Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance)
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The sensations she evoked made him uncomfortable. Surrendering to her soft pleas and moans would be too easy. He hadn't meant to introduce the restraints so early -- if at all. A part of him knew, once he had them on her, he would want more than the week she had agreed to. But seeing her in his bed, masturbating hands free and taunting him with it, he'd lost control. Just like he'd lost control in the limo and moved too quickly.

Hell, he'd almost lost control seeing her on the other side of his gate, the bruises and scrapes evident. Only that time he'd wanted to pull her into his arms and keep her safe until he could find the bastard that injured her and beat the man to a bloody pulp.

Now, less than forty-eight hours after meeting her in the flesh, he didn't want to let her go.

"Please," Katelyn whispered, her sheath tugging and rolling the length of his cock. He'd stopped moving, overwhelmed by the sensations holding her brought. She begged him to continue with soft moans and the insistent throb of her slick cunt around and all along his dick.

She squeezed and a shuddering groan left him.

She rubbed her chin across the crown of his head. "Kiss me, Montgomery."

Another squeeze of her pussy and he was certain his heart had stopped beating. Her sheath jerked up, ripping another moan from him. He seized her mouth, his thumbs prying at the corners to slide inside and hold her immobile as he ravaged the wet cavern with his tongue and teeth. His strokes inside her cunt roughened, her body responding with quick rolling contractions that milked his length.

His thumbs serving as bits, Katelyn couldn't speak, couldn't tempt him into losing further control with pleas to free her hands or untie her legs. Her soft moans and exquisite flesh were temptation enough -- for one wild second, he wanted her wrapped around him. Not just the tight, sweet pussy sucking at his cock, but her arms and legs, too.

Her hips lifted off the bed, her cunt meeting his hard strokes with her own desperate slaps. Sensing both of their bodies were at the edge of release, Griffin slid one hand down to her throat, the other knotting in her hair to hold her head immobile as he continued to claim her sweet mouth. His thumb stroked the underside of her chin as his fingers forcefully massaged the side of her neck.

Unable to hold back any longer, Katelyn's release shook her body. Her bound limbs twitched and jerked as her cunt swallowed Griffin deep and held him. Cum pulsed from him, his cock throbbing and engorged with blood from how tightly she squeezed.

"Yes, pet." He breathed the words into her mouth before kissing her again, his teeth pulling her bottom lip taut as another spasm twitched through his cock and she contracted around him.

Too good. Too god damn good.

He grabbed her hips, holding her down until the contractions running through her cunt dulled to a gentle flutter. He pulled out, his hand coming up to drape a thick lock of her hair over her eyes.


"Quiet!" he commanded, his voice as raw as his emotions. Seeing her flinch, he softened his tone. "Don't say another word until I'm gone."

He released her legs, his hands massaging the tired thighs and calves in complete silence until the muscles relaxed. Stooping to lightly kiss her mound, he released her left hand next, checking the fingertips for blood flow. He placed her hand along her hip, warning her against trying to lift the veil of hair. "Don't move it."

Katelyn was shaking again. He knew why. She didn't want him to leave. He didn't want to, but he had to. She couldn't see him like this. Either she wouldn't trust him to stay in control and keep her safe, or she would think she owned him.

Releasing Katelyn's other hand, his lips once again grazing the gentle swell of her pussy, the thought struck him center of his chest.

Maybe she does.


Katelyn listened to the rustle of bedclothes and pajama bottoms as Griffin got off the bed, dressed quickly and left the room. She stayed motionless even after the door clicked shut behind him. If she kept the hair across her eyes, she could pretend he had remained in the room and stood silently watching her.

She sucked at her bottom lip, intent that it would not quiver from the emotion running through her. Sucking turned to biting. He had shut his desire off and walked out -- again! She couldn't count on him to stay, wouldn't be so stupid as to ask him another time.

