Billionaire With a Twist 2 (10 page)

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My eyelids fluttered, overwhelmed, as
he filled me, stretching me to my very limit. My nails dug into his
shoulders, and we both moaned. I pulled myself upward and slammed
myself back down again, and this time Hunter was the one whose
eyelids fluttered, each lash beaded with a tiny drop of water, and he
made a deep gravelly sound of pure want in the back of his throat.
That sound set a fire in my veins, and I knew that I had to get him
to make that sound again and again, that I needed it, that I needed

I rocked against him, and he thrust,
our need making us clumsy and desperate but it didn’t even
matter, all that mattered was him and me and the water cascading down
our bodies and our bodies, oh God our bodies, moving together, the
sensation of skin on skin and our gasps, and his cock so deep inside
me, oh God, I lifted myself up and dropped myself onto his hard,
perfect length again and moaned, oh God, no one had ever been so deep
inside me—

I licked the sliding droplets from the
hollow of his throat and he snarled, his teeth sinking into my
shoulder as he claimed me, his thrusts steady and rhythmic,
relentless, and before I could hold back I came at the touch of his
teeth, at the feel of him pounding into me even harder than before,
the shockwaves rippling through my body as I groaned his name.

“Ally,” he answered, but
instead of slowing his rhythm he slammed his cock deeper, tighter,
one, two, three more times, and I gasped as he pumped into me one
last time, cursing under his breath, a sigh ghosting over my bare
skin as the aftershocks of my desire trembled and ran through my
suddenly loose and sleepy limbs.

I slid down his warm body, my toes
almost slipping on the wet shower floor until he steadied me, and
then I leaned into him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and
pressed a kiss to the top of my head, making a contented humming
sound into my hair.

He murmured, “We should have done
this ages ago.”

I couldn’t have agreed more.




Unfortunately, time refused to stand
still so we could repeat that experience as many times as I would’ve
liked, namely, infinity. Unfortunately, I was also technically a
responsible adult, and when you’re a responsible adult, people
make you have responsibilities. It was the worst.

On the bright side, having so much
stuff to do made the following week just fly on by. Filming for the
sizzle reel had finished, but the editing team was still working
night and day to make that raw footage into art, and some days it
seemed an hour couldn’t go by without me getting a text to make
a judgment call on two or three different cuts of the same material.

I’d even flown down Sandra and
two other artists she’d personally recommended to work on a new
vintage-style label for the bottles, crates, and print ads. And
speaking of print ads, I was working around the clock on the copy,
running each of them past Hunter and wishing I had the kind of
supportive work environment where I could have run them past my peers
as well, without worrying that said peers would steal and/or sabotage

I especially wished this since Hunter
wasn’t currently the most available person for running copy
past. No matter how much this ad campaign felt like the whole world
to me, it was really just one small moving part of the machine that
was Knox Liquors, and Hunter had to keep an eye on all of those
pieces. This week, he was on the other side of the state touring a
small town named Charter Peak, where he was hoping to erect another
distillery—if the revenue generated by the ads proved

‘Cause, you know, I needed that
extra pressure.

I missed him with a burning ache in my
chest, and my nights were filled with dreams of his touches.

I was doing my best to focus on the
upside: without Hunter around looking all fine and smelling really
nice and moving all sexy, it had been much easier to focus. I’d
gotten a lot of work done.

I paused and surveyed the work I had
done. It was indeed quite a lot.

Enough that I felt I deserved a reward.

I called up the messages on my cell
phone, and scrolled through the long list of sexts that we’d
been sending each other every evening. Just reading Hunter’s
words, carefully chosen and grammatically correct at first, then more
and more fragmented as he got more excited, made my heart speed up,
my nipples harden against the smooth silk of my brassiere.

My finger hovered over the button as I
considered what to send him next.

I briefly considered a topless pic
before discarding that idea; if someone from work ever found our
dirty texts, I could claim someone else had sent them from my phone,
but how that hypothetical someone had got their hands on a topless
shot of me would be much harder to explain away.

