belly, her tongue licking along the smoothness as he let his fingers run through her hair. 

“Oh Bella”, his tortured voice groaned softly before leaning down and, grasping her by the elbow
s, he raised her to her feet, his mouth capturing hers in a kiss that was full of heat, his tongue plundering the soft moistness of hers.  Pushing her back, Philippe fell with her, his hands moving down the gentle curves of her body, his fingers unbuttoning the summer top to reveal the gentle mounds of her breasts, the raised nipples poking through the lacy material.  He gave a masculine growl as his eyes skimmed down her, watching the way her body quivered with need.

She was perfect.  His hand stroked along her belly
, enjoying the way it hollowed, easily allowing his hand to slide into her shorts, Bella giving a gasp as his fingers slid under the silky panties.  Philippe felt the shudder that ran through her as she raised her hips to meet him.  Groaning, he pulled back, standing, his eyes holding hers as she whimpered before purring softly as he pushed his trousers down, kicking off his shoes as he stepped from them; Bella’s cheeks blushing while her eyes burned with need.

“Are you on the pill Bella?”  The question pushed deep into her foggy mind as she nodded her head, seeing such relief on his face as he dropped to his knees before her, Bella gasping again as he pulled her legs over the side of the bed, quickly unbuttoning the shorts and dragging them down her long perfect legs, taking the panties with them.

Pushing herself onto her elbows she watched as he positioned himself between her legs, Bella closing her mouth, swallowing the moan as his head dropped to kiss along her thigh, her whole body stiffening at the touch of his mouth so low.  Knowing she should stop him, the intimacy of his actions more than she could cope with, she whispered gently, “Philippe...”  A small chuckle left him as his tongue slid along the wetness between her legs, the words lost as she cried out, falling backwards, her hands flying to his head, her head spinning as he sucked and licked the most intimate part of her, his tongue flicking against the small bead within.

Bella could feel as her hips bucked against his mouth, her whole body writhing uncontrollably as she gasped and panted under him, her fingers rigidly raking through his hair as her head whipped from side to side.  As she thought all was lost, he stopped, his mouth kissing up her stomach, raising her body as he pulled the top from her, flicking the bra and dispensing with it just as quickly, the two of them finally lying naked together.

Bella reached for the hardened heat of him, running her fingers along him, her thumb rotating around the head, moving the sticky wetness that leaked from the tip of him hearing the way he groaned, his hips moving involuntarily against her hand as his head dropped to her nipples.  His lapping tongue sent instant bolts of electricity to the already aching wetness between her legs, Bella unaware as she whispered with such need, “Please Philippe... Please.”

He moaned softly once more before positioning himself over her, his eyes
holding hers even as the hardness of him nudged at the slick entrance of her.  Her face glowed as she begged him to make love to her.  With one slow stroke he entered her, feeling as her muscles clamped around him, encasing him.  With his body trembling with the control it took to move so slowly, he panted, feeling the light beads of sweat gather on his shoulder. 

The slow steady stroke
s drove Bella wild under him until he finally filled her, pausing to quell the desire to release within her there and then, his head moving to once more kiss her wonderful lips.  Finally he started to thrust within her, Bella’s hands sliding down his side along his buttocks, her legs hooked around his as she moved her hips with him, Philippe whispering Greek words against her skin as he raised the tempo of his thrusts, now pushing harder and deeper into her willing body. 

The suddenness of her climax was a complete shock
to Bella as was the intensity, her body exploding in wave upon wave of rippling orgasmic pleasure, Bella lost as she gripped him, crying out his name.  Philippe took one more thrust, the way her muscles gripped him throwing him over the edge as he released deeply within her, his cries joining hers.  The two shuddered together with the continued after-shocks from the intensity they had shared. 

Finally Philippe
collapsed heavily onto her, both of them panting hard as they fought to bring their breathing under control.  With arms that trembled, he pulled himself from Bella, rolling to the side, a look of amazement on his handsome face.  He had many lovers, but not one affected him the way she just had.  He turned his head to look at her, smiling seeing the serene expression on her face.

Lifting himself, Philippe moved his arm around her shoulder
, pulling her in tightly against him, aware as she felt as warm as he, her hand moving to lightly rest on his stomach.  “In case I forget to tell you later Philippe... You definitely have the best view of the moon.”

His mouth curled as she felt the rumble of his laughter against her head as he kissed her hair.  “Told you”
, he whispered in return.  Pulling her back slightly, he ran his eyes over her face, a strange light deep within his dark blue eyes, one which made the breath stall in her throat.  “You are an amazing woman Bella Smith.”

BOOK: Billionaire's Second Chance (sam, bella and Kate Book 2)
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