Her mouth relaxing, she pulled the hair from her face. Her brow furrowed, scoring a silent vow to put a stop to all her stupidity where Griffin Montgomery was concerned. She wouldn't leave, but she would only stay the week, exploring this unexpected part of her he had awoken. She would learn to turn the feeling on and off as he did and then she would be done with Griffin and men like him forever.

She snorted. Like she even had the option to extend this foolishness beyond a week. A week was all he wanted. She'd read enough tabloids in researching him for the job interview to understand a few things about Montgomery. His home and furniture stayed constant -- his toys, whether flesh or mechanical, changed constantly. As much as she didn't want to be a toy, she sure as fuck wasn't his furniture, so the kiss-off from him would come at the contract's end or she'd leave on her own.

A twinge of something popped into her mind.

What if he really wanted something longer?

Katelyn shook her head, kept shaking it as her anger built. She wouldn't give him any more time than the contract called for. The man was a master manipulator. He had lied to her from the start of their first meeting outside the courtyard of his building. He had pretended not to know exactly who she was, merely inquired if she was his late appointment.

And the job! She growled, realizing the interview request had been a giant ruse. He'd intended only one position for her from the start -- on her back, pussy exposed with her legs tied off.

Rolling off the bed, she went into the bathroom and started the shower. Letting the water heat, she stripped the outfit away, her nose crinkling at the thought of how to wash such a thing. Stepping beneath the blast of hot water, she rolled her shoulders and wondered if the closet held running shoes and something suitable for working out in or if it was all short dresses and high heels.

Lifting her right leg, she rolled the ankle in a circle. A quick healer, the joint was stiff but nothing more. The ice in the limo and at home had done the trick. Putting her foot down, she turned and tilted her head back, letting the hot water beat against her face. Blindly, she reached for the soap and began to lather her body.


Inside his office, Griffin paced, stopping each time he reached his desk to check the estate's cameras. He'd watched Katelyn leave the main house in the running shoes and track suit he had left in the closet for her.

The estate sat on fifty acres but backed a nature preserve owned by one of his foundations for a real total of one-hundred-sixty acres. The cameras covered only the front quarter containing the drive, main house, boat house and guest house. The entire perimeter was fenced, a trail cleared alongside it for his weekend runs. He knew she had completed two circuits, watched her start her third as she passed the boathouse.

Even if she had slowed her pace, she should have completed the circuit already. Yet she hadn't passed where the trail bordered the guest house. Had she gone off the trail? His chest tightened at the thought. The other three-quarters were mostly wooded pine. One-hundred-twenty acres of tall trees was more than sufficient for Katelyn to get lost in. Hell, he'd done it himself when he was thirteen.

"Damn it!" he decided with a growl, pocketing his cellphone and jogging to the garage. Impatiently waving Philip out of his way, he mounted one of two quadrunners, checked its fuel level and pulled out of the garage. Tearing up the manicured lawn, he drove the beast straight to where the trail ran next to the guest house.

He followed the trail all the way to its far end, where he found Katelyn sitting in the middle of the path, her head buried in her hands. Hearing the approaching ATV, she looked up. Blood covered her left hand.

His heart stopped even as he accelerated the quadrunner.

Let it be just her hand.

A foolish hope, he knew. Katelyn wasn't the type to sit helplessly for a good twenty minutes because of a cut on her hand. He stopped the vehicle a few feet from her, jumped off and ignored her attempt to motion him back.

"I'm okay--"

"The fuck you are." He dropped to one knee next to her, gently examining her bloody hand.

"It's my head," she whispered, refusing to look at him.

"What happened?" Griffin barked the question out, his harsh tone making her wince.

She threw her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knee, her expression turning to stone. Knowing she didn't need him barking at her again, Griffin took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and the rush of adrenaline from finding her injured. He gave her a few seconds to recover her composure while he gently explored the left side of her head. He discovered a thin gash and raised bump where the blood was thickest.

He caressed her cheek with the back of his index finger, his throat straining to control the volume of his next command. "Answer me, Katelyn."