I filed that idea away for a day in the
future when I worked at a company where my colleagues weren’t
untrustworthy sexist shitheads, and sent ‘miss u’

I immediately regretted it.

Not because it wasn’t true, but
because it wasn’t sexy. And since our night together, Hunter
and I had been keeping our conversations strictly sexy, and far, far
away from feelings territory.

The phone rang.

Shit, had that been too much? Was he
calling to say I should back off? Had he rethought things completely?

Calm the fuck down,
I told
myself sternly.
You sent him a two word text, not a dozen roses.
It’s not a big deal.

I answered the phone. “Hey.”

“Hey, Ally.” I could hear
the smile in his voice. “It’s good to actually talk to
you. I’ve missed you too.”

I let out a breath I hadn’t
realized I was holding.

“So, how’s it going over

“Oh, you know, a complete
madhouse. So, the usual.”

“Oh yeah?”

“My boss is calling every fifteen
minutes, the editing team can’t find any of the stable footage,
Sandra keeps having to ice her hand to stop it cramping up…”
I trailed off, and then laughed. “How do you do that?”

He sounded confused. “Do what?”

“Make it all seem so manageable.
So okay. Just by listening.”

“One of my secret ninja powers,”
he informed me, deadpan.

I raised an eyebrow. “Got any
others you’d care to show me?”

“Oh, I’ve shown them to
you,” he drawled, and even though it was only his voice over a
phone line, I blushed fire-engine red. “And you’ve shown
me a few as well.”

I eyed the door, toying with an idea. I
couldn’t hear anyone rushing my way with an urgent
development…I rose swiftly and locked it. “Care to see
if those powers work over the phone?”

I knew exactly the face he would be
making right now, that slow-spreading sweet honey grin as he took in
the meaning of my words. “I surely would.”

Having suggested it, I found myself
suddenly shy. “You start.”

“I’ve been thinking about
your legs,” he said, his voice a low rumble. “Been
thinking about that smooth pale skin, thinking about running my hands
along it, right from the dip of your ankle on up, sliding my hands
under your skirt, stroking those soft pale thighs.”

I squirmed in my chair. “I love
your hands. They’re so big and strong. I press up against them,
but you pin me down, and that makes me so ready for you.”

“What kind of underwear are you

“Satin. Red satin.”

He groaned. His voice was strained.
“Damn, Ally, keep talking.”

“Are you touching yourself right
now, Hunter?” My hand slid beneath my waistband to stroke
slowly over the thin fabric of my panties. “I’m touching
myself right now, thinking about you thinking about my legs, rubbing
yourself through your jeans, or maybe you’ve unzipped your
pants and you’re tugging on that big beautiful cock, making it
bigger and bigger, just for me, God, Hunter, I’m so wet just
thinking about it.”

“Gonna fuck you so hard,”
he grunted. “Fuck you till you’re screaming, begging for
more. I’m so hard right now, it feels like my balls are going
to explode. I wanna give it to you so good, give you everything you

“Oh, yeah,” I moaned. “Oh
yes. Tell me how you want to fuck me, Hunter. I’ll be so good
for you, I promise. I’ll suck you so good, swirl my tongue
around it, take it into the back of my throat.”

“I want to bend you over this
desk,” he groaned, and I let my other hand trail up my side to
unbutton my blouse, pinch my nipples, already stiff against the
fabric of my brassiere. “See those long legs and that perky
little ass jutting, see you wet and dripping for me, your tits
bouncing in the mirror across from me, your pussy open and just
begging me to fuck it.”

“Oh God, yes…” I

His voice grew even more ragged. “Or
maybe I’ll bend you over the hood of my Rolls and fuck you
there till you’re screaming, just like you want me to, you’ll
love it—”

“Oh God yes, yes, Hunter, oh God,
I’m so close—” I let my hand dive under my panties,
rubbing myself.

“Do you want me to make you
come—” his voice deep and commanding, “so hard
you’re seeing stars, so hard it’ll ruin you for any other
man but me—”

“Oh God, Hunter, I only want
yours, I only want you—” And then I was coming, my entire
body seizing in a transport of pure sensation, my only thought

Yes, yes, yes.

Only you, Hunter.

Only ever you.




We’d said our goodbyes almost an
hour ago, and yet I was still lounging in the library armchair in a
blissfully post-coital haze when I heard the sound of approaching
footsteps. I hastily rebuttoned my blouse and smoothed down my
clothes, grabbing some hand sanitizer from my purse and squirting a
generous dollop onto my palm as well. Did the whole room smell of our
lust? God, I hoped I was only imagining that.

“Ally! How’s my favorite
refugee from Mad Men Land?”

It was Martha, bearing gifts of coffee
and a greasy pizza. I took them both from her gratefully.

“I’m bearing up, getting
through it. Couldn’t do it without you, though.”

“Now, now, let’s not
exaggerate,” Martha says. “Pizza Hut delivers, even all
the way down here in the backwoods.”

“But would they also deliver my
doctor-recommended dose of sass and backtalk?” I asked, taking
a long draught of coffee and closing my eyes in bliss at the taste.
Oooooh, that was almost as good as sex all by itself. “Plus,
you know, you do lots of other stuff besides bring me caffeine and

“That’s right,”
Martha said. “I also give you something to strive for by
showing off the latest acquisitions to my ever-expanding man-harem.”
She grinned, delighted and predatory. “Have I shown you
pictures of the latest one? He’s an actual honest-to-God
underwear model. I thought they were a myth!”

“Another time,” I said.
“But seriously, Martha, you’ve been invaluable. Offering
feedback on the designs, organizing the paperwork, making calls,
fielding messages for me—you’re a lifesaver. Have you
considered ever going into advertising?”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “Is
that a job offer?”

I sighed. “Oh, I wish it were. As
it is, all I can offer you is a good word with an internship, and
even that might count against you, the way the feeling is at work
lately. But one of these days I’m going to strike out on my
own, and believe me, there will be a job reserved just for you.”

Martha smiled, scrubbing at her eyes as
if something had got in them. “You’re sweet, Ally. I
can’t tell you how tempting that is…but I’d have
to move up to D.C., right? Not sure how I’d feel about leaving
home. I really love it here.”

“All the resources are in D.C.,”
I confirmed. “As soon as this job’s done, I’ll be
heading back.”

And how will this affect Hunter and
our…whatever we have? Will he still want to be with me? How
would we even make that work?

I pushed those troubling thoughts
aside. There’d be plenty of time to worry about that later.
Hell, right now there was plenty more to worry about.

My phone rang, and as I looked at the
caller ID, I groaned.

Another thing to worry about: family

Martha saw it too. After fielding a few
dozen messages from my mother, she knew exactly how I was feeling.
She gave me a sympathetic smile and a pat on the shoulder.

“Stay strong, Ally girl. I’ll
stick around here and make sure these files don’t sneak off on




“And his investment portfolio was

My mother was very nearly sobbing into
her mashed potatoes. Paige rolled her eyes behind her back as she
patted her hand, and I tried not to giggle.

“I thought you
Mom moaned. “You said you liked him, you said he was a

“I did, and he was,” Paige
said evenly. “There just wasn’t a spark.”

She met my eyes again and we both
smiled secret smiles, thinking of Sergei and art shows and Paige
having an apartment of her very own. I’d never felt closer to

My mother’s head snapped up just
in time to see Paige smiling her unconcerned smile. “Paige! How
can you sit there making juvenile faces when you’ve let the
best prospect you’ve seen in years slip through your fingers,
my goodness, that man’s stock options alone—”

Paige looked me, her face asking
permission to tell.

I didn’t really relish the
thought of Mom knowing, but Paige had pulled my bacon out of the fire
many a time before. I could take the heat this time to get her off
Paige’s back. I nodded.

Paige gave Mom’s hand another pat
before withdrawing with a mischievous smile. “Don’t worry
so much, Mom—”

“Don’t worry! She asks me
not to worry when I sweat and bleed to get them both married off, but
are they grateful, are they—”

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