Remaining mute, she scuffed her left shoe inward, kicking up some dust and dirt that landed on her other shoe. He glanced down and immediately saw the problem's source. Her right ankle had given out on her, causing her to fall where the trail ran right against the fencing. The joint had started to swell again. He looked at the post a foot from her. Extending his arm, he brushed his hand against a dark, wet stain on the wood to find more blood. So she had experienced a wobble or collapse of her ankle, her body twisting as she feel forward so that the left side of her head hit hard against the post.

"Did you lose consciousness?" His throat constricted on the last word, his worry growing.

She was slow to answer, her voice barely above a whisper. "No."

All but certain she wouldn't tell him if she had, he placed a fingertip under her chin and pressed lightly until she lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. His chest relaxed a little upon seeing that her pupils were equal in size.

Taking his finger from under her chin, he told her to track it as he moved it slowly from side to side. "Do you feel like you're going to vomit?"

She rolled her eyes at him, her skin paling before she could finish. Dropping her gaze back down, she gave him another soft "No" then pressed her lips tightly together.

Stubborn as hell and lying to him. Scowling, Griffin pulled his cell phone from his pocket, stabbed his finger at his contacts list a couple of times and put the phone to his ear. Two rings and someone answered.

"This is Montgomery, I need Doctor Bradley at my home immediately. There's been a head injury--" He paused as the person on the other side interrupted him. "No, I don't think so. We're at the back end of the property."

Another interruption before he finished with a terse "Yes" and re-pocketed the phone.

His hands moved in opposite directions, one sliding under Katelyn's bent legs, the other curling around the opposite side of her waist. "Put your arms around my neck."

She pushed at his chest. "I can walk."

"Love, I don't care if you think you can run back to the house." He started to lift, forcing her compliance.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him carry her the two feet to the quadrunner. Griffin positioned her at the rear of the seat and sat down. He reached back, captured her wrists and brought her arms to wrap around his waist.

"If you don't hold on tight, I'm stopping," he warned. "I'm not going to have you pass out and hit the ground again."

She squeezed in response and squeezed again when they'd covered a couple hundred yards and he slowed down because her grip had loosened. Pressing her cheek against his broad, muscled back, she grabbed her elbows to keep her grip tight and melted into him.

She closed her eyes, opening them what felt like only a second later to find herself in Griffin's arms as Philip held a door open for them.

"I need crushed ice immediately and send Dr. Bradley to my room as soon as he arrives." Griffin brushed quickly past Philip and into the house.

Her vision swimming, she couldn't tell what rooms they moved through. It wasn't until Griffin passed through the last door and moved toward the bed that her eyesight cleared. She looked around, recognizing the lamp on the nightstand, the dark wood furniture, the bedding that was a mix of deep chocolate and burgundy and the mink throw right where she had left it.

"This is your room?"

His voice was gruff when he answered. "I misspoke. Philip knows where to send Dr. Bradley."

He bent to place her on the bed. Her arms tightened around his neck. "I'm a mess."

Still holding her, Griffin straightened and carried Katelyn to the bathroom. Sitting her on the counter, he ran warm water to wet a washcloth. He kept one hand on her while he did it, his touch natural and comforting. When he brought the cloth to her skin, he moved in close and kept his touch so soft and intimate it could have been foreplay except for the worried downturn of his mouth and the blood covering the side of her face and neck.

She couldn’t remember the last time someone had taken care of her like this -- not only cleaning her injuries but looking genuinely worried about her wellbeing. His concern more likely rested with whether she would sue him.

Her mouth turned down at the possibility.

"Did that hurt?" The question came out pinched and hurried.

Katelyn tilted her head to see all of his face. "No."

Griffin surprised her with a kiss. "You'll take a two-way with you next time you run the grounds."

He tossed the washcloth in the sink and slowly stripped her track top from her. She watched him, her gaze wide and lips slightly parted. There was no way she would be running again before the week with him was out. That meant there would be no "next time" for her to run on his property.

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